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Vinay K. Chaudhri
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- affiliation: SRI International, Artificial Intelligence Center
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [c58]Wanying Ding, Manoj Cherukumalli, Santosh Chikoti, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
JPEC: A Novel Graph Neural Network for Competitor Retrieval in Financial Knowledge Graphs. SIGIR 2024: 2755-2759 - [i4]Wanying Ding, Manoj Cherukumalli, Santosh Chikoti, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
JPEC: A Novel Graph Neural Network for Competitor Retrieval in Financial Knowledge Graphs. CoRR abs/2411.02692 (2024) - [i3]Wanying Ding, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Naren Chittar, Krishna Konakanchi:
JEL: Applying End-to-End Neural Entity Linking in JPMorgan Chase. CoRR abs/2411.02695 (2024) - 2022
- [j17]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Chaitanya K. Baru:
Editorial Introduction. AI Mag. 43(1): 4-5 (2022) - [j16]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Chaitanya K. Baru, Naren Chittar, Xin Luna Dong, Michael R. Genesereth, James A. Hendler, Aditya Kalyanpur, Douglas B. Lenat, Juan Sequeda, Denny Vrandecic, Kuansan Wang:
Knowledge Graphs: Introduction, History and, Perspectives. AI Mag. 43(1): 17-29 (2022) - [i2]Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Computable Contracts in the Financial Services Industry. CoRR abs/2208.04685 (2022) - 2021
- [c57]Wanying Ding, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Naren Chittar, Krishna Konakanchi:
JEL: Applying End-to-End Neural Entity Linking in JPMorgan Chase. AAAI 2021: 15301-15308 - [c56]Andrew E. Waters, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Debshila Basu Mallick, Richard G. Baraniuk:
A Relationship Selection Task (short paper). iTextbooks@AIED 2021: 88-92 - [c55]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Matthew Boggess, Han Lin Aung, Debshila Basu Mallick, Andrew C. Waters, Richard G. Baraniuk:
A Case Study in Bootstrapping Ontology Graphs from Textbooks. AKBC 2021 - 2020
- [b3]Michael R. Genesereth, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Introduction to Logic Programming. Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2020, ISBN 978-3-031-00458-2
2010 – 2019
- 2015
- [c54]Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Achieving Intelligence Using Prototypes, Composition, and Analogy. AAAI 2015: 4093-4099 - [c53]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Daniela Inclezan:
Representing States in a Biology Textbook. AAAI Spring Symposia 2015 - [c52]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh, Eva Banik, Umangi Oza:
English Generation from a Knowledge Base and Overly General Classes. FLAIRS 2015: 156-162 - [e4]Alexandre Rademaker, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry co-located with 8th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2014), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 22nd, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1333, 2015 [contents] - 2014
- [j15]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Daniel Elenius, Andrew Goldenkranz, Allison Gong, Maryann E. Martone, William Webb, Neil Yorke-Smith:
Comparative analysis of knowledge representation and reasoning requirements across a range of life sciences textbooks. J. Biomed. Semant. 5: 51 (2014) - [c51]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Stijn Heymans, Adam Overholtzer, Aaron Spaulding, Michael A. Wessel:
Large-Scale Analogical Reasoning. AAAI 2014: 359-365 - [c50]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter E. Clark, Adam Overholtzer, Aaron Spaulding:
Question Generation from a Knowledge Base. EKAW 2014: 54-65 - [c49]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Rahul Katragadda, Jeff Shrager, Michael A. Wessel:
Inconsistency Monitoring in a Large Scientific Knowledge Base. EKAW 2014: 66-79 - [c48]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Overholtzer, Aaron Spaulding:
An Intelligent Textbook that Answers Questions. EKAW (Satellite Events) 2014: 131-135 - [c47]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh, Stijn Heymans:
Conceptual Models of Energy Transfer and Regulation. FOIS 2014: 263-276 - [c46]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh, Stijn Heymans:
Representing Roles in a Biology Textbook. ONTO.COM/ODISE@FOIS 2014 - [c45]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Daniel Elenius, Sue Hinojoza, Michael A. Wessel:
KB_Bio_101: Content and Challenges. FOIS 2014: 415-420 - [c44]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Frank Loebe:
Modeling of Continuity and Change in Biology. ONTO.COM/ODISE@FOIS 2014 - 2013
- [j14]Vinay K. Chaudhri, H. Chad Lane, David Gunning, Jeremy Roschelle:
Intelligent Learning Technologies: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Contemporary and Emerging Educational Challenges. AI Mag. 34(3): 10-12 (2013) - [j13]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Britte Cheng, Adam Overholtzer, Jeremy Roschelle, Aaron Spaulding, Peter Clark, Mark Greaves, Dave Gunning:
Inquire Biology: A Textbook that Answers Questions. AI Mag. 34(3): 55-72 (2013) - [j12]Vinay K. Chaudhri, H. Chad Lane, Dave Gunning, Jeremy Roschelle:
Intelligent Learning Technologies Part 2: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Contemporary and Emerging Educational Challenges. AI Mag. 34(4): 9- (2013) - [j11]Beverly Park Woolf, H. Chad Lane, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Janet L. Kolodner:
AI Grand Challenges for Education. AI Mag. 34(4): 9- (2013) - [j10]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Stijn Heymans, Son Tran, Michael A. Wessel:
Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases in Logic Programming. Theory Pract. Log. Program. 13(4-5-Online-Supplement) (2013) - [c43]Neil Yorke-Smith, Stijn Heymans, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
"What if there was no oxygen?": responding to hypothetical questions in an intelligent tutoring agent. AAMAS 2013: 1257-1258 - [c42]Brandon Bennett, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh:
A Vocabulary of Topological and Containment Relations for a Practical Biological Ontology. COSIT 2013: 418-437 - [c41]Eva Banik, Eric Kow, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
User-Controlled, Robust Natural Language Generation from an Evolving Knowledge Base. ENLG 2013: 20-29 - [c40]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh, Stijn Heymans, Michael A. Wessel:
Automatic Strengthening of Graph-Structured Knowledge Bases - Or: How to Identify Inherited Content in Concept Graphs. GKR 2013: 180-210 - [c39]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh, Daniela Inclezan:
Three Lessons in Creating a Knowledge Base to Enable Reasoning, Explanation and Dialog. NLPAR@LPNMR 2013: 7-26 - [c38]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Michael A. Wessel, Stijn Heymans:
KB_Bio_101 : A Challenge for OWL Reasoners. ORE 2013: 114-120 - [i1]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Stijn Heymans, Michael A. Wessel, Tran Cao Son:
Query Answering in Object Oriented Knowledge Bases in Logic Programming: Description and Challenge for ASP. CoRR abs/1312.6138 (2013) - 2012
- [c37]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Tran Cao Son:
Specifying and Reasoning with Underspecified Knowledge Bases Using Answer Set Programming. KR 2012 - [c36]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Michael A. Wessel, Stijn Heymans:
KB_Bio_101: a repository of graph-structured knowledge. E-LKR 2012 - 2011
- [c35]Aaron Spaulding, Adam Overholtzer, John Pacheco, Jing Tien, Vinay K. Chaudhri, David Gunning, Peter Clark:
Inquire for iPad: A Biology Textbook That Answers Questions. AIED 2011: 627 - [c34]Patrice Seyed, John Pacheco, Andrew Goldenkranz, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Modeling Issues and Solutions: Building a Taxonomy from a Biology Textbook. ICBO 2011 - [c33]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nikhil Dinesh, John Pacheco, Gary Ng, Peter Clark, Andrew Goldenkranz, Patrice Seyed, Naveen Sharma:
Preliminary steps towards a knowledge factory process. K-CAP 2011: 179-180 - [c32]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Andrew Goldenkranz, Richard Fikes, Patrice Seyed:
What is hard about representing biology textbook knowledge. K-CAP 2011: 185-186 - 2010
- [j9]David Gunning, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Chris Welty:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Question Answering. AI Mag. 31(3): 11-12 (2010) - [j8]David Gunning, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter Clark, Ken Barker, Shaw Yi Chaw, Mark Greaves, Benjamin N. Grosof, Alice Leung, David D. McDonald, Sunil Mishra, John Pacheco, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, Dan Tecuci, Jing Tien:
Project Halo Update - Progress Toward Digital Aristotle. AI Mag. 31(3): 33-58 (2010) - [j7]Thomas Barkowsky, Sven Bertel, Frank Broz, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Nathan Eagle, Michael R. Genesereth, Harry Halpin, Emily Hamner, Gabe Hoffmann, Christoph Hölscher, Eric Horvitz, Tom Lauwers, Deborah L. McGuinness, Marek P. Michalowski, Emily Mower, Thomas F. Shipley, Kristen Stubbs, Roland Vogl, Mary-Anne Williams:
Reports of the AAAI 2010 Spring Symposia. AI Mag. 31(3): 115-122 (2010) - [c31]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bert Bredeweg, Richard Fikes, Sheila A. McIlraith, Michael P. Wellman:
A Categorization of KR&R Methods for Requirement Analysis of a Query Answering Knowledge Base. FOIS 2010: 158-171 - [e3]Eva Blomqvist, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Óscar Corcho, Valentina Presutti, Kurt Sandkuhl:
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Patterns - WOP2010, Shanghai, China, November 8, 2010. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 671, 2010 [contents]
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c30]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Igor Jurisica, Manolis Koubarakis, Dimitris Plexousakis, Thodoros Topaloglou:
The KBMS Project and Beyond. Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications 2009: 466-482 - [c29]Aldo Gangemi, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Representing the Component Library into Ontology Design Patterns. WOP 2009 - [e2]Alexander Borgida, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Paolo Giorgini, Eric S. K. Yu:
Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications - Essays in Honor of John Mylopoulos. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5600, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02462-7 [contents] - 2008
- [c28]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Mark Greaves, Daniel Hansch, Anthony Jameson, Frederik Pfisterer, Aaron Spaulding, Moritz Weiten:
Using a Semantic Wiki as a Knowledge Source for Rich Modeling and Question Answering. AAAI Spring Symposium: Symbiotic Relationships between Semantic Web and Knowledge Engineering 2008: 21-24 - 2007
- [c27]Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Clark, Daniel Hansch, Bonnie E. John, Sunil Mishra, John Pacheco, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, Moritz Weiten:
AURA: Enabling Subject Matter Experts to Construct Declarative Knowledge Bases from Science Textbooks. AAAI 2007: 1960-1961 - [c26]Peter Clark, Shaw Yi Chaw, Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Philip Harrison, James Fan, Bonnie E. John, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, John A. Thompson, Peter Z. Yeh:
Capturing and answering questions posed to a knowledge-based system. K-CAP 2007: 63-70 - [c25]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bonnie E. John, Sunil Mishra, John Pacheco, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding:
Enabling experts to build knowledge bases from science textbooks. K-CAP 2007: 159-166 - 2006
- [c24]José Luis Ambite, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Richard Fikes, Jessica Jenkins, Sunil Mishra, Maria Muslea, Tomás E. Uribe, Guizhen Yang:
Design and Implementation of the CALO Query Manager. AAAI 2006: 1751-1758 - [c23]Vinay K. Chaudhri, William Jarrold, John Pacheco:
Exporting Knowledge Bases into OWL. OWLED 2006 - [c22]Guizhen Yang, Michael Kifer, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Efficiently ordering subgoals with access constraints. PODS 2006: 183-192 - [c21]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Cheyer, Richard Guilii, William Jarrold, Karen L. Myers, John Niekarsz:
A Case Study in Engineering a Knowledge Base for an Intelligent Personal Assistant. SemDesk 2006 - 2005
- [c20]José Luis Ambite, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Richard Fikes, Jessica Jenkins, Sunil Mishra, Maria Muslea, Tomás E. Uribe, Guizhen Yang:
Integration of Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources in the CALO Query Manager. OTM Workshops 2005: 30-32 - 2004
- [j6]Noah S. Friedland, Paul G. Allen, Gavin Matthews, Michael Witbrock, David Baxter, Jon Curtis, Blake Shepard, Pierluigi Miraglia, Jürgen Angele, Steffen Staab, Eddie Mönch, Henrik Oppermann, Dirk Wenke, David J. Israel, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker, James Fan, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Z. Yeh, Dan Tecuci, Peter Clark:
Project Halo: Towards a Digital Aristotle. AI Mag. 25(4): 29-48 (2004) - [c19]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Kenneth S. Murray, John Pacheco, Peter Clark, Bruce W. Porter, Patrick J. Hayes:
Graph-Based Acquisition of Expressive Knowledge. EKAW 2004: 231-247 - [c18]Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Clark, James Fan, David J. Israel, Sunil Mishra, Bruce W. Porter, Pedro Romero, Dan Tecuci, Peter Z. Yeh:
A Question-Answering System for AP Chemistry: Assessing KR&R Technologies. KR 2004: 488-497 - [c17]Noah S. Friedland, Paul G. Allen, Michael Witbrock, Gavin Matthews, Nancy Salay, Pierluigi Miraglia, Jürgen Angele, Steffen Staab, David J. Israel, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker, Peter Clark:
Towards a Quantitative, Platform-Independent Analysis of Knowledge Systems. KR 2004: 507-515 - 2003
- [c16]Kim Barker, Jim Blythe, Gary C. Borchardt, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter Clark, Paul R. Cohen, Julie Fitzgerald, Kenneth D. Forbus, Yolanda Gil, Boris Katz, Jihie Kim, Gary W. King, Sunil Mishra, Clayton T. Morrison, Kenneth S. Murray, Charley Otstott, Bruce W. Porter, Robert Schrag, Tomás E. Uribe, Jeffrey M. Usher, Peter Z. Yeh:
A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Course of Action Analysis. IAAI 2003: 43-50 - [c15]Peter Clark, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Sunil Mishra, Jérôme Thoméré, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter:
Enabling domain experts to convey questions to a machine: a modified, template-based approach. K-CAP 2003: 13-19 - 2002
- [c14]Jérôme Thoméré, Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter Clark, Michael Eriksen, Sunil Mishra, Bruce W. Porter, Andres C. Rodriguez:
A Web-Based Ontology Browsing and Editing System. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 927-934 - 2001
- [c13]Peter Clark, John A. Thompson, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Andres C. Rodriguez, Jérôme Thoméré, Sunil Mishra, Yolanda Gil, Patrick J. Hayes, Thomas Reichherzer:
Knowledge entry as the graphical assembly of components. K-CAP 2001: 22-29 - 2000
- [c12]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Mark E. Stickel, Jérôme Thoméré, Richard J. Waldinger:
Using Prior Knowledge: Problems and Solutions. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 436-442 - [c11]Adam Pease, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Fritz Lehmann, Adam Farquhar:
Practical Knowledge Representation and the DARPA High Performance Knowledge Bases Project. KR 2000: 717-724
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j5]Peter D. Karp, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Suzanne M. Paley:
A Collaborative Environment for Authoring Large Knowledge Bases. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 13(3): 155-194 (1999) - [c10]Paul R. Cohen, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Pease, Robert Schrag:
Does Prior Knowledge Facilitate the Development of Knowledge-based Systems? AAAI/IAAI 1999: 221-226 - [c9]Barbara Starr, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Boris Katz, Benjamin M. Good, Jérôme Thoméré:
HIKE (HPKB Integrated Knowledge Environment) - A Query Interface and Integrated Knowledge Environment for HPKB. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 927-928 - 1998
- [j4]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Vassos Hadzilacos:
Safe Locking Policies for Dynamic Databases. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 57(3): 260-271 (1998) - [j3]Alexander Borgida, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Martin Staudt:
KRDB '98: The 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases. SIGMOD Rec. 27(3): 10-15 (1998) - [c8]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Farquhar, Richard Fikes, Peter D. Karp, James Rice:
OKBC: A Programmatic Foundation for Knowledge Base Interoperability. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 600-607 - [c7]Barbara Starr, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Farquhar, Richard J. Waldinger:
Knowledge-Intensive Query Processing. KRDB 1998: 18.1-18.6 - [e1]Alexander Borgida, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Martin Staudt:
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Represenation Meets Databases (KRDB '98): Innovative Application Programming and Query Interfaces, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 31, 1998. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 10, 1998 [contents] - 1997
- [c6]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter D. Karp:
Querying Schema Information. KRDB 1997: 4.1-4.6 - 1996
- [j2]John Mylopoulos, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Dimitris Plexousakis, Adel Shrufi, Thodoros Topaloglou:
Building Knowledge Base Management Systems. VLDB J. 5(4): 238-263 (1996) - 1995
- [b2]Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Transaction synchronization in knowledge bases: concepts, realization and quantitative evaluation. University of Toronto, Canada, 1995 - [c5]Vinay K. Chaudhri, John Mylopoulos:
Efficient Algorithms and Performance Results for Multi-User Knowledge Bases. IJCAI (1) 1995: 759-767 - [c4]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Vassos Hadzilacos:
Safe Locking Policies for Dynamic Databases. PODS 1995: 233-244 - 1994
- [c3]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Vassos Hadzilacos, John Mylopoulos, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
Quantitative Evaluation of a Transaction Facility for a Knowledge Base Management System. CIKM 1994: 122-131 - 1993
- [c2]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Vassos Hadzilacos, John Mylopoulos:
Concurrency Control for Knowledge Bases. HPTS 1993 - 1992
- [c1]Vinay K. Chaudhri, Vassos Hadzilacos, John Mylopoulos:
Concurrency Control for Knowledge Bases. KR 1992: 762-773 - 1991
- [j1]Bryan M. Kramer, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Manolis Koubarakis, Thodoros Topaloglou, Huaiqing Wang, John Mylopoulos:
Implementing Telos. SIGART Bull. 2(3): 77-83 (1991)
1980 – 1989
- 1989
- [b1]Tapan P. Bagchi, Vinay K. Chaudhri:
Interactive Relational Database design - A Logic Programming Implementation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 402, Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-51881-9
Coauthor Index
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