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IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January 2017
- Wei Huang, Lingkui Meng, Dongying Zhang, Wen Zhang:
In-Memory Parallel Processing of Massive Remotely Sensed Data Using an Apache Spark on Hadoop YARN Model. 3-19 - Javier Lopez-Fandino, Blanca Priego, Dora B. Heras, Francisco Argüello:
GPU Projection of ECAS-II Segmenter for Hyperspectral Images Based on Cellular Automata. 20-28 - Kuldeep R. Kurte, Surya S. Durbha, Roger L. King, Nicolas H. Younan, Ranga Raju Vatsavai:
Semantics-Enabled Framework for Spatial Image Information Mining of Linked Earth Observation Data. 29-44 - Cécile Peschoud, Audrey Minghelli, Sandrine Mathieu, Manchun Lei, Ivane Pairaud, Christel Pinazo:
Fusion of Sun-Synchronous and Geostationary Images for Coastal and Ocean Color Survey Application to OLCI (Sentinel-3) and FCI (MTG). 45-56 - Min Zhang, Yuanling Zhang, Fang-Li Qiao, Jia Deng, Gang Wang:
Shifting Trends in Bimodal Phytoplankton Blooms in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans From Space With the Holo-Hilbert Spectral Analysis. 57-64 - Xuan Zhou, Jinsong Chong, Xiaofeng Yang, Wei Li, Xiaoxuan Guo:
Ocean Surface Wind Retrieval Using SMAP L-Band SAR. 65-74 - Ming Jin, Xiangnan Liu, Ling Wu, Meiling Liu:
Distinguishing Heavy-Metal Stress Levels in Rice Using Synthetic Spectral Index Responses to Physiological Function Variations. 75-86 - Jinyan Tian, Le Wang, Xiaojuan Li, Chen Shi, Huili Gong:
Differentiating Tree and Shrub LAI in a Mixed Forest With ICESat/GLAS Spaceborne LiDAR. 87-94 - Minghong Tan:
An Intensity Gradient/Vegetation Fractional Coverage Approach to Mapping Urban Areas From DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data. 95-103 - Taifeng Dong, Jiangui Liu, Budong Qian, Qi Jing, Holly Croft, Jingming Chen, Jinfei Wang, Ted Huffman, Jiali Shang, Pengfei Chen:
Deriving Maximum Light Use Efficiency From Crop Growth Model and Satellite Data to Improve Crop Biomass Estimation. 104-117 - Federico Di Paolo, Sebastian Emanuel Lauro, Davide Castelletti, Giuseppe Mitri, Francesca Bovolo, Barbara Cosciotti, Elisabetta Mattei, Roberto Orosei, Claudia Notarnicola, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Elena Pettinelli:
Radar Signal Penetration and Horizons Detection on Europa Through Numerical Simulations. 118-129 - Zhe Su, Er-Chie Wang, Jyr-Ching Hu, Morteza Talebian, Sadra Karimzadeh:
Quantifying the Termination Mechanism Along the North Tabriz-North Mishu Fault Zone of Northwestern Iran via Small Baseline PS-InSAR and GPS Decomposition. 130-144 - Jiawei Chen, Licheng Jiao, Zaidao Wen:
High-Level Feature Selection With Dictionary Learning for Unsupervised SAR Imagery Terrain Classification. 145-160 - Jianlai Chen, Guangcai Sun, Mengdao Xing, Jun Yang, Zhenyu Li, Guo-Bin Jing:
A Two-Dimensional Beam-Steering Method to Simultaneously Consider Doppler Centroid and Ground Observation in GEOSAR. 161-167 - Dong Li, Huan Lin, Hongqing Liu, Guisheng Liao, Xiao-heng Tan:
Focus Improvement for High-Resolution Highly Squinted SAR Imaging Based on 2-D Spatial-Variant Linear and Quadratic RCMs Correction and Azimuth-Dependent Doppler Equalization. 168-183 - Lei Zhang, Guanyong Wang, Zhijun Qiao, Hongxian Wang:
Azimuth Motion Compensation With Improved Subaperture Algorithm for Airborne SAR Imaging. 184-193 - Onur Yuzugullu, Esra Erten, Irena Hajnsek:
Estimation of Rice Crop Height From X- and C-Band PolSAR by Metamodel-Based Optimization. 194-204 - Milan Lazecký, Ivana Hlavácová, Matus Bakon, Joaquim João Sousa, Daniele Perissin, Gloria Patricio:
Bridge Displacements Monitoring Using Space-Borne X-Band SAR Interferometry. 205-210 - Surendar Manickam, Avik Bhattacharya, Gulab Singh, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Estimation of Snow Surface Dielectric Constant From Polarimetric SAR Data. 211-218 - Yuehong Chen, Yong Ge, Yuanxin Jia:
Integrating Object Boundary in Super-Resolution Land-Cover Mapping. 219-230 - Soumyabrata Dev, Yee Hui Lee, Stefan Winkler:
Color-Based Segmentation of Sky/Cloud Images From Ground-Based Cameras. 231-242 - Michael K. Crosby, Thomas G. Matney, Emily B. Schultz, David L. Evans, Donald L. Grebner, H. Alexis Londo, John C. Rodgers, Curtis A. Collins:
Consequences of Landsat Image Strata Classification Errors on Bias and Variance of Inventory Estimates: A Forest Inventory Case Study. 243-251 - Haibin Ye, Chuqun Chen, Chaoyu Yang:
Atmospheric Correction of Landsat-8/OLI Imagery in Turbid Estuarine Waters: A Case Study for the Pearl River Estuary. 252-261 - Ayman Habib, Weifeng Xiong, Fangning He, Hsiuhan Lexie Yang, Melba M. Crawford:
Improving Orthorectification of UAV-Based Push-Broom Scanner Imagery Using Derived Orthophotos From Frame Cameras. 262-276 - Renlong Hang, Qingshan Liu, Huihui Song, Yubao Sun, Fuping Zhu, Hucheng Pei:
Graph Regularized Nonlinear Ridge Regression for Remote Sensing Data Analysis. 277-285 - Qunming Wang, Wenzhong Shi, Peter M. Atkinson, Qi Wei:
Approximate Area-to-Point Regression Kriging for Fast Hyperspectral Image Sharpening. 286-295 - Chein-I Chang, Hsiao-Chi Li, Chao-Cheng Wu, Meiping Song:
Recursive Geometric Simplex Growing Analysis for Finding Endmembers in Hyperspectral Imagery. 296-308 - Hongjun Su, Yue Cai, Qian Du:
Firefly-Algorithm-Inspired Framework With Band Selection and Extreme Learning Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 309-320 - Alp Ertürk, Marian-Daniel Iordache, Antonio Plaza:
Sparse Unmixing With Dictionary Pruning for Hyperspectral Change Detection. 321-330 - Chunhui Zhao, Genping Zhao, Xiuping Jia:
Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Based on Fast Kernel Archetypal Analysis. 331-346 - Jielian Guo, Xiong Zhou, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza, Saurabh Prasad:
Superpixel-Based Active Learning and Online Feature Importance Learning for Hyperspectral Image Analysis. 347-359 - Abdullah H. Ozcan, Cem Ünsalan:
LiDAR Data Filtering and DTM Generation Using Empirical Mode Decomposition. 360-371 - David Gwenzi, Michael Andrew Lefsky:
Spatial Modeling of Lidar-Derived Woody Biomass Estimates Collected Along Transects in a Heterogeneous Savanna Landscape. 372-384
Volume 10, Number 2, February 2017
- Fan Zhang, Chen Hu, Wei Li, Wei Hu, Pengbo Wang, Heng-Chao Li:
A Deep Collaborative Computing Based SAR Raw Data Simulation on Multiple CPU/GPU Platform. 387-399 - Jianfeng Song, Panfeng Wang, Qiguang Miao, Ruyi Liu, Bormin Huang:
The Reconnection of Contour Lines from Scanned Color Images of Topographical Maps Based on GPU Implementation. 400-408 - Victor Andres Ayma Quirita, Gilson Alexandre Ostwald Pedro da Costa, Patrick Nigri Happ, Raul Queiroz Feitosa, Rodrigo da Silva Ferreira, Dário Augusto Borges Oliveira, Antonio Plaza:
A New Cloud Computing Architecture for the Classification of Remote Sensing Data. 409-416 - Denis Alexander Poffo, Jorge Nicolas Saffe, Giorgio Mario Caranti, Raul Alberto Comes, Andrés Rodríguez:
Comparison Between Two Attenuation Models and Precipitation Evaluation With Ground Validation. 417-427 - Matias Takala, Jaakko Ikonen, Kari Luojus, Juha Lemmetyinen, Sari Metsämäki, Juval Cohen, Ali Nadir Arslan, Jouni Pulliainen:
New Snow Water Equivalent Processing System With Improved Resolution Over Europe and its Applications in Hydrology. 428-436 - Bin Pan, Zhenwei Shi, Zhenyu An, Zhiguo Jiang, Yi Ma:
A Novel Spectral-Unmixing-Based Green Algae Area Estimation Method for GOCI Data. 437-449 - Jing Li, Yuchao Zhang, Ronghua Ma, Hongtao Duan, Steven A. Loiselle, Kun Xue, Qichun Liang:
Satellite-Based Estimation of Column-Integrated Algal Biomass in Nonalgae Bloom Conditions: A Case Study of Lake Chaohu, China. 450-462 - Patricia Genovez, Corina C. Freitas, Sidnei J. S. Sant'Anna, Cristina Maria Bentz, João Antônio Lorenzzetti:
Oil Slicks Detection From Polarimetric Data Using Stochastic Distances Between Complex Wishart Distributions. 463-477 - Subit Chakrabarti, Jasmeet Judge, Anand Rangarajan, Sanjay Ranka:
Utilizing Self-Regularized Regressive Models to Downscale Microwave Brightness Temperatures for Agricultural Land Covers in the SMAPVEX-12 Region. 478-488 - Fan Chen, Wade T. Crow, Andreas Colliander, Michael H. Cosh, Thomas J. Jackson, Rajat Bindlish, Rolf Reichle, Steven Tsz K. Chan, David D. Bosch, Patrick J. Starks, David C. Goodrich, Mark S. Seyfried:
Application of Triple Collocation in Ground-Based Validation of Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) Level 2 Data Products. 489-502 - David Chaparro, Jordi Vayreda, Mercè Vall-Llossera, Mireia Banqué, Maria Piles, Adriano Camps, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta:
The Role of Climatic Anomalies and Soil Moisture in the Decline of Drought-Prone Forests. 503-514 - Fei Li, Yongfei Bai, Hongwei Wan, Jiajia Zheng, Juhua Luo, Dan Zhao, Po Liu:
Quantifying Grazing Intensity in China Using High Temporal Resolution MODIS Data. 515-523 - Lionel Gueguen, Jan Koenig, Carl Reeder, Tim Barksdale, Jon Saints, Kostas Stamatiou, Jeffery Collins, Carolyn Johnston:
Mapping Human Settlements and Population at Country Scale From VHR Images. 524-538 - Antoine Lefebvre, Thomas Corpetti:
Monitoring the Morphological Transformation of Beijing Old City Using Remote Sensing Texture Analysis. 539-548 - Robert Tenzer, Mohammad Bagherbandi, Wenjin Chen, Lars E. Sjöberg:
Global Isostatic Gravity Maps From Satellite Missions and Their Applications in the Lithospheric Structure Studies. 549-561 - Francesco Soldovieri, Gianluca Gennarelli, Ilaria Catapano, DaHan Liao, Traian Dogaru:
Forward-Looking Radar Imaging: A Comparison of Two Data Processing Strategies. 562-571 - Gang Wang, Xiaolong Dong, Di Zhu, Qingliu Bao:
Azimuth High Resolution for a Conically Scanned Pencil-Beam Scatterometer Using Rotating Azimuth Doppler Discrimination. 572-579 - Bo Ren, Biao Hou, Jin Zhao, Licheng Jiao:
Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetirc SAR Image Via Improved Manifold Regularized Low-Rank Representation With Multiple Features. 580-595 - Ling Chang, Rolf P. B. J. Dollevoet, Ramon F. Hanssen:
Nationwide Railway Monitoring Using Satellite SAR Interferometry. 596-604 - Seong-Hyeon Lee, Ji-Hoon Bae, Minseok Kang, Kyung-Tae Kim:
Efficient ISAR Autofocus Technique Using Eigenimages. 605-616 - Na Liu, Robert Wang, Yunkai Deng, Shuo Zhao, Xiangyu Wang:
Modified Multichannel Reconstruction Method of SAR With Highly Nonuniform Spatial Sampling. 617-627 - Min Wang, Jiru Huang, Dongping Ming:
Region-Line Association Constraints for High-Resolution Image Segmentation. 628-637 - Sreeja Nag, Charles K. Gatebe, Thomas Hilker:
Simulation of Multiangular Remote Sensing Products Using Small Satellite Formations. 638-653 - Xin Huang, Wenliang Yuan, Jiayi Li, Liangpei Zhang:
A New Building Extraction Postprocessing Framework for High-Spatial-Resolution Remote-Sensing Imagery. 654-668 - Jan Haas, Yifang Ban:
Mapping and Monitoring Urban Ecosystem Services Using Multitemporal High-Resolution Satellite Data. 669-680 - Rodrigo S. Ferreira, Cristiana Bentes, Gilson A. O. P. da Costa, Dário A. B. Oliveira, Patrick Nigri Happ, Raul Queiroz Feitosa, Paolo Gamba:
A Set of Methods to Support Object-Based Distributed Analysis of Large Volumes of Earth Observation Data. 681-690 - Yi Liu, Jun Li, Peijun Du, Antonio Plaza, Xiuping Jia, Xinchang Zhang:
Class-Oriented Spectral Partitioning for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Image Classification. 691-711 - Peng Liu, Hui Zhang, Kie B. Eom:
Active Deep Learning for Classification of Hyperspectral Images. 712-724 - Rui Zhao, Liangpei Zhang:
GSEAD: Graphical Scoring Estimation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection. 725-739 - Érika Akemi Saito Moriya, Nilton Nobuhiro Imai, Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli, Gabriela Takahashi Miyoshi:
Mapping Mosaic Virus in Sugarcane Based on Hyperspectral Images. 740-748 - Alireza Safdarinezhad, Mehdi Mokhtarzade, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej:
Coregistration of Satellite Images and Airborne LiDAR Data Through the Automatic Bias Reduction of RPCs. 749-762 - Pankaj Kumar, Paul Lewis, Conor P. McElhinney, Pawel Boguslawski, Tim McCarthy:
Snake Energy Analysis and Result Validation for a Mobile Laser Scanning Data-Based Automated Road Edge Extraction Algorithm. 763-773 - Lishan Zhong, Liang Cheng, Hao Xu, Yang Wu, Yanming Chen, Manchun Li:
Segmentation of Individual Trees From TLS and MLS Data. 774-787
Volume 10, Number 3, March 2017
- Kevin Alonso, Daniela Espinoza-Molina, Mihai Datcu:
Multilayer Architecture for Heterogeneous Geospatial Data Analytics: Querying and Understanding EO Archives. 791-801 - Ivana Zinno, Francesco Casu, Claudio De Luca, Stefano Elefante, Riccardo Lanari, Michele Manunta:
A Cloud Computing Solution for the Efficient Implementation of the P-SBAS DInSAR Approach. 802-817 - Ernestina Martel, Raúl Guerra, Sebastián López, Roberto Sarmiento:
A GPU-Based Processing Chain for Linearly Unmixing Hyperspectral Images. 818-834 - Jing Wei, Lin Sun:
Comparison and Evaluation of Different MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products Over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in China. 835-844 - Kang Yang, Leif Karlstrom, Laurence C. Smith, Manchun Li:
Automated High-Resolution Satellite Image Registration Using Supraglacial Rivers on the Greenland Ice Sheet. 845-856 - Jasper Van doninck, Hanna Tuomisto:
Influence of Compositing Criterion and Data Availability on Pixel-Based Landsat TM/ETM+ Image Compositing Over Amazonian Forests. 857-867 - Wentao Yang, Wenwen Qi:
Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Monitoring of Vegetation Recovery After the Wenchuan Earthquake. 868-876 - Kevin Alonso, Daniela Espinoza-Molina, Mihai Datcu:
Mining Multitemporal In Situ Heterogeneous Monitoring Information for the Assurance of Recorded Land Cover Changes. 877-887 - Dimitrios Konstantinidis, Tania Stathaki, Vasileios Argyriou, Nikolaos Grammalidis:
Building Detection Using Enhanced HOG-LBP Features and Region Refinement Processes. 888-905 - Er Li, Shibiao Xu, Weiliang Meng, Xiaopeng Zhang:
Building Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images by Integrating Saliency Cue. 906-919 - Tran-Thanh Ngo, Vincent Mazet, Christophe Collet, Paul de Fraipont:
Shape-Based Building Detection in Visible Band Images Using Shadow Information. 920-932 - Tahmineh Partovi, Reza Bahmanyar, Thomas Krauß, Peter Reinartz:
Building Outline Extraction Using a Heuristic Approach Based on Generalization of Line Segments. 933-947 - Dengfeng Chai:
A Probabilistic Framework for Building Extraction From Airborne Color Image and DSM. 948-959 - Luciano Vidal, Stephen W. Nesbitt, Paola Salio, Camila Farias, Maria Gabriela Nicora, Maria Soledad Osores, Luigi Mereu, Frank S. Marzano:
C-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations of a Massive Volcanic Eruption in South America. 960-974 - Karlus Alexander Câmara de Macedo, Fernanda L. G. Ramos, Clovis Gaboardi, João Roberto Moreira, Fernanda Vissirini, Marcello Silva da Costa:
A Compact Ground-Based Interferometric Radar for Landslide Monitoring: The Xerém Experiment. 975-986 - José Naranjo-Torres, Juliana Gambini, Alejandro C. Frery:
The Geodesic Distance between $\mathcal {G}_I^0$ Models and its Application to Region Discrimination. 987-997 - Shuanghui Zhang, Yongxiang Liu, Xiang Li:
Autofocusing for Sparse Aperture ISAR Imaging Based on Joint Constraint of Sparsity and Minimum Entropy. 998-1011 - Yong Wang, Rongqing Xu, Qingxiang Zhang, Bin Zhao:
ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Target Based on the Quadratic Frequency Modulated Signal Model With Time-Varying Amplitude. 1012-1024 - Moslem Ouled Sghaier, Samuel Foucher, Richard Lepage:
River Extraction From High-Resolution SAR Images Combining a Structural Feature Set and Mathematical Morphology. 1025-1038 - Bo Zhao, Lei Huang, Feng Zhou, Jihong Zhang:
Performance Improvement of Deception Jamming Against SAR Based on Minimum Condition Number. 1039-1055 - James C. Tilton, Guoqing Lin, Bin Tan:
Measurement of the Band-to-Band Registration of the SNPP VIIRS Imaging System From On-Orbit Data. 1056-1067 - Erzhu Li, Peijun Du, Alim Samat, Yaping Meng, Meiqin Che:
Mid-Level Feature Representation via Sparse Autoencoder for Remotely Sensed Scene Classification. 1068-1081 - Weixing Zhang, Weidong Li, Chuanrong Zhang, Xiaojiang Li:
Incorporating Spectral Similarity Into Markov Chain Geostatistical Cosimulation for Reducing Smoothing Effect in Land Cover Postclassification. 1082-1095 - Shashaank M. Aswatha, Jayanta Mukherjee, Prabir K. Biswas, Subhas Aikat:
Toward Automated Land Cover Classification in Landsat Images Using Spectral Slopes at Different Bands. 1096-1104 - Dedi Yang, Xuehong Chen, Jin Chen, Xin Cao:
Multiscale Integration Approach for Land Cover Classification Based on Minimal Entropy of Posterior Probability. 1105-1116 - Andreas Hueni, Alexander Damm, Mathias Kneubühler, Daniel Schläpfer, Michael E. Schaepman:
Field and Airborne Spectroscopy Cross Validation - Some Considerations. 1117-1135 - Yanni Dong, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang, Lefei Zhang:
Exploring Locally Adaptive Dimensionality Reduction for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Maximum Margin Metric Learning Aspect. 1136-1150 - Changhong Liu, Jun Zhou, Jie Liang, Yuntao Qian, Hanxi Li, Yongsheng Gao:
Exploring Structural Consistency in Graph Regularized Joint Spectral-Spatial Sparse Coding for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1151-1164 - Puhua Chen, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Shuiping Gou, Jiaqi Zhao, Zhiqiang Zhao:
Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Sparse Graph Learning. 1165-1181 - Ming Cheng, Haocheng Zhang, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li:
Extraction and Classification of Road Markings Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds. 1182-1196 - Daniela Ali-Sisto, Petteri Packalen:
Forest Change Detection by Using Point Clouds From Dense Image Matching Together With a LiDAR-Derived Terrain Model. 1197-1206 - Zhuqiang Li, Liqiang Zhang, Ruofei Zhong, Tian Fang, Liang Zhang, Zhenxin Zhang:
Classification of Urban Point Clouds: A Robust Supervised Approach With Automatically Generating Training Data. 1207-1220 - Pengdi Huang, Ming Cheng, Yiping Chen, Dawei Zai, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li:
Solar Potential Analysis Method Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds. 1221-1233
Volume 10, Number 4, April 2017
- Melin Huang, Bormin Huang, Hung-Lung Allen Huang:
Parallel Construction of the WRF Pleim-Xiu Land Surface Scheme With Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture. 1239-1246 - Luis-Ignacio Jimenez, Sergio Sánchez, Gabriel Martín, Javier Plaza, Antonio J. Plaza:
Parallel Implementation of Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction on Graphic Processing Units. 1247-1255 - Ya Lin, Hao Xu, Yuqi Bai:
Semantically Enhanced Catalogue Search Model for Remotely Sensed Imagery. 1256-1264 - Katalin Blix, Gustau Camps-Valls, Robert Jenssen:
Gaussian Process Sensitivity Analysis for Oceanic Chlorophyll Estimation. 1265-1277 - Abderrahim Halimi, Gerald S. Buller, Stephen McLaughlin, Paul Honeine:
Denoising Smooth Signals Using a Bayesian Approach: Application to Altimetry. 1278-1289 - Zhiyue Sun, Hyongki Lee, Yushin Ahn, Abureli Aierken, Kuo-Hsin Tseng, Modurodoluwa A. Okeowo, C. K. Shum:
Recent Glacier Dynamics in the Northern Novaya Zemlya Observed by Multiple Geodetic Techniques. 1290-1302 - Yi Xie, Pengxin Wang, Huitao Sun, Shuyu Zhang, Li Li:
Assimilation of Leaf Area Index and Surface Soil Moisture With the CERES-Wheat Model for Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Using a Particle Filter Algorithm. 1303-1316 - Xiaoyong Xu, Bryan A. Tolson, Jonathan Li, Bruce Davison:
Assimilation of Synthetic Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture in Environment Canada's MESH Model. 1317-1327 - Iliana E. Mladenova, John D. Bolten, Wade T. Crow, Martha C. Anderson, Christopher R. Hain, David M. Johnson, Rick Mueller:
Intercomparison of Soil Moisture, Evaporative Stress, and Vegetation Indices for Estimating Corn and Soybean Yields Over the U.S. 1328-1343