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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January - February 2013
- Ying Xu:
Editorial from the New Editor-in-Chief. 1 - Shubhra Sankar Ray, Sankar K. Pal:
RNA Secondary Structure Prediction Using Soft Computing. 2-17 - Teresa Piovesan, Steven Kelk:
A Simple Fixed Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Computing the Hybridization Number of Two (Not Necessarily Binary) Trees. 18-25 - Inken Wohlers, Rumen Andonov, Gunnar W. Klau:
DALIX: Optimal DALI Protein Structure Alignment. 26-36 - Carlos H. A. Higa, Tales P. Andrade, Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto:
Growing Seed Genes from Time Series Data and Thresholded Boolean Networks with Perturbation. 37-49 - Daniele Muraro, Ute Voß, Michael Wilson, Malcolm Bennett, Helen M. Byrne, Ive De Smet, Charlie Hodgman, John R. King:
Inference of the Genetic Network Regulating Lateral Root Initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. 50-60 - Cuong V. Than, Noah A. Rosenberg:
Mathematical Properties of the Deep Coalescence Cost. 61-72 - Peter Boyen, Frank Neven, Dries Van Dyck, Felipe L. Valentim, Aalt D. J. van Dijk:
Mining Minimal Motif Pair Sets Maximally Covering Interactions in a Protein-Protein Interaction Network. 73-86 - Jagath C. Rajapakse, Piyushkumar A. Mundra:
Multiclass Gene Selection Using Pareto-Fronts. 87-97 - Ye Yang, Farnoosh Abbas Aghababazadeh, David R. Bickel:
Parametric Estimation of the Local False Discovery Rate for Identifying Genetic Associations. 98-108 - Andrei Todor, Alin Dobra, Tamer Kahveci:
Probabilistic Biological Network Alignment. 109-121 - Priscila Biller, Pedro Feijão, João Meidanis:
Rearrangement-Based Phylogeny Using the Single-Cut-or-Join Operation. 122-134 - Apostolos Axenopoulos, Petros Daras, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos, Elias N. Houstis:
SP-Dock: Protein-Protein Docking Using Shape and Physicochemical Complementarity. 135-150 - Stefan Grünewald, Andreas Spillner, Sarah Bastkowski, Anja Bögershausen, Vincent Moulton:
SuperQ: Computing Supernetworks from Quartets. 151-160 - Itziar Irigoien, Francesc Mestres, Concepción Arenas:
The Depth Problem: Identifying the Most Representative Units in a Data Group. 161-172 - Xia Wu, Juan Li, Napatkamon Ayutyanont, Hillary Protas, William J. Jagust, Adam Fleisher, Eric Reiman, Li Yao, Kewei Chen:
The Receiver Operational Characteristic for Binary Classification with Multiple Indices and Its Application to the Neuroimaging Study of Alzheimer's Disease. 173-180 - Guifang Shao, Fan Yang, Qian Zhang, Qifeng Zhou, Linkai Luo:
Using the Maximum Between-Class Variance for Automatic Gridding of cDNA Microarray Images. 181-192 - Alexis Lamiable, Franck Quessette, Sandrine Vial, Dominique Barth, Alain Denise:
An Algorithmic Game-Theory Approach for Coarse-Grain Prediction of RNA 3D Structure. 193-199 - Kristian Ovaska, Lauri Lyly, Biswajyoti Sahu, Olli A. Jänne, Sampsa Hautaniemi:
Genomic Region Operation Kit for Flexible Processing of Deep Sequencing Data. 200-206 - Xiang Wan, Can Yang, Qiang Yang, Hongyu Zhao, Weichuan Yu:
HapBoost: A Fast Approach to Boosting Haplotype Association Analyses in Genome-Wide Association Studies. 207-212 - Mark Howison:
High-Throughput Compression of FASTQ Data with SeqDB. 213-218 - Yuan Zhu, Xiao-Fei Zhang, Dao-Qing Dai, Meng-Yun Wu:
Identifying Spurious Interactions and Predicting Missing Interactions in the Protein-Protein Interaction Networks via a Generative Network Model. 219-225 - Aleksandar Poleksic:
Improved Algorithms for Matching r-Separated Sets with Applications to Protein Structure Alignment. 226-229 - Xiaowei Zhou, Can Yang, Xiang Wan, Hongyu Zhao, Weichuan Yu:
Multisample aCGH Data Analysis via Total Variation and Spectral Regularization. 230-235 - Alan Joseph J. Caceres, Juan Castillo, Jinnie Lee, Katherine St. John:
Walks on SPR Neighborhoods. 236-239
Volume 10, Number 2, March 2013
- Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen:
Guest Editorial: Advanced Algorithms of Bioinformatics. 273 - Jikai Lei, Prapaporn Techa-angkoon, Yanni Sun:
Chain-RNA: A Comparative ncRNA Search Tool Based on the Two-Dimensional Chain Algorithm. 274-285 - Pradipta Maji, Sushmita Paul:
Rough-Fuzzy Clustering for Grouping Functionally Similar Genes from Microarray Data. 286-299 - Ngoc Tu Le, Tu Bao Ho, Bich Hai Ho:
Computational Reconstruction of Transcriptional Relationships from ChIP-Chip Data. 300-307 - François Fages, Sylvain Soliman:
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Methods in Systems Biology. 308-309 - Thomas A. Henzinger, Maria Mateescu:
The Propagation Approach for Computing Biochemical Reaction Networks. 310-322 - Abhishek Murthy, Ezio Bartocci, Flavio H. Fenton, James Glimm, Richard A. Gray, Elizabeth Cherry, Scott A. Smolka, Radu Grosu:
Curvature Analysis of Cardiac Excitation Wavefronts. 323-336 - Qian Gao, David R. Gilbert, Monika Heiner, Fei Liu, Daniele Maccagnola, David Tree:
Multiscale Modeling and Analysis of Planar Cell Polarity in the Drosophila Wing. 337-351 - Serdar Bozdag, Timothy J. Close, Stefano Lonardi:
A Graph-Theoretical Approach to the Selection of the Minimum Tiling Path from a Physical Map. 352-360 - Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Da Lin, Li-Yeh Chuang, Hsueh-Wei Chang:
Evaluation of Breast Cancer Susceptibility Using Improved Genetic Algorithms to Generate Genotype SNP Barcodes. 361-371 - Jiaoyun Yang, Yun Xu, Xiaohui Yao, Guoliang Chen:
FNphasing: A Novel Fast Heuristic Algorithm for Haplotype Phasing Based on Flow Network Model. 372-382 - Cosmin Lazar, Jonatan Taminau, Stijn Meganck, David Steenhoff, Alain Coletta, David Y. Weiss Solís, Colin Molter, Robin Duque, Hugues Bersini, Ann Nowé:
GENESHIFT: A Nonparametric Approach for Integrating Microarray Gene Expression Data Based on the Inner Product as a Distance Measure between the Distributions of Genes. 383-392 - Camilla Bernardini, Federica Censi, Wanda Lattanzi, Giovanni Calcagnini, Alessandro Giuliani:
Gene Regulation Networks in Early Phase of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. 393-400 - Ariel E. Bayá, Pablo M. Granitto:
How Many Clusters: A Validation Index for Arbitrary-Shaped Clusters. 401-414 - Qingfeng Chen, Wei Lan, Jianxin Wang:
Mining Featured Patterns of MiRNA Interaction Based on Sequence and Structure Similarity. 415-422 - Ujjwal Maulik, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Malay Bhattacharyya, Lars Kaderali, Benedikt Brors, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Roland Eils:
Mining Quasi-Bicliques from HIV-1-Human Protein Interaction Network: A Multiobjective Biclustering Approach. 423-435 - Xiao Wang, Guo-Zheng Li:
Multilabel Learning via Random Label Selection for Protein Subcellular Multilocations Prediction. 436-446 - Yifeng Li, Alioune Ngom:
Nonnegative Least-Squares Methods for the Classification of High-Dimensional Biological Data. 447-456 - Hong-Jie Yu, De-Shuang Huang:
Normalized Feature Vectors: A Novel Alignment-Free Sequence Comparison Method Based on the Numbers of Adjacent Amino Acids. 457-467 - Chien-Ta Tu, Bor-Sen Chen:
On the Increase in Network Robustness and Decrease in Network Response Ability during the Aging Process: A Systems Biology Approach via Microarray Data. 468-480 - Kevin W. DeRonne, George Karypis:
Pareto Optimal Pairwise Sequence Alignment. 481-493 - Tsung-Heng Tsai, Mahlet G. Tadesse, Yue Joseph Wang, Habtom W. Ressom:
Profile-Based LC-MS Data Alignment-A Bayesian Approach. 494-503 - Ali Gholami Rudi, Saeed Shahrivari, Saeed Jalili, Zahra Razaghi Moghadam Kashani:
RANGI: A Fast List-Colored Graph Motif Finding Algorithm. 504-513 - Wei Liu, Dong Li, Yunping Zhu, Hongwei Xie, Fuchu He:
Reconstruction of Signaling Network from Protein Interactions Based on Function Annotations. 514-521 - Pawel Górecki, Oliver Eulenstein, Jerzy Tiuryn:
Unrooted Tree Reconciliation: A Unified Approach. 522-536 - Nader Meskin, Hazem N. Nounou, Mohamed N. Nounou, Aniruddha Datta:
Parameter Estimation of Biological Phenomena: An Unscented Kalman Filter Approach. 537-543
Volume 10, Number 3, May - June 2013
- Saima Rathore, Mutawarra Hussain, Ahmad Ali, Asifullah Khan:
A Recent Survey on Colon Cancer Detection Techniques. 545-563 - Magnus Bordewich, Radu Mihaescu:
Accuracy Guarantees for Phylogeny Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Balanced Minimum Evolution. 576-583 - Yi Ming Zou:
Boolean Networks with Multiexpressions and Parameters. 584-592 - Hasan M. Jamil:
Designing Integrated Computational Biology Pipelines Visually. 605-618 - Francesco Abate, Andrea Acquaviva, Elisa Ficarra, Roberto Piva, Enrico Macii:
Gelsius: A Literature-Based Workflow for Determining Quantitative Associations between Genes and Biological Processes. 619-631 - Md. Muksitul Haque, Lawrence B. Holder, Michael K. Skinner, Diane J. Cook:
Generalized Query-Based Active Learning to Identify Differentially Methylated Regions in DNA. 632-644 - Gordon Gremme, Sascha Steinbiss, Stefan Kurtz:
GenomeTools: A Comprehensive Software Library for Efficient Processing of Structured Genome Annotations. 645-656 - Ola ElBakry, M. Omair Ahmad, M. N. S. Swamy:
Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks with Variable Time Delay from Time-Series Microarray Data. 671-687 - Xiong Li, Bo Liao, Lijun Cai, Zhi Cao, Wen Zhu:
Informative SNPs Selection Based on Two-Locus and Multilocus Linkage Disequilibrium: Criteria of Max-Correlation and Min-Redundancy. 688-695 - Tak-Ming Chan, Leung-Yau Lo, Ho-Yin Sze-To, Kwong-Sak Leung, Xinshu Xiao, Man Hon Wong:
Modeling Associated Protein-DNA Pattern Discovery with Unified Scores. 696-707 - Yang Tang, Huijun Gao, Jürgen Kurths:
Multiobjective Identification of Controlling Areas in Neuronal Networks. 708-720 - Peter J. Humphries, Taoyang Wu:
On the Neighborhoods of Trees. 721-728 - Yijia Zhang, Hongfei Lin, Zhihao Yang, Jian Wang, Yanpeng Li, Bo Xu:
Protein Complex Prediction in Large Ontology Attributed Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. 729-741 - Debarka Sengupta, Aroonalok Pyne, Ujjwal Maulik, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay:
Reformulated Kemeny Optimal Aggregation with Application in Consensus Ranking of microRNA Targets. 742-751 - Jian-Sheng Wu, Zhi-Hua Zhou:
Sequence-Based Prediction of microRNA-Binding Residues in Proteins Using Cost-Sensitive Laplacian Support Vector Machines. 752-759 - Fiete Haack, Kevin Burrage, Ronald Redmer, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Studying the Role of Lipid Rafts on Protein Receptor Bindings with Cellular Automata. 760-770 - Wei Zhang, Xiufen Zou:
Systematic Analysis of the Mechanisms of Virus-Triggered Type I IFN Signaling Pathways through Mathematical Modeling. 771-779 - Sara P. Garcia, João M. O. S. Rodrigues, Sérgio Santos, Diogo Pratas, Vera Afreixo, Carlos A. C. Bastos, Paulo Jorge S. G. Ferreira, Armando J. Pinho:
A Genomic Distance for Assembly Comparison Based on Compressed Maximal Exact Matches. 793-798 - Md. Osman Goni:
A New Approach to Implement Absorbing Boundary Condition in Biomolecular Electrostatics. 799-804 - Edoardo Milotti, Vladislav Vyshemirsky, Michela Sega, Sabrina Stella, Federico Dogo, Roberto Chignola:
Computer-Aided Biophysical Modeling: A Quantitative Approach to Complex Biological Systems. 805-810 - Stefan Ivanov, Ivan Dimitrov, Irini A. Doytchinova:
Quantitative Prediction of Peptide Binding to HLA-DP1 Protein. 811-815
Volume 10, Number 4, July - August 2013
- Marcilio C. P. de Souto, Maricel G. Kann:
Guest Editorial for Special Section on BSB 2012. 817-818 - Pedro Feijão, João Meidanis:
Extending the Algebraic Formalism for Genome Rearrangements to Include Linear Chromosomes. 819-831 - Ronny Lorenz, Stephan H. Bernhart, Jing Qin, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen, Andrea Tanzer, Fabian Amman, Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler:
2D Meets 4G: G-Quadruplexes in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction. 832-844 - Pablo A. Jaskowiak, Ricardo J. G. B. Campello, Ivan G. Costa:
Proximity Measures for Clustering Gene Expression Microarray Data: A Validation Methodology and a Comparative Analysis. 845-857 - Surajit Panja, Sourav Patra, Anirban Mukherjee, Madhumita Basu, Sanghamitra Sengupta, Pranab Kumar Dutta:
A Closed-Loop Control Scheme for Steering Steady States of Glycolysis and Glycogenolysis Pathway. 858-868 - Oyku Eren Ozsoy, Tolga Can:
A Divide and Conquer Approach for Construction of Large-Scale Signaling Networks from PPI and RNAi Data Using Linear Programming. 869-883 - Ken D. Nguyen, Yi Pan:
A Knowledge-Based Multiple-Sequence Alignment Algorithm. 884-896 - Lishuang Li, Wenting Fan, Degen Huang:
A Two-Phase Bio-NER System Based on Integrated Classifiers and Multiagent Strategy. 897-904 - Nan Liu, Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu, Binhai Zhu:
An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Scaffold Filling to Maximize the Common Adjacencies. 905-913 - Mouli Das, C. A. Murthy, Rajat K. De:
An Optimization Rule for In Silico Identification of Targeted Overproduction in Metabolic Pathways. 914-926 - Chao Luo, Xingyuan Wang:
Algebraic Representation of Asynchronous Multiple-Valued Networks and Its Dynamics. 927-938 - Mukul S. Bansal, Oliver Eulenstein:
Algorithms for Genome-Scale Phylogenetics Using Gene Tree Parsimony. 939-956 - Ádám M. Halász, Hong-Jian Lai, Meghan McCabe Pryor, Krishnan Radhakrishnan, Jeremy S. Edwards:
Analytical Solution of Steady-State Equations for Chemical Reaction Networks with Bilinear Rate Laws. 957-969 - Andrei Todor, Alin Dobra, Tamer Kahveci:
Characterizing the Topology of Probabilistic Biological Networks. 970-983 - Onur Seref, J. Paul Brooks, Stephen S. Fong:
Decomposition of Flux Distributions into Metabolic Pathways. 984-993 - Dong-Jun Yu, Jun Hu, Jing Yang, Hong-Bin Shen, Jinhui Tang, Jing-Yu Yang:
Designing Template-Free Predictor for Targeting Protein-Ligand Binding Sites with Classifier Ensemble and Spatial Clustering. 994-1008 - Sergio Torres-Sánchez, Nuria Medina-Medina, Christopher Gignoux, María M. Abad-Grau, Esteban Gonzàlez Burchard:
GeneOnEarth: Fitting Genetic PC Plots on the Globe. 1009-1016 - Yuan Zhu, Weiqiang Zhou, Dao-Qing Dai, Hong Yan:
Identification of DNA-Binding and Protein-Binding Proteins Using Enhanced Graph Wavelet Features. 1017-1031 - Claudio Angione, Giovanni Carapezza, Jole Costanza, Pietro Liò, Giuseppe Nicosia:
Pareto Optimality in Organelle Energy Metabolism Analysis. 1032-1044 - Guo-Xian Yu, Huzefa Rangwala, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Zhiwen Yu:
Protein Function Prediction Using Multilabel Ensemble Classification. 1045-1057 - José Ignacio Requeno, Gregorio de Miguel Casado, Roberto Blanco, José Manuel Colom:
Temporal Logics for Phylogenetic Analysis via Model Checking. 1058-1070 - Farid Rajabli, Ünal Göktas, Gul Inan:
Application of Dempster-Schafer Method in Family-Based Association Studies. 1071-1075 - Kevaughn Gordon, Eric Ford, Katherine St. John:
Hamiltonian Walks of Phylogenetic Treespaces. 1076-1079 - Tianwei Yu, Hesen Peng:
Hierarchical Clustering of High- Throughput Expression Data Based on General Dependences. 1080-1085
Volume 10, Number 5, September 2013
- Kuan-Liang Liu, Tzu-Tsung Wong:
Naïve Bayesian Classifiers with Multinomial Models for rRNA Taxonomic Assignment. 1 - Tamer Kahveci, Mona Singh:
Guest Editorial for ACM BCB. 1089-1090 - Reginaldo Kuroshu:
Nonoverlapping Clone Pooling for High-Throughput Sequencing. 1091-1097 - K. S. M. Tozammel Hossain, Debprakash Patnaik, Srivatsan Laxman, Prateek Jain, Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Naren Ramakrishnan:
Improved Multiple Sequence Alignments Using Coupled Pattern Mining. 1098-1112 - Ahsanur Rahman, Christopher L. Poirel, David Badger, Craig Estep, T. M. Murali:
Reverse Engineering Molecular Hypergraphs. 1113-1124 - Mehmet Umut Caglar, Ranadip Pal:
Stochastic Model Simulation Using Kronecker Product Analysis and Zassenhaus Formula Approximation. 1125-1136 - Ming-Chi Tsai, Guy E. Blelloch, R. Ravi, Russell Schwartz:
Coalescent-Based Method for Learning Parameters of Admixture Events from Large-Scale Genetic Variation Data. 1137-1149 - Oben M. Tataw, G. Venugopala Reddy, Eamonn J. Keogh, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury:
Quantitative Analysis of Live-Cell Growth at the Shoot Apex of Arabidopsis thaliana: Algorithms for Feature Measurement and Temporal Alignment. 1150-1161 - Kevin Molloy, Sameh N. Saleh, Amarda Shehu:
Probabilistic Search and Energy Guidance for Biased Decoy Sampling in Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction. 1162-1175 - Yao-ming Huang, Chris Bystroff:
Expanded Explorations into the Optimization of an Energy Function for Protein Design. 1176-1187 - Seth Blumenthal, Yisheng Tang, Wenjie Yang, Brian Yuan Chen:
Isolating Influential Regions of Electrostatic Focusing in Protein and DNA Structure. 1188-1198 - Pavel P. Kuksa:
Biological Sequence Classification with Multivariate String Kernels. 1201-1210