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NeuroImage, Volume 225
Volume 225, January 2021
- Ryutaro Tanno, Daniel E. Worrall
, Enrico Kaden, Aurobrata Ghosh, Francesco Grussu
, Alberto Bizzi
, Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos
, Antonio Criminisi, Daniel C. Alexander
Uncertainty modelling in deep learning for safer neuroimage enhancement: Demonstration in diffusion MRI. 117366 - Kristin Koller
, Umesh S. Rudrapatna
, Maxime Chamberland
, Erika P. Raven, Greg D. Parker, Chantal M. W. Tax, Mark Drakesmith, Fabrizio Fasano, David Owen
, Garin Hughes, Cyril Charron, C. John Evans
, Derek K. Jones
MICRA: Microstructural image compilation with repeated acquisitions. 117406
- Chang Cai
, Ali Hashemi
, Mithun Diwakar
, Stefan Haufe
, Kensuke Sekihara
, Srikantan S. Nagarajan:
Robust estimation of noise for electromagnetic brain imaging with the champagne algorithm. 117411 - Lazaro M. Sanchez-Rodriguez
, Yasser Iturria-Medina, Pauline Mouches
, Roberto C. Sotero:
Detecting brain network communities: Considering the role of information flow and its different temporal scales. 117431 - Daan Christiaens
, Lucilio Cordero-Grande
, Maximilian Pietsch
, Jana Hutter
, Anthony N. Price, Emer J. Hughes
, Katy Vecchiato, Maria Deprez
, A. David Edwards
, Joseph V. Hajnal
, Jacques-Donald Tournier:
Scattered slice SHARD reconstruction for motion correction in multi-shell diffusion MRI. 117437 - Julia M. Stephen
, Isabel Solis
, J. Janowich, M. Stern, Michaela R. Frenzel, Jacob A. Eastman, Mackenzie S. Mills, Christine M. Embury
, N. M. Coolidge, Elizabeth Heinrichs-Graham
, Andy R. Mayer, Jingyu Liu, Yu-Ping Wang, Tony W. Wilson
, Vince D. Calhoun
The Developmental Chronnecto-Genomics (Dev-CoG) study: A multimodal study on the developing brain. 117438 - Joana Sa de Almeida
, Djalel Eddine Meskaldji, Serafeim Loukas, Lara Lordier, Laura Gui, François Lazeyras
, Petra S. Hüppi
Preterm birth leads to impaired rich-club organization and fronto-paralimbic/limbic structural connectivity in newborns. 117440 - Fanny Munsch
, Gopal Varma, Manuel Taso
, Olivier M. Girard
, Arnaud Guidon
, Guillaume Duhamel
, David C. Alsop
Characterization of the cortical myeloarchitecture with inhomogeneous magnetization transfer imaging (ihMT). 117442 - Tim M. Tierney, Andrew Levy, Daniel N. Barry
, Sofie S. Meyer, Yoshihito Shigihara
, Matt Everatt, Stephanie Mellor
, José David López
, Sven Bestmann
, Niall Holmes, Gillian Roberts, Ryan M. Hill
, Elena Boto
, James Leggett, Vishal Shah, Matthew J. Brookes, Richard Bowtell
, Eleanor A. Maguire
, Gareth R. Barnes
Mouth magnetoencephalography: A unique perspective on the human hippocampus. 117443 - Rita Gil, Francisca F. Fernandes
, Noam Shemesh
Neuroplasticity-driven timing modulations revealed by ultrafast functional magnetic resonance imaging. 117446 - Heather R. McGregor
, Jessica K. Lee, Edwin R. Mulder, Yiri De Dios, Nichole E. Beltran, Igor Kofman, Jacob J. Bloomberg, Ajitkumar P. Mulavara, Rachael D. Seidler
Brain connectivity and behavioral changes in a spaceflight analog environment with elevated CO2. 117450 - Elizabeth M. Sweeney, Thanh D. Nguyen
, Amy Kuceyeski, Sarah M. Ryan
, Shun Zhang
, Lily Zexter, Yi Wang, Susan A. Gauthier:
Estimation of Multiple Sclerosis lesion age on magnetic resonance imaging. 117451 - Joanes Grandjean
, David Buehlmann, Michaela Buerge, Hannes Sigrist, Erich Seifritz, Franz X. Vollenweider
, Christopher R. Pryce
, Markus Rudin:
Psilocybin exerts distinct effects on resting state networks associated with serotonin and dopamine in mice. 117456 - Alexander John Poplawsky, Bistra Iordanova
, Alberto L. Vazquez
, Seong-Gi Kim, Mitsuhiro Fukuda:
Postsynaptic activity of inhibitory neurons evokes hemodynamic fMRI responses. 117457 - Loredana Bellantuono
, Luca Marzano
, Marianna La Rocca
, Dominique Duncan
, Angela Lombardi, Tommaso Maggipinto
, Alfonso Monaco
, Sabina Tangaro
, Nicola Amoroso, Roberto Bellotti
Predicting brain age with complex networks: From adolescence to adulthood. 117458 - Jorge A. Salas
, Roza G. Bayrak
, Yuankai Huo, Catie Chang
Reconstruction of respiratory variation signals from fMRI data. 117459 - Mostafa Mehdipour-Ghazi
, Mads Nielsen, Akshay Pai, Marc Modat
, M. Jorge Cardoso
, Sébastien Ourselin
, Lauge Sørensen
Robust parametric modeling of Alzheimer's disease progression. 117460 - Alexander D. Cohen
, Baolian Yang, Brice Fernandez
, Suchandrima Banerjee, Yang Wang
Improved resting state functional connectivity sensitivity and reproducibility using a multiband multi-echo acquisition. 117461 - Xiaoxiao Qi
, Konstantinos Arfanakis
Regionconnect: Rapidly extracting standardized brain connectivity information in voxel-wise neuroimaging studies. 117462 - Zilu Ma
, Wenyu Tu
, Nanyin Zhang:
Increased wiring cost during development is driven by long-range cortical, but not subcortical connections. 117463 - Kisung You
, Hae-Jeong Park
Re-visiting Riemannian geometry of symmetric positive definite matrices for the analysis of functional connectivity. 117464 - Emily S. Kappenman
, Jaclyn L. Farrens, Wendy Zhang
, Andrew X. Stewart
, Steven J. Luck:
ERP CORE: An open resource for human event-related potential research. 117465 - Geon-Ho Jahng, Mun Bae Lee, Hyung Joong Kim, Eung Je Woo, Ohin Kwon:
Low-frequency dominant electrical conductivity imaging of in vivo human brain using high-frequency conductivity at Larmor-frequency and spherical mean diffusivity without external injection current. 117466 - Solveig Næss, Geir Halnes
, Espen Hagen
, Donald J. Hagler Jr., Anders M. Dale, Gaute T. Einevoll
, Torbjørn V. Ness
Biophysically detailed forward modeling of the neural origin of EEG and MEG signals. 117467
- Zhiting Ren, Richard J. Daker, Liang Shi
, Jiangzhou Sun, Roger E. Beaty
, Xinran Wu
, Qunlin Chen
, Wenjing Yang, Ian M. Lyons, Adam E. Green, Jiang Qiu:
Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling of Creativity Anxiety. 117469 - Stefano Cerri
, Oula Puonti, Dominik S. Meier, Jens Wuerfel
, Mark Mühlau
, Hartwig R. Siebner, Koen Van Leemput
A contrast-adaptive method for simultaneous whole-brain and lesion segmentation in multiple sclerosis. 117471 - Yonatan I. Fishman, Wei-Wei Lee, Elyse Sussman:
Learning to predict: Neuronal signatures of auditory expectancy in human event-related potentials. 117472 - Catherine R. Jutzeler
, Lukas D. Linde
, Jan Rosner, Michèle Hubli
, Armin Curt, John L. K. Kramer:
Single-trial averaging improves the physiological interpretation of contact heat evoked potentials. 117473 - Simon G. J. Dobri
, Bernhard Ross
Total GABA level in human auditory cortex is associated with speech-in-noise understanding in older age. 117474 - Yanyu Xiong
, Sharlene D. Newman:
Both activation and deactivation of functional networks support increased sentence processing costs. 117475 - Eri Nakagawa, Motofumi Sumiya
, Takahiko Koike, Norihiro Sadato
The neural network underpinning social feedback contingent upon one's action: An fMRI study. 117476 - Andrei Irimia, John Darrell Van Horn
Mapping the rest of the human connectome: Atlasing the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. 117478 - Julien Vezoli
, Loïc Magrou, Rainer Goebel
, Xiao-Jing Wang, Kenneth Knoblauch
, Martin A. Vinck
, Henry Kennedy
Cortical hierarchy, dual counterstream architecture and the importance of top-down generative networks. 117479 - B. C. L. Lehmann
, Richard N. A. Henson, Linda Geerligs
, Cam-CAN Group, Simon R. White
Characterising group-level brain connectivity: A framework using Bayesian exponential random graph models. 117480 - Andrea N. Grant, Jordi Manuello
, Lorenzo Mancuso
, Donato Liloia
, Tommaso Costa, Alessandro Vercelli
, Sergio Duca, Franco Cauda:
The pathoconnectivity network analysis of the insular cortex: A morphometric fingerprinting. 117481 - Giorgos Papanastasiou
, Mark A. Rodrigues
, Chengjia Wang, Kerstin Heurling, Christophe Lucatelli, Rustam Al-Shahi Salman
, Joanna M. Wardlaw
, Edwin J. R. van Beek
, Gerard Thompson
Pharmacokinetic modelling for the simultaneous assessment of perfusion and 18F-flutemetamol uptake in cerebral amyloid angiopathy using a reduced PET-MR acquisition time: Proof of concept. 117482
- Eshin Jolly
, S. Sadhukha, Luke J. Chang
Response to Lynch et al: On measuring head motion and effects of head molds during fMRI. 117484 - Xue Xia
, Dandan Wang, Yuyu Song, Mengyan Zhu, Yansong Li
, Robert Chen, Jian Zhang
Involvement of the primary motor cortex in the early processing stage of the affective stimulus-response compatibility effect in a manikin task. 117485 - Naotsugu Kaneko, Hikaru Yokoyama, Yohei Masugi, Katsumi Watanabe
, Kimitaka Nakazawa:
Phase dependent modulation of cortical activity during action observation and motor imagery of walking: An EEG study. 117486 - Rong Ye
, Catarina Rua, Claire O'Callaghan
, P. Simon Jones
, Frank H. Hezemans
, Sanne S. Kaalund
, Kamen A. Tsvetanov
, Christopher T. Rodgers
, Guy B. Williams
, Luca Passamonti, James B. Rowe
An in vivo probabilistic atlas of the human locus coeruleus at ultra-high field. 117487 - William K. Lloyd
, Jayne Morriss
, Birthe Macdonald
, Karin Joanknecht, Julie Nihouarn
, Carien M. van Reekum
Longitudinal change in executive function is associated with impaired top-down frontolimbic regulation during reappraisal in older adults. 117488 - Zhen Yang
, Qawi K. Telesford, Alexandre R. Franco
, Ryan Lim
, Shi Gu, Ting Xu, Lei Ai, Francisco X. Castellanos
, Chao-Gan Yan
, Stanley J. Colcombe, Michael P. Milham:
Measurement reliability for individual differences in multilayer network dynamics: Cautions and considerations. 117489 - Elisabetta Maria Frijia
, Addison Billing
, Sarah Lloyd-Fox
, Ernesto Vidal Rosas
, Liam Collins-Jones
, Maria Magdalena Crespo-Llado
, Marta Perapoch Amadó
, Topun Austin
, Andrea Edwards
, Luke Dunne, Greg Smith, Reuben Nixon-Hill
, Samuel Powell
, Nicholas L. Everdell, Robert J. Cooper
Functional imaging of the developing brain with wearable high-density diffuse optical tomography: A new benchmark for infant neuroimaging outside the scanner environment. 117490 - Stefan Frässle
, Zina M. Manjaly, Cao-Tri Do
, Lars Kasper
, Klaas P. Pruessmann
, Klaas E. Stephan
Whole-brain estimates of directed connectivity for human connectomics. 117491 - Robert Stojan
, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage
Neurophysiological correlates of age differences in driving behavior during concurrent subtask performance. 117492 - Lu Wang
, Feng Vankee Lin
, Martin Cole
, Zhengwu Zhang
Learning Clique Subgraphs in Structural Brain Network Classification with Application to Crystallized Cognition. 117493 - Charles J. Lynch, Henning U. Voss, Benjamin M. Silver
, Jonathan D. Power
On measuring head motion and effects of head molds during fMRI. 117494 - Jonathan M. Keefe
, Viola S. Störmer:
Lateralized alpha activity and slow potential shifts over visual cortex track the time course of both endogenous and exogenous orienting of attention. 117495 - Gang Chen
, Srikanth Padmala, Yi Chen, Paul A. Taylor
, Robert W. Cox, Luiz Pessoa:
To pool or not to pool: Can we ignore cross-trial variability in FMRI? 117496
- Catarina Tristão Pereira
, Yujian Diao, Ting Yin, Analina R. da Silva
, Bernard Lanz
, Katarzyna Pierzchala
, Carole Poitry-Yamate, Ileana O. Jelescu
Synchronous nonmonotonic changes in functional connectivity and white matter integrity in a rat model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease. 117498 - Gaia Olivo
, Jonna Nilsson, Benjamín Garzón
, Alexander Lebedev, Anders Wåhlin
, Olga Tarassova, Maria Ekblom
, Martin Lövdén:
Immediate effects of a single session of physical exercise on cognition and cerebral blood flow: A randomized controlled study of older adults. 117500 - Martin Andermann
, Melanie Günther
, Roy D. Patterson
, André Rupp
Early cortical processing of pitch height and the role of adaptation and musicality. 117501 - Silvio Schmidt
, Sidra Gull
, Karl-Heinz Herrmann
, Marcus Boehme
, Andrey Irintchev
, Anja Urbach
, Jürgen R. Reichenbach, Carsten M. Klingner
, Christian Gaser
, Otto W. Witte:
Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the adult brain: How the learning brain grows. 117502 - Katarzyna Chyl
, Bartosz Kossowski
, Shuai Wang, Agnieszka Debska
, Magdalena Luniewska
, Artur Marchewka
, Marek Wypych
, Mark van den Bunt, William Mencl, Kenneth R. Pugh, Katarzyna Jednoróg
The brain signature of emerging reading in two contrasting languages. 117503 - Arush Honnedevasthana Arun
, Alan Connelly, Robert Elton Smith, Fernando Calamante:
Characterisation of white matter asymmetries in the healthy human brain using diffusion MRI fixel-based analysis. 117505
- Qianqian Lin, Gan Huang
, Linling Li, Li Zhang, Zhen Liang
, Ahmed M. Anter
, Zhiguo Zhang
Designing individual-specific and trial-specific models to accurately predict the intensity of nociceptive pain from single-trial fMRI responses. 117506 - Laurie Compère
, Sylvain Charron
, Thierry Gallarda, Eirini Rari, Stéphanie Lion, Marion Nys, Adèle Anssens, Sandrine Coussinoux, Sébastien Machefaux, Catherine Oppenheim
, Pascale Piolino
Gender identity better than sex explains individual differences in episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memory: An fMRI study. 117507 - Tara L. White
, Meghan A. Gonsalves
, Ronald A. Cohen, Ashley D. Harris
, Mollie A. Monnig
, Edward G. Walsh
, Adam Z. Nitenson, Eric C. Porges, Damon G. Lamb, Adam J. Woods
, Cara B. Borja
The neurobiology of wellness: 1H-MRS correlates of agency, flexibility and neuroaffective reserves in healthy young adults. 117509 - Xiaolong Zhang, Urs Braun, Anais Harneit, Zhenxiang Zang, Lena S. Geiger
, Richard F. Betzel, Junfang Chen, Janina I. Schweiger, Kristina Schwarz
, Jonathan Rochus Reinwald
, Stefan Fritze
, Stephanie H. Witt, Marcella Rietschel
, Markus M. Nöthen
, Franziska Degenhardt, Emanuel Schwarz, Dusan Hirjak
, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Heike Tost:
Generative network models of altered structural brain connectivity in schizophrenia. 117510 - Michele T. Diaz
, Hossein Karimi, Sara B. W. Troutman
, Victoria H. Gertel, Abigail L. Cosgrove, Haoyun Zhang
Neural sensitivity to phonological characteristics is stable across the lifespan. 117511 - Takashi Tarumi
, Tsubasa Tomoto
, Justin Repshas, Ciwen Wang, Linda S. Hynan, C. Munro Cullum
, David C. Zhu, Rong Zhang
Midlife aerobic exercise and brain structural integrity: Associations with age and cardiorespiratory fitness. 117512 - Clémentine Bodin
, Alexandre Pron
, Marion Le Mao
, Jean Régis, Pascal Belin
, Olivier Coulon
Plis de passage in the superior temporal sulcus: Morphology and local connectivity. 117513 - Y. Dan Rubinstein, Liliana Camarillo-Rodriguez
, Mijail D. Serruya
, Nora A. Herweg
, Zachary Waldman, Paul A. Wanda, Ashwini Sharan, Shennan A. Weiss
, Michael R. Sperling
Contribution of left supramarginal and angular gyri to episodic memory encoding: An intracranial EEG study. 117514 - Christi R. P. Sullivan
, Sarah Olsen, Alik S. Widge
Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders: From focal brain targets to cognitive networks. 117515
- Alison R. Weiss
, Zheng Liu, Xiaojie Wang, William A. Liguore, Christopher D. Kroenke, Jodi L. McBride
The macaque brain ONPRC18 template with combined gray and white matter labelmap for multimodal neuroimaging studies of Nonhuman Primates. 117517 - Andrew S. Fox
, Daniel Holley
, Peter Christiaan Klink
, Spencer A. Arbuckle
, Carol A. Barnes, Jörn Diedrichsen
, Sze Chai Kwok
, Colin Kyle, J. Andrew Pruszynski
, Jakob Seidlitz, XuFeng Zhou, Russell A. Poldrack, Krzysztof J. Gorgolewski:
Sharing voxelwise neuroimaging results from rhesus monkeys and other species with Neurovault. 117518 - Mark J. Prescott
, Colline Poirier
The role of MRI in applying the 3Rs to non-human primate neuroscience. 117521 - Sebastian Moguilner
, Adolfo M. García
, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Enzo Tagliazucchi
, Olivier Piguet
, Fiona Kumfor
, Pablo Reyes
, Diana Matallana
, Lucas Sedeño, Agustín Ibáñez
Dynamic brain fluctuations outperform connectivity measures and mirror pathophysiological profiles across dementia subtypes: A multicenter study. 117522 - Marlee M. Vandewouw
, Benjamin T. Dunkley
, Jason P. Lerch, Evdokia Anagnostou, Margot J. Taylor:
Characterizing Inscapes and resting-state in MEG: Effects in typical and atypical development. 117524 - Yuan Ji
, Xue Zhang, Zirui Wang, Wen Qin
, Huaigui Liu, Kaizhong Xue, Jie Tang, Qiang Xu, Dan Zhu, Feng Liu
, Chunshui Yu
Genes associated with gray matter volume alterations in schizophrenia. 117526 - Françoise Diaz-Rojas
, Michiko Matsunaga
, Yukari Tanaka, Takefumi Kikusui, Kazutaka Mogi, Miho Nagasawa, Kohei Asano
, Nobuhito Abe, Masako Myowa:
Development of the paternal brain in expectant fathers during early pregnancy. 117527
- Julia M. Huntenburg, Ling Yun Yeow, Francesca Mandino, Joanes Grandjean
Gradients of functional connectivity in the mouse cortex reflect neocortical evolution. 117528 - Raimo A. Salo
, Ilya Belevich
, Eija Jokitalo
, Olli Gröhn, Alejandra Sierra
Assessment of the structural complexity of diffusion MRI voxels using 3D electron microscopy in the rat brain. 117529

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