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New Media & Society, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January 2020
- Steve Jones, David W. Park:
- Dawn Wheatley
, Eirik Vatnoey:
'It's Twitter, a bear pit, not a debating society': A qualitative analysis of contrasting attitudes towards social media blocklists. - Jordan Schonig
"Liking" as creating: On aesthetic category memes. - Femke Geusens
, Cabral A. Bigman-Galimore
, Kathleen Beullens
A cross-cultural comparison of the processes underlying the associations between sharing of and exposure to alcohol references and drinking intentions. - Andrea L. Guzman
, Seth C. Lewis
Artificial intelligence and communication: A Human-Machine Communication research agenda. - Tuukka Lehtiniemi
, Jesse Haapoja
Data agency at stake: MyData activism and alternative frames of equal participation. - Errol Salamon
Digitizing freelance media labor: A class of workers negotiates entrepreneurialism and activism. - Sigrid Kannengießer
Engaging with and reflecting on the materiality of digital media technologies: Repair and fair production. - Winneke A. van der Schuur
, Susanne E. Baumgartner, Sindy R. Sumter
, Patti M. Valkenburg
Exploring the long-term relationship between academic-media multitasking and adolescents' academic achievement. - Gregory P. Perreault
, Tim Vos:
Metajournalistic discourse on the rise of gaming journalism.
- Joe Edward Hatfield
Book review: How Data Haunt. - Joel Schneier
Book review: Archaeologies of touch: Interfacing with haptics from electricity to computing. - Patricia Aufderheide
Book review: Authors, Users, and Pirates: Copyright Law and Subjectivity.
Volume 22, Number 2, February 2020
- Mats Ekström, Seth C. Lewis
, Oscar Westlund:
Epistemologies of digital journalism and the study of misinformation.
- Yigal Godler, Zvi Reich, Boaz Miller
Social epistemology as a new paradigm for journalism and media studies. - Matt Carlson
Journalistic epistemology and digital news circulation: Infrastructure, circulation practices, and epistemic contests. - Nikki Usher
News cartography and epistemic authority in the era of big data: Journalists as map-makers, map-users, and map-subjects. - Neta Kligler-Vilenchik
, Ori Tenenboim
Sustained journalist-audience reciprocity in a meso new-space: The case of a journalistic WhatsApp group. - Soomin Seo
'We see more because we are not there': Sourcing norms and routines in covering Iran and North Korea. - Donald Matheson, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen:
The epistemology of live blogging. - Jonathan Gray
, Liliana Bounegru
, Tommaso Venturini
'Fake news' as infrastructural uncanny. - Lucas Graves
, Cw Anderson
Discipline and promote: Building infrastructure and managing algorithms in a "structured journalism" project by professional fact-checking groups. - Christian Schwarzenegger
Personal epistemologies of the media: Selective criticality, pragmatic trust, and competence-confidence in navigating media repertoires in the digital age. - Mats Ekström, Seth C. Lewis
, Amanda Waldenström, Oscar Westlund:
Commentary: Digitization, climate change, and the potential for online workshops.
Volume 22, Number 3, March 2020
- Jakob Jünger
, Birte Fähnrich:
Does really no one care? Analyzing the public engagement of communication scientists on Twitter. - Iben Have
, Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen
The audiobook circuit in digital publishing: Voicing the silent revolution. - Joshua M. Scacco
, Ashley Muddiman
The curiosity effect: Information seeking in the contemporary news environment. - Joseph Downing
, Richard Dron
Tweeting Grenfell: Discourse and networks in critical constructions of British Muslim social boundaries on social media. - Elisa Tattersall Wallin
, Jan Nolin:
Time to read: Exploring the timespaces of subscription-based audiobooks. - Lindsay Ferris, Stefanie Duguay
Tinder's lesbian digital imaginary: Investigating (im)permeable boundaries of sexual identity on a popular dating app. - Katherine R. Dale
, Arthur A. Raney
, Qihao Ji, Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles, Joshua Baldwin
, Jerrica T. Rowlett, Cen Wang, Mary Beth Oliver:
Self-transcendent emotions and social media: Exploring the content and consumers of inspirational Facebook posts. - Crispin Thurlow, Giorgia Aiello
, Lara Portmann:
Visualizing teens and technology: A social semiotic analysis of stock photography and news media imagery. - Michael V. Reiss
, Milena Tsvetkova
Perceiving education from Facebook profile pictures.
- Elizabeth Rodwell
Online trolling and its perpetrators: Under the cyberbridge. - Jeanna Sybert
Networked Press Freedom: Creating Infrastructures for a Public Right to Hear. - Anis Rahman
Algorithms of oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. - Zoë Glatt
Social Media Entertainment: The New Intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. - Ysabel Gerrard
Behind the Screen: Content Moderation in the Shadows of Social Media.
Volume 22, Number 4, April 2020
- Homero Gil de Zúñiga
, Karolina Koc-Michalska
, Andrea Römmele
Populism in the era of Twitter: How social media contextualized new insights into an old phenomenon.
- Andrea Römmele
, Rachel Gibson:
Scientific and subversive: The two faces of the fourth era of political campaigning. - Kristof Jacobs
, Linn Sandberg
, Niels Spierings:
Twitter and Facebook: Populists' double-barreled gun? - Erik P. Bucy
, Jordan M. Foley, Josephine Lukito
, Larissa Doroshenko
, Dhavan V. Shah
, Jon C. W. Pevehouse, Chris Wells
Performing populism: Trump's transgressive debate style and the dynamics of Twitter response. - Chris Wells
, Dhavan V. Shah
, Josephine Lukito
, Ayellet Pelled, Jon C. W. Pevehouse, JungHwan Yang:
Trump, Twitter, and news media responsiveness: A media systems approach. - Shelley Boulianne
, Karolina Koc-Michalska
, Bruce Bimber
Right-wing populism, social media and echo chambers in Western democracies. - Bruce Bimber
, Homero Gil de Zúñiga
The unedited public sphere.
- Isabelle Simpson
Book review: Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency. - Atika Alkhallouf
Book review: Media localism: The policies of place. - Nick Couldry
Book review: Consumption, psychology and practice theories: A hermeneutic perspective. - Peter Chonka
Book review: African language digital media and communication. - Christopher J. Persaud
Book review: Video Games Have Always Been Queer.
Volume 22, Number 5, May 2020
- Marc Ziegele
, Teresa K. Naab
, Pablo Jost
Lonely together? Identifying the determinants of collective corrective action against uncivil comments. - Ranjana Das
, Paul Hodkinson:
Affective coding: Strategies of online steganography in fathers' mental health disclosure. - Jenni Hokka
, Matti Nelimarkka
Affective economy of national-populist images: Investigating national and transnational online networks through visual big data. - Massimo Ragnedda
, Maria Laura Ruiu
, Felice Addeo
Measuring Digital Capital: An empirical investigation. - Chelsea P. Butkowski
, Travis L. Dixon, Kristopher R. Weeks, Marisa A. Smith
Quantifying the feminine self(ie): Gender display and social media feedback in young women's Instagram selfies. - Debbie Ging
, Theo Lynn
, Pierangelo Rosati
Neologising misogyny: Urban Dictionary's folksonomies of sexual abuse. - Caroline Keen
, Alan France, Ronald Kramer:
Exposing children to pornography: How competing constructions of childhood shape state regulation of online pornographic material. - Stephanie Tom Tong
, Elena Francesca Corriero, Kunto Adi Wibowo
, Taj W. Makki, Richard B. Slatcher:
Self-presentation and impressions of personality through text-based online dating profiles: A lens model analysis. - José van Dijck, Bart Jacobs
Electronic identity services as sociotechnical and political-economic constructs.
- Benjamin Peters
Book Review: Power button: A history of pleasure, panic, and the politics of pushing. - Brian E. Weeks
Book Review: Emotions, Media and Politics. - Miriam E. Sweeney
Book Review: The emoji revolution: How technology is shaping the future of communication. - Stephen P. MacGregor
Book review: Podcasting: The Audio Media Revolution. - Janna Frenzel
Book Review: Futurability: The Age of Impotence and the Horizon of Possibility.
Volume 22, Number 6, June 2020
- Hannah Ditchfield
Behind the screen of Facebook: Identity construction in the rehearsal stage of online interaction. - Jorge Peña
, Juan Francisco Hernández Pérez
Game perspective-taking effects on willingness to help immigrants: A replication study with a Spanish sample. - Yingru Ji
, Sora Kim
Crisis-induced public demand for regulatory intervention in the social media era: Examining the moderating roles of perceived government controllability and consumer collective efficacy. - Ben Egliston
'Seeing isn't doing': Examining tensions between bodies, videogames and technologies 'beyond' the game. - Deana A. Rohlinger
, Cynthia Williams, Mackenzie Teek:
From "thank god for helping this person" to "libtards really jumped the shark": Opinion leaders and (in)civility in the wake of school shootings. - Minna Ruckenstein
, Linda Lisa Maria Turunen
Re-humanizing the platform: Content moderators and the logic of care. - Jenni Niemelä-Nyrhinen
, Janne Seppänen:
Visual communion: The photographic image as phatic communication. - Ralf De Wolf
Contextualizing how teens manage personal and interpersonal privacy on social media. - Blake Hallinan
, Jed R. Brubaker, Casey Fiesler:
Unexpected expectations: Public reaction to the Facebook emotional contagion study. - Patrick Ferrucci
, Toby Hopp, Chris J. Vargo:
Civic engagement, social capital, and ideological extremity: Exploring online political engagement and political expression on Facebook.
- David S. Heineman:
Game studies' elephant in the room.
Volume 22, Number 7, July 2020
- Zoetanya Sujon
, Harry T. Dyer
Understanding the social in a digital age. - Nick Couldry
Recovering critique in an age of datafication. - Dan M. Kotliar
The return of the social: Algorithmic identity in an age of symbolic demise. - Christoph Lutz
, Christian Pieter Hoffmann, Giulia Ranzini:
Data capitalism and the user: An exploration of privacy cynicism in Germany. - Diana Zulli
, Miao Liu, Robert W. Gehl:
Rethinking the "social" in "social media": Insights into topology, abstraction, and scale on the Mastodon social network. - Carrie Karsgaard
, Maggie MacDonald
Picturing the pipeline: Mapping settler colonialism on Instagram. - Mark Wong
Hidden youth? A new perspective on the sociality of young people 'withdrawn' in the bedroom in a digital age. - Rebekah Larsen
Mapping Right to be Forgotten frames: Reflexivity and empirical payoffs at the intersection of network discourse and mixed network methods. - Ysabel Gerrard
, Helen Thornham:
Content moderation: Social media's sexist assemblages. - Sarah Cefai
Humiliation's media cultures: On the power of the social to oblige us. - Naomi Barnes
Trace publics as a qualitative critical network tool: Exploring the dark matter in the #MeToo movement.
- Wendy L. Bowcher
Book Review: Analyzing the media: A systemic functional approach. - Muira McCammon
Book Review: The end of forgetting: Growing up with social media. - Margaret Schwartz
Book Review: Transmitted wounds: Media and the mediation of trauma. - Lisa Schulze
Book Review: Disability rights advocacy online: Voice, empowerment and global connectivity. - Sam Lehman-Wilzig
Book Review: An introduction to communication and artificial intelligence.
Volume 22, Number 8, August 2020
- Tetsuro Kobayashi
Depolarization through social media use: Evidence from dual identifiers in Hong Kong. - Zheng An
, Luana Mendiola-Smith:
Connections to neighborhood storytellers and community-oriented emotional disclosure on Twitter during an emergency event. - Victoria Jaynes
The social life of screenshots: the power of visibility in teen friendship groups. - Daniel S. Lane
Social media design for youth political expression: Testing the roles of identifiability and geo-boundedness. - Alex Gekker
, Sam Hind
Infrastructural surveillance. - Philip Baugut
, Katharina Neumann:
Online news media and propaganda influence on radicalized individuals: Findings from interviews with Islamist prisoners and former Islamists. - Yinyi Luo
, Mark Richard Johnson
How do players understand video game hardware: Tactility or tech-speak? - Weiyu Zhang
, Yipeng Xi, Anfan Chen:
Why do replies appear? A multi-level event history analysis of online policy discussions.
- Samuel Poirier-Poulin
Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming. - Jiayu Wang
, Mingfang Hu:
The Discursive Power of Memes in Digital Culture: Ideology, Semiotics, and Intertextuality. - Jake Pitre
Sad By Design: On Platform Nihilism. - Otávio Daros
Book Review: The digital media age as the age of promiscuous knowledge Promiscuous Knowledge: Information, Image, and Other Truth Games in History. - Xiaoyi Tang
, Jin Xue:
Intercultural Communication, Identity, and Social Movements in the Digital Age.
Volume 22, Number 9, September 2020
- Christine Lohmeier
, Anne Kaun
, Christian Pentzold
Making time in digital societies: Considering the interplay of media, data, and temporalities - An introduction to the special issue. - Mark Andrejevic, Lina Dencik
, Emiliano Treré
From pre-emption to slowness: Assessing the contrasting temporalities of data-driven predictive policing. - Veronica Barassi
Datafied times: Surveillance capitalism, data technologies and the social construction of time in family life. - Julie Yujie Chen
, Ping Sun:
Temporal arbitrage, fragmented rush, and opportunistic behaviors: The labor politics of time in the platform economy. - Anne Kaun
, Fredrik Stiernstedt:
Doing time, the smart way? Temporalities of the smart prison. - Mike Ananny
, Megan Finn
Anticipatory news infrastructures: Seeing journalism's expectations of future publics in its sociotechnical systems. - Christian Pentzold
, Sebastian Konieczko, Florian Osterloh, Ann-Christin Plöger:
#qualitytime: Aspiring to temporal autonomy in harried leisure. - Katharina Niemeyer
, Emily Keightley:
The commodification of time and memory: Online communities and the dynamics of commercially produced nostalgia. - Lee Humphreys
Birthdays, anniversaries, and temporalities: Or how the past is represented as relevant through on-this-date media. - Rebecca Coleman
Making, managing and experiencing 'the now': Digital media and the compression and pacing of 'real-time'. - Taina Bucher
The right-time web: Theorizing the kairologic of algorithmic media. - Brita Ytre-Arne
, Trine Syvertsen, Hallvard Moe, Faltin Karlsen
Temporal ambivalences in smartphone use: Conflicting flows, conflicting responsibilities.
- Elizabeth Ellcessor
Technologies, bureaucracy, and disaster.
Volume 22, Number 10, October 2020
- Shiau Ching Wong, Scott Wright
Hybrid mediation opportunity structure? A case study of Hong Kong's Anti-National Education Movement. - Rodrigo Zamith
, Valerie Belair-Gagnon
, Seth C. Lewis
Constructing audience quantification: Social influences and the development of norms about audience analytics and metrics.