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IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January 2003
- Max A. Viergever:
Editorial. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 22(1): 1 (2003) - Stephen M. Pizer:
The Medical Image Display and Analysis Group at the University of North Carolina: Reminiscences and Philosophy. 2-10 - Raymond F. Muzic Jr., Gerald M. Saidel:
Distributed vs. Compartment Models for PET Receptor Studies. 11-21 - Torbjørn Sund, Karsten Eilertsen:
An Algorithm for Fast Adaptive Image Binarization, with Applications in RadiotherapyImaging. 22-28 - Ravi Bansal, Lawrence H. Staib, Zhe Chen, Anand Rangarajan, Jonathan Knisely, Ravinder Nath, James S. Duncan:
Entropy-Based, Dual-Portal-to-3DCT Registration Incorporating Pixel Correlation. 29-49 - Chuin-Mu Wang, Clayton Chi-Chang Chen, Yi-Nung Chung, Sheng-Chih Yang, Pau-Choo Chung, Ching-Wen Yang, Chein-I Chang:
Detection of Spectral Signatures in Multispectral MR Images for Classification. 50-61 - Thorsten Schormann, Matthias Kraemer:
Voxel-Guided Morphometry ("VGM") and Application to Stroke. 62-74 - Tobias Schaeffter, Michael Grass, Roland Proksa, Volker Rasche:
Real-Time Adaptive Filtering for Projection Reconstruction MR-Fluoroscopy. 75-81 - Thomas Hartkens, Derek L. G. Hill, Andy D. Castellano-Smith, David J. Hawkes, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Alastair J. Martin, Walter A. Hall, Haiying Liu, Charles L. Truwit:
Measurement and Analysis of Brain Deformation During Neurosurgery. 82-92 - Kirk W. Finnis, Yves P. Starreveld, Andrew G. Parrent, Abbas F. Sadikot, Terry M. Peters:
Three-Dimensional Database of Subcortical Electrophysiology for Image-Guided Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery. 93-104 - Koen Van Leemput, Frederik Maes, Dirk Vandermeulen, Paul Suetens:
A Unifying Framework for Partial Volume Segmentation of Brain MR Images. 105-119 - David Mattes, David R. Haynor, Hubert Vesselle, Thomas K. Lewellen, William Eubank:
PET-CT Image Registration in the Chest Using Free-form Deformations. 120-128
Volume 22, Number 2, February 2003
- Andy Tsai, Anthony J. Yezzi, William M. Wells III, Clare M. Tempany, Dewey Tucker, Ayres C. Fan, W. Eric L. Grimson, Alan S. Willsky:
A Shape-Based Approach to the Segmentation of Medical Imagery Using Level Sets. 137-154 - Anant Madabhushi, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Combining Low, High-Level and Empirical Domain Specific Knowledge for Automated Segmentation of Ultrasonic Breast Lesions. 155-169 - Smadar Gefen, Oleh J. Tretiak, Catherine W. Piccoli, Kevin D. Donohue, Athina P. Petropulu, P. Mohana Shankar, Vishruta A. Dumane, Lexun Huang, M. Alper Kutay, Vladimir Genis, Flemming Forsberg, John M. Reid:
ROC Analysis of Ultrasound Tissue Characterization Classifiers for Breast Cancer Diagnosis. 170-177 - Bradley P. Sutton, Douglas C. Noll, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Fast, Iterative Image Reconstruction for MRI in the Presence of Field Inhomogeneities. 178-188 - Nilanjan Ray, Scott T. Acton, Talissa A. Altes, Eduard E. de Lange, James R. Brookeman:
Merging Parametric Active Contours Within Homogeneous Image Regions for MRI-Based Lung Segmentation. 189-199 - Jr-yuan Chiou, Chang Beom Ahn, Lutfi Tugan Muftuler, Orhan Nalcioglu:
A Simple Simultaneous Geometric and Intensity Correction Method for Echo-Planar Imaging by EPI-based Phase Modulation. 200-205 - Marshall S. Sussman, Graham A. Wright:
Factors Affecting the Correlation Coefficient Template Matching Algorithm with Application to Real-Time 2D Coronary Artery MR Imaging. 206-216 - Pierre Hellier, Christian Barillot:
Coupling Dense and Landmark-based Approaches for Non Rigid Registration. 217-227 - László G. Nyúl, Jayaram K. Udupa, Punam K. Saha:
Incorporating a Measure of Local Scale in Voxel-Based 3D Image Registration. 228-237 - Julia A. Schnabel, Christine Tanner, Andy D. Castellano-Smith, Andreas Degenhard, Martin O. Leach, D. Rodney Hose, Derek L. G. Hill, David J. Hawkes:
Validation of Non-Rigid Image Registration sing Finite Element Methods: Application to Breast MR Images. 238-247 - Marek Kretowski, Yan Rolland, Johanne Bézy-Wendling, Jean-Louis Coatrieux:
Physiologically Based Modeling for Medical Image Analysis: Application to 3D Vascular Networks and CT Scan Modality. 248-257 - Thomas Frese, Ned C. Rouze, Charles A. Bouman, Ken D. Sauer, Gary D. Hutchins:
Quantitative Comparison of FBP, EM, and Bayesian Reconstruction Algorithms, including the Impact of Accurate System Modeling, for the IndyPET Scanner. 258-276 - William Scott Hoge:
A Subspace Identification Extension to the Phase Correlation Method. 277-280
Volume 22, Number 3, March 2003
- Michael Unser, Akram Aldroubi, Andrew Laine:
Wavelets in Medical Imaging. 285-288 - Federico E. Turkheimer, John A. D. Aston, Richard B. Banati, Cyril Riddell, Vincent J. Cunningham:
A Linear Wavelet Filter for Parametric Imaging with Dynamic PET. 289-301 - Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, Babak A. Ardekani:
Multi-resolution fMRI Activation Detection Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transform and Statistical Analysis Based on Resampling. 302-314 - François G. Meyer:
Wavelet Based Estimation of a Semi Parametric Generalized Linear Model of fMRI Time-Series. 315-322 - Aleksandra Pizurica, Wilfried Philips, Ignace Lemahieu, Marc Acheroy:
A Versatile Wavelet Domain Noise Filtration Technique for Medical Imaging. 323-331 - Rebecca Willett, Robert D. Nowak:
Platelets: A Multiscale Approach for Recovering Edges and Surfaces in Photon LimitedMedical Imaging. 332-350 - Jérôme Kalifa, Andrew Laine, Peter D. Esser:
Regularization in Tomographic Reconstruction Using Thresholding Estimators. 351-359 - Stéphane Bonnet, Françoise Peyrin, Francis Turjman, Rémy Prost:
Nonseparable Wavelet-based Cone-beam Reconstruction in 3-D Rotational Angiography. 360-367 - Oleg V. Michailovich, Dan Adam:
Robust Estimation of Ultrasound Pulses Using Outlier-Resistant De-Noising. 368-381 - Wen-Li Lee, Yung-Chang Chen, Kai-Sheng Hsieh:
Ultrasonic Liver Tissues Classification by Fractal Feature Vector Based on M-band Wavelet Transform. 382-392 - G. Lemaur, K. Drouiche, J. DeConinck:
Highly Regular Wavelets for the Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms. 393-401 - Peter Heinlein, Johann Drexl, Wilfried Schneider:
Integrated Wavelets for Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammography. 402-413 - Christos Davatzikos, Xiaodong Tao, Dinggang Shen:
Hierarchical Active Shape Models, Using the Wavelet Transform. 414-423 - Gloria Menegaz, Jean-Philippe Thiran:
3D Encoding/2D Decoding of Medical Data. 424-440 - Peter Schelkens, Adrian Munteanu, Joeri Barbarien, Mihnea Galca, Xavier Giró-i-Nieto, Jan Cornelis:
Wavelet Coding of Volumetric Medical Datasets. 441-458 - Zixiang Xiong, Xiaolin Wu, Samuel Cheng, Jianping Hua:
Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of Medical Volumetric Data Using Three-dimensional Integer Wavelet Transforms. 459-470
Volume 22, Number 4, April 2003
- Marleen de Bruijne, Wiro J. Niessen, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever:
Localization and Segmentation of Aortic Endografts using Marker Detection. 473-482 - Hyunjin Park, Peyton H. Bland, Charles R. Meyer:
Construction of an Abdominal Probabilistic Atlas and its Application in Segmentation. 483-492 - Guy Shechter, Frederic Devernay, Ève Coste-Manière, Arshed Quyyumi, Elliot R. McVeigh:
Three-Dimensional Motion Tracking of Coronary Arteries in Biplane Cineangiograms. 493-503 - William D. Penny, Karl J. Friston:
Mixtures of General Linear Models for Functional Neuroimaging. 504-514 - Baowei Fei, Jeffrey L. Duerk, Nakiel T. Boll, Jonathan S. Lewin, David L. Wilson:
Slice to Volume Registration and its Potential Application to Interventional MRI Guided Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation of Prostate Cancer. 515-525 - Martin O. Culjat, Rahul S. Singh, D. C. Yoon, Elliott R. Brown:
Imaging of Human Tooth Enamel Using Ultrasound. 526-529 - Guy Cloutier, Danmin Chen, Louis-Gilles Durand:
A New Clutter Rejection Algorithm for Doppler Ultrasound. 530-538 - Dinggang Shen, Yiqiang Zhan, Christos Davatzikos:
Segmentation of Prostate Boundaries from Ultrasound Images Using Statistical Shape Model. 539-551 - Kim Lokke Gammelmark, Jørgen Arendt Jensen:
Multi-Element Synthetic Transmit Aperture Imaging using Temporal Encoding. 552-563 - Zhongchi Luo, Yuanyuan Wang, Weiqi Wang:
Estimating Coronary Artery Lumen Area with Optimization-based Contour Detection. 564-566
Volume 22, Number 5, May 2003
- Ming Jiang, Ge Wang:
Convergence Studies on Iterative Algorithms for Image Reconstruction. 569-579 - Ing-Tsung Hsiao, Anand Rangarajan, Gene Gindi:
A New Convex Edge-Preserving Median Prior with Applications to Tomography. 580-585 - Yan Kang, Klaus Engelke, Willi A. Kalender:
A New Accurate and Precise 3D Segmentation Method for Skeletal Structures in Volumetric CT Data. 586-598 - Dirk Beque, Johan Nuyts, Guy Bormans, Paul Suetens, Patrick Dupont:
Characterization of Pinhole SPECT Acquisition Geometry. 599-612 - Sangtae Ahn, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
A Globally Convergent Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography Using Relaxed Ordered Subsets Algorithms. 623-626 - Basak Ulker Karbeyaz, Nevzat Güneri Gençer:
Electrical Conductivity Imaging via Contactless Measurements: An Experimental Study. 627-635 - Temujin Gautama, Danilo P. Mandic, Marc M. Van Hulle:
Signal Nonlinearity in fMRI: A Comparison between BOLD and MION. 636-644 - Cornelis M. van Bemmel, Onno Wink, Bert Verdonck, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen:
Blood Pool Contrast Enhanced MRA: Improved Arterial Visualization in the Steady State. 645-652 - Roee S. Lazebnik, Tanya L. Lancaster, Michael S. Breen, Jonathan S. Lewin, David L. Wilson:
Volume Registration Using Needle Paths and Point Landmarks for Evaluation of Interventional MRI Treatments. 653-660 - France Laliberté, Langis Gagnon, Yulong Shen:
Registration and Fusion of Retinal Images - An Evaluation Study. 661-673 - Luca Antiga, Bogdan Ene-Iordache, Andrea Remuzzi:
Computational Geometry for Patient-Specific Reconstruction and Meshing of Blood Vessels from Angiography. 674-684 - Yu-Ping Wang, Qiang Wu, Kenneth R. Castleman, Zixiang Xiong:
Chromosome Image Enhancement Using Multiscale Differential Operators. 685-693
Volume 22, Number 6, June 2003
- Jon Sporring, Wiro J. Niessen, Joachim Weickert:
Growth and Motion in Three-Dimensional Images. 697-698 - Nasser Fatouraee, Amir A. Amini:
Regularization of Flow Streamlines in Multislice Phase-Contrast MRI. 699-709 - S.-Y. James Chen, John D. Carroll:
Kinematic and Deformation Analysis of 4-D Coronary Arterial Trees Reconstructed fromCine Angiograms. 710-721 - Andre Z. Kyme, Brian F. Hutton, Rochelle L. Hatton, David W. Skerrett, Leighton R. Barnden:
Practical Aspects of a Data-Driven Motion Correction Approach for Brain SPECT. 722-729 - Torsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., David A. Bluemke, Michael A. Jacobs:
Volume-Preserving Non-Rigid Registration of MR Breast Images Using Free-Form Deformation with an Incompressibility Constraint. 730-741 - Christian Wong, P. Martin Gehrchen, Tron Darvann, Thomas Kiaet:
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis and Biomechanical Evaluation of the Lumbar Spine. 742-746 - Tim J. Hutton, Bernard F. Buxton, Peter Hammond, Henry W. W. Potts:
Estimating Average Growth Trajectories in Shape-Space using Kernel Smoothing. 747-753 - Arnaud Cachia, Jean-François Mangin, Denis Rivière, Ferath Kherif, Nathalie Boddaert, Alexandre Andrade, Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Isabelle Bloch, Monica Zilbovicius, P. Sonigo, Francis Brunelle, Jean Régis:
A Primal Sketch of the Cortex Mean Curvature: a Morphogenesis Based Approach to Study the Variability of the Folding Patters. 754-765 - Luis Weruaga, Juan Morales-Sánchez, Luis Núñez, Rafael Verdú:
Volumetric Motion Estimation in Human Thorax for Radiotherapy Planning. 766-772 - Nikos Paragios:
Shape-driven Knowledge-based Segmentation and Tracking in Medical Image Analysis Accept with Revisions. 773-776 - Charles R. Meyer, Hyunjin Park, J. M. Balter, Peyton H. Bland:
Method for Quantifying Volumetric Lesion Change in Interval Liver CT Examinations. 776-781
Volume 22, Number 7, July 2003
- Peter J. Basser, Sinisa Pajevic:
A Normal Distribution for Tensor-valued Random Variables: Applications to Diffusion Tensor MRI. 785-794 - Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh, Babak A. Ardekani, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh:
Activation Detection in fMRI using a Maximum Energy Ratio Statistic Obtained by Adaptive Spatial Filtering. 795-805 - Ralf Mekle, Andrew Laine, Ed X. Wu:
Combined MR Data Acquisition of Multi-Contrast Images Using Variable Acquisition Parameters and K-Space Data Sharing. 806-823 - Ranadhir Roy, Anuradha Godavarty, Eva M. Sevick-Muraca:
Fluroscence-enhanced, optical tomography using referenced measurements of heterogeneous media. 824-836 - Ming Jiang, Ge Wang, Margaret W. Skinner, Jay T. Rubinstein, Michael W. Vannier:
Blind Deblurring of Spiral CT Images. 837-845 - Stefan Schaller, Joachim E. Wildberger, Rainer Raupach, Matthias U. Niethammer, Klaus Klingenbeck-Regn, Thomas Flohr:
Spatial Domain Filtering for Fast Modification of the Tradeoff between Image Sharpness and Pixel Noise in Computed Tomography. 846-853 - Jeffrey Tsao:
Interpolation Artifacts in Multimodality Image Registration Based on Maximization of Mutual Information. 854-864 - Senthil Periaswamy, Hany Farid:
Elastic Registration in the Presence of Intensity Variations. 865-874 - Peter J. Yim, G. Boudewijn Vasbinder, Vincent B. Ho, Peter L. Choyke:
Isosurfaces as Deformable Models for Magnetic Resonance Angiography. 875-881 - Radhakrishnan Nagarajan:
Intensity-based Segmentation of Microarray Images. 882-889 - Yanning Zhu, Timothy J. Hall, Jingfeng Jiang:
A Finite Element Approach for Young's Modulus Reconstruction. 890-901 - Christina I. Christodoulou, Constantinos S. Pattichis, Marios Pantziaris, Andrew Nicolaides:
Texture Based Classification of Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaques. 902-912 - Yulei Jiang:
Uncertainty in the Output of Artificial Neural Networks. 913-921
Volume 22, Number 8, August 2003
- Hanhua Feng, Hong Gu, David Silbersweig, Emily Stern, Yihong Yang:
Single-Shot MR Imaging Using Trapezoidal-Gradient Based Lissajous Trajectories. 925-932 - François G. Meyer, Jatuporn Chinrungrueng:
Analysis of Event-Related fMRI Data using Best Clustering Bases. 933-939 - Deniz Aykac, Eric A. Hoffman, Geoffrey McLennan, Joseph M. Reinhardt:
Segmentation and Analysis of the Human Airway Tree from 3D X-ray CT Images. 940-950 - Adam W. Hoover, Michael H. Goldbaum:
Locating the Optical Nerve in a Retinal Image Using the Fuzzy Convergence of the Blood Vessels. 951-958 - Costantino Grana, Giovanni Pellacani, Rita Cucchiara, Stefania Seidenari:
A New Algorithm for Border Description of Polarized Light Surface Microscopic Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions. 959-964 - Shirley A. M. Baert, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen:
Guide Wire Tracking During Endovascular Interventions. 965-972 - Michael I. Miga, Tuhin K. Sinha, David M. Cash, Robert L. Galloway, Robert J. Weil:
Cortical Surface Registration for Image-Guided Neurosurgery Using Laser-Range Scanning. 973-985 - Josien P. W. Pluim, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever:
Mutual Information Based Registration of Medical Images: A Survey. 986-1004 - Michael Kaus, Vladimir Pekar, Cristian Lorenz, Roel Truyen, Steven Lobregt, Jürgen Weese:
Automated 3D PDM Construction from Segmented Images Using Deformable Models. 1005-1013 - Daniel Rueckert, Alejandro F. Frangi, Julia A. Schnabel:
Automatic Construction of 3D Statistical Deformation Models of the Brain using Non-Rigid Registration. 1014-1025 - Zhi-Pei Liang, Bruno Madore, Gary H. Glover, Norbert J. Pelc:
Fast Algorithms for GS Model-Based Image Reconstruction in Data-Sharing Fourier Imaging. 1026-1030
Volume 22, Number 9, September 2003
- David J. Hawkes, Derek L. G. Hill:
Medical Imaging at Guy's Hospital, King's College London. 1033-1041 - Johan Nuyts, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
A Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction Method for Emission Tomography, Compared to Post-Smoothed Maximum-Likelihood with Matched Spatial Resolution. 1042-1052 - Yuanxin Zhu, Bridget Carragher, Fabrice Mouche, Clinton S. Potter:
Automatic Particle Detection through Efficient Hough Transforms. 1053-1062 - Alan Wee-Chung Liew, Hong Yan:
An Adaptive Spatial Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for 3D MR Image Segmentation. 1063-1075 - Yoshinobu Sato, Hisashi Tanaka, Takashi Nishii, Katsuyuki Nakanishi, Nobuhiko Sugano, Tetsuya Kubota, Hironobu Nakamura, Hideki Yoshikawa, Takahiro Ochi, Shinichi Tamura:
Limits on the Accuracy of 3D Thickness Measurement in Magnetic Resonance Images - Effects of Voxel Anisotropy. 1076-1088 - Paul Bao, Lei Zhang:
Noise Reduction for Magnetic Resonance Images via Adaptive Multiscale Products Thresholding. 1089-1099 - C. A. Piron, Petrina Causer, R. Jong, R. Shumak, Donald B. Plewes:
A Hybrid Breast Biopsy System Combining Ultrasound and MRI. 1100-1110 - Hua-mei Chen, Pramod K. Varshney:
Mutual Information Based CT-MR Brain Image Registration Using Generalized Partial Volume Joint Histogram Estimation. 1111-1119 - Pierre Hellier, Christian Barillot, Isabelle Corouge, Bernard Gibaud, Georges Le Goualher, D. Louis Collins, Alan C. Evans, Grégoire Malandain, Nicholas Ayache, Gary E. Christensen, Hans J. Johnson:
Retrospective Evaluation of Inter-subject Brain Registration. 1120-1130 - Jim Xiuquan Ji, Hao Pan, Zhi-Pei Liang:
Further Analysis of Interpolation Effects in Mutual Information-Based Image Registration. 1131-1140 - Shih-Chung Ben Lo, Huai Li, Matthew T. Freedman:
Optimization of Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression and Feature Preservation. 1141-1151 - Xiaopeng Hu, Laura Dempere-Marco, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Hot Spot Detection Based on Feature Space Representation of Visual Search. 1152-1162 - Elizabeth Bullitt, Guido Gerig, Stephen M. Pizer, Weili Lin, Stephen R. Aylward:
Measuring Tortuosity of the Intracerebral Vasculature. 1163-1171 - Laurent Sarry, Christophe Tilmant, Stéphane Boisgard, J.-Y. Levai:
Monitoring of Polyethylene Wear in Non-Metal-Backed Acetubular Cups by Digitized Anteroposterior Pelvic Radiography. 1172-1182 - J. Tsao:
Correction of "Interpolation Artifacts in Multimodality Image Registration Based on Maximization of Mutual Information". 1183