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IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, January 1989
- Charles H. Knap:
Signal detectors for deformable hydrophone arrays. 1-7 - S. Unnikrishna Pillai, Byung Ho Kwon:
Forward/backward spatial smoothing techniques for coherent signal identification. 8-15 - David N. Swingler, Robert S. Walker:
Line-array beamforming using linear prediction for aperture interpolation and extrapolation. 16-30 - Philip A. Chou, Tom D. Lookabaugh, Robert M. Gray:
Entropy-constrained vector quantization. 31-42 - Neil J. Bershad, Lian Zuo Qu:
On the probability density function of the LMS adaptive filter weights. 43-56 - Martin Vetterli, Pierre Duhamel:
Split-radix algorithms for length-pm DFT's. 57-64 - Amir Dembo:
Signal reconstruction from noisy partial information of its transform. 65-72 - Trung T. Pham, Rui J. P. deFigueiredo:
Maximum likelihood estimation of a class of non-Gaussian densities with application to Ip deconvolution. 73-82 - Gonzalo R. Arce, Russel E. Foster:
Detail-preserving ranked-order based filters for image processing. 83-98 - Jeffrey B. Burl:
Estimating the basis functions of the Karhunen-Loeve transform. 99-105 - Bruce F. McGuffin, Bede Liu:
An efficient algorithm for two-dimensional autoregressive spectrum estimation. 106-117 - P. Karivaratha Rajan, Hari C. Reddy:
A test procedure for 2-D discrete scattering Hurwitz polynomials. 118-120 - M. S. Ahmed:
Comparison of noisy speech enhancement algorithms in terms of LPC perturbation. 121-125 - Paul Cohen, Chon-Tam LeDinh, Vincent Lacasse:
Classification of natural textures by means of two-dimensional orthogonal masks. 125-128 - V. John Mathews:
An efficient FIR adaptive filter using DPCM and the sign algorithm. 128-133 - Hamza Ouibrahim:
Prony, Pisarenko, and the matrix pencil: a unified presentation. 133-134 - S. Unnikrishna Pillai, Youngjik Lee:
Coherent signal classification using symmetry considerations. 135-138 - William A. Sethares, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
A comparison of two quantized state adaptive algorithms. 138-143 - David N. Swingler, Jeffrey L. Krolik:
Source location bias in the coherently focused high-resolution broad-band beamformer. 143-145 - Kazuo Toraichi, Masaru Kamada, Shuichi Itahashi, Ryoichi Mori:
Window functions represented by B-spline functions. 145-147 - Fatos Tünay Yarman Vural, Dennis Wawrzynski, A. Enis Çetin:
The generalized H-lattice filter and estimation of the ARMA models. 147-151 - B. Yegnanarayana, S. Tanveer Fathima, B. T. K. R. Nehru, B. Venkataramanan:
Significance of initial interpolation in band-limited signal interpolation. 151-152 - Chien-Chung Yeh, Ju-Hong Lee, Yih-Min Chen:
Estimating two-dimensional angles of arrival in coherent source environment. 153-155 - Shalhav Zohar:
A VLSI implementation of a correlator/digital-filter based on distributed arithmetic. 156-160
Volume 37, Number 2, February 1989
- Benjamin Friedlander, Boaz Porat:
Detection of transient signals by the Gabor representation. 169-180 - Sungkwon Park, Lester A. Gerhardt:
A robust spectral estimation by modeling an estimated autocovariance with an ARMA model. 181-191 - Barry D. Van Veen:
An analysis of several partially adaptive beamformer designs. 192-203 - Meir Feder, Alan V. Oppenheim, Ehud Weinstein:
Maximum likelihood noise cancellation using the EM algorithm. 204-216 - Anders Ahlén, Mikael Sternad:
Optimal deconvolution based on polynomial methods. 217-226 - Craig R. Elevitch, William A. Sethares, Gonzalo J. Rey, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
Quiver diagrams and signed adaptive filters. 227-236 - Byeong Gi Lee:
Input and output index mappings for a prime-factor-decomposed computation of discrete cosine transform. 237-244 - Steven A. Ruzinsky, Elwood T. Olsen:
L1 and L∞ minimization via a variant of Karmarkar's algorithm. 245-253 - Yung-Fu Cheng, Delores M. Etter:
Analysis of an adaptive technique for modeling sparse systems. 254-264 - Kai Hsu, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Velocity filtering of acoustic well logging waveforms. 265-274 - Harold G. Longbotham, Alan C. Bovik:
Theory of order statistic filters and their relationship to linear FIR filters. 275-287 - Henri Maître, Yifeng Wu:
A dynamic programming algorithm for elastic registration of distorted pictures based on autoregressive model. 288-297 - Yeong Ho Ha, John A. Pearce:
A new window and comparison to standard windows. 298-301 - H. Henkel:
Improved addition for the logarithmic number system. 301-303 - Yong Hoon Lee, Sung-Jea Ko, Adly T. Fam:
Efficient impulsive noise suppression via nonlinear recursive filtering. 303-306 - Robert K. Otnes:
Frequency difference of arrival accuracy. 306-308
Volume 37, Number 3, March 1989
- Sharad Singhal, Bishnu S. Atal:
Amplitude optimization and pitch prediction in multipulse coders. 317-327 - Alexander Waibel, Toshiyuki Hanazawa, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Kiyohiro Shikano, Kevin J. Lang:
Phoneme recognition using time-delay neural networks. 328-339 - Chun-Chau Lin, Michael T. Manry:
A new signal averaging algorithm for discrete signals. 340-345 - Dirk T. M. Slock, Thomas Kailath:
Fast transversal filters with data sequence weighting. 346-359 - Georgios B. Giannakis, Jerry M. Mendel:
Identification of nonminimum phase systems using higher order statistics. 360-377 - Petre Stoica, Randolph L. Moses, Benjamin Friedlander, Torsten Söderström:
Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of multiple sinusoids from noisy measurements. 378-392 - Patrick L. Combettes, Henry J. Trussell:
Methods for digital restoration of signals degraded by a stochastic impulse response. 393-401 - Kevin D. Donohue, Jafar Saniie:
A scanning and sampling scheme for computationally efficient algorithms of computer tomography. 402-414 - Nikolas P. Galatsanos, Roland T. Chin:
Digital restoration of multichannel images. 415-421 - Brian K. Lien, Gregory Y. Tang:
Implementation of the Chebyshev structure with minimum storage. 422-428 - John R. Deller Jr., G. P. Picache:
Advantages of a Givens rotation approach to temporally recursive linear prediction analysis of speech. 429-431 - David R. Farrier, Anthony R. Prior-Wandesforde:
A comparison of bias reduced methods for the estimation of rational transfer functions. 431-433 - Darcy P. McGinn, Don H. Johnson:
Estimation of all-pole model parameters from noise-corrupted sequences. 433-436 - Salvatore D. Morgera:
On biorthogonality of Hermitian and skew-Hermitian Szego/Levinson polynomials. 436-439 - V. Nagesha:
Comments on 'Fast computation of the discrete cosine transform and the discrete Hartley transform' by H.S. Malvar. 439-440 - V. Ramachandran:
Determination of discrete transfer function from its real (or imaginary) part on the unit circle. 440-442 - Henry Samueli:
A low-complexity multiplierless half-band recursive digital filter design. 442-444 - Mark C. Sullivan:
Efficient autocorrelation estimation using relative magnitudes. 445-447 - Mats Viberg:
Sensor array processing using gated signals. 447-450 - Pen-Shu Yeh:
Data compression properties of the Hartley transform. 450-451
Volume 37, Number 4, April 1989
- Benjamin Friedlander, Boaz Porat:
Performance analysis of a null-steering algorithm based on direction-of-arrival estimation. 461-466 - Ravi Prakash Ramachandran, Peter Kabal:
Pitch prediction filters in speech coding. 467-478 - Mark A. Clements, Jerrold W. Pease:
On causal linear phase IIR digital filters. 479-484 - Benjamin Friedlander, Boaz Porat:
Adaptive IIR algorithms based on high-order statistics. 485-495 - Yujiro Inouye:
Generation of a time series having a specified power spectrum with minimum roundoff noise. 496-504 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jong-Jy Shyu:
Eigenfilter design of higher-order digital differentiators. 505-511 - L. R. Rajagopal, Suhash C. Dutta Roy:
Optimal design of maximally flat FIR filters with arbitrary magnitude specifications. 512-518 - John J. Shynk:
Adaptive IIR filtering using parallel-form realizations. 519-533 - Kazuo Toraichi, Masaru Kamada, Ryoichi Mori:
A quadratic spline function generator. 534-544 - Cédric Demeure, Clifford T. Mullis:
The Euclid algorithm and the fast computation of cross-covariance and autocovariance sequences. 545-552 - Henrique S. Malvar, David H. Staelin:
The LOT: transform coding without blocking effects. 553-559 - Maher A. Sid-Ahmed:
A systolic realization for 2-D digital filters. 560-565 - K. S. Arun:
Principal components algorithms for ARMA spectrum estimation. 566-571 - Jaakko Astola, T. George Campbell:
On computation of the running median. 572-574 - Jerome R. Bellegarda, David C. Farden:
A general linear prediction approach to the complex split inversion algorithm. 574-577 - Oscar Buneman:
In-situ bit-reversed ordering for Hartley transforms. 577-580 - P. Lie Chin Cheong, Salvatore D. Morgera:
Iterative methods for restoring noisy images. 580-585 - Nam Ik Cho, Chong-Ho Choi, Sang Uk Lee:
Adaptive line enhancement by using an IIR lattice notch filter. 585-589 - Ling Guan, Rabab K. Ward:
Restoration of randomly blurred images by the Wiener filter. 589-592 - E. Mark Haacke, Zhi-Pei Liang, Steven H. Izen:
Superresolution reconstruction through object modeling and parameter estimation. 592-595 - Shlomo Karni, Gengsheng L. Zeng:
The analysis of the continuous-time LMS algorithm. 595-597 - Steven A. Ruzinsky, Elwood T. Olsen:
Strong consistency of the LAD (L1) estimator of parameters of stationary autoregressive processes with zero mean. 597-600 - Barry D. Van Veen:
Systolic preprocessors for linearly constrained beamforming. 600-604 - Santosh S. Venkatesh, Demetri Psaltis:
Binary filters for pattern classification. 604-611
Volume 37, Number 5, May 1989
- Michel Bouvet, Stuart C. Schwartz:
Comparison of adaptive and robust receivers for signal detection in ambient underwater noise. 621-626 - Steven M. Kay:
Asymptotically optimal detection in incompletely characterized non-Gaussian noise. 627-633 - J. Eric Salt, Arthur G. Wacker:
Optimistic and pessimistic approximations to variance of time delay estimators. 634-641 - Peter Kabal, Ravi Prakash Ramachandran:
Joint optimization of linear predictors in speech. 642-650 - Chun Sum Ng, Paul H. Milenkovic:
Unstable covariance LPC solutions from nonstationary speech waveforms. 651-654 - James A. Cadzow, T.-C. Chen:
Algebraic approach to two-dimensional recursive digital filter synthesis. 655-664 - Donald Fraser:
Interpolation by the FFT revisited-an experimental investigation. 665-675 - Truong Q. Nguyen, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Two-channel perfect-reconstruction FIR QMF structures which yield linear-phase analysis and synthesis filters. 676-690 - Francesco Palmieri, Charles G. Boncelet Jr.:
Ll-filters-a new class of order statistic filters. 691-701 - Klaus P. Preuss:
On the design of FIR filters by complex Chebyshev approximation. 702-712 - Alvin Todd Moser, Daniel Graupe:
Identification of nonstationary models with application to myoelectric signals for controlling electrical stimulation of paraplegics. 713-719 - Petre Stoica, Arye Nehorai:
MUSIC, maximum likelihood, and Cramer-Rao bound. 720-741 - Ali Hussein Abdallah, Yu Hen Hu:
Parallel VLSI computing array implementation for signal subspace updating algorithm. 742-748 - Roberto Roncella, Roberto Saletti:
A VLSI systolic adder for digital filtering of delta-modulated signals. 749-754 - Elvira Baydal, Gabriela Andreu, Enrique Vidal:
Estimating the intrinsic dimensionality of discrete utterances. 755-757 - Roberto Cusani:
Performance of fast time delay estimators. 757-759 - Yung-Dar Huang, Chi-Tsong Chen:
A derivation of the normal equation in FIR Wiener filters. 759-760 - Henry Leung, Simon Haykin:
Stability of recursive QRD-LS algorithms using finite-precision systolic array implementation. 760-763 - Jorge S. Marques, Luís B. Almeida:
Frequency-varying sinusoidal modeling of speech. 763-765 - Basil G. Mertzios, Giovanni L. Sicuranza, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Efficient realizations of two-dimensional quadratic digital filters. 765-768 - Pham Dinh Tuan:
Cramer-Rao bounds for AR parameter and reflection coefficient estimators. 769-772 - R. Viswanathan, Valentine Aalo:
On counting rules in distributed detection. 772-775 - R. Viswanathan, Arif Ansari:
Distributed detection of a signal in generalized Gaussian noise. 775-778 - Gengsheng Lawrence Zeng, N. Ahmed:
A block coding technique for encoding sparse binary patterns. 778-780
Volume 37, Number 6, June 1989
- Debasis Sengupta, Steven M. Kay:
Efficient estimation of parameters for non-Gaussian autoregressive processes. 785-794 - David Mansour, Biing-Hwang Juang:
The short-time modified coherence representation and noisy speech recognition. 795-804 - Marina V. Dragosevic, Srdjan S. Stankovic:
A generalized least squares method for frequency estimation. 805-819 - Michael J. Villalba, Bruce K. Walker:
Spectrum manipulation for improved resolution. 820-831 - Michael D. Zoltowski, Demosthenis Stavrinides:
Sensor array signal processing via a procrustes rotations based eigenanalysis of the ESPRIT data pencil. 832-861 - Hyung-Ill Choi, William J. Williams:
Improved time-frequency representation of multicomponent signals using exponential kernels. 862-871 - Mohamed-Yahia Dabbagh, Winser E. Alexander:
Multiprocessor implementation of 2-D denominator-separable digital filters for real-time processing. 872-881 - Mehrdad Soumekh:
Reconstruction and sampling constraints for spiral data [image processing]. 882-891 - A. Murat Tekalp, Howard Kaufman, John W. Woods:
Edge-adaptive Kalman filtering for image restoration with ringing suppression. 892-899 - William G. Bliss, Louis L. Scharf:
Algorithms and architectures for dynamic programming on Markov chains. 900-912 - Evangelos E. Milios, Hamid Nawab:
Signal abstractions in signal processing software. 913-928 - A. P. Shenoy, Ramdas Kumaresan:
A fast and accurate RNS scaling technique for high speed signal processing. 929-937 - Francis T. Connolly, Andrew E. Yagle:
Fast algorithms for complex matrix multiplication using surrogates. 938-939 - George S. Kang, Larry J. Fransen:
Quality improvement of LPC-processed noisy speech by using spectral subtraction. 939-942 - Soon Young Park, Yong Hoon Lee:
Double smoothing of images using median and Wiener filters. 943-946 - K. M. M. Prabhu, K. Bhoopathy Bagan:
Variable parameter window families for digital spectral analysis. 946-949 - Maria-João D. Rendas, José M. F. Moura:
Alternate bounds on the resolvability constraints of spatial smoothing. 949-952 - Petre Stoica:
Asymptotic second-order properties of sample partial correlations. 952-955