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Synthese, Volume 190
Volume 190, Number 1, January 2013
- Igor Douven:
The Formal Epistemology Project. 1-2 - Helen De Cruz
, Johan De Smedt
Mathematical symbols as epistemic actions. 3-19 - Karolina Krzyzanowska
Belief ascription and the Ramsey test. 21-36 - Sylvia Wenmackers
, Leon Horsten:
Fair infinite lotteries. 37-61 - Martin Fischer:
Some remarks on restricting the knowability principle. 63-88 - Jan Heylen
Modal-Epistemic Arithmetic and the problem of quantifying in. 89-111 - Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson:
Epistemic closure and commutative, nonassociative residuated structures. 113-128 - Jake Chandler
Contrastive confirmation: some competing accounts. 129-138 - Richard Dietz:
Comparative concepts. 139-170 - Igor Douven, Christoph Kelp:
Proper bootstrapping. 171-185
Volume 190, Number 2, January 2013
- Marion Vorms, Christopher Pincock:
Preface. 187-188 - Paul Teller:
The concept of measurement-precision. 189-202 - Brian Epstein, Patrick Forber:
The perils of tweaking: how to use macrodata to set parameters in complex simulation models. 203-218 - Agnes Bolinska
Epistemic representation, informativeness and the aim of faithful representation. 219-234 - Gordon Michael Purves:
Finding truth in fictions: identifying non-fictions in imaginary cracks. 235-251 - Axel Gelfert:
Strategies of model-building in condensed matter physics: trade-offs as a demarcation criterion between physics and biology? 253-272 - Peter Gildenhuys:
Classical population genetics and the semantic approach to scientific theories. 273-291 - Marion Vorms
Models of data and theoretical hypotheses: a case-study in classical genetics. 293-319 - Ekaterina Svetlova
De-idealization by commentary: the case of financial valuation models. 321-337
Volume 190, Number 3, February 2013
- Dennis Whitcomb:
One wage of unknowability. 339-352 - Jonas Clausen Mork:
Uncertainty, credal sets and second order probability. 353-378 - José Díez, Kareem Khalifa, Bert Leuridan:
General theories of explanation: buyer beware. 379-396 - Mark McEvoy:
Experimental mathematics, computers and the a priori. 397-412 - Frank A. Hindriks
The location problem in social ontology. 413-437 - Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia
Zeno and flow of information. 439-447 - D. Benjamin Barros:
Negative causation in causal and mechanistic explanation. 449-469 - Keizo Matsubara:
Realism, underdetermination and string theory dualities. 471-489 - James R. Shaw:
De se belief and rational choice. 491-508 - Miguel Hoeltje
, Benjamin Schnieder
, Alex Steinberg:
Explanation by induction? 509-524 - Boris Culina
Logic of paradoxes in classical set theories. 525-547 - Chunghyoung Lee
The staccato roller coaster: a simple physical model of the staccato run. 549-562 - Andrew Rotondo:
Undermining, circularity, and disagreement. 563-584
Volume 190, Number 4, March 2013
- Luca Tummolini
, Giulia Andrighetto, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Rosaria Conte:
A convention or (tacit) agreement betwixt us: on reliance and its normative consequences. 585-618 - Tomasz Bigaj
How to evaluate counterfactuals in the quantum world. 619-637 - Berit Brogaard
, Joe Salerno:
Remarks on counterpossibles. 639-660 - John Cantwell:
Conditionals in causal decision theory. 661-679 - Vladan Djordjevic:
Similarity and cotenability. 681-691 - Ulrich Meyer
Modal property comprehension. 693-707 - Neil Tennant:
Parts, classes and Parts of Classes: an anti-realist reading of Lewisian mereology. 709-742 - Alessandro Torza:
How to Lewis a Kripke-Hintikka. 743-779
Volume 190, Number 5, March 2013
- Jeffrey Helzner:
Epistemology and economics. 781-786 - Franz Dietrich, Christian List
Reasons for (prior) belief in Bayesian epistemology. 787-808 - Lina Eriksson, Wlodek Rabinowicz:
The interference problem for the betting interpretation of degrees of belief. 809-830 - Horacio L. Arló-Costa, Arthur Paul Pedersen
Fast and frugal heuristics: rationality and the limits of naturalism. 831-850 - Brian Hill
Awareness and equilibrium. 851-869 - Giacomo Sillari
Rule-following as coordination: a game-theoretic approach. 871-890 - Olivier Roy
, Eric Pacuit:
Substantive assumptions in interaction: a logical perspective. 891-908 - Cristina Bicchieri, Hugo Mercier:
Self-serving biases and public justifications in trust games. 909-922 - Brian Skyrms:
The core theory of subjunctive conditionals. 923-928
Volume 190, Number 6, April 2013
- Jeffrey Helzner:
Rationalizing two-tiered choice functions through conditional choice. 929-951 - C. M. Asmus:
Vagueness and revision sequences. 953-974 - Adolfas Mackonis:
Inference to the best explanation, coherence and other explanatory virtues. 975-995 - Daniel A. Wilkenfeld:
Understanding as representation manipulability. 997-1016 - Luke Glynn:
Causal foundationalism, physical causation, and difference-making. 1017-1037 - Peter Gärdenfors, Frank Zenker
Theory change as dimensional change: conceptual spaces applied to the dynamics of empirical theories. 1039-1058 - Benjamin McMyler
The epistemic significance of address. 1059-1078 - Barry Lam:
Calibrated probabilities and the epistemology of disagreement. 1079-1098 - Joongol Kim:
What are numbers? 1099-1112 - Stephen Wright:
Does Klein's infinitism offer a response to Agrippa's trilemma? 1113-1130 - Pieter E. Vermaas
, Massimiliano Carrara
, Stefano Borgo
, Pawel Garbacz:
The design stance and its artefacts. 1131-1152 - Kareem Khalifa:
Is understanding explanatory or objectual? 1153-1171 - Steve Petersen:
Utilitarian epistemology. 1173-1184
Volume 190, Number 7, May 2013
- Kristoffer Ahlström-Vij, Klemens Kappel
, Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen:
The epistemology of inclusiveness. 1185-1188 - Sanford C. Goldberg
Inclusiveness in the face of anticipated disagreement. 1189-1207 - Hélène Landemore:
Deliberation, cognitive diversity, and democratic inclusiveness: an epistemic argument for the random selection of representatives. 1209-1231 - Christopher Thompson
A general model of a group search procedure, applied to epistemic democracy. 1233-1252 - Fabienne Peter:
The procedural epistemic value of deliberation. 1253-1266 - J. D. Trout:
Democracy and scientific expertise: illusions of political and epistemic inclusion. 1267-1291 - Boaz Miller
When is consensus knowledge based? Distinguishing shared knowledge from mere agreement. 1293-1316 - Miranda Fricker:
Epistemic justice as a condition of political freedom? 1317-1332
Volume 190, Number 8, May 2013
- Stephan Hartmann, Chiara Lisciandra
, Edouard Machery:
Editorial: Formal epistemology meets experimental philosophy. 1333-1335 - Mark Colyvan:
Idealisations in normative models. 1337-1350 - Giovanna Devetag, Hykel Hosni
, Giacomo Sillari
You better play 7: mutual versus common knowledge of advice in a weak-link experiment. 1351-1381 - James A. Overton:
"Explain" in scientific discourse. 1383-1405 - Matthias Unterhuber
, Gerhard Schurz:
The new Tweety puzzle: arguments against monistic Bayesian approaches in epistemology and cognitive science. 1407-1435 - Aron Vallinder, Erik J. Olsson:
Do computer simulations support the Argument from Disagreement? 1437-1454 - Carl G. Wagner:
The corroboration paradox. 1455-1469
Volume 190, Number 9, June 2013
- Robert Northcott:
Verisimilitude: a causal approach. 1471-1488 - Joel Pust
Sleeping Beauty, evidential support and indexical knowledge: reply to Horgan. 1489-1501 - Michael Bertrand
Proper environment and the SEP account of biological function. 1503-1517 - Geoff Pynn:
The Bayesian explanation of transmission failure. 1519-1531 - Jesús Zamora-Bonilla:
Why are good theories good? reflections on epistemic values, confirmation, and formal epistemology. 1533-1553 - Aris Spanos:
A frequentist interpretation of probability for model-based inductive inference. 1555-1585 - Joshua C. Thurow:
The defeater version of Benacerraf's problem for a priori knowledge. 1587-1603 - Xuefeng Wen, Shier Ju:
Semantic games with chance moves revisited: from IF logic to partial logic. 1605-1620 - Jonathan Bain
Category-theoretic structure and radical ontic structural realism. 1621-1635 - David H. Wolpert, Gregory Benford:
The lesson of Newcomb's paradox. 1637-1646 - Graham Oddie:
The content, consequence and likeness approaches to verisimilitude: compatibility, trivialization, and underdetermination. 1647-1687 - Rohan French
Expressive power, mood, and actuality. 1689-1699 - Matthew Lockard:
Epistemic instrumentalism. 1701-1718 - K. Brad Wray
Success and truth in the realism/anti-realism debate. 1719-1729
Volume 190, Number 10, July 2013
- Peter Pagin, Robert van Rooij, Jonas Åkerman:
Philosophy of language and mind. 1731-1733 - Craig French
Perceptual experience and seeing that $$p$$. 1735-1751 - Peter Fritz
A logic for epistemic two-dimensional semantics. 1753-1770 - Nat Hansen
A slugfest of intuitions: contextualism and experimental design. 1771-1792 - Marie Guillot:
The limits of selflessness: semantic relativism and the epistemology of de se thoughts. 1793-1816 - Elisabeth Pacherie
Intentional joint agency: shared intention lite. 1817-1839 - François Récanati:
Perceptual concepts: in defence of the indexical model. 1841-1855
Volume 190, Number 11, July 2013
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann
, Jan C. Schmidt, Nancy J. Nersessian:
Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity. 1857-1864 - J. Britt Holbrook
What is interdisciplinary communication? Reflections on the very idea of disciplinary integration. 1865-1879 - Hanne Andersen
, Susann Wagenknecht
Epistemic dependence in interdisciplinary groups. 1881-1898 - Steve Fuller:
Deviant interdisciplinarity as philosophical practice: prolegomena to deep intellectual history. 1899-1916 - Robert Frodeman
Philosophy dedisciplined. 1917-1936 - Michael O'Rourke
, Stephen J. Crowley
Philosophical intervention and cross-disciplinary science: the story of the Toolbox Project. 1937-1954 - Nancy Tuana:
Embedding philosophers in the practices of science: bringing humanities to the sciences. 1955-1973 - Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt, Nancy J. Nersessian:
Erratum to: Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity. 1975
Volume 190, Number 12, August 2013
- Berislav Marusic:
The Self-Knowledge Gambit. 1977-1999 - Andreas M. Bartels:
Why metrical properties are not powers. 2001-2013 - Samuel Alexander:
An axiomatic version of Fitch's paradox. 2015-2020 - Jessica Brown:
Intuitions, evidence and hopefulness. 2021-2046 - Giuliano Torrengo
The grounding problem and presentist explanations. 2047-2063 - Jonathan Tallant
Optimus prime: paraphrasing prime number talk. 2065-2083 - Erich H. Rast
On contextual domain restriction in categorial grammar. 2085-2115 - J. Brian Pitts
Irrelevant conjunction and the ratio measure or historical skepticism. 2117-2139 - Jean-Pierre Marquis
Mathematical forms and forms of mathematics: leaving the shores of extensional mathematics. 2141-2164 - Massimo Warglien
, Peter Gärdenfors:
Semantics, conceptual spaces, and the meeting of minds. 2165-2193 - Dunja Seselja
, Christian Straßer
Abstract argumentation and explanation applied to scientific debates. 2195-2217 - Nikolaj Nottelmann
The deontological conception of epistemic justification: a reassessment. 2219-2241 - Charlotte Werndl:
On choosing between deterministic and indeterministic models: underdetermination and indirect evidence. 2243-2265 - Michiru Nagatsu
The limits of unification for theory appraisal: a case of economics and psychology. 2267-2289 - Nate Charlow
What we know and what to do. 2291-2323 - Christos Douskos:
The linguistic argument for intellectualism. 2325-2340 - Martin Montminy:
The role of context in contextualism. 2341-2366 - Patrick Grim, Robert Rosenberger, Adam Rosenfeld, Brian Anderson, Robb E. Eason:
How simulations fail. 2367-2390 - Jacob Stegenga:
An impossibility theorem for amalgamating evidence. 2391-2411 - Sam Baron
A Truthmaker Indispensability Argument. 2413-2427 - Kourken Michaelian
The information effect: constructive memory, testimony, and epistemic luck. 2429-2456