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IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, February 2003
- Phillip Christie:
Guest editorial: System-level interconnect prediction. 1-2 - Yu Cao, Chenming Hu, Xuejue Huang, Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Markov, Michael Oliver, Dirk Stroobandt, Dennis Sylvester:
Improved a priori interconnect predictions and technology extrapolation in the GTX system. 3-14 - Raymond A. Wildman
, Joshua I. Kramer, Daniel S. Weile, Phillip Christie:
Multi-objective optimization of interconnect geometry. 15-23 - Joni Dambre
, Peter Verplaetse, Dirk Stroobandt, Jan Van Campenhout
A comparison of various terminal-gate relationships for interconnect prediction in VLSI circuits. 24-34 - Dirk Stroobandt:
A priori wire length distribution models with multiterminal nets. 35-43 - Arifur Rahman, Shamik Das, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Rafael Reif:
Wiring requirement and three-dimensional integration technology for field programmable gate arrays. 44-54 - Phillip Christie, José Pineda de Gyvez:
Prelayout interconnect yield prediction. 55-59 - M. Hutton, K. Adibsamii, A. Leaver:
Adaptive delay estimation for partitioning-driven PLD placement. 60-63 - Chulwoo Kim, Ki-Wook Kim, Sung-Mo Kang:
Energy-efficient skewed static logic with dual Vt: design and synthesis. 64-70 - Abdel Ejnioui, N. Ranganathan:
Multiterminal net routing for partial crossbar-based multi-FPGA systems. 71-78 - Ki-Wook Kim, Seong-Ook Jung, Unni Narayanan, C. L. Liu, Sung-Mo Kang:
Noise-aware interconnect power optimization in domino logic synthesis. 79-89 - Monk-Ping Leong, Philip Heng Wai Leong
A variable-radix digit-serial design methodology and its application to the discrete cosine transform. 90-104 - Arindam Mukherjee, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska:
Wave steering to integrate logic and physical syntheses. 105-120 - Michael Nicolaidis:
Carry checking/parity prediction adders and ALUs. 121-128 - Ken S. Stevens, Ran Ginosar, Shai Rotem:
Relative timing [asynchronous design]. 129-140 - T. J. Thorp, G. S. Yee, Carl M. Sechen:
Design and synthesis of dynamic circuits. 141-149 - Kyung-Saeng Kim, Kwyro Lee:
Low-power and area-efficient FIR filter implementation suitable for multiple taps. 150-153
Volume 11, Number 2, April 2003
- David T. Blaauw, Supamas Sirichotiyakul, Chanhee Oh:
Driver modeling and alignment for worst-case delay noise. 157-166 - Krishnendu Chakrabarty
A synthesis-for-transparency approach for hierarchical and system-on-a-chip test. 167-179 - Payam Heydari, Massoud Pedram:
Ground bounce in digital VLSI circuits. 180-193 - Suhwan Kim, Conrad H. Ziesler, Marios C. Papaefthymiou:
A true single-phase energy-recovery multiplier. 194-207 - Surin Kittitornkun, Yu Hen Hu:
Mapping deep nested do-loop DSP algorithms to large scale FPGA array structures. 208-217 - Kyung-suc Nah, Byeong-Ha Park:
A 50-MHz dB-linear programmable-gain amplifier with 98-dB dynamic range and 2-dB gain steps for 3 V power supply. 218-223 - Dinesh Pamunuwa
, Li-Rong Zheng, Hannu Tenhunen:
Maximizing throughput over parallel wire structures in the deep submicrometer regime. 224-243 - Jongsun Park
, Khurram Muhammad, Kaushik Roy:
High-performance FIR filter design based on sharing multiplication. 244-253 - Lei Wang, Naresh R. Shanbhag:
Energy-efficiency bounds for deep submicron VLSI systems in the presence of noise. 254-269 - Ali Manzak
, Chaitali Chakrabarti:
Variable voltage task scheduling algorithms for minimizing energy/power. 270-276 - Razak Hossain, Fabrizio Viglione, Marco Cavalli:
Designing fast on-chip interconnects for deep submicrometer technologies. 276-280 - Uwe Meyer-Bäse
, Thanos Stouraitis
New power-of-2 RNS scaling scheme for cell-based IC design. 280-283 - Abdel Ejnioui, N. Ranganathan:
Routing on field-programmable switch matrices. 283-287 - Hanho Lee:
High-speed VLSI architecture for parallel Reed-Solomon decoder. 288-294 - David M. Harris, Sam Naffziger:
Correction to "statistical clock skew modeling with data delay variations". 295-296
Volume 11, Number 3, June 2003
- Yiannos Manoli:
Special section on the 2001 International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). 301-302 - Heather Hanson, M. S. Hrishikesh, Vikas Agarwal, Stephen W. Keckler, Doug Burger:
Static energy reduction techniques for microprocessor caches. 303-313 - Lu Peng, Jih-Kwon Peir, Qianrong Ma, Konrad Lai:
Address-free memory access based on program syntax correlation of loads and stores. 314-324 - John Patrick McGregor, Ruby B. Lee:
Architectural techniques for accelerating subword permutations with repetitions. 325-335 - Yu Zheng, Kenneth L. Shepard:
On-chip oscilloscopes for noninvasive time-domain measurement of waveforms in digital integrated circuits. 336-344 - Jin Yang, Carl-Johan H. Seger:
Introduction to generalized symbolic trajectory evaluation. 345-353 - Amit Singh, Arindam Mukherjee, Luca Macchiarulo
, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska:
PITIA: an FPGA for throughput-intensive applications. 354-363 - Chun-Gi Lyuh, Taewhan Kim:
High-level synthesis for low power based on network flow method. 364-375 - Frederik Vermeulen, Francky Catthoor, Lode Nachtergaele, Diederik Verkest, Hugo De Man:
Power-efficient flexible processor architecture for embedded applications. 376-385 - Abderrahim Doumar, Hideo Ito:
Detecting, diagnosing, and tolerating faults in SRAM-based field programmable gate arrays: a survey. 386-405 - Rizwan Bashirullah, Wentai Liu, Ralph K. Cavin III:
Current-mode signaling in deep submicrometer global interconnects. 406-417 - Oscal T.-C. Chen, Sandy Wang, Yi-Wen Wu:
Minimization of switching activities of partial products for designing low-power multipliers. 418-433 - Lei Wang, Naresh R. Shanbhag:
Low-power MIMO signal processing. 434-445 - Kostas Masselos, Panagiotis Merakos, S. Theoharis, Thanos Stouraitis
, Constantinos E. Goutis:
Power efficient data path synthesis of sum-of-products computations. 446-450 - Yu-Liang Wu, Chak-Chung Cheung
, David Ihsin Cheng, Hongbing Fan:
Further improve circuit partitioning using GBAW logic perturbation techniques. 451-460 - Lauren Hui Chen, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, Forrest Brewer
Buffer delay change in the presence of power and ground noise. 461-473 - Jin-Hua Hong, Cheng-Wen Wu
Cellular-array modular multiplier for fast RSA public-key cryptosystem based on modified Booth's algorithm. 474-484 - Xuejun Liang, Jack S. N. Jean:
Mapping of generalized template matching onto reconfigurable computers. 485-498 - José Luis Núñez, Simon Jones:
Gbit/s lossless data compression hardware. 499-510 - Xiaoyu Song, William N. N. Hung, Alan Mishchenko, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, Andrew A. Kennings, Alan J. Coppola:
Board-level multiterminal net assignment for the partial cross-bar architecture. 511-514 - Volkan Kursun
, Siva G. Narendra, Vivek De, Eby G. Friedman:
Analysis of buck converters for on-chip integration with a dual supply voltage microprocessor. 514-522
Volume 11, Number 4, August 2003
- Subodh Gupta, Farid N. Najm:
Energy and peak-current per-cycle estimation at RTL. 525-537 - Anand Raghunathan
, Sujit Dey, Niraj K. Jha:
High-level macro-modeling and estimation techniques for switching activity and power consumption. 538-557 - Sanjukta Bhanja, N. Ranganathan:
Switching activity estimation of VLSI circuits using Bayesian networks. 558-567 - Yen-Jen Chang, Shanq-Jang Ruan, Feipei Lai:
Design and analysis of low-power cache using two-level filter scheme. 568-580 - Chua-Chin Wang, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Ying-Pei Chen:
An area-saving decoder structure for ROMs. 581-589 - Byung-Do Yang, Lee-Sup Kim:
A low-power charge-recycling ROM architecture. 590-600 - George Hadjiyiannis, Srinivas Devadas:
Techniques for accurate performance evaluation in architecture exploration. 601-615 - Y. Elboim, Avinoam Kolodny, Ran Ginosar:
A clock-tuning circuit for system-on-chip. 616-626 - Mohammad M. Mansour, Naresh R. Shanbhag:
VLSI architectures for SISO-APP decoders. 627-650 - Shih-Chang Hsia:
Parallel VLSI design for a real-time video-impulse noise-reduction processor. 651-658 - Gaye Lightbody
, Roger F. Woods
, Richard L. Walke:
Design of a parameterizable silicon intellectual property core for QR-based RLS filtering. 659-678 - Jai-Ming Lin, Yao-Wen Chang
, Shih-Ping Lin:
Corner sequence - a P-admissible floorplan representation with a worst case linear-time packing scheme. 679-686 - Hong-Sik Kim, YongJoon Kim, Sungho Kang:
Test-decompression mechanism using a variable-length multiple-polynomial LFSR. 687-690 - Ting-Yuan Wang, Charlie Chung-Ping Chen:
Thermal-ADI - a linear-time chip-level dynamic thermal-simulation algorithm based on alternating-direction-implicit (ADI) method. 691-700 - Navid Azizi, Farid N. Najm, Andreas Moshovos:
Low-leakage asymmetric-cell SRAM. 701-715 - Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Cassondra Neau, R. T. Cakici, Amit Agarwal, Chris H. Kim, Kaushik Roy:
Gate leakage reduction for scaled devices using transistor stacking. 716-730 - Peter Grun, Ashok Halambi, Nikil D. Dutt
, Alexandru Nicolau:
RTGEN-an algorithm for automatic generation of reservation tables from architectural descriptions. 731-737 - Chua-Chin Wang, Po-Ming Lee, Jun-Jie Wang, Chenn-Jung Huang
Design of a cycle-efficient 64-b/32-b integer divisor using a table-sharing algorithm. 737-740 - Sujit T. Zachariah, Sreejit Chakravarty:
Algorithm to extract two-node bridges. 741-744 - T. Thorp, D. Liu, P. Trivedi:
Analysis of blocking dynamic circuits. 744-748
Volume 11, Number 5, October 2003
- Vivek De, Luca Benini:
Guest editorial. 753-754 - Hyunsik Im, Takashi Inukai, Hiroyuki Gomyo, Toshiro Hiramoto, Takayasu Sakurai:
VTCMOS characteristics and its optimum conditions predicted by a compact analytical model. 755-761 - Joong-Seok Moon, William C. Athas, Sigfrid D. Soli, Jeffrey T. Draper, Peter A. Beerel:
Voltage-pulse driven harmonic resonant rail drivers for low-power applications. 762-777 - Victor V. Zyuban:
Optimization of scannable latches for low energy. 778-788 - Dmitry V. Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk
, Oguz Ergin
, Kanad Ghose, Peter M. Kogge:
Energy-efficient issue queue design. 789-800 - Baruch Solomon, Avi Mendelson, Ronny Ronen, Doron Orenstein, Yoav Almog:
Micro-operation cache: a power aware frontend for variable instruction length ISA. 801-811 - Johan A. Pouwelse
, Koen Langendoen
, Henk J. Sips:
Application-directed voltage scaling. 812-826 - Mahesh Mamidipaka, Daniel S. Hirschberg, Nikil D. Dutt
Adaptive low-power address encoding techniques using self-organizing lists. 827-834 - M. A. I. Mostafa, Sherif H. K. Embabi, Mostafa A. I. Elmala:
A 60-dB 246-MHz CMOS variable gain amplifier for subsampling GSM receivers. 835-838 - Mandeep Singh, Israel Koren:
Fault-sensitivity analysis and reliability enhancement of analog-to-digital converters. 839-852 - Sungbae Hwang, Jacob A. Abraham:
Test data compression and test time reduction using an embedded microprocessor. 853-862 - Ali Keshavarzi, Kaushik Roy, Charles F. Hawkins, Vivek De:
Multiple-parameter CMOS IC testing with increased sensitivity for IDDQ. 863-870 - Mohammad Maymandi-Nejad
, Manoj Sachdev:
A digitally programmable delay element: design and analysis. 871-878 - Ki-Wook Kim, Seong-Ook Jung, Taewhan Kim, Prashant Saxena, C. L. Liu, S.-M. S. Kang:
Coupling delay optimization by temporal decorrelation using dual threshold voltage technique. 879-887 - T. Chen, S. Naffziger:
Comparison of adaptive body bias (ABB) and adaptive supply voltage (ASV) for improving delay and leakage under the presence of process variation. 888-899 - Yehea I. Ismail:
Improved model-order reduction by using spacial information in moments. 900-908 - Lucian Codrescu, S. Nugent, James D. Meindl, D. Scott Wills:
Modeling technology impact on cluster microprocessor performance. 909-920 - Ashok K. Murugavel, N. Ranganathan:
Petri net modeling of gate and interconnect delays for power estimation. 921-927 - Jaewon Seo, Taewhan Kim, Preeti Ranjan Panda:
Memory allocation and mapping in high-level synthesis - an integrated approach. 928-938 - Stefania Perri
, Pasquale Corsonello
, Giuseppe Cocorullo
A high-speed energy-efficient 64-bit reconfigurable binary adder. 939-943 - Tiehan Lv, Jörg Henkel, Haris Lekatsas, Wayne H. Wolf:
A dictionary-based en/decoding scheme for low-power data buses. 943-951 - Atsushi Sakai, Takashi Yamada, Yoshifumi Matsushita, Hiroto Yasuura
Reduction of coupling effects by optimizing the 3-D configuration of the routing grid. 951-954 - Sandeep Koranne:
Design of reconfigurable access wrappers for embedded core based SoC test. 955-960
Volume 11, Number 6, December 2003
- Xun Liu, Marios C. Papaefthymiou:
Design of a 20-mb/s 256-state Viterbi decoder. 965-975 - Mohammad M. Mansour, Naresh R. Shanbhag:
High-throughput LDPC decoders. 976-996 - Woo-Suk Ko, Joon-Seok Kim, Young-Cheol Park, Tai-Ho Koh, Dae Hee Youn:
An efficient DMT modem for the G.LITE ADSL transceiver. 997-1005 - Joohee Kim, Marios C. Papaefthymiou:
Block-based multiperiod dynamic memory design for low data-retention power. 1006-1018 - Daler N. Rakhmatov, Sarma B. K. Vrudhula, Deborah A. Wallach:
A model for battery lifetime analysis for organizing applications on a pocket computer. 1019-1030 - Ashok K. Murugavel, N. Ranganathan:
A game theoretic approach for power optimization during behavioral synthesis. 1031-1043 - Amit Sinha, Nathan Ickes, Anantha P. Chandrakasan:
Instruction level and operating system profiling for energy exposed software. 1044-1057 - Chris Hyung-Il Kim, Hendrawan Soeleman, Kaushik Roy:
Ultra-low-power DLMS adaptive filter for hearing aid applications. 1058-1067 - Qinwei Xu, Pinaki Mazumder:
Equivalent-circuit interconnect modeling based on the fifth-order differential quadrature methods. 1068-1079 - Volkan Kursun
, Eby G. Friedman:
Domino logic with variable threshold voltage keeper. 1080-1093 - Shrirang K. Karandikar, Sachin S. Sapatnekar
Technology mapping for SOI domino logic incorporating solutions for the parasitic bipolar effect. 1094-1105 - Rajiv V. Joshi, Ching-Te Chuang, Samuel K. H. Fung, Fari Assaderaghi, Melanie Sherony, I. Yang, Ghavam V. Shahidi:
PD/SOI SRAM performance in presence of gate-to-body tunneling current. 1106-1113 - T. Felicijan, Stephen B. Furber
An asynchronous ternary logic signaling system. 1114-1119 - Saurabh N. Adya, Igor L. Markov:
Fixed-outline floorplanning: enabling hierarchical design. 1120-1135 - Luca Benini, Alberto Macii
, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino, Riccardo Scarsi:
Scheduling battery usage in mobile systems. 1136-1143 - M. A. Azadpour, T. S. Kalkur:
A clock interconnect extractor for multigigahertz frequencies incorporating inductance effect. 1143-1146 - Li Ding, Pinaki Mazumder:
Simultaneous switching noise analysis using application specific device modeling. 1146-1152 - O. Milter, Avinoam Kolodny:
Crosstalk noise reduction in synthesized digital logic circuits. 1153-1158

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