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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 39, 1993
Volume 39, Number 1, January 1993
- Ingrid Daubechies, Augustus J. E. M. Janssen:
Two theorems on lattice expansions. 3-6 - Ping Wah Wong:
Wavelet decomposition of harmonizable random processes. 7-18 - Shlomo Shamai, Amos Lapidoth:
Bounds on the capacity of a spectrally constrained Poisson channel. 19-29 - Sergio Verdú, Victor K.-W. Wei:
Explicit construction of optimal constant-weight codes for identification via channels. 30-36 - Gui Liang Feng, Thammavarapu R. N. Rao:
Decoding algebraic-geometric codes up to the designed minimum distance. 37-45 - M. Vedat Eyuboglu, G. David Forney Jr.:
Lattice and trellis quantization with lattice- and trellis-bounded codebooks - High-rate theory for memoryless sources. 46-59 - John K. Karlof:
Decoding spherical codes for the Gaussian channel. 60-65 - Mario Blaum, Ron M. Roth:
New array codes for multiple phased burst correction. 66-77 - Donald S. Ornstein, Benjamin Weiss:
Entropy and data compression schemes. 78-83 - Bruce E. Hajek, Rene L. Cruz:
On the average delay for routing subject to independent deflections. 84-91 - Sean P. Meyn, Michael R. Frater:
Recurrence times of buffer overflows in Jackson networks. 92-97 - Israel Cidon, Asad Khamisy, Moshe Sidi:
Analysis of packet loss processes in high-speed networks. 98-108 - Yali Amit, Michael I. Miller:
Large deviations for coding Markov chains and Gibbs random fields. 109-118 - John S. Sadowsky:
On the optimality and stability of exponential twisting in Monte Carlo estimation. 119-128 - Zhi Ding, Rodney A. Kennedy, Brian D. O. Anderson, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
Local convergence of the Sato blind equalizer and generalizations under practical constraints. 129-144 - Shirish A. Altekar, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Upper bounds to the error probability of decision feedback equalization. 145-156 - Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Noncoherent detection in asynchronous multiuser channels. 157-176 - Andrew Klapper, Agnes Hui Chan, Mark Goresky:
Cascaded GMW sequences. 177-183
- James P. Aldis, Alister G. Burr:
The channel capacity of discrete time phase modulation in AWGN. 184-185 - Yitzhak Birk, Nathan Linial, Roy Meshulam:
On the uniform-traffic capacity of single-hop interconnections employing shared directional multichannels. 186-191 - Ilan Kessler, Moshe Sidi:
Growing binary trees in a random environment. 191-194 - Eli Plotnik:
Code constructions for asynchronous random multiple-access to the adder channel. 195-197 - Niels J. C. Lous, Patrick A. H. Bours, Henk C. A. van Tilborg:
On maximum likelihood soft-decision decoding of binary linear codes. 197-203 - Yuval Berger, Yair Be'ery:
Bounds on the trellis size of linear block codes. 203-209 - Tuvi Etzion, Gadi Greenberg:
Constructions for perfect mixed codes and other covering codes. 209-214 - Vera Pless, Vladimir D. Tonchev, Jeffrey S. Leon:
On the existence of a certain (64, 32, 12) extremal code. 214-215 - Mario Blaum, Simon Litsyn, Vincent Buskens, Henk C. A. van Tilborg:
Error-correcting codes with bounded running digital sum. 216-227 - Albertus S. J. Helberg, Hendrik C. Ferreira:
On the complete decoding of constrained codes. 228-232 - Zhen Zhang, Xiang-Gen Xia:
LYM-type inequalities for tEC/AUED codes. 232-238 - Ba-Zhong Shen:
A Justesen construction of binary concatenated codes that asymptotically meet the Zyablov bound for low rate. 239-242 - Tadao Kasami, Toyoo Takata, Toru Fujiwara, Shu Lin:
On the optimum bit orders with respect to the state complexity of trellis diagrams for binary linear codes. 242-245 - Joel M. Morris, Xiaojun Li:
Some results on the asymptotic relative efficiency of a random-threshold decision rule. 246-249 - James A. Bucklew, John S. Sadowsky:
A contribution to the theory of Chernoff bounds. 249-254 - Lawrence D. Brown, Richard C. Liu:
The asymptotic risk in a signal parameter estimation problem. 254-257 - David L. Donoho, Philip B. Stark:
A note on rearrangements, spectral concentration, and the zero-order prolate spheroidal wavefunction. 257-260 - Elias Masry:
The wavelet transform of stochastic processes with stationary increments and its application to fractional Brownian motion. 260-264 - Robert J. Elliott:
New finite-dimensional filters and smoothers for noisily observed Markov chains. 265-271 - Jonathan Hong, Martin Vetterli:
Computing m DFT's over GF(q) with one DFT over GF(qm). 271-274 - Pierre Baldi, Santosh S. Venkatesh:
Random interactions in higher order neural networks. 274-283 - Yaoqi Yu, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo:
Convergence of the calculation of the innovation process. 283-288 - En-Hui Yang, Shi-Yi Shen:
Distortion program-size complexity with respect to a fidelity criterion and rate-distortion function. 288-292 - Sergio Verdú, Brian D. O. Anderson, Rodney A. Kennedy:
Blind equalization without gain identification. 292-297 - Marc Teboulle, Igor Vajda:
Convergence of best phi-entropy estimates. 297-301 - Vladimir Cuperman:
Joint bit allocation and dimensions optimization for vector transform quantization. 302-305 - Shinya Matsufuji, Kyoki Imamura:
Balanced quadriphase sequences with optimal periodic correlation properties constructed by real-valued bent functions. 305-310 - John K. Goutsias:
Author's Reply to 'Comments on A Theoretical Analysis of Monte Carlo Algorithms for the Simulation of Gibbs Random Field Images'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 39(1): 310- (1993) - Radford M. Neal:
Comments on 'A theoretical analysis of Monte Carlo algorithms for the simulation of Gibbs random field images'. 310-311 - Jacob Ziv:
Correction to 'Variable-to-fixed length codes are better than fixed-to-variable length codes for Markov sources' (Jul 90 861-863). 312-
- Frans M. J. Willems:
Review of 'Elements of Information Theory' (Cover, T.M., and Thomas, J.A.; 1991). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 39(1): 313- (1993) - Paul H. Siegel:
Review of 'Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers' (McEliece, R.J.; 1987). 315-316
Volume 39, Number 2, March 1993
- Steven S. Pietrobon, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Trellis coding with multidimensional QAM signal sets. 325-336 - Magnus Isaksson, Lars-Henning Zetterberg:
Block-coded M-PSK modulation over GF(M). 337-346 - Martin Alles, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Coding for the discretely phase ambiguous additive white Gaussian channel. 347-357 - Ulrich K. Sorger:
A new Reed-Solomon code decoding algorithm based on Newton's interpolation. 358-365 - Xiang-dong Hou:
Some results on the covering radii of Reed-Muller codes. 366-378 - Mario Blaum, Jehoshua Bruck:
Coding for skew-tolerant parallel asynchronous communications. 379-388 - Boris Y. Kavalerchik:
A new model of numerical computer data and its application for construction of minimum-redundancy codes. 389-397 - Dafna Sheinwald, Richard C. Pasco:
Deterministic prediction in progressive coding. 398-408 - Marijn van Eupen, Jacobus H. van Lint:
On the minimum distance of ternary cyclic codes. 409-422 - Takeshi Hashimoto:
A coded ARQ scheme with the generalized Viterbi algorithm. 423-432 - Venugopal V. Veeravalli, Tamer Basar, H. Vincent Poor:
Decentralized sequential detection with a fusion center performing the sequential test. 433-442 - Richard G. Ogier, Vladislav Rutenburg, Nachum Shacham:
Distributed algorithms for computing shortest pairs of disjoint paths. 443-455 - Israel Cidon, Roch Guérin, Asad Khamisy, Moshe Sidi:
Analysis of a correlated queue in a communication system. 456-465 - Leandros Tassiulas, Anthony Ephremides:
Dynamic server allocation to parallel queues with randomly varying connectivity. 466-478 - Tsutomu Kawabata:
Uniform switching system by families of switching sets. 479-490 - Amos Lapidoth:
On the reliability function of the ideal Poisson channel with noiseless feedback. 491-503 - Ofir Shalvi, Ehud Weinstein:
Super-exponential methods for blind deconvolution. 504-519 - Paul C. Shields:
Universal redundancy rates do not exist. 520-524 - Alf J. Isaksson:
Analysis of identified 2-D noncausal models. 525-534 - William A. Gardner, Teri L. Archer:
Exploitation of cyclostationarity for identifying the Volterra kernels of nonlinear systems. 535-542 - Venkat Anantharam:
The input-output map of a monotone discrete-time quasireversible node. 543-552 - G. Robert Redinbo, Bernhard G. Zagar:
Modifying real convolutional codes for protecting digital filtering systems. 553-564 - Christopher F. Barnes, Richard L. Frost:
Vector quantizers with direct sum codebooks. 565-580 - Inchi Hu, Santosh S. Venkatesh:
On the minimum expected duration of a coin tossing game. 581-593 - Ola Hössjer, Moncef Mettiji:
Robust multiple classification of known signals in additive noise - An asymptotic weak signal approach. 594-608
- Roger S. Cheng, Sergio Verdú:
On limiting characterizations of memoryless multiuser capacity regions. 609-612 - K. Leeuwin-Boullé, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
The cutoff rate of time correlated fading channels. 612-617 - M. W. Thompson, Don R. Halverson, C. Tsai:
Robust estimation of signal parameters with nonstationary and/or dependent data. 617-623 - Kenji Nakagawa, Fumio Kanaya:
On the converse theorem in statistical hypothesis testing. 623-628 - Kenji Nakagawa, Fumio Kanaya:
On the converse theorem in statistical hypothesis testing for Markov chains. 629-633 - Hossam M. H. Shalaby, Adrian Papamarcou:
A note on the asymptotics of distributed detection with feedback. 633-640 - Arne Dür:
Avoiding decoder malfunction in the Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierler decoder. 640-643 - John J. Komo, Maurice S. Lam:
Primitive polynomials and M-sequences over GF(qm). 643-647 - Torleiv Kløve:
Minimum support weights of binary codes. 648-654 - Oscar S. Rothaus:
Modified Gold codes. 654-656 - Vladimir I. Levenshtein, A. J. Han Vinck:
Perfect (d, k)-codes capable of correcting single peak-shifts. 656-662 - Andries E. Brouwer, Tom Verhoeff:
An updated table of minimum-distance bounds for binary linear codes. 662-677 - Andries E. Brouwer:
The linear programming bound for binary linear codes. 677-680 - Helge Elbrønd Jensen, Tom Høholdt, Jørn Justesen:
On the number of correctable errors for some AG-codes. 681-684 - Rodney M. Goodman, Robert J. McEliece, Masahiro Sayano:
Phased burst error-correcting array codes. 684-693 - Iwan M. Duursma:
Algebraic decoding using special divisors. 694-698 - Tsutomu Kawabata:
Exact analysis of the Lempel-Ziv algorithm for i.i.d. sources. 698-702 - Sridhar Lakshmanan, Haluk Derin:
Valid parameter space for 2-D Gaussian Markov random fields. 703-709 - Heinz-Josef Schlebusch:
On the asymptotic efficiency of importance sampling techniques. 710-715 - Darel A. Linebarger, Ivan Hal Sudborough, Ioannis G. Tollis:
Difference bases and sparse sensor arrays. 716-721
Volume 39, Number 3, May 1993
- Ueli M. Maurer:
Secret key agreement by public discussion from common information. 733-742 - Dirk Ehrhard:
Achieving the designed error capacity in decoding algebraic-geometric codes. 743-751 - Te Sun Han, Sergio Verdú:
Approximation theory of output statistics. 752-772 - Roger S. Cheng, Sergio Verdú:
Gaussian multiaccess channels with ISI: Capacity region and multiuser water-filling. 773-785 - Dae-Gwon Jeong, Jerry D. Gibson:
Uniform and piecewise uniform lattice vector quantization for memoryless Gaussian and Laplacian sources. 786-804 - Robert M. Gray, Thomas G. Stockham Jr.:
Dithered quantizers. 805-812 - Bin Yu, Terry P. Speed:
A rate of convergence result for a universal D-semifaithful code. 813-820 - Vinay A. Vaishampayan:
Design of multiple description scalar quantizers. 821-834 - Nam Phamdo, Nariman Farvardin, Takehiro Moriya:
A unified approach to tree-structured and multistage vector quantization for noisy channels. 835-850 - Rajiv Laroia, Nariman Farvardin:
A structured fixed-rate vector quantizer derived from a variable-length scalar quantizer - I: Memoryless sources. 851-867 - Rajiv Laroia, Nariman Farvardin:
A structured fixed-rate vector quantizer derived from a variable-length scalar quantizer - II: Vector sources. 868-876 - Yossef Steinberg, Michael Gutman:
An algorithm for source coding subject to a fidelity criterion, based on string matching. 877-886 - Neri Merhav, Meir Feder, Michael Gutman:
Some properties of sequential predictors for binary Markov sources. 887-892 - John C. Kieffer:
Strongly consistent code-based identification and order estimation for constrained finite-state model classes. 893-902 - Upamanyu Madhow, Michael B. Pursley:
Acquisition in direct-sequence spread-spectrum communication networks: An asymptotic analysis. 903-912 - Frank R. Kschischang, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Optimal nonuniform signaling for Gaussian channels. 913-929 - Andrew R. Barron:
Universal approximation bounds for superpositions of a sigmoidal function. 930-945 - Kai-Yeung Siu, Jehoshua Bruck, Thomas Kailath, Thomas Hofmeister:
Depth efficient neural networks for division and related problems. 946-956 - Sreenivasa A. Raghavan, Jack K. Wolf, Laurence B. Milstein:
On the performance evaluation of ISI channels. 957-965 - James A. Bucklew, Thomas G. Kurtz, William A. Sethares:
Weak convergence and local stability properties of fixed step size recursive algorithms. 966-978 - Miroslaw Pawlak:
Kernel classification rules from missing data. 979-988 - Ta-Hsin Li, Benjamin Kedem:
Strong consistency of the contraction mapping method for frequency estimation. 989-998 - Leo Breiman:
Hinging hyperplanes for regression, classification, and function approximation. 999-1013 - Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai:
Generalized concatenated codes for channels where unidirectional byte errors are predominant. 1014-1022 - Ivan Vrana:
Optimum statistical estimates in conditions of ambiquity. 1023-1030
- Sidney Yakowitz:
Asymptotic theory for a fast frequency detector. 1031-1036 - Ferdinand Österreicher, Igor Vajda:
Statistical information and discrimination. 1036-1039 - Karl Gerlach, Kevin J. Sangston:
Robust locally optimum detection of signals in dependent noise. 1040-1043 - Russell John Higgs, John F. Humphreys:
Decoding the ternary Golay code. 1043-1046 - Laurence B. Wolfe, Chein-I Chang:
A complete sufficient statistic for finite-state Markov processes with application to source coding. 1047-1049 - Xiaolin Wu, Kaizhong Zhang:
Quantizer monotonicities and globally optimal scalar quantizer design. 1049-1053