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Soichi Ogishima
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2020 – today
- 2020
- [i2]Rutger A. Vos
, Toshiaki Katayama
, Hiroyuki Mishima
, Shin Kawano
, Shuichi Kawashima, Jin-Dong Kim, Yuki Moriya
, Toshiaki Tokimatsu
, Atsuko Yamaguchi
, Yasunori Yamamoto, Hongyan Wu, Peter Amstutz, Erick Antezana
, Nobuyuki P. Aoki, Kazuharu Arakawa, Jerven T. Bolleman
, Evan E. Bolton
, Raoul Jean Pierre Bonnal, Hidemasa Bono
, Kees Burger, Hirokazu Chiba, Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, Eric W. Deutsch, Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis
, Gang Fu, Takatomo Fujisawa, Atsushi Fukushima
, Alexander García Castro, Naohisa Goto, Tudor Groza
, Colin Hercus, Robert Hoehndorf
, Kotone Itaya, Nick S. Juty, Takeshi Kawashima, Jee-Hyub Kim, Akira R. Kinjo, Masaaki Kotera
, Kouji Kozaki
, Sadahiro Kumagai, Tatsuya Kushida
, Thomas Lütteke
, Masaaki Matsubara, Joe Miyamoto, Attayeb Mohsen
, Hiroshi Mori, Yuki Naito, Takeru Nakazato
, Jeremy NguyenXuan, Kozo Nishida, Naoki Nishida, Hiroyo Nishide, Soichi Ogishima, Tazro Ohta
, Shujiro Okuda, Benedict Paten, Jean-Luc Perret, Philip Prathipati
, Pjotr Prins
, Núria Queralt-Rosinach
, Daisuke Shinmachi, Shinya Suzuki
, Tsuyosi Tabata, Terue Takatsuki, Kieron R. Taylor
, Mark Thompson, Ikuo Uchiyama
, Bruno Vieira, Chih-Hsuan Wei
, Mark D. Wilkinson
, Issaku Yamada
, Ryota Yamanaka, Kazutoshi Yoshitake, Akiyasu C. Yoshizawa, Michel Dumontier, Kenjiro Kosaki, Toshihisa Takagi:
BioHackathon 2015: Semantics of data for life sciences and reproducible research. F1000Research 9: 136 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [i1]Toshiaki Katayama
, Shuichi Kawashima, Gos Micklem
, Shin Kawano
, Jin-Dong Kim, Simon Kocbek, Shinobu Okamoto, Yue Wang, Hongyan Wu, Atsuko Yamaguchi
, Yasunori Yamamoto, Erick Antezana
, Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita
, Kazuharu Arakawa, Masaki Banno, Joachim Baran, Jerven T. Bolleman
, Raoul Jean Pierre Bonnal, Hidemasa Bono
, Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis, Robert M. Buels, Matthew P. Campbell, Hirokazu Chiba, Peter J. A. Cock, Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, Michel Dumontier, Takatomo Fujisawa, Toyofumi Fujiwara, Leyla J. García
, Pascale Gaudet
, Emi Hattori, Robert Hoehndorf
, Kotone Itaya, Maori Ito, Daniel Jamieson, Simon Jupp, Nick S. Juty, Alex Kalderimis, Fumihiro Kato
, Hideya Kawaji, Takeshi Kawashima, Akira R. Kinjo, Yusuke Komiyama, Masaaki Kotera
, Tatsuya Kushida
, James Malone, Masaaki Matsubara, Satoshi Mizuno, Sayaka Mizutani
, Hiroshi Mori, Yuki Moriya
, Katsuhiko Murakami, Takeru Nakazato, Hiroyo Nishide, Yosuke Nishimura
, Soichi Ogishima, Tazro Ohta
, Shujiro Okuda, Hiromasa Ono
, Yasset Pérez-Riverol
, Daisuke Shinmachi, Andrea Splendiani, Francesco Strozzi
, Shinya Suzuki
, Junichi Takehara, Mark Thompson, Toshiaki Tokimatsu
, Ikuo Uchiyama
, Karin Verspoor
, Mark D. Wilkinson
, Sarala M. Wimalaratne, Issaku Yamada
, Nozomi Yamamoto, Masayuki Yarimizu, Shoko Kawamoto, Toshihisa Takagi:
BioHackathon series in 2013 and 2014: improvements of semantic interoperability in life science data and services. F1000Research 8: 1677 (2019) - 2017
- [j9]Takako Takai-Igarashi
, Kengo Kinoshita, Masao Nagasaki
, Soichi Ogishima, Naoki Nakamura, Sachiko Nagase, Satoshi Nagaie, Tomo Saito
, Fuji Nagami, Naoko Minegishi, Yoichi Suzuki, Kichiya Suzuki, Hiroaki Hashizume, Shinichi Kuriyama
, Atsushi Hozawa, Nobuo Yaegashi, Shigeo Kure, Gen Tamiya
, Yoshio Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Masayuki Yamamoto:
Security controls in an integrated Biobank to protect privacy in data sharing: rationale and study design. BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak. 17(1): 100:1-100:12 (2017) - [j8]Sebastian Köhler, Nicole A. Vasilevsky
, Mark Engelstad, Erin Foster
, Julie A. McMurry
, Ségolène Aymé, Gareth Baynam, Susan M. Bello, Cornelius F. Boerkoel, Kym M. Boycott, Michael Brudno, Orion J. Buske
, Patrick F. Chinnery
, Valentina Cipriani
, Laureen E. Connell, Hugh J. S. Dawkins, Laura E. DeMare, Andrew Devereau, Bert B. A. de Vries, Helen V. Firth, Kathleen Freson
, Daniel Greene, Ada Hamosh, Ingo Helbig, Courtney Hum
, Johanna Jähn, Roger James
, Roland Krause
, Stanley J. F. Laulederkind
, Hanns Lochmüller, Gholson J. Lyon, Soichi Ogishima, Annie Olry, Willem H. Ouwehand, Nikolas Pontikos
, Ana Rath, Franz Schaefer, Richard H. Scott, Michael Segal, Panagiotis I. Sergouniotis, Richard Sever
, Cynthia L. Smith, Volker Straub
, Rachel Thompson
, Catherine Turner
, Ernest Turro
, Marijcke W. M. Veltman, Tom Vulliamy, Jing Yu, Julie von Ziegenweidt, Andreas Zankl, Stephan Züchner, Tomasz Zemojtel, Julius O. B. Jacobsen
, Tudor Groza
, Damian Smedley, Christopher J. Mungall, Melissa A. Haendel
, Peter N. Robinson:
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2017. Nucleic Acids Res. 45(Database-Issue): D865-D876 (2017) - 2015
- [j7]Hiromi Matsumae, Ryosuke R. Ishiwata
, Toshifumi Minamoto
, Norio Ishida, Soichi Ogishima, Hiroshi Tanaka:
Detection of periodic patterns in microarray data reveals novel oscillating transcripts of biological rhythms in Ciona intestinalis. Artif. Life Robotics 20(4): 347-352 (2015) - [j6]Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita
, Akira R. Kinjo
, Mizuki Morita, Yoshinobu Igarashi, Yi-an Chen, Yasumasa Shigemoto, Takatomo Fujisawa, Yukie Akune, Takeo Katoda, Anna Kokubu, Takaaki Mori, Mitsuteru Nakao, Shuichi Kawashima
, Shinobu Okamoto, Toshiaki Katayama, Soichi Ogishima:
Implementation of linked data in the life sciences at BioHackathon 2011. J. Biomed. Semant. 6: 3 (2015) - [c5]Soichi Ogishima, Takako Takai, Kazuro Shimokawa, Satoshi Nagaie, Hiroshi Tanaka, Jun Nakaya:
Integrated Database And Knowledge Base For Genomic Prospective Cohort Study In Tohoku Medical Megabank Toward Personalized Prevention And Medicine. MedInfo 2015: 1057 - 2014
- [j5]The Fantom Consortium, RIKEN PMII, RIKEN CLST (DGT), Alistair R. R. Forrest, Hideya Kawaji, Michael Rehli, J. Kenneth Baillie, Michiel J. L. de Hoon, Vanja Haberle, Timo Lassmann, Ivan V. Kulakovskiy, Marina Lizio, Masayoshi Itoh, Robin Andersson, Christopher J. Mungall, Terrence F. Meehan, Sebastian Schmeier, Nicolas Bertin, Mette Jørgensen, Emmanuel Dimont, Erik Arner, Christian Schmidl, Ulf Schaefer, Yulia A. Medvedeva
, Charles Plessy, Morana Vitezic
, Jessica Severin, Colin A. M. Semple, Yuri Ishizu, Robert S. Young, Margherita Francescatto, Intikhab Alam
, Davide Albanese, Gabriel M. Altschuler, Takahiro Arakawa, John A. C. Archer, Peter Arner, Magda Babina, Sarah Rennie, Piotr J. Balwierz, Anthony G. Beckhouse, Swati Pradhan-Bhatt, Judith A. Blake, Antje Blumenthal, Beatrice Bodega, Alessandro Bonetti, James Briggs, Frank Brombacher, A. Maxwell Burroughs, Andrea Califano, Carlo V. Cannistraci, Daniel Carbajo, Yun Chen, Marco Chierici
, Yari Ciani
, Hans Clevers, Emiliano Dalla, Carrie A. Davis, Michael Detmar, Alexander D. Diehl, Taeko Dohi, Finn Drabløs, Albert S. B. Edge, Matthias Edinger, Karl Ekwall, Mitsuhiro Endoh, Hideki Enomoto, Michela Fagiolini, Lynsey Fairbairn, Hai Fang, Mary C. Farach-Carson, Geoffrey J. Faulkner, Alexander V. Favorov, Malcolm E. Fisher
, Martin C. Frith, Rie Fujita, Shiro Fukuda, Cesare Furlanello, Masaaki Furuno, Jun-ichi Furusawa, Teunis B. Geijtenbeek, Andrew P. Gibson, Thomas R. Gingeras, Daniel Goldowitz, Julian Gough, Sven Guhl, Reto Guler, Stefano Gustincich, Thomas J. Ha, Masahide Hamaguchi, Mitsuko Hara, Matthias Harbers, Jayson Harshbarger, Akira Hasegawa, Yuki Hasegawa, Takehiro Hashimoto, Meenhard Herlyn, Kelly J. Hitchens, Shannan J. Ho Sui, Oliver M. Hofmann, Ilka Hoof, Fumi Hori, Lukasz Huminiecki, Kei Iida, Tomokatsu Ikawa, Boris R. Jankovic, Hui Jia, Anagha Joshi, Giuseppe Jurman, Bogumil Kaczkowski, Chieko Kai, Kaoru Kaida, Ai Kaiho, Kazuhiro Kajiyama, Mutsumi Kanamori-Katayama, Artem S. Kasianov, Takeya Kasukawa, Shintaro Katayama, Sachi Kato, Shuji Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Kawamoto, Yuki I. Kawamura, Tsugumi Kawashima, Judith S. Kempfle, Tony J. Kenna, Juha Kere
, Levon M. Khachigian, Toshio Kitamura, S. Peter Klinken, Alan J. Knox, Miki Kojima, Soichi Kojima, Naoto Kondo, Haruhiko Koseki, Shigeo Koyasu, Sarah Krampitz, Atsutaka Kubosaki, Andrew T. Kwon, Jeroen F. J. Laros, Weonju Lee, Andreas Lennartsson
, Kang Li, Berit Lilje, Leonard Lipovich, Alan Mackay-Sim, Ri-ichiroh Manabe, Jessica Cara Mar, Benoit Marchand, Anthony Mathelier, Niklas Mejhert, Alison M. Meynert, Yosuke Mizuno, David A. de Lima Morais, Hiromasa Morikawa, Mitsuru Morimoto, Kazuyo Moro, Efthymios Motakis, Hozumi Motohashi, Christine Mummery, Mitsuyoshi Murata, Sayaka Nagao-Sato, Yutaka Nakachi, Fumio Nakahara, Toshiyuki Nakamura, Yukio Nakamura, Kenichi Nakazato, Erik van Nimwegen, Noriko Ninomiya, Hiromi Nishiyori, Shohei Noma, Tadasuke Nozaki, Soichi Ogishima, Naganari Ohkura, Hiroko Ohmiya, Hiroshi Ohno, Mitsuhiro Ohshima, Mariko Okada-Hatakeyama, Yasushi Okazaki, Valerio Orlando, Dmitry A. Ovchinnikov, Arnab Pain, Robert Passier, Margaret Patrikakis, Helena Persson
, Silvano Piazza, James G. D. Prendergast, Owen J. L. Rackham
, Jordan A. Ramilowski, Mamoon Rashid
, Timothy Ravasi, Patrizia Rizzu, Marco Roncador, Sugata Roy, Morten B. Rye, Eri Saijyo, Antti Sajantila, Akiko Saka, Shimon Sakaguchi, Mizuho Sakai, Hiroki Sato, Hironori Sato, Suzana Savvi, Alka Saxena, Claudio Schneider, Erik A. Schultes, Gundula G. Schulze-Tanzil, Anita Schwegmann, Thierry Sengstag, Guojun Sheng, Hisashi Shimoji, Yishai Shimoni, Jay W. Shin, Christophe Simon, Daisuke Sugiyama, Takaaki Sugiyama, Masanori Suzuki, Naoko Suzuki, Rolf K. Swoboda, Peter A. C. 't Hoen, Michihira Tagami, Naoko Takahashi, Jun Takai, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hideki Tatsukawa, Zuotian Tatum, Mark Thompson, Hiroo Toyoda, Tetsuro Toyoda, Eivind Valen, Marc van de Wetering, Linda M. van den Berg, Roberto Verardo, Dipti Vijayan, Ilya E. Vorontsov
, Wyeth W. Wasserman, Shoko Watanabe, Christine A. Wells, Louise N. Winteringham, Ernst Wolvetang, Emily J. Wood, Yoko Yamaguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Misako Yoneda, Yohei Yonekura, Shigehiro Yoshida, Susan E. Zabierowski, Peter G. Zhang, Xiaobei Zhao, Silvia Zucchelli, Kim M. Summers, Harukazu Suzuki, Carsten O. Daub, Jun Kawai, Peter Heutink, Winston Hide
, Tom C. Freeman, Boris Lenhard, Vladimir B. Bajic, Martin S. Taylor, Vsevolod J. Makeev, Albin Sandelin, David A. Hume, Piero Carninci, Yoshihide Hayashizaki:
A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nat. 507(7493): 462-470 (2014) - 2013
- [j4]Yousuke Nishio, Soichi Ogishima, Masao Ichikawa, Yohei Yamada, Yoshihiro Usuda, Tadashi Masuda, Hiroshi Tanaka:
Analysis of l-glutamic acid fermentation by using a dynamic metabolic simulation model of Escherichia coli. BMC Syst. Biol. 7: 92 (2013) - [c4]Mizuki Morita, Soichi Ogishima, Kunihiro Nishimura, Eiji Aramaki, Tateo Ito:
Online Population-Based Patient Registry to Collect and Share Health-related Data of Rare Disease Patients. AAAI Spring Symposium: Data Driven Wellness 2013 - [c3]Toshiaki Katayama, Masataka Kikuchi, Soichi Ogishima:
Interactive Platform for Semantic Gene Expression Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease. SWAT4LS 2013 - 2012
- [j3]Satoshi Mizuno, Risa Iijima, Soichi Ogishima, Masataka Kikuchi, Yukiko Matsuoka, Samik Ghosh, Tadashi Miyamoto, Akinori Miyashita, Ryozo Kuwano, Hiroshi Tanaka:
AlzPathway: a comprehensive map of signaling pathways of Alzheimer's disease. BMC Syst. Biol. 6: 52 (2012) - 2011
- [j2]Toshiaki Katayama, Mark D. Wilkinson
, Rutger A. Vos
, Takeshi Kawashima, Shuichi Kawashima
, Mitsuteru Nakao, Yasunori Yamamoto, Hong-Woo Chun, Atsuko Yamaguchi
, Shin Kawano
, Jan Aerts
, Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita
, Kazuharu Arakawa
, Bruno Aranda, Raoul Jean Pierre Bonnal
, José María Fernández
, Takatomo Fujisawa, Paul M. K. Gordon, Naohisa Goto, Syed Haider, Todd W. Harris, Takashi Hatakeyama, Isaac Ho, Masumi Itoh, Arek Kasprzyk, Nobuhiro Kido, Young-Joo Kim, Akira R. Kinjo
, Fumikazu Konishi, Yulia Kovarskaya, Gregory Von Kuster, Alberto Labarga
, Vachiranee Limviphuvadh
, E. Luke McCarthy, Yasukazu Nakamura
, Yunsun Nam, Kozo Nishida
, Kunihiro Nishimura, Tatsuya Nishizawa, Soichi Ogishima, Tom Oinn, Shinobu Okamoto, Shujiro Okuda
, Keiichiro Ono, Kazuki Oshita, Keun-Joon Park, Nicholas H. Putnam
, Martin Senger, Jessica Severin, Yasumasa Shigemoto, Hideaki Sugawara, James Taylor, Oswaldo Trelles, Chisato Yamasaki, Riu Yamashita, Noriyuki Satoh, Toshihisa Takagi:
The 2nd DBCLS BioHackathon: interoperable bioinformatics Web services for integrated applications. J. Biomed. Semant. 2: 4 (2011)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j1]Ryosuke R. Ishiwata
, Masaki S. Morioka, Soichi Ogishima, Hiroshi Tanaka:
BioCichlid: central dogma-based 3D visualization system of time-course microarray data on a hierarchical biological network. Bioinform. 25(4): 543-544 (2009) - 2001
- [c2]Fengrong Ren, Soichi Ogishima, Hiroshi Tanaka:
Inference and Prediction of Courses of the Diseases Caused by Pathologic Viruses by Estimating Molecular Evolution of Within-host Virus. MedInfo 2001: 979-983 - [c1]Fengrong Ren, Soichi Ogishima, Hiroshi Tanaka:
A New Algorithm for Analysis of Within-Host HIV-1 Evolution. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001: 595-605
Coauthor Index

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