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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 57
Volume 57, Number 1, January 2012
- Jinglai Shen:
Positive Invariance of Constrained Affine Dynamics and Its Applications to Hybrid Systems and Safety Verification. 3-18 - Javad Lavaei, Richard M. Murray:
Quantized Consensus by Means of Gossip Algorithm. 19-32 - Yongcan Cao, Wei Ren:
Distributed Coordinated Tracking With Reduced Interaction via a Variable Structure Approach. 33-48 - M. H. R. Khouzani, Eitan Altman, Saswati Sarkar:
Optimal Quarantining of Wireless Malware Through Reception Gain Control. 49-61 - Rajeev Verma, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Safety Control of Hidden Mode Hybrid Systems. 62-77 - Zhuo Han, Kumpati S. Narendra:
New Concepts in Adaptive Control Using Multiple Models. 78-89 - Fabio Pasqualetti, Antonio Bicchi, Francesco Bullo:
Consensus Computation in Unreliable Networks: A System Theoretic Approach. 90-104 - Rong Su, Jan H. van Schuppen, Jacobus E. Rooda:
The Synthesis of Time Optimal Supervisors by Using Heaps-of-Pieces. 105-118 - Filippo Cacace, Alfredo Germani, Costanzo Manes, Roberto Setola:
A New Approach to the Internally Positive Representation of Linear MIMO Systems. 119-134 - Puneet Sharma, Srinivasa M. Salapaka, Carolyn L. Beck:
Entropy-Based Framework for Dynamic Coverage and Clustering Problems. 135-150 - Minghui Zhu, Sonia Martínez:
On Distributed Convex Optimization Under Inequality and Equality Constraints. 151-164 - Jiaqiao Hu, Ping Hu, Hyeong Soo Chang:
A Stochastic Approximation Framework for a Class of Randomized Optimization Algorithms. 165-178 - Jun-Min Wang, Beibei Ren, Miroslav Krstic:
Stabilization and Gevrey Regularity of a Schrödinger Equation in Boundary Feedback With a Heat Equation. 179-185 - Bruno Picasso, Delia Desiderio, Riccardo Scattolini:
Robust Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems With Application to MPC. 185-191 - Jeferson Vieira Flores, João Manoel Gomes da Silva, Luís Fernando Alves Pereira, Daniel G. Sbarbaro:
Repetitive Control Design for MIMO Systems With Saturating Actuators. 192-198 - Hendra I. Nurdin, Ian R. Petersen, Matthew R. James:
On the Infeasibility of Entanglement Generation in Gaussian Quantum Systems via Classical Control. 198-203 - Maxim Kristalny, Leonid Mirkin:
On the H2 Two-Sided Model Matching Problem With Preview. 204-209 - Mazen Farhood:
LPV Control of Nonstationary Systems: A Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Approach. 209-215 - Franco Blanchini, Mario Sznaier:
A Convex Optimization Approach to Synthesizing Bounded Complexity l∞ Filters. 216-221 - Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Estelle Cherrier, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
Cascade High Gain Predictors for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 221-226 - Wenling Li, Yingmin Jia:
Consensus-Based Distributed Multiple Model UKF for Jump Markov Nonlinear Systems. 227-233 - Peter Benner, Vasile Sima, Matthias Voigt:
L∞-Norm Computation for Continuous-Time Descriptor Systems Using Structured Matrix Pencils. 233-238 - Ashwin P. Dani, Nicholas R. Fischer, Warren E. Dixon:
Single Camera Structure and Motion. 238-243 - Sérgio Loureiro Fraga, Fernando M. Lobo Pereira:
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation and Feedback Synthesis for Impulsive Control. 244-249 - Huajing Fang, Zhihai Wu, Jia Wei:
Improvement for Consensus Performance of Multi-Agent Systems Based on Weighted Average Prediction. 249-254 - Nitin Sharma, Shubhendu Bhasin, Qiang Wang, Warren E. Dixon:
RISE-Based Adaptive Control of a Control Affine Uncertain Nonlinear System With Unknown State Delays. 255-259 - Tarek Raïssi, Denis V. Efimov, Ali Zolghadri:
Interval State Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 260-265 - Jerome Le Ny, Eric Feron, Emilio Frazzoli:
On the Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem. 265-270 - Augusto Ferrante, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
Comments on "Structural Invariant Subspaces of Singular Hamiltonian Systems and Nonrecursive Solutions of Finite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems". 270-272
Volume 57, Number 2, February 2012
- Riccardo M. G. Ferrari, Thomas Parisini, Marios M. Polycarpou:
Distributed Fault Detection and Isolation of Large-Scale Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems: An Adaptive Approximation Approach. 275-290 - Saurabh Amin, Falk M. Hante, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Exponential Stability of Switched Linear Hyperbolic Initial-Boundary Value Problems. 291-301 - Michael Cantoni, Ulf T. Jönsson, Chung-Yao Kao:
Robustness Analysis for Feedback Interconnections of Distributed Systems via Integral Quadratic Constraints. 302-317 - Augusto Ferrante, Michele Pavon, Mattia Zorzi:
A Maximum Entropy Enhancement for a Family of High-Resolution Spectral Estimators. 318-329 - Yao-Lin Jiang, Hai-Bao Chen:
Time Domain Model Order Reduction of General Orthogonal Polynomials for Linear Input-Output Systems. 330-343 - Sergio Galeani, Laura Menini, Alessandro Potini:
Robust Trajectory Tracking for a Class of Hybrid Systems: An Internal Model Principle Approach. 344-359 - Takeshi Hatanaka, Yuji Igarashi, Masayuki Fujita, Mark W. Spong:
Passivity-Based Pose Synchronization in Three Dimensions. 360-375 - Chang-Woo Yang, Adam Wierman, Sanjay Shakkottai, Mor Harchol-Balter:
Many Flows Asymptotics for SMART Scheduling Policies. 376-391 - Ali Kakhbod, Demosthenis Teneketzis:
An Efficient Game Form for Unicast Service Provisioning. 392-404 - Soummya Kar, Bruno Sinopoli, José M. F. Moura:
Kalman Filtering With Intermittent Observations: Weak Convergence to a Stationary Distribution. 405-420 - Jingjin Yu, Steven M. LaValle, Daniel Liberzon:
Rendezvous Without Coordinates. 421-434 - R. S. Sreenivas:
On the Existence of Supervisory Policies That Enforce Liveness in Partially Controlled Free-Choice Petri Nets. 435-449 - Emanuele Garone, Bruno Sinopoli, Andrea Goldsmith, Alessandro Casavola:
LQG Control for MIMO Systems Over Multiple Erasure Channels With Perfect Acknowledgment. 450-456 - Ping Zhang, Steven X. Ding, Ping Liu:
A Lifting Based Approach to Observer Based Fault Detection of Linear Periodic Systems. 457-462 - Saïd Amari, Isabel Demongodin, Jean Jacques Loiseau, Claude Martinez:
Max-Plus Control Design for Temporal Constraints Meeting in Timed Event Graphs. 462-467 - Ming Hou:
Parameter Identification of Sinusoids. 467-472 - Mark R. Opmeer:
Model Order Reduction by Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and by Rational Interpolation. 472-477 - Abdullah Omar Hamadeh, Guy-Bart Stan, Rodolphe Sepulchre, Jorge M. Gonçalves:
Global State Synchronization in Networks of Cyclic Feedback Systems. 478-483 - Sabine Mondié, Daniel Alejandro Melchor-Aguilar:
Exponential Stability of Integral Delay Systems With a Class of Analytic Kernels. 484-489 - Ying-Chao Hung, George Michailidis:
Stability and Control of Acyclic Stochastic Processing Networks With Shared Resources. 489-494 - Fabrizio Padula, Antonio Visioli:
On the Stabilizing PID Controllers for Integral Processes. 494-499 - Tian Ge, Wei Lin, Jianfeng Feng:
Invariance Principles Allowing of Non-Lyapunov Functions for Estimating Attractor of Discrete Dynamical Systems. 500-505 - David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés:
Reset Adaptive Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 506-511 - Pascal Dufour, Saida Flila, Hassan Hammouri:
Observer Design for MIMO Non-Uniformly Observable Systems. 511-516 - Vito Cerone, Dario Piga, Diego Regruto:
Set-Membership Error-in-Variables Identification Through Convex Relaxation Techniques. 517-522 - Qian Sang, Gang Tao:
Adaptive Control of Piecewise Linear Systems: the State Tracking Case. 522-528 - Jinfeng Liu, Xianzhong Chen, David Muñoz de la Peña, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Iterative Distributed Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems: Handling Asynchronous, Delayed Measurements. 528-534 - Giordano Pola, Alessandro Borri, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto:
Integrated Design of Symbolic Controllers for Nonlinear Systems. 534-539
Volume 57, Number 3, March 2012
- Scanning The Issue. 548-549
- Yuichi Tazaki, Jun-ichi Imura:
Discrete Abstractions of Nonlinear Systems Based on Error Propagation Analysis. 550-564 - Hui Sun, Naira Hovakimyan, Tamer Basar:
L1 Adaptive Controller for Uncertain Nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output Systems With Input Quantization. 565-578 - Fernando Paganini, Ao Tang, Andrés Ferragut, Lachlan L. H. Andrew:
Network Stability Under Alpha Fair Bandwidth Allocation With General File Size Distribution. 579-591 - John C. Duchi, Alekh Agarwal, Martin J. Wainwright:
Dual Averaging for Distributed Optimization: Convergence Analysis and Network Scaling. 592-606 - Duarte Antunes, João P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre:
Volterra Integral Approach to Impulsive Renewal Systems: Application to Networked Control. 607-619 - William B. Dunbar, Derek Caveney:
Distributed Receding Horizon Control of Vehicle Platoons: Stability and String Stability. 620-633 - Necmiye Ozay, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M. Lagoa, Octavia I. Camps:
A Sparsification Approach to Set Membership Identification of Switched Affine Systems. 634-648 - Hua Ouyang, Ian R. Petersen, Valery A. Ugrinovskii:
Lagrange Stabilization of Pendulum-Like Systems: A Pseudo H∞ Control Approach. 649-662 - Guodong Shi, Yiguang Hong, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Connectivity and Set Tracking of Multi-Agent Systems Guided by Multiple Moving Leaders. 663-676 - Yilin Mo, Bruno Sinopoli:
Kalman Filtering With Intermittent Observations: Tail Distribution and Critical Value. 677-689 - Birgit Jacob, Kirsten Morris:
Second-Order Systems With Acceleration Measurements. 690-700 - Lacra Pavel, Liz Chang:
Lyapunov-Based Boundary Control for A Class of Hyperbolic Lotka-Volterra Systems. 701-714 - Qing-Shan Jia, Ling Shi, Yilin Mo, Bruno Sinopoli:
On Optimal Partial Broadcasting of Wireless Sensor Networks for Kalman Filtering. 715-721 - Shin-Young Cheong, Michael G. Safonov:
Slow-Fast Controller Decomposition Bumpless Transfer for Adaptive Switching Control. 721-726 - Xuewu Dai, Zhiwei Gao, Tim Breikin, Hong Wang:
High-Gain Observer-Based Estimation of Parameter Variations With Delay Alignment. 726-732 - David Gómez-Gutiérrez, Antonio Ramírez-Treviño, José Javier Ruiz-León, Stefano Di Gennaro:
On the Observability of Continuous-Time Switched Linear Systems Under Partially Unknown Inputs. 732-738 - Zhijun Cai, Er-Wei Bai:
How Nonlinear Parametric Wiener System Identification is Under Gaussian Inputs? 738-742 - Gianfranco Parlangeli, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
On the Reachability and Observability of Path and Cycle Graphs. 743-748 - Hisao Katoh:
Sampling Theorem for Periodic Ripple Problem. 748-753 - Bo Liu, Wenlian Lu, Tianping Chen:
Synchronization in Complex Networks With Stochastically Switching Coupling Structures. 754-760 - Minyong Shin, James A. Primbs:
A Riccati Based Interior Point Algorithm for the Computation in Constrained Stochastic MPC. 760-765 - Bo Wahlberg, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Petre Stoica:
On the Performance of Optimal Input Signals for Frequency Response Estimation. 766-771 - Xiongjun Wu, Zongli Lin:
On Immediate, Delayed and Anticipatory Activation of Anti-Windup Mechanism: Static Anti-Windup Case. 771-777 - Thang Nguyen-Tien, Wu-Chung Su, Zoran Gajic:
Variable Structure Control for Singularly Perturbed Linear Continuous Systems With Matched Disturbances. 777-783 - Dario Bauso, Laura Giarré, Raffaele Pesenti:
Quantized Dissensus in Networks of Agents Subject to Death and Duplication. 783-788 - Sander Wahls, Holger Boche:
Lower Bounds on the Infima in Some H∞ Optimization Problems. 788-793 - Ather Gattami, Bo Bernhardsson, Anders Rantzer:
Robust Team Decision Theory. 794-798 - Shigemasa Takai, Toshimitsu Ushio:
Verification of Codiagnosability for Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Mealy Automata With Nondeterministic Output Functions. 798-804 - Eduardo Camponogara, Marcelo Lopes de Lima:
Distributed Optimization for MPC of Linear Networks With Uncertain Dynamics. 804-809 - Xiao-Shi Xiao, Zhi-Zhong Mao, Jinliang Liu, Dong Yue, Songlin Hu, Zhou Gu:
Comments on "Decentralized Stabilization of Interconnected Systems With Time-Varying Delays". 809-810 - Magdi Sadek Mahmoud:
Author's Reply to Comments on "Decentralized Stabilization of Interconnected Systems With Time-Varying Delays". 811
Volume 57, Number 4, April 2012
- Zhoujia Mao, Can Emre Koksal, Ness B. Shroff:
Near Optimal Power and Rate Control of Multi-Hop Sensor Networks With Energy Replenishment: Basic Limitations With Finite Energy and Data Storage. 815-829 - Yoav Sharon, Daniel Liberzon:
Input to State Stabilizing Controller for Systems With Coarse Quantization. 830-844 - Luca Consolini, Fabio Morbidi, Domenico Prattichizzo, Mario Tosques:
On a Class of Hierarchical Formations of Unicycles and Their Internal Dynamics. 845-859 - Cristian R. Rojas, Juan C. Agüero, James S. Welsh, Graham C. Goodwin, Arie Feuer:
Robustness in Experiment Design. 860-874 - Shun-ichi Azuma, Toshiharu Sugie:
Dynamic Quantization of Nonlinear Control Systems. 875-888 - Iman Shames, Soura Dasgupta, Baris Fidan, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Circumnavigation Using Distance Measurements Under Slow Drift. 889-903 - Milos S. Stankovic, Karl Henrik Johansson, Dusan M. Stipanovic:
Distributed Seeking of Nash Equilibria With Applications to Mobile Sensor Networks. 904-919 - Huibing Yin, Prashant G. Mehta, Sean P. Meyn, Uday V. Shanbhag:
Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators is a Game. 920-935 - Sanam Mirzazad-Barijough, Ji-Woong Lee:
Stability and Transient Performance of Discrete-Time Piecewise Affine Systems. 936-949 - Adolfo Anta Martinez, Paulo Tabuada:
Exploiting Isochrony in Self-Triggered Control. 950-962 - Ismail Ilker Delice, Rifat Sipahi:
Delay-Independent Stability Test for Systems With Multiple Time-Delays. 963-972 - Ajay Gautam, Yun-Chung Chu, Yeng Chai Soh:
Optimized Dynamic Policy for Receding Horizon Control of Linear Time-Varying Systems With Bounded Disturbances. 973-988 - Chenliang Wang, Yan Lin:
Multivariable Adaptive Backstepping Control: A Norm Estimation Approach. 989-995 - Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
High Gain Observer Design for Some Networked Control Systems. 995-1000 - Paul Frogerais, Jean-Jacques Bellanger, Lotfi Senhadji:
Various Ways to Compute the Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter. 1000-1004 - Jie Lu, Choon Yik Tang:
Controlled Hopwise Averaging and Its Convergence Rate. 1005-1012 - Sachin Adlakha, Sanjay Lall, Andrea Goldsmith:
Networked Markov Decision Processes With Delays. 1013-1018 - Miroslav Baric, Francesco Borrelli:
Decentralized Robust Control Invariance for a Network of Storage Devices. 1018-1024 - Michael Chang, Ricardo Mancera, Michael G. Safonov:
Computation of Zames-Falb Multipliers Revisited. 1024-1029 - Hyung Sik Shin, Sanjay Lall:
Decentralized Control via Gröbner Bases and Variable Elimination. 1030-1035 - Jaime A. Moreno, Marisol Osorio:
Strict Lyapunov Functions for the Super-Twisting Algorithm. 1035-1040 - Simone Baldi, Petros A. Ioannou, Edoardo Mosca:
Multiple Model Adaptive Mixing Control: The Discrete-Time Case. 1040-1045 - Antoine Girard, Samuel Martin:
Synthesis for Constrained Nonlinear Systems Using Hybridization and Robust Controllers on Simplices. 1046-1051 - Subashish Datta, Debraj Chakraborty, Balarko Chaudhuri:
Partial Pole Placement with Controller Optimization. 1051-1056 - Pengnian Chen, Mingxuan Sun, Qiuzhen Yan, Xueyi Fang:
Adaptive Asymptotic Rejection of Unmatched General Periodic Disturbances in Output-Feedback Nonlinear Systems. 1056-1061 - Youfeng Su, Jie Huang:
Cooperative Output Regulation of Linear Multi-Agent Systems. 1062-1066 - Kiheon Park:
Parameterization of Decoupling Controllers in the Generalized Plant Model. 1067-1070 - Bart Besselink, Nathan van de Wouw, Henk Nijmeijer:
Model Reduction for a Class of Convergent Nonlinear Systems. 1071-1076 - Arie Levant, Miki Livne:
Exact Differentiation of Signals With Unbounded Higher Derivatives. 1076-1080 - Alexandre Trofino, Cesar Cataldo Scharlau, Daniel Ferreira Coutinho:
Corrections to "Switching Rule Design for Switched Dynamic Systems With Affine Vector Fields". 1080-1082