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SIAM Review, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, 1989
- Alan George, Joseph W. H. Liu:
The Evolution of the Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm. 1-19 - Tony F. Chan, Howard C. Elman:
Fourier Analysis of Iterative Methods for Elliptic pr. 20-49 - Gene H. Golub, Dianne P. O'Leary:
Some History of the Conjugate Gradient and Lanczos Algorithms: 1948-1976. 50-102 - Firdaus E. Udwadia:
Some Results on Maximum Entropy Distributions for Parameters Known to Lie in Finite Intervals. 103-109 - Young J. Kim, Joan L. Aron:
On the Equality of Average Age and Average Expectation of Remaining Life in a Stationary Population. 110-113 - G. J. Manas, Hans E. De Meyer:
On a Problem of Coin Identification. 114-117 - Biography. 118-119
- Eugene L. Wachspress:
An Elliptic Function Identity. 119 - M. L. Glasser:
On the Principal Value of a Quadruple Integral. 119-120 - Otto G. Ruehr:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Melting Interface. 120 - W. Hulsbergen:
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Combinatorial Matrix. 120-121 - Vladimir Hnizdo:
Radiation From a System of Uniformly Circling Charges. 121-122 - Bruce Richmond, Cecil C. Rousseau:
A Multinomial Summation (Donald Richards and Stamatis Cambanis). 122-125 - Edgar M. E. Wermuth:
Commuting Matrix Exponentials (Dennis S. Bernstein). 125-126 - Michael Renardy:
Zero of Least Modulus (M. L. Glasser). 126-127 - W. B. Jordan:
Conjectured Maximum Term of a Sequence (A. Gerasoulis And R. P. Srivastav). 127-129 - Frank H. Mathis:
Characterizations of Parabolic Motion (M. S. Klamkin). 129-131 - Frederick J. Beutler:
Dynamic Programming: Deterministic and Stochastic Models (Dimitri P. Bertsekas). 132-133 - Philip J. Davis:
Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues (Rajendra Bhatia). 133 - G. Bard Ermentrout:
Autowave Processes in Kinetic Systems: Spatial and Temporal Self-Organization in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine (V. A. Vasiliev, Yu. M. Romanovskii, D. S. Chernavskii, and V. G. Yakhno). 133-136 - Bruce Geist:
Functional Analysis and Boundary-Value Problems: An Introductory Treatment (B. Dayanand Reddy). 136-137 - Raymond N. Greenwell:
Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces (George E. P. Box and Norman R. Draper). 137-139 - Cornelius O. Horgan:
Saint-Venant's Problem (Dorin lesan). 139-141 - John W. Hutchinson:
Applied Elasticity: Matrix and Tensor Analysis of Elastic Continua (J. D. Renton). 141-142 - Eugene Isaacson:
Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing (William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling); Numerical Recipes: Example Book (C) (William T. Vetterling, Saul A. Teukolsky, William H. Press, and Brian P. Flannery). 142 - Palls E. Jorgensen:
Group Structure of Gauge Theories (L. O'Raifeartaigh). 142-144 - Hüseyin Koçak:
Deterministic Chaos: An Introduction; Second revised Revised Edition (Heinz Georg Schuster). 144-145 - Glenn K. Manacher:
Algorithmic Graph Theory (Alan Gibbons). 145-147 - Stephen J. Merrill:
Stochastic Differential Systems: Analysis and Filtering. 147 - Gray H. Meisters:
Global Stability of Dynamical Systems (Michael Shub with the collaboration of Albert Fathi and Remi Langevin; Joseph Christy, trans.). 147-151 - John G. Milton:
Biograph: A Graphical Computer Simulation Package with Exercises to Accompany Lee A. Segel's Modeling Dynamic Phenomena in Molecular Cellular Biology (Garrett M. Odell and Lee A. Segel). 151-153 - Richard E. Mortensen:
Stochastic Optimal Control: Theory and Application (Robert F. Stengel). 153-154 - Jerome K. Percus:
Systems in Stochastic Equilibrium (Peter Whittle). 154-155 - Sidny Port:
Introduction to Random Processes (Yurii A. Rozanov). 155 - Hartmut Prautzsch:
Curve and Surface Fitting: An Introduction (Peter Lancaster and Kestutis Šalkauskas). 155-157 - Richard H. Rand:
Manifolds and Mechanics (Arthur Jones, Alistair Gray, and Robert Hutton). 157-158 - Ronald G. Rehm:
Buoyancy-Induced Flows and Transport (Benjamin Gebhart, Yogesh Jaluria, Roop L. Mahajan, and Bahgat Sammakia). 158-159 - Howard E. Reinhardt:
Introduction to Statistical Inference (Jack Carl Kiefer; Gary Lorden, ed.). 159-160 - Robert L. Schiffman:
The Finite Element Method in the Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media (Roland W. Lewis and Bernard A. Schrefler). 160-161 - James G. Simmonds:
Shell Theory: General Methods of Construction (I. N. Vekua; Ts. Gabeskiria, trans.). 161-164 - Michael E. Taylor:
Scattering by Obstacles ( A. G. Ramm). 164-168 - A. Murat Tekalp:
Image Recovery: Theory and Application (Henry Stark, ed.). 168-170 - Benson H. Tongue:
Cell-to-Cell Mapping: A Method of Global Analysis for Nonlinear Systems (C. S. Hsu). 170-171 - Grant V. Welland:
Z Transform Theory and Applications (Robert Vich). 171-172 - Other Books Received. 172-184
- New members. 185-189
- Elected and Appointed Official. 190
Volume 31, Number 2, 1989
- Andrew M. Stuart:
Nonlinear Instability in Dissipative Finite Difference Schemes. 191-220 - William W. Hager:
Updating the Inverse of a Matrix. 221-239 - Carl Dean Meyer:
Stochastic Complementation, Uncoupling Markov Chains, and the Theory of Nearly Reducible Systems. 240-272 - Fritz Keinert:
Inversion of k-Plane Transforms and Applications in Computer Tomog. 273-298 - S. Pennell, J. Deignan:
Computing the Projected Area of a Cone. 299-302 - Patrice Marcotte:
To Serve or not to Serve: A Badminton Dilemma. 303-305 - Frank H. Mathis:
The Effect of Fatigue on Running Strategies. 306-309 - Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen:
Minima for Elastics on Rigid Cylinders. 310-317 - Leopold Flatto, Larry Shepp:
Problem of the Nile. 318 - Andrew N. Norris:
A Lagrangian Inequality. 318-319 - Peter Senn:
An Average Maximum Distance. 319 - Barry D. Ganapol:
Photon Transport in Plant Canopies. 319-320 - Murray S. Klamkin:
Three Particles Moving on a Circle. 320 - Lawrence E. Flynn:
Shape of a Roller-Coaster Track (John S. Lew). 320-324 - John S. Lew, Carl C. Grosjean:
Exact Solutions of a Differential Equation (Z. Ikonić and V. Milanović). 324-325 - Thomas L. Morgan:
Six Combinatorial Identities. 325-328 - M. L. Glasser:
An n-Space Integral (Seung-Jin Bang). 328-329 - Hassan Aref:
Chaotic Vibrations: An Introduction for Applied Scientists and Engineers (Francis C. Moon). 330-331 - Johann Baumeister:
Optimal Control (Frank L. Lewis). 331-332 - Charles E. Blair:
Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization (Martin Grotschel, Laszló Lovász, and Alexander Schrijver). 332-333 - Charles E. Blair:
Linear Complementarily, Linear and Nonlinear Programming (K. G. Murty). 333-334 - Anthony M. Bloch:
Variational and Hamiltonian Control Systems (P. E. Crouch and A. J. van der Schaft). 334-336 - H. K. Cheng:
Transonic Aerodynamics (J. D. Cole and L. P. Cook). 336-338 - Constantine M. Dafermos:
Mathematical Problems in Viscoelasticity (Michael Renardy, William J. Hrusa, and John A. Nobel). 338-339 - W. A. Day:
Boundary Value Problems in Linear Viscoelasticity (J. M. Golden and G. A. C. Graham). 339 - J. R. Dorfman:
The Boltzmann Equation and Its Applications (Carlo Cercignani). 339-340 - Donald Drew:
Learning the Art of Mathematical Modelling (Cross and A. O. Moscardini); Concepts of Mathematical Modeling (Walter J. Meyer). 340-341 - Robert W. Easton:
Linear Dynamical Systems. A Revised Edition of "Dynamical Systems and Their Applications: Linear Theory" (John L. Casti). 341-342 - Wm. Randolph Franklin:
Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms (Joseph O'Rourke). 342-343 - Donald Greenspan, B. F. Bowman:
Numerical Algorithms (J. L. Mohamed and J. Walsh, eds.). 343-344 - Ronald B. Guenther:
Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories, and Gravity (M. Gockeler and T. Schucker). 344 - Mark H. Holmes:
Mechanoreceptors, Their Functional Organization (G. N. Akoev, N. P. Alekseev, and B. V. Krylov). 344-346 - Mark H. Holmes:
The Mechanics of Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells (Stefan Markus). 346-347 - Robert McNaughton:
Varieties of Formal Languages (J. E. Pin; A. Howie, trans.). 347-348 - Robert McNaughton:
Introduction to Formal Languages (G. E. Revesz). 348 - William E. Strawderman:
Statistical Analysis with Missing Data (Roderick J. A. Little and Donald B. Rubin). 348-349 - John Spurrier:
Multiple Comparison Procedures (Yosef Hochberg and Ajit C. Tamhane). 349-350 - Other Books Received. 350-359
- New Members. 360-364
Volume 31, Number 3, 1989
- L. Thomas Ramsey:
Best Bounds for the Stability of DARMA Filters with Constant Coefficients. 365-400 - Y. S. Choi, Andrew Majda:
Amplification of Small-Amplitude High-Frequency Waves in a Reactive Mixture. 401-427 - Walter W. Piegorsch, George Casella:
The Early Use of Matrix Diagonal Increments in Statistical Problems. 428-434 - R. E. Meyer:
A Simple Explanation of the Stokes Phenomenon. 435-445 - Lee A. Segel, Marshall Slemrod:
The Quasi-Steady-State Assumption: A Case Study in Perturbation. 446-477 - Raymond A. Adomaitis:
Kites and Bifurcation Theory. 478-483 - S. Richardson:
An Identity Arising in a Problem of Conformal Mapping. 484-485 - Jan A. Grzesik:
Von Neumann's Rejection Technique Reexamined. 486-489 - Yves Nievergelt:
The Mathematics of a Home-Made Parabolic Reflector. 490-492 - K. V. Lever:
The Complexity of the Standard Form of an Integer. 493-494 - Jesús S. Dehesa:
Upper Bounds for Frequency Moments. 494-495 - M. L. Glasser:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Definite Integral. 495 - W. H. Steeb, C. M. Villet:
A Conjectured Matrix Inequality. 495 - R. E. Shafer:
Numerical Evaluation of a Slowly Convergent Series. 495 - O. P. Lossers:
A Generalized Hypergeometric-Type Identity (C. C. Grosjean). 496-497 - Norbert Ortner, Peter Wagner:
A Laplace Transform (M. L. Glasser). 497-498 - George A. Barnard:
The History of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty Before 1900 (Stephen M. Stigler). 499-502 - Charles K. Chui:
Systems Analysis by Graphs and Matroids: Structural Solvability and Controllability (Kazuo Murota). 502-503 - Thomas F. Coleman, Earl Zmijewski:
Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices (I. S. Duff, A. M. Erisman, and J. K Reid). 503-504 - Fritz Colonius:
Viscosity Solutions and Optimal Control (Robert J. Elliott). 505 - L. Pamela Cook:
Mathematics for Dynamic Modeling (Edward Beltrami). 505-506 - George A. Hagedorn:
Quantum Scattering and Spectral Theory (D. B. Pearson). 506 - Daniel P. Heyman:
Traffic Processes in Queueing Networks: A Markov Renewal Approach (Ralph L. Disney and Peter C. Kiessler). 506-507 - Nicholas D. Kazarinoff:
A Primer of Diffusion Problems (Richard Ghez). 508 - Jeffrey C. Lagarias:
A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography (Neil Koblitz). 508-510 - Kenneth R. Meyer:
Dynamical Systems III (V. I. Arnold, ed.). 510 - Parviz Moin:
Turbulence in Fluids: Stochastic and Numerical Modelling (M. Lesieur); Turbulence and Random Processes in Fluid Mechanics (M. T. Landahl and E. Mollo-Christensen). 510-512 - J. Tinsley Oden:
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method with Applications to Nonlinear Problems (R. E. White). 512 - J. N. Reddy:
Hamilton's Principle in Continuum Mechanics (A. Bedford). 512-513 - Steven Shaw:
Vibrations in Mechanical Systems: Analytical Methods and Applications (Maurice Roseau). 513-514 - Brian D. Sleeman:
Applied Analysis (Allan M. Krall). 514-515 - Henry Stark:
Transforms for Engineers: A Guide to Signal Processing (I. G. Beauchamp). 515-516 - Iradj Tadjbakhsh:
Optimal Structural Design under Stability Constraints (A. Gajewski and M. Zyckowski). 516 - T. A. Burton:
Author's Comment. 517-519 - Other Books Received. 519-526
- New Members. 527-532
Volume 31, Number 4, 1989
- Peter D. Lax:
The Flowering of Applied Mathematics in America. 533-541 - P. R. Garabedian:
Computational Models in Fusion Research. 542-559 - Nozer D. Singpurwalla:
A Unifying Perspective on Statistical Modeling. 560-564 - George Dassios, R. E. Kleinman:
On Kelvin Inversion and low-Frequency Scattering. 565-585 - Phillip A. Regalia, Sanjit K. Mitra:
Kronecker Products, Unitary Matrices and Signal Processing Applications. 586-613 - Gilbert Strang:
Wavelets and Dilation Equations: A Brief Introduction. 614-627 - Christopher Heil, David Francis Walnut:
Continuous and Discrete Wavelet Transforms. 628-666 - Michael A. B. Deakin:
Stokes Flow: An Elementary Treatment. 667-670