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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 49
Volume 49, Number 1, 2004
- Scanning. 1
- Xuping Xu, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Optimal control of switched systems based on parameterization of the switching instants. 2-16 - Alessandro Giua
, Carla Seatzu, Francesco Basile
Observer-based state-feedback control of timed Petri nets with deadlock recovery. 17-29 - Yanfei Liu, Kevin M. Passino:
Stable social foraging swarms in a noisy environment. 30-44 - Bor-Sen Chen, Weihai Zhang:
Stochastic H2/H∞ control with state-dependent noise. 45-57 - Lidija Trailovic, Lucy Y. Pao:
Computing budget allocation for efficient ranking and selection of variances with application to target tracking algorithms. 58-67 - Javad Sadr, Roland P. Malhamé
Decomposition/aggregation-based dynamic programming optimization of partially homogeneous unreliable transfer lines. 68-81 - Wing Shing Wong, Chi Wan Sung
Robust convergence of low-data rate-distributed controllers. 82-87 - John L. Maryak, James C. Spall, Bryan D. Heydon:
Use of the Kalman filter for inference in state-space models with unknown noise distributions. 87-90 - Youshen Xia, Gang Feng
On convergence rate of projection neural networks. 91-96 - Alexander S. Poznyak, Leonid M. Fridman
, Francisco Javier Bejarano
Mini-max integral sliding-mode control for multimodel linear uncertain systems. 97-102 - Lang Hong, Shan Cong, Devert Wicker:
Distributed multirate interacting multiple model fusion (DMRIMMF) with application to out-of-sequence GMTI data. 102-107 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Leopoldo Jetto, Giuseppe Orlando
Robust stabilization of multivariable uncertain plants via switching control. 107-114 - Jaewook Lee:
An optimization-driven framework for the computation of the controlling UEP in transient stability analysis. 115-119 - Alain Rapaport
, Alessandro Astolfi
A remark on the stability of interconnected nonlinear systems. 120-124 - Amit Ailon, Reuven Segev
, Shai A. Arogeti
A simple velocity-free controller for attitude regulation of a spacecraft with delayed feedback. 125-130 - Leonid Mirkin
, Gjerrit Meinsma:
When does the H∞ fixed-lag smoothing performance saturate for a finite smoothing lag? 131-134 - John Tsinias:
Propagating asymptotic controllability through integrators. 134-140 - Xiaochang A. Wang:
On static output feedback stabilization of systems with stable generalized zero dynamics. 141-145 - András Varga:
Computation of minimal periodic realizations of transfer-function matrices. 146-149 - Ananth Subramanian, Ali H. Sayed:
Multiobjective filter design for uncertain stochastic time-delay systems. 149-154
Volume 49, Number 2, 2004
- Scanning. 161
- John T. Wen, Murat Arcak:
A unifying passivity framework for network flow control. 162-174 - Béatrice Laroche
, Daniel Claude:
Flatness-based control of PER protein oscillations in a drosophila model. 175-183 - Elena De Santis
, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto
, Luca Berardi:
Computation of maximal safe sets for switching systems. 184-195 - Iasson Karafyllis, John Tsinias:
Nonuniform in time input-to-state stability and the small-gain theorem. 196-216 - Henrik Sandberg
, Anders Rantzer:
Balanced truncation of linear time-varying systems. 217-229 - Kazuyoshi Mori:
Relationship between standard control problem and model-matching problem without coprime factorizability. 230-233 - André Monin:
ARMAX identification via hereditary algorithm. 233-238 - Gonzalo Camba-Mendez, George Kapetanios:
Bootstrap statistical tests of rank determination for system identification. 238-243 - Gianni Bianchini
, Roberto Genesio, Alessandro Parenti
, Alberto Tesi
Global H∞ controllers for a class of nonlinear systems. 244-249 - Amin Nobakhti, Neil Munro:
A new method for singular value loop shaping in design of multiple-channel controllers. 249-253 - Guangdi Hu, Edward J. Davison:
Real controllability/stabilizability radius of LTI systems. 254-257 - Z. H. Shao:
Robust stability of two-time-scale systems with nonlinear uncertainties. 258-261 - Marilena Vendittelli
, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Frédéric Jean
, Jean-Paul Laumond:
Nonhomogeneous nilpotent approximations for nonholonomic systems with singularities. 261-266 - Zachary Jarvis-Wloszek, Douglas Philbrick, M. Alpay Kaya, Andrew K. Packard, Gary J. Balas:
Control with disturbance preview and online optimization. 266-270 - Subbarao Varigonda
, Tryphon T. Georgiou
, Prodromos Daoutidis:
Numerical solution of the optimal periodic control problem using differential flatness. 271-275 - Jian-Xin Xu, Jing Xu:
Observer based learning control for a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying parametric uncertainties. 275-281 - Hao Ye, Guizeng Wang, Steven X. Ding:
A new parity space approach for fault detection based on stationary wavelet transform. 281-287 - Yongsoon Eun, Pierre T. Kabamba, Semyon M. Meerkov:
System types in feedback control with saturating actuators. 287-291 - Vimal Singh, Dinesh Chandra, Haranath Kar
Improved Routh-Pade' approximants: a computer-aided approach. 292-296 - Ryozo Nagamune:
A shaping limitation of rational sensitivity functions with a degree constraint. 296-300 - Ryozo Nagamune:
Closed-loop shaping based on Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation with a degree bound. 300-305 - Jakob Stoustrup
, Vincent D. Blondel:
Fault tolerant control: a simultaneous stabilization result. 305-310 - Stephen Prajna, Pablo A. Parrilo
, Anders Rantzer:
Nonlinear control synthesis by convex optimization. 310-314 - Mohsen Mojiri, Alireza R. Bakhshai:
An adaptive notch filter for frequency estimation of a periodic signal. 314-318
Volume 49, Number 3, 2004
- Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Robert Elliott, Mark Davis:
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Stochastic Control Methods in Financial Engineering. 321-323 - Scanning the Issue. 324-325
- Floyd B. Hanson, John J. Westman:
Optimal portfolio and consumption policies subject to Rishel's important jump events model: computational methods. 326-337 - Yong Zeng:
Estimating stochastic volatility via filtering for the micromovement of asset prices. 338-348 - Gang George Yin, Xun Yu Zhou:
Markowitz's mean-variance portfolio selection with regime switching: from discrete-time models to their continuous-time limits. 349-360 - Tomasz R. Bielecki, Marek Rutkowski
Modeling of the defaultable term structure: conditionally Markov approach. 361-373 - Tze Leung Lai, Samuel Po-Shing Wong:
Valuation of American options via basis functions. 374-385 - Paolo Dai Pra, Wolfgang J. Runggaldier, Marco Tolotti
Pathwise optimality for benchmark tracking. 386-395 - Olga Bobrovnytska, Martin Schweizer:
Mean-variance hedging and stochastic control: beyond the Brownian setting. 396-408 - Boda Kang
, Jerzy A. Filar
, Yuanlie Lin, Lieneke Spanjers:
Stochastic target hitting time and the problem of early retirement. 409-419 - Tomasz R. Bielecki, Stanley R. Pliska
Risk-sensitive ICAPM with application to fixed-income management. 420-432 - Alain Bensoussan
Remarks on the pricing of contingent claims under constraints. 433-441 - Nicole Bäuerle
, Ulrich Rieder:
Portfolio optimization with Markov-modulated stock prices and interest rates. 442-447 - Shushang Zhu, Duan Li
, Shouyang Wang
Risk control over bankruptcy in dynamic portfolio selection: a generalized mean-variance formulation. 447-457 - Lukasz Stettner:
Risk-sensitive portfolio optimization with completely and partially observed factors. 457-464 - System Identification: Linear vs. Nonlinear. 465
Volume 49, Number 4, 2004
- Scanning the Issue. 469
- João P. Hespanha:
Uniform stability of switched linear systems: extensions of LaSalle's Invariance Principle. 470-482 - Joseph A. Ball
, Mark A. Petersen, Arjan van der Schaft:
Inner-outer factorization for nonlinear noninvertible systems. 483-492 - Haitao Fang, Xi-Ren Cao:
Potential-based online policy iteration algorithms for Markov decision processes. 493-505 - Jinglai Shen
, N. Harris McClamroch, Anthony M. Bloch:
Local equilibrium controllability of multibody systems controlled via shape change. 506-520 - Daniel Goeleven, Bernard Brogliato:
Stability and instability matrices for linear evolution variational inequalities. 521-534 - Tingshu Hu
, Bin Huang, Zongli Lin:
Absolute stability with a generalized sector condition. 535-548 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, Iven M. Y. Mareels
, David J. Hill
, Jie Huang:
A unifying framework for global regulation via nonlinear output feedback: from ISS to iISS. 549-562 - Pradip K. Sinha, Alexandre N. Pechev:
Nonlinear H∞ controllers for electromagnetic suspension systems. 563-568 - Shengyuan Xu, James Lam:
Robust stability and stabilization of discrete singular systems: an equivalent characterization. 568-574 - Jun Zhao, Georgi M. Dimirovski
Quadratic stability of a class of switched nonlinear systems. 574-578 - Jian-Xin Xu:
A new periodic adaptive control approach for time-varying parameters with known periodicity. 579-583 - Han-Fu Chen, Haitao Fang:
Output tracking for nonlinear stochastic systems by iterative learning control. 583-588 - Kazuyoshi Mori:
Elementary proof of controller parametrization without coprime factorizability. 589-592 - Shalabh Bhatnagar
, Shishir Kumar:
A simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation-based actor-critic algorithm for Markov decision processes. 592-598 - Nikita E. Barabanov, Romeo Ortega:
On the solvability of extended Riccati equations. 598-602 - Han Ho Choi:
An analysis and design method for uncertain variable structure systems with bounded controllers. 602-607 - Tzila Shamir:
How should an autonomous vehicle overtake a slower moving vehicle: design and analysis of an optimal trajectory. 607-610 - Hansheng Wu:
Adaptive robust tracking and model following of uncertain dynamical systems with multiple time delays. 611-616 - Dirk V. Arnold
, Hans-Georg Beyer
Performance analysis of evolutionary optimization with cumulative step length adaptation. 617-622 - Zhiyun Lin
, Mireille E. Broucke, Bruce A. Francis:
Local control strategies for groups of mobile autonomous agents. 622-629 - Tae-Yong Doh:
Comments on "Robust iterative learning control design is straightforward for uncertain LTI systems satisfying the robust performance condition". 629-630 - Walter Murray Wonham:
Comments on "feedback control logic for forbidden-state problems of marked graphs: application to a real manufacturing system".
Volume 49, Number 5, 2004
- Scanning the Issue. 633-634
- Zhiyong Chen, Jie Huang:
Dissipativity, stabilization, and regulation of cascade-connected systems. 635-650 - Luca Benvenuti
, Lorenzo Farina
A tutorial on the positive realization problem. 651-664 - Vasile Dragan, Toader Morozan:
The linear quadratic optimization problems for a class of linear stochastic systems with multiplicative white noise and Markovian jumping. 665-675 - Daniel P. Berovic, Richard B. Vinter:
The application of dynamic programming to optimal inventory control. 676-685 - Mike Chen, Richard Dubrawski, Sean P. Meyn:
Management of demand-driven production systems. 686-698 - Richard C. Chen, Gilmer L. Blankenship:
Dynamic programming equations for discounted constrained stochastic control. 699-709 - Antonio Bicchi, Yacine Chitour, Alessia Marigo:
Reachability and steering of rolling polyhedra: a case study in discrete nonholonomy. 710-726 - Jean B. Lasserre
Characterizing polynomials with roots in a semialgebraic set. 727-731 - Yoonsoo Kim, Mehran Mesbahi:
Quadratically constrained attitude control via semidefinite programming. 731-735 - Franco Blanchini
, Antonio M. Lepschy, Stefano Miani, Umberto Viaro
Characterization of PID and lead/lag compensators satisfying given H∞ specifications. 736-740 - Richard Greiner:
Necessary conditions for Schur-stability of interval polynomials. 740-744 - Mazyar Mirrahimi
, Pierre Rouchon:
Controllability of quantum harmonic oscillators. 745-747 - Wassim M. Haddad, VijaySekhar Chellaboina
, Tanmay Rajpurohit:
Dissipativity theory for nonnegative and compartmental dynamical systems with time delay. 747-751 - Chien Chern Cheah
, Masanori Hirano, Sadao Kawamura, Suguru Arimoto:
Approximate Jacobian control with task-space damping for robot manipulators. 752-757 - Yueming Hu, Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Chun-Yi Su:
Stabilization of uncertain nonholonomic systems via time-varying sliding mode control. 757-763 - Chuanyi Zhang:
New limit power function spaces. 763-766 - Aiping Xu, Qinghua Zhang:
Residual generation for fault diagnosis in linear time-varying systems. 767-772 - Cheng-Feng Mabel Chou
Asymptotic performance ratio of an online algorithm for the single machine scheduling with release dates. 772-776 - Arthur E. Frazho, Baris Yagci, Hartono Sumali:
On sinusoid estimation in nonstationary noise. 777-781 - Luis Alejandro Marquez Martinez
, Claude H. Moog:
Input-output feedback linearization of time-delay systems. 781-785 - Xudong Ye, Heinz Unbehauen:
Global adaptive stabilization for a class of feedforward nonlinear systems. 786-792 - Li-Sheng Hu, Biao Huang
, Yong-Yan Cao:
Robust digital model predictive control for linear uncertain systems with saturations. 792-796 - Ki Baek Kim:
Disturbance attenuation for constrained discrete-time systems via receding horizon controls. 797-801 - Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Wim Michiels:
Stabilizing a chain of integrators using multiple delays. 802-807 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Giuseppe Orlando
, Gianfranco Parlangeli
A VSC approach for the robust stabilization of nonlinear plants with uncertain nonsmooth actuator nonlinearities - a unified framework. 807-813 - Yeong-Jeu Sun:
New result for the annular bounds of complex-coefficient polynomial zeros. 813-814 - Alexey V. Pavlov, Nathan van de Wouw, Henk Nijmeijer:
The local output regulation problem: convergence region estimates. 814-819 - Zifang Zhang, Daoyi Xu, Jianren Niu:
Further results on the bounds of the zeros of quasi-critical polynomials. 819-823 - Yung Kuan Foo:
Strengthened H∞ control via state feedback: a majorization approach using algebraic Riccati inequalities. 824-827 - Yong He, Min Wu, Jin-Hua She, Guo-Ping Liu
Parameter-dependent Lyapunov functional for stability of time-delay systems with polytopic-type uncertainties. 828-832 - Alberto Bemporad:
Efficient conversion of mixed logical dynamical systems into an equivalent piecewise affine form. 832-838 - Ahmed Chemori
, Antonio Loría
Control of a planar underactuated biped on a complete walking cycle. 838-843 - Frédéric Mazenc, Sabine Mondié
, Rogelio Francisco:
Global asymptotic stabilization of feedforward systems with delay in the input. 844-850 - Camille Alain Rabbath, Noriyuki Hori, Nicolas Léchevin:
Convergence of sampled-data models in digital redesign. 850-855 - Minyue Fu
Pole placement via static output feedback is NP-hard. 855-857 - Ying Wang
, Shuqian Zhu, Zhaolin Cheng:
A remark on "disturbance decoupling for linear time-invariant systems: a matrix pencil approach". 857-858 - Jiye Zhang:
Comments on "mesh stability of look-ahead interconnected systems". 858-859 - Aniruddha Pant, Peter J. Seiler
, J. Karl Hedrick:
Authors' reply [to comments on 'Mesh stability of look-ahead interconnected systems']. 859-861
Volume 49, Number 6, 2004
- Scanning the Issue. 865
- David Angeli:
An almost global notion of input-to-State stability. 866-874 - Dragan Nesic
, Antonio Loría
On uniform asymptotic stability of time-varying parameterized discrete-time cascades. 875-887