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NeuroImage, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, September 2002
- Hellmuth Obrig, Heike Israel, Matthias Kohl-Bareis, Kâmil Uludag
, Rüdiger Wenzel, Bianca Müller, Guy Arnold, Arno Villringer
Habituation of the Visually Evoked Potential and Its Vascular Response: Implications for Neurovascular Coupling in the Healthy Adult. 1-18 - Valeria Della-Maggiore
, Wilkin Chau, Pedro R. Peres-Neto
, Anthony R. McIntosh
An Empirical Comparison of SPM Preprocessing Parameters to the Analysis of fMRI Data. 19-28 - Catriona D. Good, Rachael I. Scahill
, Nick C. Fox
, John Ashburner
, Karl J. Friston
, Dennis Chan, William R. Crum
, Martin Rossor
, Richard S. J. Frackowiak
Automatic Differentiation of Anatomical Patterns in the Human Brain: Validation with Studies of Degenerative Dementias. 29-46 - Zsolt Cselényi, Hans Olsson, Lars Farde
, Balázs Gulyás
Wavelet-Aided Parametric Mapping of Cerebral Dopamine D2 Receptors Using the High Affinity PET Radioligand [11C]FLB 457. 47-60 - Ronald Pierson, Patricia Westmoreland Corson, Lonnie L. Sears, Daniel Alicata, Vincent Magnotta
, Daniel S. O'Leary
, Nancy C. Andreasen
Manual and Semiautomated Measurement of Cerebellar Subregions on MR Images. 61-76 - Marco Catani
, Robert J. Howard
, Sinisa Pajevic, Derek K. Jones
Virtual in Vivo Interactive Dissection of White Matter Fasciculi in the Human Brain. 77-94 - Jean-Claude Dreher
, Etienne Koechlin
, Syed Omar Ali, Jordan Henry Grafman
The Roles of Timing and Task Order during Task Switching. 95-109 - Jürgen Gallinat, Christoph Mulert
, Malek Bajbouj, Werner M. Herrmann, Jürgen Schunter, Daniel Senkowski
, Renata Moukhtieva, Daniela Kronfeldt, Georg Winterer:
Frontal and Temporal Dysfunction of Auditory Stimulus Processing in Schizophrenia. 110-127 - Christoph Scherfler
, Eveline Donnemiller, Michael Schocke, Katja Dierkes, Clemens Decristoforo
, Michael Oberladstätter, Christian Kolbitsch, Fritz Zschiegner, Georg Riccabona, Werner Poewe, Gregor K. Wenning
Evaluation of Striatal Dopamine Transporter Function in Rats by in Vivo β-[123I]CIT Pinhole SPECT. 128-141 - Jörg Rademacher, Uli Bürgel, Karl Zilles
Stereotaxic Localization, Intersubject Variability, and Interhemispheric Differences of the Human Auditory Thalamocortical System. 142-160 - Keiichiro Toma, Takahiro Matsuoka, Ilka Immisch, Tatsuya Mima
, Daniel Waldvogel
, Benjamin Koshy, Takashi Hanakawa, Holly Shill, Mark Hallett:
Generators of Movement-Related Cortical Potentials: fMRI-Constrained EEG Dipole Source Analysis. 161-173 - A. Léger, Jean-François Démonet
, Serge Ruff, B. Aithamon, B. Touyeras, M. Puel, Kader Boulanouar, Dominique Cardebat:
Neural Substrates of Spoken Language Rehabilitation in an Aphasic Patient: An fMRI Study. 174-183 - E. Darcy Burgund, Hyunseon Christine Kang, James E. Kelly, Randy L. Buckner, Abraham Z. Snyder, Steven E. Petersen, Bradley L. Schlaggar:
The Feasibility of a Common Stereotactic Space for Children and Adults in fMRI Studies of Development. 184-200 - David C. Glahn, Jihie Kim, Mark S. Cohen
, Veli-Pekka Poutanen, Sebastian Therman
, S. Bava, Theo G. M. van Erp, Marko Manninen
, Matti Huttunen, Jouko Lönnqvist, Carl-Gustav Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, Tyrone D. Cannon:
Maintenance and Manipulation in Spatial Working Memory: Dissociations in the Prefrontal Cortex. 201-213 - J. S. Morris, M. deBonis, Raymond J. Dolan
Human Amygdala Responses to Fearful Eyes. 214-222 - Lucas C. Parra, Christopher V. Alvino, Akaysha C. Tang, Barak A. Pearlmutter
, Nick Yeung
, Allen Osman, Paul Sajda:
Linear Spatial Integration for Single-Trial Detection in Encephalography. 223-230 - Winfried B. Müller, Markus Jüptner, Walter Jentzen, S. P. Müller:
Cortical Activation to Auditory Mismatch Elicited by Frequency Deviant and Complex Novel Sounds: A PET Study. 231-239 - Albena Dimitrova
, Johannes Weber
, C. Redies, K. Kindsvater, M. Maschke, Florian P. Kolb, Michael Forsting, H. C. Diener, Dagmar Timmann:
MRI Atlas of the Human Cerebellar Nuclei. 240-255 - I. C. Wright, Pak C. Sham, Robin M. Murray
, Daniel R. Weinberger, Edward T. Bullmore
Genetic Contributions to Regional Variability in Human Brain Structure: Methods and Preliminary Results. 256-271 - Josef Pfeuffer
, Pierre-François van de Moortele
, Essa Yacoub, Amir Shmuel, Gregor Adriany
, Peter Andersen, Hellmut Merkle, Michael Garwood
, Kâmil Ugurbil, Xiaoping Hu
Zoomed Functional Imaging in the Human Brain at 7 Tesla with Simultaneous High Spatial and High Temporal Resolution. 272-286 - Christophe Phillips
, Michael D. Rugg, Karl J. Friston
Systematic Regularization of Linear Inverse Solutions of the EEG Source Localization Problem. 287-301 - Karl Herholz, Eric Salmon
, Daniela Perani, Jean-Claude Baron
, Vjera Holthoff
, Lutz Frölich, Peter Schönknecht, K. Ito, R. Mielke, Elke Kalbe, Gerhard Zündorf, Xavier Delbeuck
, O. Pelati, Davide Anchisi
, Ferruccio Fazio, Nacer Kerrouche, Béatrice Desgranges
, Francis Eustache
, Bettina Beuthien-Baumann, C. Menzel, Johannes Schröder, T. Kato, Y. Arahata, Marcus Henze, W.-D. Heiss:
Discrimination between Alzheimer Dementia and Controls by Automated Analysis of Multicenter FDG PET. 302-316 - Ahmad R. Hariri, Alessandro Tessitore
, Venkata S. Mattay, Francesco Fera, Daniel R. Weinberger:
The Amygdala Response to Emotional Stimuli: A Comparison of Faces and Scenes. 317-323 - Norio Fujimaki, Tomoe Hayakawa, Matthew Nielsen, Thomas R. Knösche, Satoru Miyauchi:
An fMRI-Constrained MEG Source Analysis with Procedures for Dividing and Grouping Activation. 324-343 - Vincent P. Clark
Orthogonal Polynomial Regression for the Detection of Response Variability in Event-Related fMRI. 344-363 - Birgit Elsner
, Bernhard Hommel
, Claudia Mentschel, Alexander Drzezga
, Wolfgang Prinz, Bastian Conrad, Hartwig R. Siebner:
Linking Actions and Their Perceivable Consequences in the Human Brain. 364-372 - Mario Quarantelli
, Michele Larobina
, Umberto Volpe
, Giovanni Amati, Enrico Tedeschi
, Andrea Ciarmiello
, Arturo Brunetti
, Silvana Galderisi
, Bruno Alfano
Stereotaxy-Based Regional Brain Volumetry Applied to Segmented MRI: Validation and Results in Deficit and Nondeficit Schizophrenia. 373-384 - Atsushi Umetsu, Jiro Okuda, Toshikatsu Fujii, Takashi Tsukiura, Tatsuo Nagasaka, Isao Yanagawa, Motoaki Sugiura, Kentaro Inoue, Ryuta Kawashima, Kyoko Suzuki
, Michio Tabuchi, T. Murata, Shunji Mugikura
, S. Higano, Shoki Takahashi, Hiroshi Fukuda, Atsushi Yamadori:
Brain Activation during the Fist-Edge-Palm Test: A Functional MRI Study. 385-392 - Rajendra D. Badgaiyan, Daniel L. Schacter
, Nathaniel M. Alpert:
Retrieval of Relational Information: A Role for the Left Inferior Prefrontal Cortex. 393-400 - Elena Plante, Marlena Creusere, Cynthia Sabin:
Dissociating Sentential Prosody from Sentence Processing: Activation Interacts with Task Demands. 401-410 - Felipe M. Ortuño
, Natalia Ojeda
, Javier Arbizu
, Pilar Lopez
, Josep María Martí-Climent
, Iván Peñuelas
, Salvador Cervera:
Sustained Attention in a Counting Task: Normal Performance and Functional Neuroanatomy. 411-420 - Stefan Golaszewski, Christian M. Siedentopf, Erwin Baldauf, Florian Koppelstaetter, Wilhelm Eisner, Josef M. Unterrainer, Gert M. Guendisch, Felix M. Mottaghy
, Stephan R. Felber:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Sensorimotor Cortex Using a Novel Vibrotactile Stimulator. 421-430 - Ulrich Möller, Marc Ligges, Petra Georgiewa, Carolin Grünling
, Werner A. Kaiser, Herbert Witte, Bernhard Blanz:
How to Avoid Spurious Cluster Validation? A Methodological Investigation on Simulated and fMRI Data. 431-446 - G. J. M. Rutten, Nick F. Ramsey
, Peter C. van Rijen, Willem C. Alpherts, C. W. M. van Veelen:
fMRI-Determined Language Lateralization in Patients with Unilateral or Mixed Language Dominance According to the Wada Test. 447-460 - Ellen Seiss, C. W. Hesse, S. Drane, Robert Oostenveld
, Alan M. Wing
, Peter Praamstra:
Proprioception-Related Evoked Potentials: Origin and Sensitivity to Movement Parameters. 461-468 - Matthias J. P. van Osch
, D. R. Rutgers, E. P. A. Vonken, Alexander C. van Huffelen, C. J. M. Klijn
, Chris J. G. Bakker, Jeroen van der Grond
Quantitative Cerebral Perfusion MRI and CO2 Reactivity Measurements in Patients with Symptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion. 469-478 - Stephen M. Smith
, Yongyue Zhang, Mark Jenkinson
, Jacqueline Chen, Paul M. Matthews
, Antonio Federico
, Nicola De Stefano
Accurate, Robust, and Automated Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Brain Change Analysis. 479-489 - Farsin Hamzei, Christian Dettmers, Reinhard Rzanny, Joachim Liepert, Christian Büchel, Cornelius Weiller
Reduction of Excitability ("Inhibition") in the Ipsilateral Primary Motor Cortex Is Mirrored by fMRI Signal Decreases. 490-496 - Martin A. Koch, Volkmar Glauche, Jürgen Finsterbusch, U. G. Nolte, J. Frahm, Cornelius Weiller
, Christian Büchel:
Distortion-free Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Cranial Nerves and of Inferior Temporal and Orbitofrontal White Matter. 497-506 - C. H. Salmond, John Ashburner
, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem
, Alan Connelly, David G. Gadian, Karl J. Friston
The Precision of Anatomical Normalization in the Medial Temporal Lobe Using Spatial Basis Functions. 507-512
Volume 17, Number 2, October 2002
- Simon Duchesne
, Jens C. Pruessner
, D. Louis Collins
Appearance-Based Segmentation of Medial Temporal Lobe Structures. 515-531 - Maria Gavrilescu, Marnie E. Shaw, Geoffrey W. Stuart, Peter Eckersley, Imants D. Svalbe, Gary F. Egan:
Simulation of the Effects of Global Normalization Procedures in Functional MRI. 532-542 - Richard N. A. Henson, Tim Shallice, Oliver Josephs, Raymond J. Dolan
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Proactive Interference during Spoken Cued Recall. 543-558 - Claudio Babiloni, Fabio Babiloni
, Filippo Carducci, Febo Cincotti
, Guido Cocozza, Claudio Del Percio, Davide V. Moretti
, Paolo Maria Rossini:
Human Cortical Electroencephalography (EEG) Rhythms during the Observation of Simple Aimless Movements: A High-Resolution EEG Study. 559-572 - Garry Honey, Cynthia H. Y. Fu, Jieun Kim, Michael J. Brammer, T. J. Croudace, John Suckling, E. M. Pich, Steven C. R. Williams
, Edward T. Bullmore:
Effects of Verbal Working Memory Load on Corticocortical Connectivity Modeled by Path Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. 573-582 - William F. Auffermann, Shing-Chung Ngan, Xiaoping Hu
Cluster Significance Testing Using the Bootstrap. 583-591 - Derek K. Jones, Lewis D. Griffin, Daniel C. Alexander, Marco Catani
, Mark A. Horsfield
, Robert J. Howard, Steven C. R. Williams
Spatial Normalization and Averaging of Diffusion Tensor MRI Data Sets. 592-617 - Emma J. Burton, G. B. Karas, S. M. Paling, Robert C. Barber, E. David Williams, Clive G. Ballard
, Ian G. McKeith, Philip Scheltens, Frederik Barkhof
, John T. O'Brien
Patterns of Cerebral Atrophy in Dementia with Lewy Bodies Using Voxel-Based Morphometry. 618-630 - Ruth Spinks, Vincent A. Magnotta, Nancy C. Andreasen, Karen C. Albright, Steven Ziebell, Peggy Nopoulos, Martin Cassell:
Manual and Automated Measurement of the Whole Thalamus and Mediodorsal Nucleus Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 631-642 - Brigitte Lipschutz, Régine Kolinsky, Philippe Damhaut, David Wikler, Serge Goldman:
Attention-Dependent Changes of Activation and Connectivity in Dichotic Listening. 643-656 - Danielle J. Tisserand, Jens C. Pruessner
, Ernesto J. Sanz-Arigita
, Martin P. J. van Boxtel, Alan C. Evans, Jelle Jolles, Harry B. M. Uylings:
Regional Frontal Cortical Volumes Decrease Differentially in Aging: An MRI Study to Compare Volumetric Approaches and Voxel-Based Morphometry. 657-669 - Jesús Pujol, Anna López-Sala, Joan Deus, Narcís Cardoner
, Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Gerardo Conesa, Antoni Capdevila:
The Lateral Asymmetry of the Human Brain Studied by Volumetric Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 670-679 - A. M. Santhouse, Dominic H. Ffytche, Robert J. Howard
, Steven C. R. Williams
, Larry Rifkin, Robin M. Murray:
Functional Imaging of the Mechanisms Underlying the Bilateral Field Advantage. 680-687 - Catherine Lozza
, R.-M. Marié, Jean-Claude Baron:
The Metabolic Substrates of Bradykinesia and Tremor in Uncomplicated Parkinson's Disease. 688-699 - Marco Tettamanti, Hatem Alkadhi
, Andrea Moro, Daniela Perani, Spyros Sreejanth Kollias, Dorothea Weniger:
Neural Correlates for the Acquisition of Natural Language Syntax. 700-709 - Deniz Bilecen, Erich Seifritz, Klaus Scheffler, Jürgen Hennig, Anja-Carina Schulte:
Amplitopicity of the Human Auditory Cortex: An fMRI Study. 710-718 - Gary Strangman
, Joseph P. Culver, John H. Thompson, David A. Boas:
A Quantitative Comparison of Simultaneous BOLD fMRI and NIRS Recordings during Functional Brain Activation. 719-731 - Steven Laureys, Marie Élisabeth Faymonville, Philippe Peigneux
, P. Damas, B. Lambermont, Guy Del Fiore, Christian Degueldre, Joel Aerts, André Luxen, G. Franck, M. Lamy, Gustave Moonen, Pierre Maquet:
Cortical Processing of Noxious Somatosensory Stimuli in the Persistent Vegetative State. 732-741 - Allen W. Song, Marty G. Woldorff, Stacey Gangstead, George R. Mangun, Gregory McCarthy:
Enhanced Spatial Localization of Neuronal Activation Using Simultaneous Apparent-Diffusion-Coefficient and Blood-Oxygenation Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 742-750 - Paul J. Laurienti, Aaron S. Field, Jonathan H. Burdette, Joseph A. Maldjian, Yi-Fen Yen, Dixon M. Moody:
Dietary Caffeine Consumption Modulates fMRI Measures. 751-757 - Masao Iwase, Yasuomi Ouchi, Hiroyuki Okada, Chihiro Yokoyama
, Shuji Nobezawa, Etsuji Yoshikawa, Hideo Tsukada, Masaki Takeda, Ko Yamashita, Masatoshi Takeda, Kouzi Yamaguti, Hirohiko Kuratsune, Akira Shimizu, Yasuyoshi Watanabe:
Neural Substrates of Human Facial Expression of Pleasant Emotion Induced by Comic Films: A PET Study. 758-768 - Mircea Ariel Schoenfeld
, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Marty G. Woldorff:
Unmasking Motion-Processing Activity in Human Brain Area V5/MT+ Mediated by Pathways That Bypass Primary Visual Cortex. 769-779 - Paul C. Fletcher
, Nicola Palomero-Gallagher, Oliver Zafiris, Gereon R. Fink
, Lorraine K. Tyler, Karl Zilles
The Influence of Explicit Instructions and Stimulus Material on Lateral Frontal Responses to an Encoding Task. 780-791 - Tracy L. Luks, Gregory V. Simpson, Robert J. Feiwell, William L. Miller:
Evidence for Anterior Cingulate Cortex Involvement in Monitoring Preparatory Attentional Set. 792-802 - Michel Modo, Diana Cash, Karen Mellodew, Steven C. R. Williams
, Scott E. Fraser, Thomas J. Meade, Jack Price, Helen Hodges:
Tracking Transplanted Stem Cell Migration Using Bifunctional, Contrast Agent-Enhanced, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 803-811 - Karen Emmorey, Hanna Damasio, Stephen McCullough, Thomas J. Grabowski, Laura L. Boles Ponto, Richard D. Hichwa, Ursula Bellugi:
Neural Systems Underlying Spatial Language in American Sign Language. 812-824 - Mark Jenkinson, Peter R. Bannister, Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith:
Improved Optimization for the Robust and Accurate Linear Registration and Motion Correction of Brain Images. 825-841 - Kent A. Kiehl, Kristin R. Laurens
, Peter F. Liddle:
Reading Anomalous Sentences: An Event-Related fMRI Study of Semantic Processing. 842-850 - Georg Winterer, Charles M. Adams, Douglas W. Jones, Brian Knutson
Volition to Action - An Event-Related fMRI Study. 851-858 - Ben Xu, Jordan Henry Grafman, William D. Gaillard, Marianna Spanaki, Kenji Ishii, Lyn M. Balsamo, Milan Makale, William H. Theodore:
Neuroimaging Reveals Automatic Speech Coding during Perception of Written Word Meaning. 859-870 - Cynthia H. Y. Fu, Kevin Morgan, John Suckling, Steven C. R. Williams
, Christopher Andrew, Goparlen N. Vythelingum, Philip K. McGuire:
A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Overt Letter Verbal Fluency Using a Clustered Acquisition Sequence: Greater Anterior Cingulate Activation with Increased Task Demand. 871-879 - Dominic Edward Job
, Heather C. Whalley
, Daniel S. McConnell, Mike Glabus, Eve C. Johnstone, Stephen M. Lawrie:
Structural Gray Matter Differences between First-Episode Schizophrenics and Normal Controls Using Voxel-Based Morphometry. 880-889 - Timothy J. Andrews, Denis Schluppeck
, Dave Homfray, Paul Matthews, Colin Blakemore:
Activity in the Fusiform Gyrus Predicts Conscious Perception of Rubin's Vase-Face Illusion. 890-901 - Andrew S. Lowe
, Steven C. R. Williams
, Mark R. Symms, Ian P. Stolerman, Mohammed Shoaib:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging of Drug Dependence: Naloxone-Precipitated Morphine Withdrawal. 902-910 - Pascal Vianin, Andrés Posada, Etienne Hugues, Nicolas Franck
, Pierre Bovet, Josef Parnas, Marc Jeannerod:
Reduced P300 Amplitude in a Visual Recognition Task in Patients with Schizophrenia. 911-921 - Peter V. Kochunov, Jack L. Lancaster, Paul M. Thompson, Arthur W. Toga, P. Brewer, L. J. Hardies, Peter T. Fox
An Optimized Individual Target Brain in the Talairach Coordinate System. 922-927 - Philippe Millet
, Christophe Graf, Alfred Buck, Bernard Walder, Vicente Ibáñez:
Evaluation of the Reference Tissue Models for PET and SPECT Benzodiazepine Binding Parameters. 928-942 - Hanzhang Lu, Xavier Golay, Peter C. M. van Zijl:
Intervoxel Heterogeneity of Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Responses as a Function of T1 Weighting. 943-955 - Stefan Koelsch, Thomas C. Gunter, D. Yves von Cramon, Stefan Zysset, Gabriele Lohmann, Angela D. Friederici:
Bach Speaks: A Cortical "Language-Network" Serves the Processing of Music. 956-966 - James L. Wilson, Mark Jenkinson, Ivan E. Tavares de Araújo, Morten L. Kringelbach, Edmund T. Rolls
, Peter Jezzard:
Fast, Fully Automated Global and Local Magnetic Field Optimization for fMRI of the Human Brain. 967-976 - M.-G. Knuttinen, Todd B. Parrish, Craig Weiss, Kevin S. LaBar, Darren R. Gitelman, J. M. Power, M.-Marsel Mesulam, John F. Disterhoft:
Electromyography as a Recording System for Eyeblink Conditioning with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 977-987 - James B. Rowe, Karl J. Friston
, Richard S. Frackowiak
, Richard E. Passingham:
Attention to Action: Specific Modulation of Corticocortical Interactions in Humans. 988-998 - Henning Boecker
, Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann, Peter Bartenstein, Alain Dagher, K. Forster, Bernhard Haslinger, David J. Brooks, Markus Schwaiger, Bastian Conrad:
A H215O Positron Emission Tomography Study on Mental Imagery of Movement Sequences - The Effect of Modulating Sequence Length and Direction. 999-1009 - François Lazeyras, Colette Boëx, Alain Sigrist, Mohamed L. Seghier, Grégoire Cosendai, François Terrier, Marco Pelizzone:
Functional MRI of Auditory Cortex Activated by Multisite Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea. 1010-1017 - Luis Hernandez, David Badre, Douglas C. Noll, John Jonides:
Temporal Sensitivity of Event-Related fMRI. 1018-1026 - C. H. Salmond, John Ashburner, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, Alan Connelly, David G. Gadian, Karl J. Friston
Distributional Assumptions in Voxel-Based Morphometry. 1027-1030 - Steven Phillips
, Kazuhisa Niki:
Separating Relational from Item Load Effects in Paired Recognition: Temporoparietal and Middle Frontal Gyral Activity with Increased Associates, but Not Items during Encoding and Retention. 1031-1055 - Ingo H. Lorenz, Christian Kolbitsch, Christoph Hörmann, T. J. Luger, Michael Schocke, Wilhelm Eisner, Patrizia L. Moser, Heinrich Schubert, Christian Kremser, Arnulf Benzer:
The Influence of Nitrous Oxide and Remifentanil on Cerebral Hemodynamics in Conscious Human Volunteers. 1056-1064 - Rita Almeida
, Martin Stetter:
Modeling the Link between Functional Imaging and Neuronal Activity: Synaptic Metabolic Demand and Spike Rates. 1065-1079 - Troels W. Kjær, Markus Nowak, Hans C. Lou:
Reflective Self-Awareness and Conscious States: PET Evidence for a Common Midline Parietofrontal Core. 1080-1086
Volume 17, Number 3, November 2002
- Natasa Kovacevic, Nancy J. Lobaugh, Michael J. Bronskill, Brian Levine
, Anthony Feinstein, Sandra E. Black
A Robust Method for Extraction and Automatic Segmentation of Brain Images. 1087-1100 - Eric Halgren, Rupali P. Dhond
, Natalie Christensen, Cyma Van Petten, Ksenija Marinkovic, Jeffrey David Lewine, Anders M. Dale:
N400-like Magnetoencephalography Responses Modulated by Semantic Context, Word Frequency, and Lexical Class in Sentences. 1101-1116 - Axel Thielscher
, Thomas Kammer
Linking Physics with Physiology in TMS: A Sphere Field Model to Determine the Cortical Stimulation Site in TMS. 1117-1130 - Dongrong Xu, Susumu Mori, Meiyappan Solaiyappan, Peter C. M. van Zijl, Christos Davatzikos
A Framework for Callosal Fiber Distribution Analysis. 1131-1143 - Marc Schönwiesner
, D. Yves von Cramon, Rudolf Rübsamen:
Is It Tonotopy after All? 1144-1161 - Agnès Aubert, Robert Costalat:
A Model of the Coupling between Brain Electrical Activity, Metabolism, and Hemodynamics: Application to the Interpretation of Functional Neuroimaging. 1162-1181 - Christian G. Bénar
, Donald W. Gross
, Yunhua Wang, Valentina Petre, G. Bruce Pike
, François Dubeau, Jean Gotman:
The BOLD Response to Interictal Epileptiform Discharges. 1182-1192 - Darius Soonawala, Tania Amin, Klaus P. Ebmeier
, J. Douglas Steele
, Nadine J. Dougall
, Jonathan Best, Octave Migneco, Flavio Nobili
, Klemens Scheidhauer:
Statistical Parametric Mapping of 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT Images for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: Normalizing to Cerebellar Tracer Uptake. 1193-1202 - Dick J. Veltman, Andrea Mechelli, Karl J. Friston
, Cathy J. Price:
The Importance of Distributed Sampling in Blocked Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Designs. 1203-1206 - Jobu Watanabe, Motoaki Sugiura, Kazunori Sato, Yuko Sato, Yasuhiro Maeda, Yoshihiko Matsue, Hiroshi Fukuda, Ryuta Kawashima:
The Human Prefrontal and Parietal Association Cortices Are Involved in NO-GO Performances: An Event-Related fMRI Study. 1207-1216 - T. Nihashi, Ryusuke Kakigi, Tomohisa Okada
, Norihiro Sadato
, Kenichi Kashikura, Yasukazu Kajita, Jun Yoshida:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence for a Representation of the Ear in Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex: Comparison with Magnetoencephalography Study. 1217-1226 - D. E. Welchew, Garry Honey, T. Sharma, Trevor W. Robbins
, Edward T. Bullmore
Multidimensional Scaling of Integrated Neurocognitive Function and Schizophrenia as a Disconnexion Disorder. 1227-1239 - Shinichi Sasaki, Itaru Yazawa, Naohisa Miyakawa
, Hiraku Mochida, Kenichi Shinomiya, Kohtaro Kamino, Yoko Momose-Sato, Katsushige Sato:
Optical Imaging of Intrinsic Signals Induced by Peripheral Nerve Stimulation in the in Vivo Rat Spinal Cord. 1240-1255 - Hirohiko Kuratsune, Kouzi Yamaguti, Gudrun Lindh, Birgitta Evengård, Gisela E. Hagberg
, Kiyoshi Matsumura, Masao Iwase, Hirotaka Onoe, Mamoru Takahashi, Takashi Machii, Yuzuru Kanakura, Teruo Kitani, Bengt Långström, Yasuyoshi Watanabe:
Brain Regions Involved in Fatigue Sensation: Reduced Acetylcarnitine Uptake into the Brain. 1256-1265 - Daniel H. Weissman, George R. Mangun, Marty G. Woldorff
A Role for Top-Down Attentional Orienting during Interference between Global and Local Aspects of Hierarchical Stimuli. 1266-1276 - Olivier David
, Line Garnero:
Time-Coherent Expansion of MEG/EEG Cortical Sources. 1277-1289