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Organization Science, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, January - February 2015
- Michael Jensen, Heeyon Kim
The Real Oscar Curse: The Negative Consequences of Positive Status Shifts. 1-21 - Ramin Vandaie, Akbar Zaheer:
Alliance Partners and Firm Capability: Evidence from the Motion Picture Industry. 22-36 - Edward Bishop Smith, Yuan Hou:
Redundant Heterogeneity and Group Performance. 37-51 - Pauline Schilpzand, David R. Hekman
, Terence R. Mitchell:
An Inductively Generated Typology and Process Model of Workplace Courage. 52-77 - Benjamin Edelman, Ian Larkin:
Social Comparisons and Deception Across Workplace Hierarchies: Field and Experimental Evidence. 78-98 - Andrew P. Knight
Mood at the Midpoint: Affect and Change in Exploratory Search Over Time in Teams That Face a Deadline. 99-118 - Jade Yu-Chieh Lo, Mark Thomas Kennedy:
Approval in Nanotechnology Patents: Micro and Macro Factors That Affect Reactions to Category Blending. 119-139 - Francesco Castellaneta
, Maurizio Zollo
The Dimensions of Experiential Learning in the Management of Activity Load. 140-157 - Seong-Jin Choi
, Nan Jia, Jiangyong Lu:
The Structure of Political Institutions and Effectiveness of Corporate Political Lobbying. 158-179 - Mooweon Rhee, Tohyun Kim
Great Vessels Take a Long Time to Mature: Early Success Traps and Competences in Exploitation and Exploration. 180-197 - Paul Almeida, Anupama Phene, Sali Li:
The Influence of Ethnic Community Knowledge on Indian Inventor Innovativeness. 198-217 - Vikas A. Aggarwal, Brian Wu:
Organizational Constraints to Adaptation: Intrafirm Asymmetry in the Locus of Coordination. 218-238 - Michelle Rogan
, Henrich R. Greve
Resource Dependence Dynamics: Partner Reactions to Mergers. 239-255 - Rene M. Bakker
, Joris Knoben
Built to Last or Meant to End: Intertemporal Choice in Strategic Alliance Portfolios. 256-276 - Yue Maggie Zhou:
Supervising Across Borders: The Case of Multinational Hierarchies. 277-292 - Min Liu
, Filippo Carlo Wezel:
Davids Against Goliath? Collective Identities and the Market Success of Peripheral Organizations During Resource Partitioning. 293-309
Volume 26, Number 2, March - April 2015
- Emilio J. Castilla:
Accounting for the Gap: A Firm Study Manipulating Organizational Accountability and Transparency in Pay Decisions. 311-333 - Michele Williams, Evan Polman:
Is It Me or Her? How Gender Composition Evokes Interpersonally Sensitive Behavior on Collaborative Cross-Boundary Projects. 334-355 - Christopher I. Rider
, David Tan:
Labor Market Advantages of Organizational Status: A Study of Lateral Partner Hiring by Large U.S. Law Firms. 356-372 - Tiziana Casciaro
, Miguel Sousa Lobo:
Affective Primacy in Intraorganizational Task Networks. 373-389 - Hong Ren, Barbara Gray, David A. Harrison
Triggering Faultline Effects in Teams: The Importance of Bridging Friendship Ties and Breaching Animosity Ties. 390-404 - Melissa A. Valentine, Amy C. Edmondson:
Team Scaffolds: How Mesolevel Structures Enable Role-Based Coordination in Temporary Groups. 405-422 - Marco Tortoriello
, Bill McEvily, David Krackhardt:
Being a Catalyst of Innovation: The Role of Knowledge Diversity and Network Closure. 423-438 - Samina Karim
, Aseem Kaul
Structural Recombination and Innovation: Unlocking Intraorganizational Knowledge Synergy Through Structural Change. 439-455 - Alfonso Gambardella
, Martin Ganco, Florence Honoré
Using What You Know: Patented Knowledge in Incumbent Firms and Employee Entrepreneurship. 456-474 - Nathan R. Furr, Daniel C. Snow:
Intergenerational Hybrids: Spillbacks, Spillforwards, and Adapting to Technology Discontinuities. 475-493 - Joel M. Evans, Michael G. Hendron, James B. Oldroyd
Withholding the Ace: The Individual- and Unit-Level Performance Effects of Self-Reported and Perceived Knowledge Hoarding. 494-510 - Yu Liu, T. Ravichandran
Alliance Experience, IT-Enabled Knowledge Integration, and Ex Ante Value Gains. 511-530 - Natalie Slawinski, Pratima Bansal:
Short on Time: Intertemporal Tensions in Business Sustainability. 531-549 - Gaël Le Mens, Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos:
Organizational Obsolescence, Drifting Tastes, and Age Dependence in Organizational Life Chances. 550-570 - Anne Bowers:
Relative Comparison and Category Membership: The Case of Equity Analysts. 571-583 - Giacomo Negro, Michael T. Hannan, Magali A. Fassiotto:
Category Signaling and Reputation. 584-600 - Jeannette A. Colyvas, Spiro Maroulis:
Moving from an Exception to a Rule: Analyzing Mechanisms in Emergence-Based Institutionalization. 601-621
- Anindya Ghosh, Lori Rosenkopf:
PERSPECTIVE - Shrouded in Structure: Challenges and Opportunities for a Friction-Based View of Network Research. 622-631
Volume 26, Number 3, May - June 2015
- Christopher I. Rider, Giacomo Negro:
Organizational Failure and Intraprofessional Status Loss. 633-649 - Adina D. Sterling
Preentry Contacts and the Generation of Nascent Networks in Organizations. 650-667 - Melissa A. Schilling:
Technology Shocks, Technological Collaboration, and Innovation Outcomes. 668-686 - Magdalena Dobrajska
, Stephan Billinger
, Samina Karim
Delegation Within Hierarchies: How Information Processing and Knowledge Characteristics Influence the Allocation of Formal and Real Decision Authority. 687-704 - Eun-Hee Kim, Thomas P. Lyon:
Greenwash vs. Brownwash: Exaggeration and Undue Modesty in Corporate Sustainability Disclosure. 705-723 - Alessandro Piazza
, Fabrizio Perretti
Categorical Stigma and Firm Disengagement: Nuclear Power Generation in the United States, 1970-2000. 724-742 - Daniel A. Levinthal, Alessandro Marino:
Three Facets of Organizational Adaptation: Selection, Variety, and Plasticity. 743-755 - Gaël Le Mens, Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos:
Age-Related Structural Inertia: A Distance-Based Approach. 756-773 - Jane O'Reilly, Sandra L. Robinson, Jennifer L. Berdahl, Sara Banki:
Is Negative Attention Better Than No Attention? The Comparative Effects of Ostracism and Harassment at Work. 774-793 - Jeong-Yeon Lee, Daniel G. Bachrach, Denise M. Rousseau:
Internal Labor Markets, Firm-Specific Human Capital, and Heterogeneity Antecedents of Employee Idiosyncratic Deal Requests. 794-810 - Daniel Tzabbar, Alex Vestal:
Bridging the Social Chasm in Geographically Distributed R&D Teams: The Moderating Effects of Relational Strength and Status Asymmetry on the Novelty of Team Innovation. 811-829 - Gurneeta Vasudeva, Elizabeth A. Alexander
, Stephen L. Jones
Institutional Logics and Interorganizational Learning in Technological Arenas: Evidence from Standard-Setting Organizations in the Mobile Handset Industry. 830-846 - Min-Dong Paul Lee, Michael Lounsbury
Filtering Institutional Logics: Community Logic Variation and Differential Responses to the Institutional Complexity of Toxic Waste. 847-866 - Juliane Reinecke, Shaz Ansari:
What Is a "Fair" Price? Ethics as Sensemaking. 867-888 - Michael G. Jacobides
, C. Jennifer Tae
Kingpins, Bottlenecks, and Value Dynamics Along a Sector. 889-907 - Jing Yu Yang
, Jiatao Li, Andrew Delios:
Will a Second Mouse Get the Cheese? Learning from Early Entrants' Failures in a Foreign Market. 908-922
- Jerker Denrell
, Christina Fang, Chengwei Liu
Perspective - Chance Explanations in the Management Sciences. 923-940
Volume 26, Number 4, July - August 2015
- Ciaran Heavey, Zeki Simsek:
Transactive Memory Systems and Firm Performance: An Upper Echelons Perspective. 941-959 - Julia Balogun
, Jean M. Bartunek, Boram Do:
Senior Managers' Sensemaking and Responses to Strategic Change. 960-979 - Brandy L. Aven
The Paradox of Corrupt Networks: An Analysis of Organizational Crime at Enron. 980-996 - Erin Reid:
Embracing, Passing, Revealing, and the Ideal Worker Image: How People Navigate Expected and Experienced Professional Identities. 997-1017 - Katinka M. Bijlsma-Frankema, Sim B. Sitkin, Antoinette Weibel:
Distrust in the Balance: The Emergence and Development of Intergroup Distrust in a Court of Law. 1018-1039 - Roxana Barbulescu:
The Strength of Many Kinds of Ties: Unpacking the Role of Social Contacts Across Stages of the Job Search Process. 1040-1058 - Manuel E. Sosa, Martin Gargiulo, Craig M. Rowles:
Can Informal Communication Networks Disrupt Coordination in New Product Development Projects? 1059-1078 - Alessandro Marino, Paolo Aversa
, Luiz Mesquita, Jaideep Anand:
Driving Performance via Exploration in Changing Environments: Evidence from Formula One Racing. 1079-1100 - Elena Vidal, Will Mitchell:
Adding by Subtracting: The Relationship Between Performance Feedback and Resource Reconfiguration Through Divestitures. 1101-1118 - Alexander Zimmermann, Sebastian Raisch, Julian Birkinshaw:
How Is Ambidexterity Initiated? The Emergent Charter Definition Process. 1119-1139 - Mie Augier, James G. March, Andrew W. Marshall:
Perspective - The Flaring of Intellectual Outliers: An Organizational Interpretation of the Generation of Novelty in the RAND Corporation. 1140-1161
- Tiziana Casciaro
, Sigal G. Barsade, Amy C. Edmondson, Cristina B. Gibson, David Krackhardt, Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca
The Integration of Psychological and Network Perspectives in Organizational Scholarship. 1162-1176 - James M. Vardaman, Shannon G. Taylor, David G. Allen
, Maria B. Gondo, John M. Amis:
Translating Intentions to Behavior: The Interaction of Network Structure and Behavioral Intentions in Understanding Employee Turnover. 1177-1191 - D. Scott DeRue, Jennifer D. Nahrgang, Susan J. Ashford:
Interpersonal Perceptions and the Emergence of Leadership Structures in Groups: A Network Perspective. 1192-1209 - Raina A. Brands
, Jochen I. Menges
, Martin Kilduff
The Leader-in-Social-Network Schema: Perceptions of Network Structure Affect Gendered Attributions of Charisma. 1210-1225 - Adam M. Kleinbaum
, Alexander H. Jordan, Pino G. Audia:
An Altercentric Perspective on the Origins of Brokerage in Social Networks: How Perceived Empathy Moderates the Self-Monitoring Effect. 1226-1242 - Ruolian Fang, Blaine Landis
, Zhen Zhang, Marc H. Anderson, Jason D. Shaw, Martin Kilduff
Integrating Personality and Social Networks: A Meta-Analysis of Personality, Network Position, and Work Outcomes in Organizations. 1243-1260
Volume 26, Number 5, September - October 2015
- Giovanni Gavetti, Massimo Warglien
A Model of Collective Interpretation. 1263-1283 - Jill A. Brown, Peter T. Gianiodis, Michael D. Santoro:
Following Doctors' Orders: Organizational Change as a Response to Human Capital Bargaining Power. 1284-1300 - Maryam Kouchaki
, Isaac H. Smith
, Ekaterina Netchaeva:
Not All Fairness Is Created Equal: Fairness Perceptions of Group vs. Individual Decision Makers. 1301-1315 - Steffanie L. Wilk, Erin E. Makarius:
Choosing the Company You Keep: Racial Relational Demography Outside and Inside of Work. 1316-1331 - J. Adam Cobb
Risky Business: The Decline of Defined Benefit Pensions and Firms' Shifting of Risk. 1332-1350 - Robert B. Lount Jr., Oliver J. Sheldon
, Floor Rink, Katherine W. Phillips:
Biased Perceptions of Racially Diverse Teams and Their Consequences for Resource Support. 1351-1364 - Sameer B. Srivastava:
Intraorganizational Network Dynamics in Times of Ambiguity. 1365-1380 - Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, Marko Coh:
Coming with Baggage: Past Rejections and the Evolution of Market Relationships. 1381-1399 - Ray E. Reagans, Param Vir Singh
, Ramayya Krishnan:
Forgotten Third Parties: Analyzing the Contingent Association Between Unshared Third Parties, Knowledge Overlap, and Knowledge Transfer Relationships with Outsiders. 1400-1414 - Elizabeth G. Pontikes
, William P. Barnett
The Persistence of Lenient Market Categories. 1415-1431 - Jesse Shore
, Ethan Bernstein, David Lazer:
Facts and Figuring: An Experimental Investigation of Network Structure and Performance in Information and Solution Spaces. 1432-1446 - Jorge Walter, Daniel Z. Levin, J. Keith Murnighan:
Reconnection Choices: Selecting the Most Valuable (vs. Most Preferred) Dormant Ties. 1447-1465 - J. Cameron Verhaal, Olga M. Khessina, Stanislav D. Dobrev:
Oppositional Product Names, Organizational Identities, and Product Appeal. 1466-1484 - Sathyajit R. Gubbi, Preet S. Aulakh
, Sougata Ray:
International Search Behavior of Business Group Affiliated Firms: Scope of Institutional Changes and Intragroup Heterogeneity. 1485-1501 - Rui J. P. de Figueiredo Jr., Evan Rawley, Christopher I. Rider
Why Are Firms Rigid? A General Framework and Empirical Tests. 1502-1519 - Stéphane J. G. Girod, Richard Whittington
Change Escalation Processes and Complex Adaptive Systems: From Incremental Reconfigurations to Discontinuous Restructuring. 1520-1535 - Jongkuk Lee, Glenn Hoetker, William Qualls:
Alliance Experience and Governance Flexibility. 1536-1551
Volume 26, Number 6, November - December 2015
- Matt Beane, Wanda J. Orlikowski:
What Difference Does a Robot Make? The Material Enactment of Distributed Coordination. - Gerardo Patriotta, Daniel A. Gruber:
Newsmaking and Sensemaking: Navigating Temporal Transitions Between Planned and Unexpected Events. - Elina H. Hwang, Param Vir Singh
, Linda Argote:
Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities: Learning to Cross Geographic and Hierarchical Boundaries. - William C. Barley
Anticipatory Work: How the Need to Represent Knowledge Across Boundaries Shapes Work Practices Within Them. - Matthew Bidwell
, Ethan Mollick:
Shifts and Ladders: Comparing the Role of Internal and External Mobility in Managerial Careers. - Brian Rubineau
, Roberto M. Fernandez:
Tipping Points: The Gender Segregating and Desegregating Effects of Network Recruitment. - Sharique Hasan, John-Paul Ferguson, Rembrand Koning:
The Lives and Deaths of Jobs: Technical Interdependence and Survival in a Job Structure. - Pamela R. Haunschild, Francisco Polidoro Jr.
, David Chandler
Organizational Oscillation Between Learning and Forgetting: The Dual Role of Serious Errors. - Christiane Bode
, Jasjit Singh
, Michelle Rogan
Corporate Social Initiatives and Employee Retention. - Gabriel Natividad
, Olav Sorenson:
Competitive Threats, Constraint, and Contagion in the Multiunit Firm. - Gianluca Carnabuci
, Elisa Operti
, Balázs Kovács:
The Categorical Imperative and Structural Reproduction: Dynamics of Technological Entry in the Semiconductor Industry. 1734-1751 - Zhi Huang, Marvin Washington:
Assimilation or Contrast? Status Inequality, Judgment of Product Quality, and Product Choices in Markets. - Shon R. Hiatt
, Jake B. Grandy, Brandon H. Lee
Organizational Responses to Public and Private Politics: An Analysis of Climate Change Activists and U.S. Oil and Gas Firms. - Moshe Farjoun
, Christopher Ansell
, Arjen Boin:
PERSPECTIVE - Pragmatism in Organization Studies: Meeting the Challenges of a Dynamic and Complex World.

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