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Journal of Imaging, Volume 6
Volume 6, Number 1, January 2020
- Enrique Canessa, Livio Tenze:
Morphing a Stereogram into Hologram. 1 - Abeer Al-Mohamade, Ouiem Bchir
, Mohamed Maher Ben Ismail:
Multiple Query Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Relevance Feature Weight Learning. 2 - Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Journal of Imaging in 2019. 3
Volume 6, Number 2, February 2020
- Izumi Ito
, Aleksandra Pizurica
Three-Dimensional Block Matching Using Orthonormal Tree-Structured Haar Transform for Multichannel Images. 4 - Primo Coltelli, Laura Barsanti, Paolo Gualtieri
Unveiling the Secrets of Escher's Lithographs. 5 - Noor Khehrah, Muhammad Shahid Farid
, Saira Bilal, Muhammad Hassan Khan:
Lung Nodule Detection in CT Images Using Statistical and Shape-Based Features. 6
Volume 6, Number 3, March 2020
- Jakub Nawala
, Margaret H. Pinson
, Mikolaj Leszczuk
, Lucjan Janowski
Study of Subjective Data Integrity for Image Quality Data Sets with Consumer Camera Content. 7 - Younes Ed-Doughmi
, Najlae Idrissi
, Youssef Hbali:
Real-Time System for Driver Fatigue Detection Based on a Recurrent Neuronal Network. 8 - Pengpeng Yang, Daniele Baracchi, Rongrong Ni, Yao Zhao, Fabrizio Argenti
, Alessandro Piva
A Survey of Deep Learning-Based Source Image Forensics. 9 - Muhammad Danial Bin Abu Hasan
, Zair Asrar Bin Ahmad
, Mohd Salman Leong, Meng Hee Lim:
Automated Harmonic Signal Removal Technique Using Stochastic Subspace-Based Image Feature Extraction. 10 - Naoyuki Awano
Approximate Depth Shape Reconstruction for RGB-D Images Captured from HMDs for Mixed Reality Applications. 11 - Ennio Gambi
, Manola Ricciuti
, Adelmo De Santis:
Food Intake Actions Detection: An Improved Algorithm Toward Real-Time Analysis. 12 - Riya Aggarwal
, Michael H. Meylan
, Bishnu P. Lamichhane
, Chris Wensrich:
Energy Resolved Neutron Imaging for Strain Reconstruction Using the Finite Element Method. 13 - Paolo Neri
, Michela Fiaschi, Giovanni Menchini:
Semi-Automatic Tool for Vitiligo Detection and Analysis. 14
Volume 6, Number 4, April 2020
- Izumi Ito
A New Pseudo-Spectral Method Using the Discrete Cosine Transform. 15 - Mihai Ivanovici
, Radu-Mihai Coliban, Cosmin Hatfaludi, Irina-Emilia Nicolae:
Color Image Complexity versus Over-Segmentation: A Preliminary Study on the Correlation between Complexity Measures and Number of Segments. 16 - Remah Mutasim Ibrahim Elbashir, Moi Hoon Yap
Evaluation of Automatic Facial Wrinkle Detection Algorithms. 17 - Sophia Bethany Coban
, Felix Lucka
, Willem Jan Palenstijn
, Denis Van Loo, Kees Joost Batenburg:
Explorative Imaging and Its Implementation at the FleX-ray Laboratory. 18 - Bogdan Nenchev, Joel Strickland
, Karl Tassenberg, Samuel Perry, Simon Gill
, Hongbiao Dong:
Automatic Recognition of Dendritic Solidification Structures: DenMap. 19 - Naoko Tsukamoto
, Yoshihiro Sugaya
, Shinichiro Omachi
Spectrum Correction Using Modeled Panchromatic Image for Pansharpening. 20 - Mojtaba Zeraatkar
, Khalil Khalili
A Fast and Low-Cost Human Body 3D Scanner Using 100 Cameras. 21 - Beate Pfretzschner
, Thomas Schaupp
, Andreas Hannemann, Michael Schulz, Axel Griesche
On the Genesis of Artifacts in Neutron Transmission Imaging of Hydrogenous Steel Specimens. 22 - Kaiming Wu, Kohei Inoue
, Kenji Hara:
Neugebauer Models for Color Error Diffusion Halftoning. 23 - Michalis Giannopoulos, Anastasia Aidini, Anastasia Pentari, Konstantina Fotiadou, Panagiotis Tsakalides
Classification of Compressed Remote Sensing Multispectral Images via Convolutional Neural Networks. 24 - Nahlah Algethami, Sam Redfern:
A Robust Tracking-by-Detection Algorithm Using Adaptive Accumulated Frame Differencing and Corner Features. 25 - Donald G. Bailey
, Yuan Chang
, Steven Le Moan
Analysing Arbitrary Curves from the Line Hough Transform. 26
Volume 6, Number 5, May 2020
- Andrew Tzer-Yeu Chen
, Morteza Biglari-Abhari
, Kevin I-Kai Wang
Fusing Appearance and Spatio-Temporal Models for Person Re-Identification and Tracking. 27 - Sorn Sooksatra
, Toshiaki Kondo, Pished Bunnun, Atsuo Yoshitaka:
Redesigned Skip-Network for Crowd Counting with Dilated Convolution and Backward Connection. 28 - Binu Melit Devassy
, Sony George
, Peter Nussbaum:
Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Paper Data Using t-SNE. 29 - Vincenzo Saverio Alfio, Domenica Costantino
, Massimiliano Pepe
Influence of Image TIFF Format and JPEG Compression Level in the Accuracy of the 3D Model and Quality of the Orthophoto in UAV Photogrammetry. 30 - Karyna Isaieva
, Yves Laprie
, Freddy Odille
, Ioannis K. Douros, Jacques Felblinger
, Pierre-André Vuissoz
Measurement of Tongue Tip Velocity from Real-Time MRI and Phase-Contrast Cine-MRI in Consonant Production. 31 - Yekta Said Can
, M. Erdem Kabadayi
CNN-Based Page Segmentation and Object Classification for Counting Population in Ottoman Archival Documentation. 32 - Devin T. Renshaw
, John A. Christian
Subpixel Localization of Isolated Edges and Streaks in Digital Images. 33 - Jennifer Galloway
, Damian J. J. Farnell
, Stephen Richmond
, Alexei I. Zhurov:
Multilevel Analysis of the Influence of Maternal Smoking and Alcohol Consumption on the Facial Shape of English Adolescents. 34 - Nicholas Stull
, Josh McCumber, Lawrence D'Aries, Michelle A. Espy, Donald Cort Gautier, James F. Hunter:
On a Method For Reconstructing Computed Tomography Datasets from an Unstable Source. 35 - José Alonso Solís-Lemus
, Besaiz J. Sánchez-Sánchez
, Stefania Marcotti
, Mubarik Burki
, Brian Stramer
, Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro
Comparative Study of Contact Repulsion in Control and Mutant Macrophages Using a Novel Interaction Detection. 36
Volume 6, Number 6, June 2020
- Emmanuel Pintelas, Meletis Liaskos, Ioannis E. Livieris
, Sotiris Kotsiantis
, Panayiotis E. Pintelas
Explainable Machine Learning Framework for Image Classification Problems: Case Study on Glioma Cancer Prediction. 37 - Zhuocheng Jiang, W. David Pan
, Hongda Shen:
Spatially and Spectrally Concatenated Neural Networks for Efficient Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery. 38 - Adel Saad Assiri
, Saima Nazir
, Sergio A. Velastin
Breast Tumor Classification Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Method. 39 - Chiman Kwan
, David Gribben, Akshay Rangamani, Trac D. Tran, Jack Zhang, Ralph Etienne-Cummings:
Detection and Confirmation of Multiple Human Targets Using Pixel-Wise Code Aperture Measurements. 40 - Björn Barz
, Joachim Denzler
Do We Train on Test Data? Purging CIFAR of Near-Duplicates. 41 - Nicoletta Prencipe
, Valérie Garcin
, Edoardo Provenzi
Origins of Hyperbolicity in Color Perception. 42 - José Bernal
, Maria del C. Valdés Hernández
, Javier Escudero
, Eleni Sakka, Paul A. Armitage, Stephen D. Makin, Rhian M. Touyz
, Joanna M. Wardlaw
Examining the Relationship between Semiquantitative Methods Analysing Concentration-Time and Enhancement-Time Curves from Dynamic-Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cerebrovascular Dysfunction in Small Vessel Disease. 43 - Wenyue Zhu
, Jae Yee Ku
, Yalin Zheng
, Paul C. Knox
, Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona
, Gabriela Czanner
Spatial Linear Mixed Effects Modelling for OCT Images: SLME Model. 44 - Maria Mednikova
, Irina Saprykina, Sergey Kichanov
, Denis Kozlenko:
The Reconstruction of a Bronze Battle Axe and Comparison of Inflicted Damage Injuries Using Neutron Tomography, Manufacturing Modeling, and X-ray Microtomography Data. 45 - Mahmoud Al-Faris
, John Chiverton
, David Ndzi
, Ahmed Isam Ahmed
A Review on Computer Vision-Based Methods for Human Action Recognition. 46 - Michelle Tang, Pulkit Kumar, Hao Chen, Abhinav Shrivastava:
Deep Multimodal Learning for the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. 47 - Paola Pierleoni
, Alberto Belli
, Lorenzo Palma
, Luisiana Sabbatini
A Versatile Machine Vision Algorithm for Real-Time Counting Manually Assembled Pieces. 48 - Swe Nwe Nwe Htun
, Thi Thi Zin
, Pyke Tin
Image Processing Technique and Hidden Markov Model for an Elderly Care Monitoring System. 49 - Anthony Cioppa
, Marc Braham
, Marc Van Droogenbroeck
Asynchronous Semantic Background Subtraction. 50 - Marcos Martins de Almeida
, Iury A. X. Santos
Classification Models for Skin Tumor Detection Using Texture Analysis in Medical Images. 51 - Amitojdeep Singh
, Sourya Sengupta, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
Explainable Deep Learning Models in Medical Image Analysis. 52 - Alice Porebski
, Vinh Truong Hoang
, Nicolas Vandenbroucke
, Denis Hamad
Combination of LBP Bin and Histogram Selections for Color Texture Classification. 53 - R. M. Farouk
Image Reconstruction Based on Novel Sets of Generalized Orthogonal Moments. 54 - Gerasimos Arvanitis
, Aris S. Lalos
, Konstantinos Moustakas
Spectral Processing for Denoising and Compression of 3D Meshes Using Dynamic Orthogonal Iterations. 55
Volume 6, Number 7, July 2020
- William C. Chuirazzi
, Aaron E. Craft
Measuring Thickness-Dependent Relative Light Yield and Detection Efficiency of Scintillator Screens. 56 - Guillaume Dupont, Ekaterina Kalinicheva
, Jérémie Sublime
, Florence Rossant
, Michel Pâques:
Analyzing Age-Related Macular Degeneration Progression in Patients with Geographic Atrophy Using Joint Autoencoders for Unsupervised Change Detection. 57 - Laura Detti
, Mary Emily Christiansen, Roberto Levi D'Ancona
, Jennifer C. Gordon, Nicole Van de Velde, Irene Peregrin-Alvarez:
Restoration of Uterine Cavity Measurements after Surgical Correction. 58 - Giuseppe Capobianco
, Adriana Sferragatta, Luca Lanteri
, Giorgia Agresti
, Giuseppe Bonifazi
, Silvia Serranti
, Claudia Pelosi
μXRF Mapping as a Powerful Technique for Investigating Metal Objects from the Archaeological Site of Ferento (Central Italy). 59 - Rabia Zafar, Muhammad Shahid Farid
, Muhammad Hassan Khan
Multi-Focus Image Fusion: Algorithms, Evaluation, and a Library. 60 - Connor Charles Ratcliffe, Ognjen Arandjelovic
Tracking of Deformable Objects Using Dynamically and Robustly Updating Pictorial Structures. 61 - Pier Luigi Mazzeo
, Riccardo Contino, Paolo Spagnolo
, Cosimo Distante
, Ettore Stella
, Massimiliano Nitti
, Vito Renò
MH-MetroNet - A Multi-Head CNN for Passenger-Crowd Attendance Estimation. 62 - Maria Seifert
, Mareike Weule, Silvia Cipiccia, Silja Flenner, Johannes Hagemann
, Veronika Ludwig
, Thilo Michel
, Paul Neumayer, Max Schuster
, Andreas Wolf
, Gisela Anton
, Stefan Funk
, Bernhard Akstaller
Evaluation of the Weighted Mean X-ray Energy for an Imaging System Via Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Imaging. 63 - Ana M. Mota
, Matthew J. Clarkson
, Pedro Almeida
, Nuno Matela
Optimization of Breast Tomosynthesis Visualization through 3D Volume Rendering. 64 - Sulaiman Vesal
, Andreas Maier, Nishant Ravikumar
Fully Automated 3D Cardiac MRI Localisation and Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks. 65 - Feng Wei Yang, Lea Tomásová
, Zeno von Guttenberg, Ke Chen
, Anotida Madzvamuse
Investigating Optimal Time Step Intervals of Imaging for Data Quality through a Novel Fully-Automated Cell Tracking Approach. 66 - Ladislav Karrach
, Elena Pivarciová
, Pavol Bozek
Identification of QR Code Perspective Distortion Based on Edge Directions and Edge Projections Analysis. 67 - Merve Bozo
, Erchan Aptoula
, Zehra Çataltepe:
A Discriminative Long Short Term Memory Network with Metric Learning Applied to Multispectral Time Series Classification. 68 - Yun Bo Guo
, Jorge Bernal
, Bogdan J. Matuszewski
Polyp Segmentation with Fully Convolutional Deep Neural Networks - Extended Evaluation Study. 69 - Shafali Agarwal
A New Composite Fractal Function and Its Application in Image Encryption. 70 - Vinaychandran Pondenkandath
, Michele Alberti, Nicole Eichenberger, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki
Cross-Depicted Historical Motif Categorization and Retrieval with Deep Learning. 71 - Wutthichai Phornphatcharaphong
, Nawapak Eua-anant:
Edge-Based Color Image Segmentation Using Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field Derived from Local Color Distance Images. 72
Volume 6, Number 8, August 2020
- Munir Oudah, Ali Al-Naji
, Javaan S. Chahl
Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Computer Vision: A Review of Techniques. 73 - Mirko Agarla
, Luigi Celona
, Raimondo Schettini
No-Reference Quality Assessment of In-Capture Distorted Videos. 74 - Domonkos Varga:
No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on the Fusion of Statistical and Perceptual Features. 75 - Claudia Daffara
, Riccardo Muradore
, Nicola Piccinelli
, Nicola Gaburro, Tullio de Rubeis
, Dario Ambrosini
A Cost-Effective System for Aerial 3D Thermography of Buildings. 76 - Oussama Zeglazi, Mohammed Rziza
, Aouatif Amine, Cédric Demonceaux
Structural Similarity Measurement Based Cost Function for Stereo Matching of Automotive Applications. 77 - Dario Cazzato
, Claudio Cimarelli
, José Luis Sánchez-López
, Holger Voos
, Marco Leo
A Survey of Computer Vision Methods for 2D Object Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 78 - Mikko E. Toivonen
, Arto Klami
Practical Camera Sensor Spectral Response and Uncertainty Estimation. 79 - Vahab Khoshdel
, Mohammad Asefi, Ahmed Ashraf, Joe LoVetri:
Full 3D Microwave Breast Imaging Using a Deep-Learning Technique. 80 - Basheera M. Mahmmod
, Alaa M. Abdul-Hadi
, Sadiq H. Abdulhussain
, Aseel Hussien
On Computational Aspects of Krawtchouk Polynomials for High Orders. 81
Volume 6, Number 9, September 2020
- David La Barbera
, António Polónia
, Kevin Roitero
, Eduardo Conde-Sousa
, Vincenzo Della Mea
Detection of HER2 from Haematoxylin-Eosin Slides Through a Cascade of Deep Learning Classifiers via Multi-Instance Learning. 82 - Ufuk Cem Birbiri, Azam Hamidinekoo
, Amélie Grall, Paul Malcolm, Reyer Zwiggelaar
Investigating the Performance of Generative Adversarial Networks for Prostate Tissue Detection and Segmentation. 83 - Marco Scharringhausen, Lars Witte
An Efficient and Lightweight Illumination Model for Planetary Bodies Including Direct and Diffuse Radiation. 84 - Stefania Perri
, Cristian Sestito
, Fanny Spagnolo
, Pasquale Corsonello:
Efficient Deconvolution Architecture for Heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip. 85 - Joe Martin, Matthieu Ruthven
, Redha Boubertakh
, Marc E. Miquel
Realistic Dynamic Numerical Phantom for MRI of the Upper Vocal Tract. 86 - Ruben Moya Torres
, Peter W. T. Yuen
, Changfeng Yuan, Johathan Piper, Chris McCullough, Peter Godfree:
Spatial Spectral Band Selection for Enhanced Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Classification Applications. 87 - Porawat Visutsak
Marching Cubes and Histogram Pyramids for 3D Medical Visualization. 88 - Nicole Dalia Cilia
, Claudio De Stefano
, Francesco Fontanella
, Claudio Marrocco
, Mario Molinara
, Alessandra Scotto di Freca
An Experimental Comparison between Deep Learning and Classical Machine Learning Approaches for Writer Identification in Medieval Documents. 89 - Zoltán Kolláth
, Dénes Száz, Kai Pong Tong, Kornél Kolláth:
The Colour of the Night Sky. 90 - Ibtissam Constantin
, Joseph Constantin
, André Bigand:
On the Use of Deep Active Semi-Supervised Learning for Fast Rendering in Global Illumination. 91 - Ibrahem Kandel
, Mauro Castelli
, Ales Popovic
Comparative Study of First Order Optimizers for Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Histopathology Images. 92 - Kazi Tanzeem Shahid
, Ioannis D. Schizas
Unsupervised Mitral Valve Tracking for Disease Detection in Echocardiogram Videos. 93 - Magda Alexandra Trujillo-Jiménez
, Pablo Navarro
, Bruno Pazos, Leonardo Morales, Virginia Ramallo, Carolina Paschetta
, Soledad de Azevedo, Anahí Ruderman, Orlando Pérez, Claudio Delrieux
, Rolando González-José
body2vec: 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction for Precise Anthropometry with Handheld Devices. 94 - Sherif Elbishlawi
, Mohamed H. Abdelpakey
, Agwad ElTantawy, Mohamed S. Shehata
, Mostafa M. Mohamed
Deep Learning-Based Crowd Scene Analysis Survey. 95 - Alexander Schager, Gerald Zauner
, Günther Mayr, Peter Burgholzer
Extension of the Thermographic Signal Reconstruction Technique for an Automated Segmentation and Depth Estimation of Subsurface Defects. 96 - Md Abul Ehsan Bhuiyan
, Chandi Witharana, Anna K. Liljedahl, Benjamin M. Jones, Ronald Daanen, Howard E. Epstein, Kelcy Kent
, Claire G. Griffin
, Amber Agnew:
Understanding the Effects of Optimal Combination of Spectral Bands on Deep Learning Model Predictions: A Case Study Based on Permafrost Tundra Landform Mapping Using High Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery. 97 - Mikhail A. Bezborodov, Mikhail A. Eremin, Vitaly V. Korolev, Ilya G. Kovalenko
, Elena V. Zhukova:
Visualization of the Anisotropy of the Velocity Dispersion and Characteristics of the Multi-Velocity Continuum in the Regions of Multi-Stream Flows of Gas-Dust Media with Polydisperse Dust. 98 - Vijayakumar Anand
, Tomas Katkus, Denver P. Linklater
, Elena P. Ivanova, Saulius Juodkazis
Lensless Three-Dimensional Quantitative Phase Imaging Using Phase Retrieval Algorithm. 99
Volume 6, Number 10, October 2020
- Muhammad Abir, Daniel S. Hussey, Boris Khaykovich
Design of Neutron Microscopes Equipped with Wolter Mirror Condenser and Objective Optics for High-Fidelity Imaging and Beam Transport. 100 - Mauricio Alberto Ortega-Ruiz
, Cefa Karabag
, Victor García Garduño, Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro
Morphological Estimation of Cellularity on Neo-Adjuvant Treated Breast Cancer Histological Images. 101 - Jane Courtney
CleanPage: Fast and Clean Document and Whiteboard Capture. 102 - Ali S. Awad
Fusion of External and Internal Prior Information for the Removal of Gaussian Noise in Images. 103 - Zoltán Kolláth
, Dénes Száz, Kornél Kolláth, Kai Pong Tong:
Light Pollution Monitoring and Sky Colours. 104 - Kehinde D. Aruleba
, George Obaido, Blessing Ogechi Ogbuokiri
, Adewale Oluwaseun Fadaka
, Ashwil Klein
, Tayo Alex Adekiya
, Raphael Taiwo Aruleba
Applications of Computational Methods in Biomedical Breast Cancer Imaging Diagnostics: A Review. 105 - Damian J. J. Farnell
, Chern Khor, Wayne Nishio Ayre, Zoe Doyle, Elizabeth A. Chadwick:
Initial Investigations of the Cranial Size and Shape of Adult Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) in Great Britain. 106 - Iryna Reimers
, Ilia Safonov
, Anton S. Kornilov
, Ivan Yakimchuk:
Two-Stage Alignment of FIB-SEM Images of Rock Samples. 107 - Antonina Chaban
, Rita Deiana
, Vivi Tornari
Wall Mosaics: A Review of On-Site Non-Invasive Methods, Application Challenges and New Frontiers for Their Study and Preservation. 108 - Antonio Parziale
, Giuliana Capriolo
, Angelo Marcelli
One Step Is Not Enough: A Multi-Step Procedure for Building the Training Set of a Query by String Keyword Spotting System to Assist the Transcription of Historical Document. 109 - Francesco Lombardi
, Simone Marinai
Deep Learning for Historical Document Analysis and Recognition - A Survey. 110 - Angeliki C. Epistatou, Ioannis A. Tsalafoutas
, Konstantinos K. Delibasis
An Automated Method for Quality Control in MRI Systems: Methods and Considerations. 111
Volume 6, Number 11, November 2020
- Faisal R. Al-Osaimi
Learning Descriptors Invariance through Equivalence Relations within Manifold: A New Approach to Expression Invariant 3D Face Recognition. 112 - Albert Comelli
Fully 3D Active Surface with Machine Learning for PET Image Segmentation. 113 - Alim Samat