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Symmetry, Volume 14
Volume 14, Number 1, January 2022
- Wenxuan Zhao, Yaqin Zhao
, Liqi Feng, Jiaxi Tang:
Attention Optimized Deep Generative Adversarial Network for Removing Uneven Dense Haze. 1 - Dong Liu, Serkan Araci
, Bilal Khan
A Subclass of Janowski Starlike Functions Involving Mathieu-Type Series. 2 - Ivan Dimitrijevic
, Branko Dragovich, Zoran Rakic
, Jelena Stankovic
New Cosmological Solutions of a Nonlocal Gravity Model. 3 - Miguel Ángel Hernández-Verón
, Sonia Yadav
, Ángel Alberto Magreñán
, Eulalia Martínez
, Sukhjit Singh:
An Algorithm Derivative-Free to Improve the Steffensen-Type Methods. 4 - Weiping Wang
, Xiaorong Zhou
, Rinaldo Baldini Ferroli, Guangshun Huang
Production Mechanism of the Charmed Baryon Λc+. 5 - Atsuo Murata, Toshihisa Doi
, Rin Hasegawa, Waldemar Karwowski
Delayed Evacuation after a Disaster Because of Irrational Prediction of the Future Cumulative Precipitation Time Series under Asymmetry of Information. 6 - Mária Zdímalová, Anuprava Chatterjee, Helena Kosnácová
, Mridul Ghosh
, Sk Md Obaidullah
, Martin Kopani, Daniel Kosnác
Various Approaches to the Quantitative Evaluation of Biological and Medical Data Using Mathematical Models. 7 - Xingye Chen
, Yiqi Wu
, Wenjie Xu, Jin Li, Huaiyi Dong, Yilin Chen:
PointSCNet: Point Cloud Structure and Correlation Learning Based on Space-Filling Curve-Guided Sampling. 8 - Robert Reynolds
, Allan Stauffer
A Quadruple Integral Involving Product of the Struve Hv(βt) and Parabolic Cylinder Du(αx) Functions. 9 - William Michael Snow
, Chris Haddock, Ben Heacock:
Searches for Exotic Interactions Using Neutrons. 10 - Weixiang Xu, Dongbao Jia
, Zhaoman Zhong, Cunhua Li, Zhongxun Xu:
Intelligent Dendritic Neural Model for Classification Problems. 11 - Raúl Filipe Bartolomeu
, Pedro Rodrigues, Catarina Costa Santos
, Mário Jorge Costa
, Tiago Manuel Barbosa
Is There Any Effect of Symmetry on Velocity of the Four Swimming Strokes? 12 - Jianpeng Ma
, Chengwei Li, Guangzhu Zhang:
Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Deep Learning and Autoencoder Information Fusion. 13 - Xiumei Chen
, Yufu Ning, Lihui Wang, Shuai Wang, Hong Huang:
Some Theorems for Inverse Uncertainty Distribution of Uncertain Processes. 14 - Amrendra Gill
, Maxim Ivanov
, Madeti Prabhakar, Andrei Vesnin
Recurrent Generalization of F-Polynomials for Virtual Knots and Links. 15 - Abdul Majeed
, Seong Oun Hwang
Data-Driven Analytics Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the Era of COVID-19: An Insightful Review of Recent Developments. 16 - Wanying Dai
, Xiangliang Xu
, Xiaoming Song
, Guodong Li
Audio Encryption Algorithm Based on Chen Memristor Chaotic System. 17 - Eduardo A. Canale
, Franco Robledo
, Pablo Sartor
, Luis Stábile
Solving the Max-Diversity Orthogonal Regrouping Problem by an Integer Linear Programming Model and a GRASP/VND with Path-Relinking Approach. 18 - Blanca E. Garcia
, Emmanuel Rodriguez
, Yolocuauhtli Salazar
, Paul Antonio Valle
, Adriana C. Flores-Gallegos
, O. Miriam Rutiaga-Quiñones
, Raul Rodriguez-Herrera
Correction: Garcia et al. Primary Model for Biomass Growth Prediction in Batch Fermentation. Symmetry 2021, 13, 1468. 19 - Daniel Breaz
, Kadhavoor R. Karthikeyan
, Alagiriswamy Senguttuvan
Multivalent Prestarlike Functions with Respect to Symmetric Points. 20 - Vladimir Vechernin
On the Interpretation of the Balance Function. 21 - Liang Fang
, Zaiying Zhou
, Yiping Hong
Symmetry Analysis of the Uncertain Alternative Box-Cox Regression Model. 22 - Yuping Li, Brady K. Quinn
, Johan Gielis
, Yirong Li, Peijian Shi
Evidence That Supertriangles Exist in Nature from the Vertical Projections of Koelreuteria paniculata Fruit. 23 - Beatriz Estalayo-Gutiérrez
, María José Álvarez-Pasquín, Francisco Germain:
Modulation of Auditory Perception Laterality under Anxiety and Depression Conditions. 24 - Peng Wu
, Zhenjie Hou, Jiqiang Liu, Jinzhao Wu:
Reasoning Method Based on Intervals with Symmetric Truncated Normal Density. 25 - Xiaojing Yin, Guangxu Shi, Shouxin Peng, Yu Zhang, Bangcheng Zhang, Wei Su:
Health State Prediction of Aero-Engine Gas Path System Considering Multiple Working Conditions Based on Time Domain Analysis and Belief Rule Base. 26 - Trong Tuong Truong
Dynamical Symmetries of the 2D Newtonian Free Fall Problem Revisited. 27 - Lincoln Satterthwaite
, Greta Koumarianou
, Daniel Sorensen
, David Patterson
Sub-Hz Differential Rotational Spectroscopy of Enantiomers. 28 - Manish Sharma
, Prem Chand Vashist
, Ibrahim S. Alsukayti
, Nitin Goyal
, Divya Anand
, Amirhosein Mosavi
A Wider Impedance Bandwidth Dual Filter Symmetrical MIMO Antenna for High-Speed Wideband Wireless Applications. 29 - Qinglang Guo
, Haiyong Xie
, Yangyang Li, Wen Ma
, Chao Zhang:
Social Bots Detection via Fusing BERT and Graph Convolutional Networks. 30 - Jichang Ma
, Hui Xie, Kang Song
, Hao Liu:
Self-Optimizing Path Tracking Controller for Intelligent Vehicles Based on Reinforcement Learning. 31 - Vasilis K. Oikonomou
Uniqueness of the Inflationary Higgs Scalar for Neutron Stars and Failure of Non-Inflationary Approximations. 32 - Yin-Xin Bao
, Quan Shi, Qin-Qin Shen, Yang Cao
Spatial-Temporal 3D Residual Correlation Network for Urban Traffic Status Prediction. 33 - Krishnan Balasubramanian:
Symmetry and Combinatorial Concepts for Cyclopolyarenes, Nanotubes and 2D-Sheets: Enumerations, Isomers, Structures Spectra & Properties. 34 - Cristina B. Corcino
, Roberto B. Corcino, Baby Ann A. Damgo, Joy Ann A. Cañete:
Integral Representation and Explicit Formula at Rational Arguments for Apostol-Tangent Polynomials. 35 - Kunal Sandip Garud
, Seong-Guk Hwang, Jeong-Woo Han, Moo-Yeon Lee
Review on Performance Enhancement of Photovoltaic/Thermal-Thermoelectric Generator Systems with Nanofluid Cooling. 36 - Fernando Nuez:
Symmetries in Generalized Kaprekar's Routine. 37 - Rimon Tamari, Benjamin Grushko, Louisa Meshi
Electron Diffraction Study of the Space Group Variation in the Al-Mn-Pt T-Phase. 38 - Qi Li, Huaping Chen, Xiufang Liu:
A New Bivariate Random Coefficient INAR(1) Model with Applications. 39 - Alexey V. Toporensky
, Oleg B. Zaslavskii
Regular Frames for Spherically Symmetric Black Holes Revisited. 40 - Zoltán Trócsányi
, Adam Kardos
, Giuseppe Bevilacqua:
Higher Order Radiative Corrections in QCD. 41 - Katerina Woodard, Jirí Neustupa
Geometric Morphometrics of Bilateral Asymmetry in Eunotia bilunaris (Eunotiales, Bacillariophyceae) as a Tool for the Quantitative Assessment of Teratogenic Deviations in Frustule Shapes. 42 - Wlodzimierz Jelonek:
Twistor Bundle of a Neutral Kähler Surface. 43 - Anuchit Aurairat, Boonyang Plangklang
An Alternative Perturbation and Observation Modifier Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Systems. 44 - You Li
, Haizhao Liang, Lei Xing:
Finite-Time Controller for Flexible Satellite Attitude Fast and Large-Angle Maneuver. 45 - Lianghong Zhu, Huaikun Xiang, Kai Zhang:
A Light and Anonymous Three-Factor Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 46 - Paul Nicolae Borza
, Sorin Vlase
Tracking and Monitoring of the Alignment System Used for Nuclear Physics Experiments. 47 - Shuai Wang
, Zhong-kai Li, Chao He, Deng-zhuo Liu, Guangyu Zou:
An Integrated Method for Modular Design Based on Auto-Generated Multi-Attribute DSM and Improved Genetic Algorithm. 48 - Barun Halder, Suranjana Ghosh
, Pradosh Basu, Jayanta Bera
, Boris A. Malomed
, Utpal Roy
Exact Solutions for Solitary Waves in a Bose-Einstein Condensate under the Action of a Four-Color Optical Lattice. 49 - Aliaa Burqan
, Rania Saadeh
, Ahmad Qazza
A Novel Numerical Approach in Solving Fractional Neutral Pantograph Equations via the ARA Integral Transform. 50 - Volodymyr Musiiko
, Pavol Stastniak
, Mykhailo Honchar, Volodymyr Nikolaienko
, Jurii Lazaruk, Anatolii Korpach, Andrej Suchánek:
Optimization of the Motion Algorithm and Reduction of the External Dynamic Load of the Machinery Actuator in Translational and Rotational Modes. 51 - Renata Wozniacka
, Lukasz Oleksy
, Agnieszka Jankowicz-Szymanska
, Anna Mika
, Renata Kielnar, Artur Stolarczyk
The Association between Symmetrical or Asymmetrical High-Arched Feet and Muscle Fatigue in Young Women. 52 - Cristina B. Corcino
, Baby Ann A. Damgo, Joy Ann A. Cañete, Roberto B. Corcino:
Asymptotic Approximation of the Apostol-Tangent Polynomials Using Fourier Series. 53 - Natanael Karjanto
On Modified Second Paine-de Hoog-Anderssen Boundary Value Problem. 54 - Zhenzhen He, Jiong Yu, Binglei Guo
Execution Time Prediction for Cypher Queries in the Neo4j Database Using a Learning Approach. 55 - Son Cao
, Nguyen T. Hong Van, Tran V. Ngoc
, Phan T. Quyen
Neutrino Mass Spectrum: Present Indication and Future Prospect. 56 - Belal Batiha
New Solution of the Sine-Gordon Equation by the Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari Method. 57 - Houri Ziaeepour
Comparing Quantum Gravity Models: String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, and Entanglement Gravity versus SU(∞)-QGR. 58 - Meixuan Li
, Kaixin Yao
, Pengcheng Li
, Donghe Pei
Pedal Curves of Non-Lightlike Curves in Minkowski 3-Space. 59 - Kun Gao, Hassan Ali Khan
, Wenwen Qu:
Clustering with Missing Features: A Density-Based Approach. 60 - Yong Zhao, Fangzhou Lu, Changxin Fan, Jufeng Yang:
A Novel Axial-Flux Dual-Stator Toothless Permanent Magnet Machine for Flywheel Energy Storage. 61 - Adriana Catas
, Emilia Borsa
, Loredana Florentina Iambor
Best Dominants and Subordinants for Certain Sandwich-Type Theorems. 62 - Pawel Sznajder
, Bogdan Cichocki
, Maria Ekiel-Jezewska
Lack of Plasma-like Screening Mechanism in Sedimentation of a Non-Brownian Suspension. 63 - A. S. M. Touhidul Hasan
, Shabnam Sabah
, Rakib Ul Haque
, Apubra Daria
, Abdur Rasool
, Qingshan Jiang
Towards Convergence of IoT and Blockchain for Secure Supply Chain Transaction. 64 - Xiongfei Wang
, Guangshun Huang
Electromagnetic Form Factor of Doubly-Strange Hyperon. 65 - Chin-Shiuh Shieh
, Thanh-Tuan Nguyen
, Wan-Wei Lin
, Yong-Lin Huang, Mong-Fong Horng
, Tsair-Fwu Lee
, Denis Miu:
Detection of Adversarial DDoS Attacks Using Generative Adversarial Networks with Dual Discriminators. 66 - Jincheng Shi, Shiguang Luo:
Convergence Results for the Double-Diffusion Perturbation Equations. 67 - Serhii Haliuk
, Oleh Krulikovskyi
, Dmytro Vovchuk
, Fernando Corinto:
Memristive Structure-Based Chaotic System for PRNG. 68 - Muzaffar Irshad
, Dong Liu
, Xiaorong Zhou
, Guangshun Huang
Electromagnetic Form Factors of Σ Hyperons. 69 - Florio M. Ciaglia
, Fabio Di Cosmo
, Alberto Ibort
, Giuseppe Marmo
, Luca Schiavone
, Alessandro Zampini
Symmetries and Covariant Poisson Brackets on Presymplectic Manifolds. 70 - Ameline Bardo
, Katie Town, Tracy L. Kivell, Georgina Donati, Haiko Ballieux, Cosmin Stamate, Trudi Edginton
, Gillian S. Forrester
The Precision of the Human Hand: Variability in Pinch Strength and Manual Dexterity. 71 - Bingren Chen
, Qi Liu
, Yongjin Li
Inscribed Triangles in the Unit Sphere and a New Class of Geometric Constants. 72 - Branko Dragovich:
A p-Adic Matter in a Closed Universe. 73 - Houkun Zhang, Jiang Zhou:
Mixed-Norm Amalgam Spaces and Their Predual. 74 - Vladimir E. Fedorov
, Wei-Shih Du
, Mikhail M. Turov
On the Unique Solvability of Incomplete Cauchy Type Problems for a Class of Multi-Term Equations with the Riemann-Liouville Derivatives. 75 - Sze-Chun Yiu
, Bernhard Meirose
, Joshua Barrow
, Christian Bohm, Gustaaf Brooijmans, Katherine Dunne
, Elena S. Golubeva, David Milstead, André Nepomuceno
, Anders Oskarsson, Valentina Santoro
, Samuel Silverstein
Status of the Design of an Annihilation Detector to Observe Neutron-Antineutron Conversions at the European Spallation Source. 76 - Sorin Lugojan, Loredana Ciurdariu
, Eugenia Grecu
New Elements of Analysis of a Degenerate Chenciner Bifurcation. 77 - Young-Hun Sung, Sang Won Bae
Counting Non-Convex 5-Holes in a Planar Point Set. 78 - Qiuwei Yang, Zhikun Ba, Zhuo Zhao, Xi Peng, Yun Sun:
Stability Evaluation Method of Hole Wall for Bored Pile under Blasting Impact. 79 - Jun Huo, Jielan Yang, Guoxin Wang, Shengwei Yao:
A Class of Three-Dimensional Subspace Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Unconstrained Optimization. 80 - Bogdan Mocan, Claudiu Schonstein, Calin Neamtu, Mircea Murar, Mircea Fulea, Radu Comes, Mihaela Mocan:
CardioVR-ReTone - Robotic Exoskeleton for Upper Limb Rehabilitation following Open Heart Surgery: Design, Modelling, and Control. 81 - Hassan Tarawneh, Issam Alhadid
, Sufian Khwaldeh, Suha Afaneh
An Intelligent Cloud Service Composition Optimization Using Spider Monkey and Multistage Forward Search Algorithms. 82 - Oke Davies Adeyemo
, Chaudry Masood Khalique
Lie Group Classification of Generalized Variable Coefficient Korteweg-de Vries Equation with Dual Power-Law Nonlinearities with Linear Damping and Dispersion in Quantum Field Theory. 83 - Dasol Kim
, Yeon Lee, Alexis Chacón, Dong-Eon Kim:
Effect of Interlayer Coupling and Symmetry on High-Order Harmonic Generation from Monolayer and Bilayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride. 84 - Rumiko Yamaguchi
Analysis of Electro-Optical Behavior in Liquid Crystal Cells with Asymmetric Anchoring Strength. 85 - Luyang Jiao, Mengying Du, Yameng Hou
, Yuan Ma, Xianglei Kong
Homochiral or Heterochiral: A Systematic Study of Threonine Clusters Using a FT ICR Mass Spectrometer. 86 - Júlio C. Fabris, Marcelo H. Alvarenga
, Mahamadou Hamani Daouda, Hermano Velten
Nonconservative Unimodular Gravity: Gravitational Waves. 87 - Chedhli Hafien, Abdellatif Messaoudi:
A Modified Van Der Pol Oscillator Model for the Unsteady Lift Produced by a Flapping Flat Plate for Different Positions of the Rotation Axis. 88 - Yang Gao, Yawu Zhao
, Yuming Ma, Yihui Liu:
Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure Based on WS-BiLSTM Model. 89 - Nicolò Cogno
, Roman Bauer
, Marco Durante
A 3D Agent-Based Model of Lung Fibrosis. 90 - Dexu Lin
, Alaa Dbeyssi
, Frank E. Maas
Time-like Proton Form Factors with Initial State Radiation Technique. 91 - Andrzej Gecow
, László Barna Iantovics
Semi-Adaptive Evolution with Spontaneous Modularity of Half-Chaotic Randomly Growing Autonomous and Open Networks. 92 - Mi Zhou
, Xiaolan Liu
, Naeem Saleem
, Andreea Fulga
, Nihal Yilmaz Özgür
A New Study on the Fixed Point Sets of Proinov-Type Contractions via Rational Forms. 93 - Asher Yahalom
Newton's Third Law in the Framework of Special Relativity for Charged Bodies Part 2: Preliminary Analysis of a Nano Relativistic Motor. 94 - Radwan Abu-Gdairi
, Mostafa A. El-Gayar
, Tareq M. Al-shami
, Ashraf S. Nawar, Mostafa K. El-Bably
Some Topological Approaches for Generalized Rough Sets and Their Decision-Making Applications. 95 - Grégoire Boulinguez-Ambroise
, Juliette Aychet
, Emmanuelle Pouydebat:
Limb Preference in Animals: New Insights into the Evolution of Manual Laterality in Hominids. 96 - Monica Billio
, Lorenzo Frattarolo, Dominique Guégan:
High-Dimensional Radial Symmetry of Copula Functions: Multiplier Bootstrap vs. Randomization. 97 - Xuejiao Chen, Yuanfei Li
, Dandan Li:
Spatial Decay Bounds for the Brinkman Fluid Equations in Double-Diffusive Convection. 98 - Amal Mohammed Darweesh, Waggas Galib Atshan
, Ali Hussein Battor, Alina Alb Lupas
Third-Order Differential Subordination Results for Analytic Functions Associated with a Certain Differential Operator. 99 - Robert Reynolds
, Allan Stauffer
A Quadruple Integral Involving Chebyshev Polynomials Tn(x): Derivation and Evaluation. 100 - Jing Guo
, Tao Fan, Qi Li
, Xuhui Wen:
An Angle-Compensating, Complex-Coefficient PI Controller Used for Decoupling Control of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor. 101 - Nikolai Vladimirovich Korneev, Julia Vasilievna Korneeva, Stasis Petrasovich Yurkevichyus, Gennady Ivanovich Bakhturin:
An Approach to Risk Assessment and Threat Prediction for Complex Object Security Based on a Predicative Self-Configuring Neural System. 102 - Ming-Zhu Guo, Kun-Sheng Gu
, Chen Wang
Dynamic Response and Failure Process of a Counter-Bedding Rock Slope under Strong Earthquake Conditions. 103 - Gerardo Ayala-Jaimes
, Gilberto González-Avalos, Noé Barrera-Gallegos, Aaron Padilla Garcia, Juancarlos Méndez-Barriga:
Direct Determination of Reduced Models of a Class of Singularly Perturbed Nonlinear Systems on Three Time Scales in a Bond Graph Approach. 104 - Iuon-Chang Lin
, Ching-Chun Chang, Chih-Hsiang Peng:
An Anomaly-Based IDS Framework Using Centroid-Based Classification. 105 - Saibal Majumder
, Partha Sarathi Barma
, Arindam Biswas
, Pradip Banerjee, Bijoy Kumar Mandal, Samarjit Kar, Pawel Ziemba
On Multi-Objective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem under Uncertain Paradigm. 106 - Xinquan Wang, Yichen Que
, Kangyu Wang
, Hongguo Diao
, Yunliang Cui, Qing Li, Dongliang Li:
Modeling Test and Numerical Simulation of Vertical Bearing Performance for Rigid-Flexible Composite Pouch Piles with Expanded Bottom (RFCPPEB). 107 - Kgatliso Mkhwanazi, Mensah Folly-Gbetoula
Symmetries and Solvability of a Class of Higher Order Systems of Ordinary Difference Equations. 108 - Roman Cherniha
, Vasyl' Davydovych
, Joanna Stachowska-Pietka
, Jacek Waniewski:
A Mathematical Model for Transport in Poroelastic Materials with Variable Volume: Derivation, Lie Symmetry Analysis and Examples - Part 2. 109 - Yating Qu
, Ling Xing
, Huahong Ma
, Honghai Wu
, Kun Zhang
, Kaikai Deng
Exploiting User Friendship Networks for User Identification across Social Networks. 110 - Mingliang Zhang
, Zhenyu Li, Pei Zhang
, Yi Zhang, Xiangyang Luo:
A Novel High-Capacity Behavioral Steganographic Method Combining Timestamp Modulation and Carrier Selection Based on Social Networks. 111 - Maxim Khlopov
Cosmoparticle Physics of Dark Universe. 112 - Rafal Zdunek
, Krzysztof Fonal
Incremental Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition with Block-Coordinate Descent and Recursive Approaches. 113 - Tie Wang
, Jiaxin Yu:
Anticipated Generalized Backward Doubly Stochastic Differential Equations. 114 - Sakhi Zaman
, Latif Ullah Khan, Irshad Hussain
, Lucian Mihet-Popa
Fast Computation of Highly Oscillatory ODE Problems: Applications in High-Frequency Communication Circuits. 115 - Junhua Ku
, Fei Ming, Wenyin Gong
An Ensemble Framework of Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization. 116 - Doaa A. Shehab, Mohmmed J. Alhaddad
Comprehensive Survey of Multimedia Steganalysis: Techniques, Evaluations, and Trends in Future Research. 117 - Yu-Xiao Liu
, Yu-Han Ma, Yong-Qiang Wang
, Shao-Wen Wei, Chang-Pu Sun:
Dark Information in Black Hole with λφ Fluid. 118 - Simone G. Riva
, Paolo Cazzaniga
, Marco S. Nobile
, Simone Spolaor
, Leonardo Rundo
, Daniela Besozzi
, Andrea Tangherloni
SMGen: A Generator of Synthetic Models of Biochemical Reaction Networks. 119