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Management Science, Volume 47
Volume 47, Number 1, January 2001
- Karl T. Ulrich:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Design and Development. v-vi - Viswanathan Krishnan, Karl T. Ulrich:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Product Development Decisions: A Review of the Literature. 1-21 - Kamalini Ramdas
, Mohanbir S. Sawhney:
Special Issue on Design and Development: A Cross-Functional Approach to Evaluating Multiple Line Extensions for Assembled Products. 22-36 - Preyas S. Desai, Sunder Kekre, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Kannan Srinivasan:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Product Differentiation and Commonality in Design: Balancing Revenue and Cost Drivers. 37-51 - Viswanathan Krishnan, Saurabh Gupta:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Appropriateness and Impact of Platform-Based Product Development. 52-68 - Jacob Goldenberg, Donald R. Lehmann, David Mazursky:
Special Issue on Design and Development: The Idea Itself and the Circumstances of Its Emergence as Predictors of New Product Success. 69-84 - Arnd Huchzermeier, Christoph H. Loch:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Project Management Under Risk: Using the Real Options Approach to Evaluate Flexibility in R...D. 85-101 - Ely Dahan, Haim Mendelson:
Special Issue on Design and Development: An Extreme-Value Model of Concept Testing. 102-116 - Lee Fleming
Special Issue on Design and Development: Recombinant Uncertainty in Technological Search. 117-132 - Alan MacCormack, Roberto Verganti
, Marco Iansiti:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Developing Products on "Internet Time": The Anatomy of a Flexible Development Process. 133-150 - Stanley Baiman, Paul E. Fischer, Madhav V. Rajan:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Performance Measurement and Design in Supply Chains. 173-188 - Sharon Novak, Steven D. Eppinger:
Special Issue on Design and Development: Sourcing By Design: Product Complexity and the Supply Chain. 189-204
Volume 47, Number 2, February 2001
- Scott Shane:
Technological Opportunities and New Firm Creation. 205-220 - David Besanko
, David Dranove, Mark Shanley:
Exploiting a Cost Advantage and Coping with a Cost Disadvantage. 221-235 - Larry Eisenberg, Thomas H. Noe
Systemic Risk in Financial Systems. 236-249 - Chialin Chen:
Design for the Environment: A Quality-Based Model for Green Product Development. 250-263 - Pinar Keskinocak, R. Ravi, Sridhar R. Tayur:
Scheduling and Reliable Lead-Time Quotation for Orders with Availability Intervals and Lead-Time Sensitive Revenues. 264-279 - Peter Ove Christensen, Gerald A. Feltham:
Efficient Timing of Communication in Multiperiod Agencies. 280-294 - Kjetil Høyland, Stein W. Wallace:
Generating Scenario Trees for Multistage Decision Problems. 295-307 - Stefan Thomke, David E. Bell:
Sequential Testing in Product Development. 308-323 - O. Zeynep Aksin, Patrick T. Harker:
Modeling a Phone Center: Analysis of a Multichannel, Multiresource Processor Shared Loss System. 324-336
Volume 47, Number 3, March 2001
- Pierre Azoulay, Scott Shane:
Entrepreneurs, Contracts, and the Failure of Young Firms. 337-358 - Kevin B. Hendricks, Vinod R. Singhal:
The Long-Run Stock Price Performance of Firms with Effective TQM Programs. 359-368 - Edward H. Kaplan
, Stanley J. Garstka:
March Madness and the Office Pool. 369-382 - Wai Man Tse, Leong Kwan Li, Kai Wang Ng:
Pricing Discrete Barrier and Hindsight Options with the Tridiagonal Probability Algorithm. 383-393 - Aaron J. Shenhar:
One Size Does Not Fit All Projects: Exploring Classical Contingency Domains. 394-414 - George Tagaras, Dimitrios Vlachos
A Periodic Review Inventory System with Emergency Replenishments. 415-429 - Anne Marie Knott
The Dynamic Value of Hierarchy. 430-448 - Barry L. Nelson, David Goldsman:
Comparisons with a Standard in Simulation Experiments. 449-463 - Andreas Drexl, Alf Kimms:
Sequencing JIT Mixed-Model Assembly Lines Under Station-Load and Part-Usage Constraints. 480-491
Volume 47, Number 4, April 2001
- Maurizio Sobrero
, Edward B. Roberts:
The Trade-off Between Efficiency and Learning in Interorganizational Relationships for Product Development. 493-511 - Yossi Aviv, Awi Federgruen:
Capacitated Multi-Item Inventory Systems with Random and Seasonally Fluctuating Demands: Implications for Postponement Strategies. 512-531 - Amir Heiman
, Bruce McWilliams, Zhihua Shen, David Zilberman:
Learning and Forgetting: Modeling Optimal Product Sampling Over Time. 532-546 - Sandeep Juneja, Perwez Shahabuddin:
Fast Simulation of Markov Chains with Small Transition Probabilities. 547-562 - Christopher D. Ittner, Venky Nagar
, Madhav V. Rajan:
An Empirical Examination of Dynamic Quality-Based Learning Models. 563-578 - Jovan Grahovac, Amiya Chakravarty:
Sharing and Lateral Transshipment of Inventory in a Supply Chain with Expensive Low-Demand Items. 579-594 - Nikhil Jain, Anand A. Paul:
A Generalized Model of Operations Reversal for Fashion Goods. 595-600 - David E. Bell, Peter C. Fishburn:
Strong One-Switch Utility. 601-604 - Srinivasan Raghunathan
Information Sharing in a Supply Chain: A Note on its Value when Demand Is Nonstationary. 605-610
Volume 47, Number 5, May 2001
- Ron Adner, Daniel A. Levinthal
Demand Heterogeneity and Technology Evolution: Implications for Product and Process Innovation. 611-628 - Gérard P. Cachon, Martin A. Lariviere
Contracting to Assure Supply: How to Share Demand Forecasts in a Supply Chain. 629-646 - Sridhar Seshadri, Zur Shapira:
Managerial Allocation of Time and Effort: The Effects of Interruptions. 647-662 - Christoph H. Loch, Christian Terwiesch, Stefan Thomke:
Parallel and Sequential Testing of Design Alternatives. 663-678 - Marshall L. Fisher, Kamalini Ramdas
, Yu-Sheng Zheng:
Ending Inventory Valuation in Multiperiod Production Scheduling. 679-692 - Fangruo Chen, Awi Federgruen, Yu-Sheng Zheng:
Coordination Mechanisms for a Distribution System with One Supplier and Multiple Retailers. 693-708 - Wei Shi Lim:
Producer-Supplier Contracts with Incomplete Information. 709-715 - Thomas Langer, Martin Weber:
Prospect Theory, Mental Accounting, and Differences in Aggregated and Segregated Evaluation of Lottery Portfolios. 716-733
Volume 47, Number 6, June 2001
- Prashant C. Fuloria, Stefanos A. Zenios:
Outcomes-Adjusted Reimbursement in a Health-Care Delivery System. 735-751 - Gary P. Pisano, Richard M. J. Bohmer, Amy C. Edmondson:
Organizational Differences in Rates of Learning: Evidence from the Adoption of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery. 752-768 - Jewel S. Bonser, S. David Wu:
Procurement Planning to Maintain Both Short-Term Adaptiveness and Long-Term Perspective. 769-786 - Barrie R. Nault
, Rajeev K. Tyagi:
Implementable Mechanisms to Coordinate Horizontal Alliances. 787-799 - John C. Butler, Douglas J. Morrice, Peter W. Mullarkey:
A Multiple Attribute Utility Theory Approach to Ranking and Selection. 800-816 - Edward G. Anderson Jr.:
The Nonstationary Staff-Planning Problem with Business Cycle and Learning Effects. 817-832 - Matteo Fischetti, Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth:
A Polyhedral Approach to Simplified Crew Scheduling and Vehicle Scheduling Problems. 833-850 - Mohan Gopalakrishnan, Ke Ding, Jean-Marie Bourjolly, Srimathy Mohan:
A Tabu-Search Heuristic for the Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Set-up Carryover. 851-863 - François Vanderbeck:
A Nested Decomposition Approach to a Three-Stage, Two-Dimensional Cutting-Stock Problem. 864-879
Volume 47, Number 7, July 2001
- Charles J. Corbett, Gregory A. DeCroix:
Shared-Savings Contracts for Indirect Materials in Supply Chains: Channel Profits and Environmental Impacts. 881-893 - Rogelio Oliva
, John D. Sterman:
Cutting Corners and Working Overtime: Quality Erosion in the Service Industry. 894-914 - Albert Y. Ha:
Optimal Pricing That Coordinates Queues with Customer-Chosen Service Requirements. 915-930 - Amir Klausner, Moshe Pollak:
Comparative Reliability of Verdicts. 931-948 - Dmitry Davydov, Vadim Linetsky:
Pricing and Hedging Path-Dependent Options Under the CEV Process. 949-965 - Charles J. Corbett, Uday S. Karmarkar:
Competition and Structure in Serial Supply Chains with Deterministic Demand. 966-978 - Apostolos Burnetas
, Stephen Gilbert:
Future Capacity Procurements Under Unknown Demand and Increasing Costs. 979-992 - Gaetan Belvaux, Laurence A. Wolsey:
Modelling Practical Lot-Sizing Problems as Mixed-Integer Programs. 993-1007 - Matteo Fischetti, Juan José Salazar
Solving the Cell Suppression Problem on Tabular Data with Linear Constraints. 1008-1027
Volume 47, Number 8, August 2001
- Martin Natter, Andreas Mild, Markus Feurstein, Georg Dorffner, Alfred Taudes
The Effect of Incentive Schemes and Organizational Arrangements on the New Product Development Process. 1029-1045 - Joseph M. Milner, Edieal J. Pinker:
Contingent Labor Contracting Under Demand and Supply Uncertainty. 1046-1062 - Panos Kouvelis
, Kostas Axarloglou, Vikas Sinha:
Exchange Rates and the Choice of Ownership Structure of Production Facilities. 1063-1080 - Alper Atamtürk, Dorit S. Hochbaum:
Capacity Acquisition, Subcontracting, and Lot Sizing. 1081-1100 - Mario Vanhoucke
, Erik Demeulemeester, Willy Herroelen:
On Maximizing the Net Present Value of a Project Under Renewable Resource Constraints. 1113-1121 - Jin-Chuan Duan, Geneviève Gauthier, Jean-Guy Simonato:
Asymptotic Distribution of the EMS Option Price Estimator. 1122-1132 - Stephen E. Chick, Koichiro Inoue:
New Procedures to Select the Best Simulated System Using Common Random Numbers. 1133-1149 - Haim Levy, Ilan Guttman, Isabel Tkatch:
Regression, Correlation, and the Time Interval: Additive-Multiplicative Framework. 1150-1159 - Julia A. Bennell
, Kathryn A. Dowsland:
Hybridising Tabu Search with Optimisation Techniques for Irregular Stock Cutting. 1160-1172
Volume 47, Number 9, September 2001
- Scott Shane:
Technology Regimes and New Firm Formation. 1173-1190 - Edward Conlon, Sarv Devaraj, Khalil F. Matta:
The Relationship Between Initial Quality Perceptions and Maintenance Behavior: The Case of the Automotive Industry. 1191-1202 - Sulin Ba, Jan Stallaert, Andrew B. Whinston:
Optimal Investment in Knowledge Within a Firm Using a Market Mechanism. 1203-1219 - Terry A. Taylor:
Channel Coordination Under Price Protection, Midlife Returns, and End-of-Life Returns in Dynamic Markets. 1220-1234 - Steffen L. Lauritzen
, Dennis Nilsson:
Representing and Solving Decision Problems with Limited Information. 1235-1251 - Chung-Piaw Teo
, Jay Sethuraman, Wee-Peng Tan:
Gale-Shapley Stable Marriage Problem Revisited: Strategic Issues and Applications. 1252-1267 - L. Beril Toktay, Lawrence M. Wein:
Analysis of a Forecasting-Production-Inventory System with Stationary Demand. 1268-1281 - Subramanian Balachander:
Warranty Signalling and Reputation. 1282-1289 - Mirela Stojkovic, François Soumis:
An Optimization Model for the Simultaneous Operational Flight and Pilot Scheduling Problem. 1290-1305 - Sven Axsäter:
A Note on Stock Replenishment and Shipment Scheduling for Vendor-Managed Inventory Systems. 1306-1310
Volume 47, Number 10, October 2001
- Michael A. Lapré
, Luk N. Van Wassenhove:
Creating and Transferring Knowledge for Productivity Improvement in Factories. 1311-1325 - Yossi Aviv:
The Effect of Collaborative Forecasting on Supply Chain Performance. 1326-1343 - Guillermo Gallego
, Özalp Özer
Integrating Replenishment Decisions with Advance Demand Information. 1344-1360 - Jaime Ortega
Job Rotation as a Learning Mechanism. 1361-1370 - Anil Kukreja, Charles P. Schmidt, David M. Miller:
Stocking Decisions for Low-Usage Items in a Multilocation Inventory System. 1371-1383 - Chung-Yee Lee, Sila Çetinkaya, Albert P. M. Wagelmans
A Dynamic Lot-Sizing Model with Demand Time Windows. 1384-1395 - Hanif D. Sherali, J. Cole Smith
Improving Discrete Model Representations via Symmetry Considerations. 1396-1407 - Bahar Yetis Kara, Barbaros Ç. Tansel:
The Latest Arrival Hub Location Problem. 1408-1420 - Sigrún Andradóttir, Hayriye Ayhan, Douglas G. Down:
Server Assignment Policies for Maximizing the Steady-State Throughput of Finite Queueing Systems. 1421-1439 - Barrie R. Nault
, Rajeev K. Tyagi:
Erratum: Implementable Mechanisms to Coordinate Horizontal Alliances. 1440
Volume 47, Number 11, November 2001
- Elie Ofek, Miklos Sarvary:
Leveraging the Customer Base: Creating Competitive Advantage Through Knowledge Management. 1441-1456 - Sumit Sarkar
, Ram S. Sriram:
Bayesian Models for Early Warning of Bank Failures. 1457-1475 - Fred M. Feinberg:
On Continuous-Time Optimal Advertising Under S-Shaped Response. 1476-1487 - James D. Dana Jr., Nicholas C. Petruzzi:
Note: The Newsvendor Model with Endogenous Demand. 1488-1497 - Han Bleichrodt, Jose Luis Pinto-Prades
, Peter P. Wakker:
Making Descriptive Use of Prospect Theory to Improve the Prescriptive Use of Expected Utility. 1498-1514 - S. Huang, Y. Yang, K. Anderson:
A Theory of Finitely Durable Goods Monopoly with Used-Goods Market and Transaction Costs. 1515-1532 - Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Russell C. H. Cheng, Bert Bettonvil:
Validation of Trace-Driven Simulation Models: Bootstrap Tests. 1533-1538 - Lode Li, Evan L. Porteus, Hongtao Zhang:
Optimal Operating Policies for Multiplant Stochastic Manufacturing Systems in a Changing Environment. 1539-1551 - Laura J. Kornish:
Pricing for a Durable-Goods Monopolist Under Rapid Sequential Innovation. 1552-1561 - Sampath Rajagopalan, Jayashankar M. Swaminathan:
A Coordinated Production Planning Model with Capacity Expansion and Inventory Management. 1562-1580
Volume 47, Number 12, December 2001
- Sanjeev Dewan, Haim Mendelson:
Information Technology and Trader Competition in Financial Markets: Endogenous Liquidity. 1581-1587 - Taylor Randall, Karl Ulrich:
Product Variety, Supply Chain Structure, and Firm Performance: Analysis of the U.S. Bicycle Industry. 1588-1604 - Nitindra R. Joglekar, Ali A. Yassine, Steven D. Eppinger, Daniel E. Whitney:
Performance of Coupled Product Development Activities with a Deadline. 1605-1620 - Richard Makadok, Jay B. Barney:
Strategic Factor Market Intelligence: An Application of Information Economics to Strategy Formulation and Competitor Intelligence. 1621-1638 - Scott M. Shafer, David A. Nembhard, Mustafa V. Uzumeri:
The Effects of Worker Learning, Forgetting, and Heterogeneity on Assembly Line Productivity. 1639-1653 - Nalini Dayanand, Rema Padman:
Project Contracts and Payment Schedules: The Client's Problem. 1654-1667 - Nils Rudi, Sandeep Kapur, David F. Pyke:
A Two-Location Inventory Model with Transshipment and Local Decision Making. 1668-1680 - Leyuan Shi, Sigurdur Ólafsson, Qun Chen:
An Optimization Framework for Product Design. 1681-1692 - Viswanath Cvsa, Peter H. Ritchken:
Pricing Claims Under GARCH-Level Dependent Interest Rate Processes. 1693-1711 - Michael Kilka, Martin Weber:
What Determines the Shape of the Probability Weighting Function Under Uncertainty? 1712-1726 - Joseph E. Harrington Jr.:
Comment on "Reducing Buyer Search Costs: Implications for Electronic Marketplaces". 1727-1732

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