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Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 94
Volume 94, Number 1, January 2009
- Enrico Zio, Jussi K. Vaurio:
Maintenance modelling and applications. 1 - Jan M. van Noortwijk:
A survey of the application of gamma processes in maintenance. 2-21 - Ana Isabel Sánchez, Sofía Carlos, Sebastián Martorell, José F. Villanueva:
Addressing imperfect maintenance modelling uncertainty in unavailability and cost based optimization. 22-32 - C. T. Barker, M. J. Newby:
Optimal non-periodic inspection for a multivariate degradation model. 33-43 - Mohamad Samrout, Eric Châtelet, R. Kouta, Nazir Chebbo:
Optimization of maintenance policy using the proportional hazard model. 44-52 - Michael Bartholomew-Biggs, Ming Jian Zuo, Xiaohu Li:
Modelling and optimizing sequential imperfect preventive maintenance. 53-62 - Massimo Concetti, Roberto Cuccioletta, Lorenzo Fedele, Giampiero Mercuri:
Tele-maintenance "intelligent" system for technical plants result management. 63-77 - Enrico Zio, Giulio Gola:
A neuro-fuzzy technique for fault diagnosis and its application to rotating machinery. 78-88 - Toshio Nakagawa, Satoshi Mizutani:
A summary of maintenance policies for a finite interval. 89-96 - Tony Rosqvist, Kari Laakso, Markku Reunanen:
Value-driven maintenance planning for a production plant. 97-110 - B. Jones, Ian D. Jenkinson, Jin Wang:
Methodology of using delay-time analysis for a manufacturing industry. 111-124
Volume 94, Number 2, February 2009
- Enrico Zio:
Reliability engineering: Old problems and new challenges. 125-141
- Abdelhakim Khatab, Nabil Nahas, Mustapha Nourelfath:
Availability of K-out-of-N: G systems with non-identical components subject to repair priorities. 142-151 - Wenfeng Zhang, Rajiv Shivpuri:
Probabilistic design of aluminum sheet drawing for reduced risk of wrinkling and fracture. 152-161 - A. C. Torres-Echeverría, Sebastián Martorell, Haydn A. Thompson:
Design optimization of a safety-instrumented system based on RAMS+C addressing IEC 61508 requirements and diverse redundancy. 162-179 - Marzio Marseguerra, Enrico Zio:
Monte Carlo simulation for model-based fault diagnosis in dynamic systems. 180-186 - Anderson J. Brito, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida:
Multi-attribute risk assessment for risk ranking of natural gas pipelines. 187-198 - Seung-Ryong Han, Seth D. Guikema, Steven M. Quiring, Kyung-Ho Lee, David Rosowsky, Rachel A. Davidson:
Estimating the spatial distribution of power outages during hurricanes in the Gulf coast region. 199-210 - Mohammad Modarres:
Advanced nuclear power plant regulation using risk-informed and performance-based methods. 211-217 - Jason L. Cook, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
Optimal design of cluster-based ad-hoc networks using probabilistic solution discovery. 218-228 - Ammar M. Sarhan:
Reliability equivalence factors of a general series-parallel system. 229-236 - Marco Ratto, Andrea Pagano, Peter C. Young:
Non-parametric estimation of conditional moments for sensitivity analysis. 237-243 - Diego J. Pedregal, María Carmen Carnero:
Vibration analysis diagnostics by continuous-time models: A case study. 244-253 - Gregory Levitin, Suprasad V. Amari:
Optimal load distribution in series-parallel systems. 254-260 - Terje Aven, I. T. Castro:
A delay-time model with safety constraint. 261-267 - Enrico Zio, Nicola Pedroni:
Building confidence in the reliability assessment of thermal-hydraulic passive systems. 268-281 - Shridhar Yamijala, Seth D. Guikema, Kelly Brumbelow:
Statistical models for the analysis of water distribution system pipe break data. 282-293 - Jon C. Helton, Jay D. Johnson, William Oberkampf:
Effect of delayed link failure on probability of loss of assured safety in temperature-dependent systems with multiple weak and strong links. 294-310 - José Orlando Gomes, David D. Woods, Paulo Victor R. de Carvalho, Gilbert J. Huber, Marcos R. S. Borges:
Resilience and brittleness in the offshore helicopter transportation system: The identification of constraints and sacrifice decisions in pilots' work. 311-319 - Kwang Yong Koh, Poong Hyun Seong:
SMV model-based safety analysis of software requirements. 320-331 - Nijs Jan Duijm:
Safety-barrier diagrams as a safety management tool. 332-341 - Márcio das Chagas Moura, Enrique López Droguett:
Mathematical formulation and numerical treatment based on transition frequency densities and quadrature methods for non-homogeneous semi-Markov processes. 342-349 - Serkan Eryilmaz:
Reliability properties of consecutive k-out-of-n systems of arbitrarily dependent components. 350-356 - Julien Clavareau, Pierre-Etienne Labeau:
A Petri net-based modelling of replacement strategies under technological obsolescence. 357-369 - Julien Clavareau, Pierre-Etienne Labeau:
Maintenance and replacement policies under technological obsolescence. 370-381 - Attila Csenki:
Stochastic demand patterns for Markov service facilities with neutral and active periods. 382-393 - Zhibin Tan:
A new approach to MLE of Weibull distribution with interval data. 394-403 - Terje Aven:
Identification of safety and security critical systems and activities. 404-411 - Paolo A. Bragatto, Paolo Pittiglio, Silvia Maria Ansaldi:
The management of mechanical integrity inspections at small-sized "Seveso" facilities. 412-417 - E. Deloux, Bruno Castanier, Christophe Bérenguer:
Predictive maintenance policy for a gradually deteriorating system subject to stress. 418-431 - Enrico Zio, Piero Baraldi, Nicola Pedroni:
Optimal power system generation scheduling by multi-objective genetic algorithms with preferences. 432-444 - Willy Røed, Ali Mosleh, Jan Erik Vinnem, Terje Aven:
On the use of the hybrid causal logic method in offshore risk analysis. 445-455 - Kouroush Jenab, K. Rashidi:
Operational reliability assessment of an aircraft environmental control system. 456-462 - Anduin E. Touw:
Bayesian estimation of mixed Weibull distributions. 463-473 - S. Roe, David Mba:
The environment, international standards, asset health management and condition monitoring: An integrated strategy. 474-478 - M. A. Herzog, Tshilidzi Marwala, P. Stephan Heyns:
Machine and component residual life estimation through the application of neural networks. 479-489 - Renyan Jiang, D. N. P. Murthy:
Impact of quality variations on product reliability. 490-496 - Delia Montoro-Cazorla, Rafael Pérez-Ocón, Maria del Carmen Segovia:
Replacement policy in a system under shocks following a Markovian arrival process. 497-502 - Baris Sürücü, Hakan S. Sazak:
Monitoring reliability for a three-parameter Weibull distribution. 503-508 - Xian-Xun Yuan, Mahesh D. Pandey:
A nonlinear mixed-effects model for degradation data obtained from in-service inspections. 509-519 - Mary Ann Lundteigen, Marvin Rausand:
Architectural constraints in IEC 61508: Do they have the intended effect? 520-525 - Wenbin Wang:
An inspection model for a process with two types of inspections and repairs. 526-533 - Yu Wang, Siu-Kui Au:
Spatial distribution of water supply reliability and critical links of water supply to crucial water consumers under an earthquake. 534-541 - Ozge Doguc, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
A generic method for estimating system reliability using Bayesian networks. 542-550 - Panagiotis Tsarouhas:
Classification and calculation of primary failure modes in bread production line. 551-557 - Sundeep Samson, James A. Reneke, Margaret M. Wiecek:
A review of different perspectives on uncertainty and risk and an alternative modeling paradigm. 558-567 - Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
Deterministic network interdiction optimization via an evolutionary approach. 568-576 - Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin:
Minmax defense strategy for complex multi-state systems. 577-587 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
False targets vs. redundancy in homogeneous parallel systems. 588-595 - Wei Yu, T. J. Harris:
Parameter uncertainty effects on variance-based sensitivity analysis. 596-603 - Willy Røed, Terje Aven:
Bayesian approaches for detecting significant deterioration. 604-610 - Nat Jack, Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, D. N. Prabhakar Murthy:
A repair-replace strategy based on usage rate for items sold with a two-dimensional warranty. 611-617 - Qianmei Feng, Hande Sahin, Kailash C. Kapur:
Designing airport checked-baggage-screening strategies considering system capability and reliability. 618-627 - Dana Kelly, Curtis L. Smith:
Bayesian inference in probabilistic risk assessment - The current state of the art. 628-643 - Karen B. Marais, Joseph Homer Saleh:
Beyond its cost, the value of maintenance: An analytical framework for capturing its net present value. 644-657 - Shufang Song, Zhenzhou Lu, Hongwei Qiao:
Subset simulation for structural reliability sensitivity analysis. 658-665
- Maxim Finkelstein:
Virtual age of non-repairable objects. 666-669 - Song Xu, Zhizhong Li, Fei Song, Wei Luo, Qianyi Zhao, Gavriel Salvendy:
Influence of step complexity and presentation style on step performance of computerized emergency operating procedures. 670-674
- Willy Aspinall:
Rejoinder to "Discussion: Response to discussants" by Roger Cooke (Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2008;93: 775-777). 675-676
Volume 94, Number 3, March 2009
- Jon C. Helton, Cédric J. Sallaberry:
Conceptual basis for the definition and calculation of expected dose in performance assessments for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. 677-698 - Jon C. Helton, Cédric J. Sallaberry:
Computational implementation of sampling-based approaches to the calculation of expected dose in performance assessments for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. 699-721 - Ung Jin Na, Masanobu Shinozuka:
Simulation-based seismic loss estimation of seaport transportation system. 722-731 - Sofia Panagiotidou, George Nenes:
An economically designed, integrated quality and maintenance model using an adaptive Shewhart chart. 732-741 - Amandine Marrel, Bertrand Iooss, Béatrice Laurent, Olivier Roustant:
Calculations of Sobol indices for the Gaussian process metamodel. 742-751 - Francesco Cadini, Enrico Zio, Diana Avram:
Model-based Monte Carlo state estimation for condition-based component replacement. 752-758 - T. V. Santosh, A. Srivastava, V. V. S. Sanyasi Rao, A. K. Ghosh, H. S. Kushwaha:
Diagnostic system for identification of accident scenarios in nuclear power plants using artificial neural networks. 759-762 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
Parallel systems under two sequential attacks. 763-772
- Nader Ebrahimi:
Bayesian framework for prediction of future number of failures from a single group of units in the field. 773-775
- Yu Liu, Hong-Zhong Huang:
Comment on "A framework to practical predictive maintenance modeling for multi-state systems" by Tan C.M. and Raghavan N. [Reliab Eng Syst Saf 2008;93(8): 1138-50]. 776-780 - Cher Ming Tan, Nagarajan Raghavan:
Reply to comments on "A framework to practical predictive maintenance modeling for multi-state systems". 781-782
- Rajesh Mishra, Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi:
Comments on "An improved algorithm for connectivity analysis of distribution networks" [Reliab Eng Syst Saf 2007;92(10): 1295-302]. 783
Volume 94, Number 4, April 2009
- Franck Taillandier, Gérard Sauce, R. Bonetto:
Risk-based investment trade-off related to building facility management. 785-795
- Xiaomo Jiang, Sankaran Mahadevan:
Bayesian structural equation modeling method for hierarchical model validation. 796-809 - Chi-Hui Chien, Chun-Hung Chen, Yuh J. Chao:
A strategy for the risk-based inspection of pressure safety valves. 810-818 - Kash Barker, Yacov Y. Haimes:
Assessing uncertainty in extreme events: Applications to risk-based decision making in interdependent infrastructure sectors. 819-829 - Leandro dos Santos Coelho:
An efficient particle swarm approach for mixed-integer programming in reliability-redundancy optimization applications. 830-837 - A. C. Torres-Echeverría, Sebastián Martorell, Haydn A. Thompson:
Modelling and optimization of proof testing policies for safety instrumented systems. 838-854 - Seth D. Guikema:
Natural disaster risk analysis for critical infrastructure systems: An approach based on statistical learning theory. 855-860 - Gionata Carmignani:
An integrated structural framework to cost-based FMECA: The priority-cost FMECA. 861-871 - K. Durga Rao, V. Gopika, V. V. S. Sanyasi Rao, H. S. Kushwaha, Ajit Kumar Verma, Ajit Srividya:
Dynamic fault tree analysis using Monte Carlo simulation in probabilistic safety assessment. 872-883 - Roger Flage, Terje Aven:
On treatment of uncertainty in system planning. 884-890 - Ranjan Kumar, Kazuhiro Izui, Masataka Yoshimura, Shinji Nishiwaki:
Multi-objective hierarchical genetic algorithms for multilevel redundancy allocation optimization. 891-904
Volume 94, Number 5, May 2009
- Rodrigo J. P. Ferreira, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante:
A multi-criteria decision model to determine inspection intervals of condition monitoring based on delay time analysis. 905-912 - Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez, Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino:
Stochastic network interdiction optimization via capacitated network reliability modeling and probabilistic solution discovery. 913-921 - Paloma Main, Hilario Navarro:
Analyzing the effect of introducing a kurtosis parameter in Gaussian Bayesian networks. 922-926 - Kaigui Xie, Roy Billinton:
Tracing the unreliability and recognizing the major unreliability contribution of network components. 927-931 - X. Wang, Masoud Rabiei, J. Hurtado, Mohammad Modarres, P. Hoffman:
A probabilistic-based airframe integrity management model. 932-941 - Erzsébet Németh, Tamás Bartha, Csaba Fazekas, Katalin M. Hangos:
Verification of a primary-to-secondary leaking safety procedure in a nuclear power plant using coloured Petri nets. 942-953 - Irene Eusgeld, Wolfgang Kröger, Giovanni Sansavini, Markus Schläpfer, Enrico Zio:
The role of network theory and object-oriented modeling within a framework for the vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures. 954-963 - Shin-Jon Ju:
On the distribution type of uncertain inputs for probabilistic assessment. 964-968 - Kilyoo Kim, Sanghoon Han:
A study on importance measures and a quantification algorithm in a fire PRA model. 969-972 - Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin:
Protection vs. false targets in series systems. 973-981 - Yann Dijoux:
A virtual age model based on a bathtub shaped initial intensity. 982-989 - Corwin L. Atwood, Dana Kelly:
The binomial failure rate common-cause model with WinBUGS. 990-999 - Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh:
Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization. 1000-1018
- So Young Sohn, Kyung Bok Yoon, In Sang Chang:
Correction to "Random effects model for the reliability management of modules of a fighter aircraft" [Reliab Eng Syst Saf 91(4) (2006) 433-437]. 1019
Volume 94, Number 6, June 2009
- Alexander Antonov, Valeriy Chepurko, Alexander Polyakov, Andrei Rodionov:
Application of generalised linear model for time-dependent trend assessment - A case study for the ageing PSA network. 1021-1029 - Yun Hyung Chung, Wan Chul Yoon, Daihwan Min:
A model-based framework for the analysis of team communication in nuclear power plants. 1030-1040 - Ricardo Bolado-Lavin, William Castaings, Stefano Tarantola:
Contribution to the sample mean plot for graphical and numerical sensitivity analysis. 1041-1049 - Sergio B. Guarro, Michael K. Yau:
On the nature and practical handling of the Bayesian aggregation anomaly. 1050-1056 - Haitao Guo, Simon J. Watson, Peter Tavner, Jiangping Xiang:
Reliability analysis for wind turbines with incomplete failure data collected from after the date of initial installation. 1057-1063 - Arun K. Nayak, Vikas Jain, M. R. Gartia, Hari Prasad, A. Anthony, S. K. Bhatia, R. K. Sinha:
Reliability assessment of passive isolation condenser system of AHWR using APSRA methodology. 1064-1075 - Aref Majdara, Toshio Wakabayashi:
Component-based modeling of systems for automated fault tree generation. 1076-1086 - Ettore Bompard, Roberto Napoli, Fei Xue:
Assessment of information impacts in power system security against malicious attacks in a general framework. 1087-1094 - Claire Palmer, Paul W. H. Chung:
An automated system for batch hazard and operability studies. 1095-1106 - Lisa M. Bartlett, E. E. Hurdle, E. M. Kelly:
Integrated system fault diagnostics utilising digraph and fault tree-based approaches. 1107-1115 - Andrija Volkanovski, Marko Cepin, Borut Mavko:
Application of the fault tree analysis for assessment of power system reliability. 1116-1127
- Janne Viertävä, Jussi K. Vaurio:
Testing statistical significance of trends in learning, ageing and safety indicators. 1128-1132