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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 63
Volume 63, Number 1, January 2017
- Eli Haim, Yuval Kochman, Uri Erez:
Distributed Structure: Joint Expurgation for the Multiple-Access Channel. 5-20 - Henry P. Romero
, Mahesh K. Varanasi
A Unifying Order-Theoretic Framework for Superposition Coding: Polymatroidal Structure and Optimality in the Multiple-Access Channel With General Message Sets. 21-37 - Jayadev Acharya, Alon Orlitsky, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Himanshu Tyagi
Estimating Renyi Entropy of Discrete Distributions. 38-56 - Amor Keziou
, Philippe Regnault:
Semiparametric Estimation of Mutual Information and Related Criteria: Optimal Test of Independence. 57-71 - Nan Liu
, Wei Kang
The Capacity of a Class of Channels With Coded Side Information at the Decoder. 72-80 - Jonathan Scarlett
, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Giuseppe Durisi
The Dispersion of Nearest-Neighbor Decoding for Additive Non-Gaussian Channels. 81-92 - Boris Bukh, Venkatesan Guruswami
, Johan Håstad:
An Improved Bound on the Fraction of Correctable Deletions. 93-103 - Alexander E. Holroyd
Perfect Snake-in-the-Box Codes for Rank Modulation. 104-110 - Ahmed Badr, Pratik Patil, Ashish Khisti
, Wai-Tian Tan, John G. Apostolopoulos:
Layered Constructions for Low-Delay Streaming Codes. 111-141 - Antonia Wachter-Zeh:
List Decoding of Crisscross Errors. 142-149 - Ron M. Roth
, Alexander Zeh
Long Cyclic Codes Over GF(4) and GF(8) Better Than BCH Codes in the High-Rate Region. 150-158 - Shu Liu, Chaoping Xing
, Chen Yuan
List Decodability of Random Subcodes of Gabidulin Codes. 159-163 - Kamil Otal, Ferruh Özbudak
Additive Rank Metric Codes. 164-168 - Can Xiang
, Keqin Feng, Chunming Tang:
A Construction of Linear Codes Over 𝔽2t From Boolean Functions. 169-176 - Minjia Shi
, Liangliang Xu, Gang Yang:
A Note on One Weight and Two Weight Projective ℤ4-Codes. 177-182 - Wei Mao
, Matthew Thill, Babak Hassibi:
On Ingleton-Violating Finite Groups. 183-200 - Joseph Connelly, Kenneth Zeger
A Class of Non-Linearly Solvable Networks. 201-229 - Congduan Li
, Steven Weber
, John MacLaren Walsh:
Multilevel Diversity Coding Systems: Rate Regions, Codes, Computation, & Forbidden Minors. 230-251 - Chih-Chun Wang
, Minghua Chen
Sending Perishable Information: Coding Improves Delay-Constrained Throughput Even for Single Unicast. 252-279 - Hongyu Gong, Luoyi Fu, Xinzhe Fu, Lutian Zhao, Kainan Wang, Xinbing Wang
Distributed Multicast Tree Construction in Wireless Sensor Networks. 280-296 - David T. H. Kao, Amir Salman Avestimehr:
Linear Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO X-Channel With Delayed CSIT. 297-319 - Minho Yang, Sang-Woon Jeon
, Dong Ku Kim:
Linear Degrees of Freedom of MIMO Broadcast Channels With Reconfigurable Antennas in the Absence of CSIT. 320-335 - Junyoung Nam
, Giuseppe Caire
, Jeongseok Ha:
On the Role of Transmit Correlation Diversity in Multiuser MIMO Systems. 336-354 - Soheil Gherekhloo
, Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin
Expanded GDoF-optimality Regime of Treating Interference as Noise in the M×2 X-Channel. 355-376 - Mansoor I. Yousefi
The Kolmogorov-Zakharov Model for Optical Fiber Communication. 377-391 - Ya-Feng Liu
Dynamic Spectrum Management: A Complete Complexity Characterization. 392-403 - Alain Couvreur
, Ayoub Otmani, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Polynomial Time Attack on Wild McEliece Over Quadratic Extensions. 404-427 - Ashish Choudhury
, Arpita Patra
An Efficient Framework for Unconditionally Secure Multiparty Computation. 428-468 - Ziv Goldfeld
, Gerhard Kramer
, Haim H. Permuter
, Paul Cuff:
Strong Secrecy for Cooperative Broadcast Channels. 469-495 - Si-Hyeon Lee
, Wanyao Zhao, Ashish Khisti
Secure Degrees of Freedom of the Gaussian Diamond-Wiretap Channel. 496-508 - Mani Bastani Parizi
, Emre Telatar, Neri Merhav
Exact Random Coding Secrecy Exponents for the Wiretap Channel. 509-531 - Leonardo Rey Vega
, Pablo Piantanida
, Alfred O. Hero III:
The Three-Terminal Interactive Lossy Source Coding Problem. 532-562 - Vinay Praneeth Boda, Prakash Narayan
Sampling Rate Distortion. 563-574 - Alekh Agarwal
, Animashree Anandkumar, Praneeth Netrapalli:
A Clustering Approach to Learning Sparsely Used Overcomplete Dictionaries. 575-592 - Jonathan Scarlett
, Volkan Cevher
Limits on Support Recovery With Probabilistic Models: An Information-Theoretic Framework. 593-620 - Yohann de Castro
, Fabrice Gamboa, Didier Henrion
, Jean B. Lasserre
Exact Solutions to Super Resolution on Semi-Algebraic Domains in Higher Dimensions. 621-630 - Jinming Wen
, Xiao-Wen Chang:
Success Probability of the Babai Estimators for Box-Constrained Integer Linear Models. 631-648 - Antonio Napolitano
Cyclic Statistic Estimators With Uncertain Cycle Frequencies. 649-675 - Sundeep Rangan, Alyson K. Fletcher, Philip Schniter
, Ulugbek S. Kamilov
Inference for Generalized Linear Models via Alternating Directions and Bethe Free Energy Minimization. 676-697 - Hamed Firouzi
, Alfred O. Hero III, Bala Rajaratnam:
Two-Stage Sampling, Prediction and Adaptive Regression via Correlation Screening. 698-714 - Marco Tomamichel
, Mark M. Wilde
, Andreas J. Winter
Strong Converse Rates for Quantum Communication. 715-727 - Giacomo De Palma
, Dario Trevisan
, Vittorio Giovannetti:
Gaussian States Minimize the Output Entropy of the One-Mode Quantum Attenuator. 728-737 - Chang Lv
, Jianing Li
On the Non-Existence of Certain Classes of Generalized Bent Functions. 738-746
Volume 63, Number 2, February 2017
- Cem Aksoylar, George K. Atia, Venkatesh Saligrama
Sparse Signal Processing With Linear and Nonlinear Observations: A Unified Shannon-Theoretic Approach. 749-776 - Jong Chul Ye
, Jong Min Kim, Kyong Hwan Jin
, Kiryung Lee
Compressive Sampling Using Annihilating Filter-Based Low-Rank Interpolation. 777-801 - Kiryung Lee
, Yanjun Li
, Marius Junge, Yoram Bresler
Blind Recovery of Sparse Signals From Subsampled Convolution. 802-821 - Yanjun Li
, Kiryung Lee
, Yoram Bresler
Identifiability in Bilinear Inverse Problems With Applications to Subspace or Sparsity-Constrained Blind Gain and Phase Calibration. 822-842 - Stéphane Chrétien, Tianwen Wei
Sensing Tensors With Gaussian Filters. 843-852 - Ju Sun
, Qing Qu
, John Wright:
Complete Dictionary Recovery Over the Sphere I: Overview and the Geometric Picture. 853-884 - Ju Sun
, Qing Qu
, John Wright:
Complete Dictionary Recovery Over the Sphere II: Recovery by Riemannian Trust-Region Method. 885-914 - Weidong Han
, Purnima Rajan, Peter I. Frazier, Bruno M. Jedynak:
Bayesian Group Testing Under Sum Observations: A Parallelizable Two-Approximation for Entropy Loss. 915-933 - Nihar B. Shah
, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Adityanand Guntuboyina
, Martin J. Wainwright
Stochastically Transitive Models for Pairwise Comparisons: Statistical and Computational Issues. 934-959 - Rui Xu, Jun Chen
, Tsachy Weissman, Jian-Kang Zhang:
When is Noisy State Information at the Encoder as Useless as No Information or as Good as Noise-Free State? 960-974 - Masahito Hayashi
, Vincent Y. F. Tan:
Equivocations, Exponents, and Second-Order Coding Rates Under Various Rényi Information Measures. 975-1005 - Shun Watanabe
Second-Order Region for Gray-Wyner Network. 1006-1018 - Wasim Huleihel
, Neri Merhav
Random Coding Error Exponents for the Two-User Interference Channel. 1019-1042 - Kenji Nakagawa
, Kohei Watabe, Takuto Sabu:
On the Search Algorithm for the Output Distribution That Achieves the Channel Capacity. 1043-1062 - Rajai Nasser
An Ergodic Theory of Binary Operations - Part II: Applications to Polarization. 1063-1083 - Zhiying Wang
, Itzhak Tamo, Jehoshua Bruck
Optimal Rebuilding of Multiple Erasures in MDS Codes. 1084-1101 - Yingquan Wu
Generalized Integrated Interleaved Codes. 1102-1119 - Shlomo Engelberg, Osnat Keren
Reliable Communications Across Parallel Asynchronous Channels With Arbitrary Skews. 1120-1129 - Qing Li
, Anxiao Andrew Jiang:
Coding for Secure Write-Efficient Memories. 1130-1145 - Urs Niesen
, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali:
Coded Caching With Nonuniform Demands. 1146-1158 - Marcos A. Kiwi, Christopher Thraves Caro
FIFO Queues Are Bad for Rumor Spreading. 1159-1166 - Xianglan Jin, Young-Han Kim
The Approximate Capacity of the MIMO Relay Channel. 1167-1176 - Nathan Ross
, Dominic Schuhmacher:
Wireless Network Signals With Moderately Correlated Shadowing Still Appear Poisson. 1177-1198 - Michèle A. Wigger
, Roy Timo
, Shlomo Shamai Shitz
Conferencing in Wyner's Asymmetric Interference Network: Effect of Number of Rounds. 1199-1226 - Erman Koken, Deniz Gündüz
, Ertem Tuncel
Energy-Distortion Exponents in Lossy Transmission of Gaussian Sources Over Gaussian Channels. 1227-1236 - Oron Sabag
, Haim H. Permuter
, Asaf Cohen:
Lossless Coding of Correlated Sources With Actions. 1237-1252 - Or Ordentlich
, Uri Erez:
Integer-Forcing Source Coding. 1253-1269 - Raban Iten
, Joseph M. Renes
, David Sutter
Pretty Good Measures in Quantum Information Theory. 1270-1279 - Eyuri Wakakuwa
, Akihito Soeda, Mio Murao:
Markovianizing Cost of Tripartite Quantum States. 1280-1298 - Nengkun Yu
, Runyao Duan, Quanhua Xu:
Bounds on the Distance Between a Unital Quantum Channel and the Convex Hull of Unitary Channels. 1299-1310 - Talha Cihad Gülcü
, Alexander Barg
Achieving Secrecy Capacity of the Wiretap Channel and Broadcast Channel With a Confidential Component. 1311-1324 - Ming Li
, Dongdai Lin:
The Adjacency Graphs of LFSRs With Primitive-Like Characteristic Polynomials. 1325-1335 - André Guerino Castoldi
, Lucia Moura, Daniel Panario
, Brett Stevens:
Ordered Orthogonal Array Construction Using LFSR Sequences. 1336-1347
Volume 63, Number 3, March 2017
- Taehyung J. Lim, Massimo Franceschetti
Information Without Rolling Dice. 1349-1363 - Dor Shaviv
, Ayfer Özgür
, Haim H. Permuter
Capacity of Remotely Powered Communication. 1364-1391 - Oron Sabag
, Haim H. Permuter
, Henry D. Pfister
A Single-Letter Upper Bound on the Feedback Capacity of Unifilar Finite-State Channels. 1392-1409 - Uzi Pereg
, Ido Tal
Channel Upgradation for Non-Binary Input Alphabets and MACs. 1410-1424 - Fernando L. Piñero
The Structure of Dual Schubert Union Codes. 1425-1433 - Lingfei Jin
, Chaoping Xing
New MDS Self-Dual Codes From Generalized Reed - Solomon Codes. 1434-1438 - Fanny Jardel, Joseph Jean Boutros
Edge Coloring and Stopping Sets Analysis in Product Codes With MDS Components. 1439-1462 - Giuliano Garrammone
, David Declercq, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Weight Distributions of Non-Binary Multi-Edge Type LDPC Code Ensembles: Analysis and Efficient Evaluation. 1463-1475 - Cynthia Rush
, Adam Greig
, Ramji Venkataramanan
Capacity-Achieving Sparse Superposition Codes via Approximate Message Passing Decoding. 1476-1500 - Ido Tal
On the Construction of Polar Codes for Channels With Moderate Input Alphabet Sizes. 1501-1509 - Kun Huang
, Udaya Parampalli
, Ming Xian:
On Secrecy Capacity of Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes. 1510-1524 - Tadashi Wadayama
Nonadaptive Group Testing Based on Sparse Pooling Graphs. 1525-1534 - Rui M. Castro, Ervin Tanczos
Adaptive Compressed Sensing for Support Recovery of Structured Sparse Sets. 1535-1554 - Coralia Cartis, Andrew Thompson
Quantitative Recovery Conditions for Tree-Based Compressed Sensing. 1555-1571 - Andrea Montanari, Daniel Reichman
, Ofer Zeitouni:
On the Limitation of Spectral Methods: From the Gaussian Hidden Clique Problem to Rank One Perturbations of Gaussian Tensors. 1572-1579 - Aolin Xu, Maxim Raginsky
Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds on Bayes Risk in Decentralized Estimation. 1580-1600 - Martin Genzel
High-Dimensional Estimation of Structured Signals From Non-Linear Observations With General Convex Loss Functions. 1601-1619 - Michael Kohler, Adam Krzyzak
Nonparametric Regression Based on Hierarchical Interaction Models. 1620-1630 - Nan Xie, Steven Weber
Delay on Broadcast Erasure Channels Under Random Linear Combinations. 1631-1661 - Sang-Woon Jeon
, Song-Nam Hong
, Mingyue Ji
, Giuseppe Caire
, Andreas F. Molisch:
Wireless Multihop Device-to-Device Caching Networks. 1662-1676 - Faruk Yavuz, Jun Zhao
, Osman Yagan
, Virgil D. Gligor:
k-Connectivity in Random K-Out Graphs Intersecting Erdős-Rényi Graphs. 1677-1692 - Juan Manuel Romero-Jerez
, Francisco Javier López-Martínez:
A New Framework for the Performance Analysis of Wireless Communications Under Hoyt (Nakagami- $q$ ) Fading. 1693-1702 - Farzad Parvaresh
, Hediyeh Soltanizadeh:
Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-Off of Half-Duplex Single Relay Networks. 1703-1720 - Daniel Castanheira
, Adão Silva
, Atílio Gameiro:
Retrospective Interference Alignment: Degrees of Freedom Scaling With Distributed Transmitters. 1721-1730 - Zhong Zheng
, Lu Wei
, Roland Speicher, Ralf R. Müller, Jyri Hämäläinen, Jukka Corander:
Asymptotic Analysis of Rayleigh Product Channels: A Free Probability Approach. 1731-1745 - Lan V. Truong
, Silas L. Fong
, Vincent Y. F. Tan:
On Gaussian Channels With Feedback Under Expected Power Constraints and With Non-Vanishing Error Probabilities. 1746-1765 - Lin Zhou
, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Mehul Motani:
Discrete Lossy Gray-Wyner Revisited: Second-Order Asymptotics, Large and Moderate Deviations. 1766-1791 - Mark M. Wilde
, Marco Tomamichel
, Mario Berta
Converse Bounds for Private Communication Over Quantum Channels. 1792-1817 - Motohisa Fukuda
, Gilad Gour:
Additive Bounds of Minimum Output Entropies for Unital Channels and an Exact Qubit Formula. 1818-1828 - Wataru Kumagai
, Masahito Hayashi
Second-Order Asymptotics of Conversions of Distributions and Entangled States Based on Rayleigh-Normal Probability Distributions. 1829-1857 - Remi A. Chou
, Badri N. Vellambi
, Matthieu R. Bloch, Jörg Kliewer:
Coding Schemes for Achieving Strong Secrecy at Negligible Cost. 1858-1873 - Nir Shlezinger
, Daniel Zahavi
, Yonathan Murin
, Ron Dabora:
The Secrecy Capacity of Gaussian MIMO Channels With Finite Memory. 1874-1897 - Pritam Mukherjee, Jianwei Xie, Sennur Ulukus
Secure Degrees of Freedom of One-Hop Wireless Networks With No Eavesdropper CSIT. 1898-1922 - Mahtab Mirmohseni
, Panagiotis Papadimitratos:
Secrecy Capacity Scaling in Large Cooperative Wireless Networks. 1923-1939
Volume 63, Number 4, April 2017
- Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure
Generalized Hamming Weights for Almost Affine Codes. 1941-1953 - Ramprasad Saptharishi
, Amir Shpilka
, Ben Lee Volk
Efficiently Decoding Reed-Muller Codes From Random Errors. 1954-1960 - Venkatesan Guruswami
, Carol Wang
Deletion Codes in the High-Noise and High-Rate Regimes. 1961-1970 - Clayton Schoeny
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Ryan Gabrys, Eitan Yaakobi:
Codes Correcting a Burst of Deletions or Insertions. 1971-1985 - Mostafa El-Khamy
, Hessam Mahdavifar, Gennady Feygin, Jungwon Lee, Inyup Kang:
Relaxed Polar Codes. 1986-2000 - Min Ye, Alexander Barg
Explicit Constructions of High-Rate MDS Array Codes With Optimal Repair Bandwidth. 2001-2014 - Netanel Raviv
, Natalia Silberstein, Tuvi Etzion:
Constructions of High-Rate Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes Over Small Fields. 2015-2038 - Hassan Khodaiemehr
, Dariush Kiani
Construction and Encoding of QC-LDPC Codes Using Group Rings. 2039-2060 - Zhiying Wang
, Han Mao Kiah, Yuval Cassuto
, Jehoshua Bruck
Switch Codes: Codes for Fully Parallel Reconstruction. 2061-2075