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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January 2010
- Joan Y. Chiao, Tokiko Harada, Hidetsugu Komeda, Zhang Li, Yoko Mano, Daisuke N. Saito, Todd B. Parrish, Norihiro Sadato, Tetsuya Iidaka:
Dynamic Cultural Influences on Neural Representations of the Self. 1-11 - Tetsuko Kasai:
Attention-spreading Based on Hierarchical Spatial Representations for Connected Objects. 12-22 - Martin Wiener, Roy H. Hamilton, Peter E. Turkeltaub, Matthew S. Matell, H. Branch Coslett:
Fast Forward: Supramarginal Gyrus Stimulation Alters Time Measurement. 23-31 - Rhodri Cusack, Daniel J. Mitchell, John S. Duncan:
Discrete Object Representation, Attention Switching, and Task Difficulty in the Parietal Lobe. 32-47 - Philippe Pinel, Stanislas Dehaene:
Beyond Hemispheric Dominance: Brain Regions Underlying the Joint Lateralization of Language and Arithmetic to the Left Hemisphere. 48-66 - Nan van de Meerendonk, Herman H. J. Kolk, Constance Th. W. M. Vissers, Dorothee J. Chwilla:
Monitoring in Language Perception: Mild and Strong Conflicts Elicit Different ERP Patterns. 67-82 - Hiroaki Ishida, Katsumi Nakajima, Masahiko Inase, Akira Murata:
Shared Mapping of Own and Others' Bodies in Visuotactile Bimodal Area of Monkey Parietal Cortex. 83-96 - Reginald B. Adams Jr., Nicholas O. Rule, Robert G. Franklin Jr., Elsie Wang, Michael T. Stevenson, Sakiko Yoshikawa, Mitsue Nomura, Wataru Sato, Kestutis Kveraga, Nalini Ambady:
Cross-cultural Reading the Mind in the Eyes: An fMRI Investigation. 97-108 - Peter E. Wais, Larry R. Squire, John T. Wixted:
In Search of Recollection and Familiarity Signals in the Hippocampus. 109-123 - Todd C. Handy, Daniel Smilek, Lena Geiger, Cindy Liu, Jonathan W. Schooler:
ERP Evidence for Rapid Hedonic Evaluation of Logos. 124-138 - Jürgen Hänggi, Andreas Buchmann, Christian R. A. Mondadori, Katharina Henke, Lutz Jäncke, Christoph Hock:
Sexual Dimorphism in the Parietal Substrate Associated with Visuospatial Cognition Independent of General Intelligence. 139-155 - Alison R. Preston, Aaron M. Bornstein, J. Benjamin Hutchinson, Meghan E. Gaare, Gary H. Glover, Anthony D. Wagner:
High-resolution fMRI of Content-sensitive Subsequent Memory Responses in Human Medial Temporal Lobe. 156-173 - Ilka Diester, Andreas Nieder:
Numerical Values Leave a Semantic Imprint on Associated Signs in Monkeys. 174-183 - Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder:
Common Anatomical and External Coding for Hands and Feet in Tactile Attention: Evidence from Event-related Potentials. 184-202 - Jia Liu, Alison Harris, Nancy Kanwisher:
Perception of Face Parts and Face Configurations: An fMRI Study. 203-211
Volume 22, Number 2, February 2010
- Giulia Righi, Sheila E. Blumstein, John Mertus, Michael S. Worden:
Neural Systems underlying Lexical Competition: An Eye Tracking and fMRI Study. 213-224 - Wery P. M. van den Wildenberg, Borís Burle, Franck Vidal, Maurits W. van der Molen, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Thierry Hasbroucq:
Mechanisms and Dynamics of Cortical Motor Inhibition in the Stop-signal Paradigm: A TMS Study. 225-239 - Marco Loh, Gabriele Schmid, Gustavo Deco, Wolfram Ziegler:
Audiovisual Matching in Speech and Nonspeech Sounds: A Neurodynamical Model. 240-247 - Kateri McRae, Brent L. Hughes, Sita Chopra, John D. E. Gabrieli, James J. Gross, Kevin N. Ochsner:
The Neural Bases of Distraction and Reappraisal. 248-262 - Elana Zion-Golumbic, Marta Kutas, Shlomo Bentin:
Neural Dynamics Associated with Semantic and Episodic Memory for Faces: Evidence from Multiple Frequency Bands. 263-277 - Uta Wolfensteller, D. Yves von Cramon:
Bending the Rules: Strategic Behavioral Differences Are Reflected in the Brain. 278-291 - Hwamee Oh, Hoi-Chung Leung:
Specific and Nonspecific Neural Activity during Selective Processing of Visual Representations in Working Memory. 292-306 - Yan Zhang, Mingzhou Ding:
Detection of a Weak Somatosensory Stimulus: Role of the Prestimulus Mu Rhythm and Its Top-Down Modulation. 307-322 - Eva Feredoes, Bradley R. Postle:
Prefrontal Control of Familiarity and Recollection in Working Memory. 323-330 - Marinella Cappelletti, Hwee Ling Lee, Elliot D. Freeman, Cathy J. Price:
The Role of Right and Left Parietal Lobes in the Conceptual Processing of Numbers. 331-346 - David V. Smith, Ben Davis, Kathy Niu, Eric W. Healy, Leonardo Bonilha, Julius Fridriksson, Paul S. Morgan, Chris Rorden:
Spatial Attention Evokes Similar Activation Patterns for Visual and Auditory Stimuli. 347-361 - Claus Lamm, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Jean Decety:
How Do We Empathize with Someone Who Is Not Like Us? A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. 362-376 - David I. Donaldson, Mark E. Wheeler, Steven E. Petersen:
Remember the Source: Dissociating Frontal and Parietal Contributions to Episodic Memory. 377-391 - Claude Alain, Sandra Campeanu, Kelly Tremblay:
Changes in Sensory Evoked Responses Coincide with Rapid Improvement in Speech Identification Performance. 392-403 - Vera Ferrari, Margaret M. Bradley, Maurizio Codispoti, Peter J. Lang:
Detecting Novelty and Significance. 404-411
Volume 22, Number 3, March 2010
- Andrea Serino, Laura De Filippo, Chiara Casavecchia, Michela Coccia, Maggie Shiffrar, Elisabetta Làdavas:
Lesions to the Motor System Affect Action Perception. 413-426 - Leonora Wilkinson, James T. Teo, Ignacio Obeso, John C. Rothwell, Marjan Jahanshahi:
The Contribution of Primary Motor Cortex is Essential for Probabilistic Implicit Sequence Learning: Evidence from Theta Burst Magnetic Stimulation. 427-436 - Jane Klemen, Christian Büchel, Mira Bühler, Mareike M. Menz, Michael Rose:
Auditory Working Memory Load Impairs Visual Ventral Stream Processing: Toward a Unified Model of Attentional Load. 437-446 - Gilbert Preston, Erik W. Anderson, Cláudio T. Silva, Terry Goldberg, Eric M. Wassermann:
Effects of 10 Hz rTMS on the Neural Efficiency of Working Memory. 447-456 - Jennifer A. Mangels, Alberto Manzi, Christopher Summerfield:
The First Does the Work, But the Third Time's the Charm: The Effects of Massed Repetition on Episodic Encoding of Multimodal Face-Name Associations. 457-473 - Disa Anna Sauter, Martin Eimer:
Rapid Detection of Emotion from Human Vocalizations. 474-481 - Rosanne Aleong, Tomás Paus:
Neural Correlates of Human Body Perception. 482-495 - Roy Luria, Paola Sessa, Alex Gotler, Pierre Jolicoeur, Roberto Dell'Acqua:
Visual Short-term Memory Capacity for Simple and Complex Objects. 496-512 - Sarah L. Israel, Tyler M. Seibert, Michelle L. Black, James B. Brewer:
Going Their Separate Ways: Dissociation of Hippocampal and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Activation during Episodic Retrieval and Post-retrieval Processing. 513-525 - Julie Duque, Marco Davare, Ludovic Delaunay, Benvenuto Jacob, Ralf Saur, Friedhelm Hummel, Laurent Hermoye, Bruno Rossion, Etienne Olivier:
Monitoring Coordination during Bimanual Movements: Where Is the Mastermind? 526-542 - Liang Wang, Xun Liu, Kevin G. Guise, Robert T. Knight, Jamshid Ghajar, Jin Fan:
Effective Connectivity of the Fronto-parietal Network during Attentional Control. 543-553 - Gian Daniele Zannino, Ivana Buccione, Roberta Perri, Emiliano Macaluso, Emanuele Lo Gerfo, Carlo Caltagirone, Giovanni A. Carlesimo:
Visual and Semantic Processing of Living Things and Artifacts: An fMRI Study. 554-570 - Grit Herzmann, Olga Kunina, Werner Sommer, Oliver Wilhelm:
Individual Differences in Face Cognition: Brain-Behavior Relationships. 571-589 - Patric Meyer, Axel Mecklinger, Angela D. Friederici:
On the Processing of Semantic Aspects of Experience in the Anterior Medial Temporal Lobe: An Event-related fMRI Study. 590-601 - Hirokazu Kikuchi, Toshikatsu Fujii, Nobuhito Abe, Maki Suzuki, Masahito Takagi, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori:
Memory Repression: Brain Mechanisms underlying Dissociative Amnesia. 602-613
Volume 22, Number 4, April 2010
- Heather D. Lucas, Joel L. Voss, Ken A. Paller:
Familiarity or Conceptual Priming? Good Question! Comment on Stenberg, Hellman, Johansson, and Rosén (2009). 615-617
- Georg Stenberg, Mikael Johansson, Johan Hellman, Ingmar Rosén:
"Do You See Yonder Cloud?" - On Priming Concepts, A New Test, and a Familiar Outcome. Reply to Lucas et al.: "Familiarity or Conceptual Priming? Good Question! Comment on Stenberg, Hellman, Johansson, and Rosén (2009)". 618-620
- Keise Izuma, Daisuke N. Saito, Norihiro Sadato:
Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation. 621-631 - Kevin R. Smith, I-Hui Hsieh, Kourosh Saberi, Gregory Hickok:
Auditory Spatial and Object Processing in the Human Planum Temporale: No Evidence for Selectivity. 632-639 - Agnieszka Wykowska, Anna Schubö:
On the Temporal Relation of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms during Guidance of Attention. 640-654 - Nils J. Schneider-Garces, Brian A. Gordon, Carrie R. Brumback-Peltz, Eunsam Shin, Yukyung Lee, Bradley P. Sutton, Edward L. Maclin, Gabriele Gratton, Monica Fabiani:
Span, CRUNCH, and Beyond: Working Memory Capacity and the Aging Brain. 655-669 - Sandra E. Leh, Alain Ptito, Marc Schönwiesner, M. Mallar Chakravarty, Kathy T. Mullen:
Blindsight Mediated by an S-Cone-independent Collicular Pathway: An fMRI Study in Hemispherectomized Subjects. 670-682 - Spencer D. Kelly, Peter Creigh, James Bartolotti:
Integrating Speech and Iconic Gestures in a Stroop-like Task: Evidence for Automatic Processing. 683-694 - Yetta Kwailing Wong, Isabel Gauthier:
A Multimodal Neural Network Recruited by Expertise with Musical Notation. 695-713 - Kentaro Yamanaka, Yoshiharu Yamamoto:
Single-trial EEG Power and Phase Dynamics Associated with Voluntary Response Inhibition. 714-727 - Benedikt Reuter, Christian Kaufmann, Julia Bender, Thomas Pinkpank, Norbert Kathmann:
Distinct Neural Correlates for Volitional Generation and Inhibition of Saccades. 728-738 - Keith J. Duncan, Chotiga Pattamadilok, Joseph T. Devlin:
Investigating Occipito-temporal Contributions to Reading with TMS. 739-750 - Makoto Kusunoki, Natasha Sigala, Hamed Nili, David Gaffan, John S. Duncan:
Target Detection by Opponent Coding in Monkey Prefrontal Cortex. 751-760 - Durk Talsma, Brian C. Coe, Douglas P. Munoz, Jan Theeuwes:
Brain Structures Involved in Visual Search in the Presence and Absence of Color Singletons. 761-774 - Robert J. Zatorre, Andrea R. Halpern, Marc Bouffard:
Mental Reversal of Imagined Melodies: A Role for the Posterior Parietal Cortex. 775-789 - Valorie N. Salimpoor, Catie Chang, Vinod Menon:
Neural Basis of Repetition Priming during Mathematical Cognition: Repetition Suppression or Repetition Enhancement? 790-805
Volume 22, Number 5, May 2010
- Bram T. Heerebout, R. Hans Phaf:
Emergent Oscillations in Evolutionary Simulations: Oscillating Networks Increase Switching Efficacy. 807-823 - Joshua Jacobs, Igor O. Korolev, Jeremy B. Caplan, Arne D. Ekstrom, Brian Litt, Gordon Baltuch, Itzhak Fried, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Joseph R. Madsen, Michael J. Kahana:
Right-lateralized Brain Oscillations in Human Spatial Navigation. 824-836 - Carter Wendelken, Silvia A. Bunge:
Transitive Inference: Distinct Contributions of Rostrolateral Prefrontal Cortex and the Hippocampus. 837-847 - Roshan Cools, Robert Rogers, Roger A. Barker, Trevor W. Robbins:
Top-Down Attentional Control in Parkinson's Disease: Salient Considerations. 848-859 - Christophe Mussolin, Anne G. De Volder, Cécile B. Grandin, Xavier Schlögel, Marie-Cécile Nassogne, Marie-Pascale Noël:
Neural Correlates of Symbolic Number Comparison in Developmental Dyscalculia. 860-874 - Claudia Preuschhof, Torsten Schubert, Arno Villringer, Hauke R. Heekeren:
Prior Information Biases Stimulus Representations during Vibrotactile Decision Making. 875-887 - Marco Tamietto, Franco Cauda, Luca Latini Corazzini, Silvia Savazzi, Carlo A. Marzi, Rainer Goebel, Lawrence Weiskrantz, Béatrice de Gelder:
Collicular Vision Guides Nonconscious Behavior. 888-902 - Kathrin Cohen Kadosh, Richard N. A. Henson, Roi Cohen Kadosh, Mark H. Johnson, Frederic Dick:
Task-dependent Activation of Face-sensitive Cortex: An fMRI Adaptation Study. 903-917 - Alexandre Zenon, Nabil Filali, Jean-René Duhamel, Etienne Olivier:
Salience Representation in the Parietal and Frontal Cortex. 918-930 - Helge Gillmeister, Julia Adler, Bettina Forster:
Object-guided Spatial Attention in Touch: Holding the Same Object with Both Hands Delays Attentional Selection. 931-942 - Fiona M. Richardson, Michael S. C. Thomas, Roberto Filippi, Helen Harth, Cathy J. Price:
Contrasting Effects of Vocabulary Knowledge on Temporal and Parietal Brain Structure across Lifespan. 943-954 - David A. Gallo, Ian M. McDonough, Jason M. Scimeca:
Dissociating Source Memory Decisions in the Prefrontal Cortex: fMRI of Diagnostic and Disqualifying Monitoring. 955-969 - Kenneth F. Valyear, Jody C. Culham:
Observing Learned Object-specific Functional Grasps Preferentially Activates the Ventral Stream. 970-984 - Jean Decety, Stephanie Echols, Joshua Correll:
The Blame Game: The Effect of Responsibility and Social Stigma on Empathy for Pain. 985-997 - Sami Boudelaa, Friedemann Pulvermüller, Olaf Hauk, Yury Shtyrov, William D. Marslen-Wilson:
Arabic Morphology in the Neural Language System. 998-1010 - Andrea Facoetti, Anna Noemi Trussardi, Milena Ruffino, Maria Luisa Lorusso, Carmen Cattaneo, Raffaella Galli, Massimo Molteni, Marco Zorzi:
Multisensory Spatial Attention Deficits Are Predictive of Phonological Decoding Skills in Developmental Dyslexia. 1011-1025 - Daniele Schön, Sølvi Ystad, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Mireille Besson:
The Evocative Power of Sounds: Conceptual Priming between Words and Nonverbal Sounds. 1026-1035 - Sara Bögels, Herbert Schriefers, Wietske Vonk, Dorothee J. Chwilla, Roel Kerkhofs:
The Interplay between Prosody and Syntax in Sentence Processing: The Case of Subject- and Object-control Verbs. 1036-1053 - Joachim Forget, Marco Buiatti, Stanislas Dehaene:
Temporal Integration in Visual Word Recognition. 1054-1068 - Edmund T. Rolls, Fabian Grabenhorst, Benjamin A. Parris:
Neural Systems Underlying Decisions about Affective Odors. 1069-1082
Volume 22, Number 6, June 2010
- Maya Visser, Elizabeth Jefferies, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph:
Semantic Processing in the Anterior Temporal Lobes: A Meta-analysis of the Functional Neuroimaging Literature. 1083-1094 - Jennifer S. Rabin, Asaf Gilboa, Donald T. Stuss, Raymond A. Mar, R. Shayna Rosenbaum:
Common and Unique Neural Correlates of Autobiographical Memory and Theory of Mind. 1095-1111 - R. Nathan Spreng, Cheryl L. Grady:
Patterns of Brain Activity Supporting Autobiographical Memory, Prospection, and Theory of Mind, and Their Relationship to the Default Mode Network. 1112-1123 - Motohiro Kimura, Erich Schröger, István Czigler, Hideki Ohira:
Human Visual System Automatically Encodes Sequential Regularities of Discrete Events. 1124-1139 - Cristiano Crescentini, Tim Shallice, Emiliano Macaluso:
Item Retrieval and Competition in Noun and Verb Generation: An fMRI Study. 1140-1157 - Joseph M. Galea, Neil B. Albert, Thomas Ditye, R. Chris Miall:
Disruption of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Facilitates the Consolidation of Procedural Skills. 1158-1164 - Ian FitzPatrick, Peter Indefrey:
Lexical Competition in Nonnative Speech Comprehension. 1165-1178 - Dagmar Müller, István Winkler, Urte Roeber, Susann Schaffer, István Czigler, Erich Schröger:
Visual Object Representations Can Be Formed outside the Focus of Voluntary Attention: Evidence from Event-related Brain Potentials. 1179-1188 - Alessandro Grecucci, David Soto, Raffaella Ida Rumiati, Glyn W. Humphreys, Pia Rotshtein:
The Interrelations between Verbal Working Memory and Visual Selection of Emotional Faces. 1189-1200 - Nadia Bolognini, Costanza Papagno, Daniela Moroni, Angelo Maravita:
Tactile Temporal Processing in the Auditory Cortex. 1201-1211 - Leun J. Otten, Angela H. Quayle, Bhamini Puvaneswaran:
Prestimulus Subsequent Memory Effects for Auditory and Visual Events. 1212-1223 - Aaron M. Rutman, Wesley C. Clapp, James Z. Chadick, Adam Gazzaley:
Early Top-Down Control of Visual Processing Predicts Working Memory Performance. 1224-1234 - Marieke L. Schölvinck, Geraint Rees:
Neural Correlates of Motion-induced Blindness in the Human Brain. 1235-1243 - Nicola Hahn, Petra Jansen, Martin Heil:
Preschoolers' Mental Rotation: Sex Differences in Hemispheric Asymmetry. 1244-1250 - Christian Dobel, Markus Junghöfer, Caterina Breitenstein, Benedikt Klauke, Stefan Knecht, Christo Pantev, Pienie Zwitserlood:
New Names for Known Things: On the Association of Novel Word Forms with Existing Semantic Information. 1251-1261 - Joan A. Camprodon, Ehud Zohary, Verena Brodbeck, Alvaro Pascual-Leone:
Two Phases of V1 Activity for Visual Recognition of Natural Images. 1262-1269 - Marieke van der Linden, Miranda van Turennout, Peter Indefrey:
Formation of Category Representations in Superior Temporal Sulcus. 1270-1282 - Fiona M. Richardson, Michael S. C. Thomas, Cathy J. Price:
Neuronal Activation for Semantically Reversible Sentences. 1283-1298 - Whitney Anne Postman-Caucheteux, Rasmus M. Birn, Randall H. Pursley, John A. Butman, Jeffrey M. Solomon, Dante Picchioni, Joe McArdle, Allen R. Braun:
Single-trial fMRI Shows Contralesional Activity Linked to Overt Naming Errors in Chronic Aphasic Patients. 1299-1318 - Sari Ylinen, Maria Uther, Antti Latvala, Sara Vepsäläinen, Paul Iverson, Reiko Akahane-Yamada, Risto Näätänen:
Training the Brain to Weight Speech Cues Differently: A Study of Finnish Second-language Users of English. 1319-1332
Volume 22, Number 7, July 2010
- Marcel C. M. Bastiaansen, Lilla Magyari, Peter Hagoort:
Syntactic Unification Operations Are Reflected in Oscillatory Dynamics during On-line Sentence Comprehension. 1333-1347 - Kelly S. Giovanello, Elizabeth A. Kensinger, Alana T. Wong, Daniel L. Schacter:
Age-related Neural Changes during Memory Conjunction Errors. 1348-1361 - Lars Schwabe, Hartmut Schächinger, E. Ron de Kloet, Melly S. Oitzl:
Corticosteroids Operate as a Switch between Memory Systems. 1362-1372 - Aneta Kielar, Marc F. Joanisse:
Graded Effects of Regularity in Language Revealed by N400 Indices of Morphological Priming. 1373-1398 - Gisela Müller-Plath, Derek V. M. Ott, Stefan Pollmann:
Deficits in Subprocesses of Visual Feature Search after Frontal, Parietal, and Temporal Brain Lesions - A Modeling Approach. 1399-1424 - Edit Frankó, Aaron R. Seitz, Rufin Vogels:
Dissociable Neural Effects of Long-term Stimulus-Reward Pairing in Macaque Visual Cortex. 1425-1439 - Keren Haroush, Shaul Hochstein, Leon Y. Deouell:
Momentary Fluctuations in Allocation of Attention: Cross-modal Effects of Visual Task Load on Auditory Discrimination. 1440-1451 - Maciej T. Lazarewicz, Richard S. Ehrlichman, Christina R. Maxwell, Michael J. Gandal, Leif H. Finkel, Steven J. Siegel:
Ketamine Modulates Theta and Gamma Oscillations. 1452-1464 - Yury Shtyrov, Teija Kujala, Friedemann Pulvermüller:
Interactions between Language and Attention Systems: Early Automatic Lexical Processing? 1465-1478