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International Journal of Production Research, Volume 57
Volume 57, Number 1, January 2019
- Chen-Yang Xu, Jing-Rong Li, Qing-Hui Wang, Guang-Hua Hu:
Contour parallel tool path planning based on conformal parameterisation utilising mapping stretch factors. 1-15 - Rune Larsen, Marco Pranzo:
A framework for dynamic rescheduling problems. 16-33 - André Renato Sales Amaral:
A mixed-integer programming formulation for the double row layout of machines in manufacturing systems. 34-47 - Chen-Yang Cheng, Kuo-Ching Ying, Hsia-Hsiang Chen, Hsiao-Shan Lu:
Minimising makespan in distributed mixed no-idle flowshops. 48-60 - Sirikarn Chansombat, Pupong Pongcharoen, Christian Hicks:
A mixed-integer linear programming model for integrated production and preventive maintenance scheduling in the capital goods industry. 61-82 - Roberto Pinto, Alexandra Lagorio, Ruggero Golini:
The location and sizing of urban freight loading/unloading lay-by areas. 83-99 - Vladimir Polotski, Jean-Pierre Kenné, Ali Gharbi:
Production control of hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing systems under demand and return variations. 100-123 - Yiyun Tao, Kai Meng, Peihuang Lou, Xianghui Peng, Xiaoming Qian:
Joint decision-making on automated disassembly system scheme selection and recovery route assignment using multi-objective meta-heuristic algorithm. 124-142 - Altan Yalcin, Achim Koberstein, Kai-Oliver Schocke:
An optimal and a heuristic algorithm for the single-item retrieval problem in puzzle-based storage systems with multiple escorts. 143-165 - Romain Miclo, Matthieu Lauras, Franck Fontanili, Jacques Lamothe, Steven A. Melnyk:
Demand Driven MRP: assessment of a new approach to materials management. 166-181 - Feifeng Zheng, Michael L. Pinedo, Kangbok Lee, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu:
Towards robustness of response times: minimising the maximum inter-completion time on parallel machines. 182-199 - Alejandro Bello-Pintado, Teresa García-Marco, Ferdaous Zouaghi:
Product/process definition, technology adoption and workforce qualification: impact on performance. 200-215 - Jihene Kaabi, Youssef Harrath:
Scheduling on uniform parallel machines with periodic unavailability constraints. 216-227 - Fangyu Chen, Gangyan Xu, Yongchang Wei:
Heuristic routing methods in multiple-block warehouses with ultra-narrow aisles and access restriction. 228-249 - Timm Weitzel, Christoph H. Glock:
Scheduling a storage-augmented discrete production facility under incentive-based demand response. 250-270 - Yihai He, Jiaming Cui, Fengdi Liu, Panting Duan, Donglin Li:
Risk-oriented assembly quality analysing approach considering product reliability degradation. 271-284 - Marcel F. van Assen, Jeroen de Mast:
Visual performance management as a fitness factor for Lean. 285-297 - M. Ganesh Kumar, R. Uthayakumar:
Multi-item inventory model with variable backorder and price discount under trade credit policy in stochastic demand. 298-320 - Corrigendum. 321
Volume 57, Number 2, January 2019
- Matthias Thürer, Nuno O. Fernandes, Mark Stevenson, Ting Qu, Cong-Dong Li:
Centralised vs. decentralised control decision in card-based control systems: comparing kanban systems and COBACABANA. 322-337 - Imène Benkalai, Djamal Rebaine, Pierre Baptiste:
Scheduling flow shops with operators. 338-356 - Xue Xiao, Shufang Wang, Lejun Zhang, Cheng-Zhi Qin:
Complexity analysis of manufacturing service ecosystem: a mapping-based computational experiment approach. 357-378 - Jizhou Zhan, Xiangfeng Chen, Qiying Hu:
The value of trade credit with rebate contract in a capital-constrained supply chain. 379-396 - Ahmed Awil Abdrahman Ahmed, Yiliu Liu:
Throughput-based importance measures of multistate production systems. 397-410 - Alexandre Dolgui, Dmitry A. Ivanov, Suresh P. Sethi, Boris V. Sokolov:
Scheduling in production, supply chain and Industry 4.0 systems by optimal control: fundamentals, state-of-the-art and applications. 411-432 - Farzad Alavifard:
Modelling default dependence in automotive supply networks using vine-copula. 433-451 - Jaakko Peltokorpi, Esko Niemi:
Effects of group size and learning on manual assembly performance: an experimental study. 452-469 - Kyungsu Park, Jingshan Li:
Improving productivity of a multi-product machining line at a motorcycle manufacturing plant. 470-487 - Yujian Song, Jiantong Zhang, Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu:
The berth allocation optimisation with the consideration of time-varying water depths. 488-516 - Gilseung Ahn, You-Jin Park, Sun Hur:
Performance computation methods for composition of tasks with multiple patterns in cloud manufacturing. 517-530 - Enrique Gerstl, Baruch Mor, Gur Mosheiov:
Scheduling on a proportionate flowshop to minimise total late work. 531-543 - Zhen Shang, Songzheng Zhao, Yanjun Qian, Jun Lin:
Exact algorithms for the feedback length minimisation problem. 544-559 - Sergey Kovalev, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov, Gur Mosheiov, Enrique Gerstl:
Semi-V-shape property for two-machine no-wait proportionate flow shop problem with TADC criterion. 560-566 - Zewen Huang, Zhongshun Shi, Leyuan Shi:
Minimising total weighted completion time on batch and unary machines with incompatible job families. 567-581 - Houtian Ge, Stephan J. Goetz, Miguel Gómez, Richard Gray, James Nolan:
Modelling testing mechanism for mitigating genetically modified wheat contamination risks. 582-598 - Marco Marconi, Michele Germani, Marco Mandolini, Claudio Favi:
Applying data mining technique to disassembly sequence planning: a method to assess effective disassembly time of industrial products. 599-623 - Qazi Shaheen Kabir, Yoshinori Suzuki:
Comparative analysis of different routing heuristics for the battery management of automated guided vehicles. 624-641
Volume 57, Number 3, February 2019
- Bahman Naderi, Ahmed Azab, Katayoun Borooshan:
A realistic multi-manned five-sided mixed-model assembly line balancing and scheduling problem with moving workers and limited workspace. 643-661 - Mohammad Izadikhah, Majid Azadi, Vahid Shokri Kahi, Reza Farzipoor Saen:
Developing a new chance constrained NDEA model to measure the performance of humanitarian supply chains. 662-682 - Jingui Xie, Ning Wang, Runkang Ding, Jinchen Guo, Ling Xin, Jian Liu:
Association learning of Chinese herbal medicines and disease treatment efficacy. 683-702 - Lei Zhang, Xuening Chu, Hansi Chen, Bo Yan:
A data-driven approach for the optimisation of product specifications. 703-721 - Fateme Marandi, Seyyed M. T. Fatemi Ghomi:
Integrated multi-factory production and distribution scheduling applying vehicle routing approach. 722-748 - Jens Buergin, Philippe Blaettchen, Juri Kronenbitter, Katharina Molzahn, Yannick Schweizer, Caroline Strunz, Manuel Almagro, Frank Bitte, Stephan Ruehr, Marcello Urgo, Gisela Lanza:
Robust assignment of customer orders with uncertain configurations in a production network for aircraft manufacturing. 749-763 - Abhijeet Ghadge, Euan Kidd, Arnab Bhattacharjee, Manoj Kumar Tiwari:
Sustainable procurement performance of large enterprises across supply chain tiers and geographic regions. 764-778 - Hojat Rezaei Soufi, S. Ali Torabi, Navid Sahebjamnia:
Developing a novel quantitative framework for business continuity planning. 779-800 - Niki Kousi, Spyridon Koukas, George Michalos, Sotiris Makris:
Scheduling of smart intra - factory material supply operations using mobile robots. 801-814 - Hasan Sahin, Bayram Topal:
Examination of effect of information sharing on businesses performance in the supply chain process. 815-828 - Dmitry A. Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Boris V. Sokolov:
The impact of digital technology and Industry 4.0 on the ripple effect and supply chain risk analytics. 829-846 - Xiaolin Wang, Min Xie, Lishuai Li:
On optimal upgrade strategy for second-hand multi-component systems sold with warranty. 847-864 - Parisa Dolati Neghabadi, Karine Evrard Samuel, Marie-Laure Espinouse:
Systematic literature review on city logistics: overview, classification and analysis. 865-887 - Melih Çelik, Haldun Süral:
Order picking in parallel-aisle warehouses with multiple blocks: complexity and a graph theory-based heuristic. 888-906 - Henrik Jaldell:
Measuring productive performance using binary and ordinal output variables: the case of the Swedish fire and rescue services. 907-917 - Tsui-Ping Chung, Zhen Xue, Tong Wu, Stephen C. Shih:
Minimising total completion time on single-machine scheduling with new integrated maintenance activities. 918-930 - Matthias Thürer, Mark Stevenson, Paolo Renna:
Workload control in dual-resource constrained high-variety shops: an assessment by simulation. 931-947 - Martina Calzavara, Alessandro Persona, Fabio Sgarbossa, Valentina Visentin:
A model for rest allowance estimation to improve tasks assignment to operators. 948-962
Volume 57, Number 4, February 2019
- Yunsoo Ha, Junjae Chae:
A decision model to determine the number of shuttles in a tier-to-tier SBS/RS. 963-984 - Salvatore Cannella, Carmela Di Mauro, Roberto Domínguez, Alessandro Ancarani, Florian Schupp:
An exploratory study of risk aversion in supply chain dynamics via human experiment and agent-based simulation. 985-999 - Shoufeng Ji, Xiao-Shuai Peng, Rong-juan Luo:
An integrated model for the production-inventory-distribution problem in the Physical Internet. 1000-1017 - Nicolas Brulard, Van-Dat Cung, Nicolas Catusse, Cyril Dutrieux:
An integrated sizing and planning problem in designing diverse vegetable farming systems. 1018-1036 - Chunguang Bai, Ahmet Satir, Joseph Sarkis:
Investing in lean manufacturing practices: an environmental and operational perspective. 1037-1051 - Neven Hadzic:
Analytical Solution of the serial Bernoulli production line steady-state performance and its application in the shipbuilding process. 1052-1065 - Kunpeng Li, Yang Li, Qiannong Gu, Alicia Ingersoll:
Joint effects of remanufacturing channel design and after-sales service pricing: an analytical study. 1066-1081 - Mohammed A. Darwish, M. Alkhedher, Abdulrahman Alenezi:
Reducing the effects of demand uncertainty in single-newsvendor multi-retailer supply chains. 1082-1102 - Qingying Li, Jianheng Zhou:
A horizontal capacity reservation game under asymmetric information. 1103-1118 - Leilei Meng, Chaoyong Zhang, Xinyu Shao, Yaping Ren, Caile Ren:
Mathematical modelling and optimisation of energy-conscious hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines. 1119-1145 - Xingyu Jiang, Boxue Song, Li Li, Mingming Dai, Haoyin Zhang:
The customer satisfaction-oriented planning method for redesign parameters of used machine tools. 1146-1160 - Stanko Dimitrov, Oben Ceryan:
Optimal inventory decisions when offering layaway. 1161-1175 - Chen Yang, Shulin Lan, Lihui Wang:
Research on coordinated development between metropolitan economy and logistics using big data and Haken model. 1176-1189 - Jian Wang, Huimin Miao, Mingzhu Yu:
Interdependent order allocation in the two-echelon competitive and cooperative supply chain. 1190-1213 - Sujeet Kumar Singh, Mark Goh:
Multi-objective mixed integer programming and an application in a pharmaceutical supply chain. 1214-1237 - Florian Lücker, Ralf W. Seifert, Isik Biçer:
Roles of inventory and reserve capacity in mitigating supply chain disruption risk. 1238-1249 - Mervegül Kirci, Isik Biçer, Ralf W. Seifert:
Optimal replenishment cycle for perishable items facing demand uncertainty in a two-echelon inventory system. 1250-1264 - Morteza Davari, Erik Demeulemeester:
A novel branch-and-bound algorithm for the chance-constrained resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 1265-1282
Volume 57, Number 5, March 2019
- Jia Huang, Xiao-Yue You, Hu-Chen Liu, Sheng-Li Si:
New approach for quality function deployment based on proportional hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and prospect theory. 1283-1299 - Yaoan Lu, Ye Ding, Chengyong Wang, Limin Zhu:
Tool path generation for five-axis machining of blisks with barrel cutters. 1300-1314 - Simon Emde, Shohre Zehtabian:
Scheduling direct deliveries with time windows to minimise truck fleet size and customer waiting times. 1315-1330 - Arash Geramian, Ajith Abraham, Mojtaba Ahmadi Nozari:
Fuzzy logic-based FMEA robust design: a quantitative approach for robustness against groupthink in group/team decision-making. 1331-1344 - Rakesh Venkitasubramony, Gajendra Kumar Adil:
Designing a block stacked warehouse for dynamic and stochastic product flow: a scenario-based robust approach. 1345-1365 - Wen Lea Pearn, Chen-ju Lin, Y. H. Chen, J. Y. Huang:
A note on Group Selection with multiple quality characteristics: power comparison of two methods. 1366-1370 - Christina Arampantzi, Ioannis Minis, George Dikas:
A strategic model for exact supply chain network design and its application to a global manufacturer. 1371-1397 - Jianchao Luo, Zhiqiang Liu, Keyi Xing:
Hybrid branch and bound algorithms for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem with separated setup times. 1398-1412 - Horst Tempelmeier, Lars Fischer:
A procedure for the approximation of the waiting time distribution in a discrete-time (r, S) inventory system. 1413-1426 - Mourad Benttaleb, Faicel Hnaien, Farouk Yalaoui:
Minimising the makespan in the two-machine job shop problem under availability constraints. 1427-1457 - Fu Gu, Jianfeng Guo, Philip Hall, Xinjian Gu:
An integrated architecture for implementing extended producer responsibility in the context of Industry 4.0. 1458-1477 - Atanu Chaudhuri, Jayanth Jayaram:
A socio-technical view of performance impact of integrated quality and sustainability strategies. 1478-1496 - Mehrdad Mohammadi, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès, Claude Yugma:
Performance evaluation of single and multi-class production systems using an approximating queuing network. 1497-1523 - Mengdi Zhang, Yufang Fu, Zhiheng Zhao, Saurabh Pratap, George Q. Huang:
Game theoretic analysis of horizontal carrier coordination with revenue sharing in E-commerce logistics. 1524-1551 - Ana Esteso, Josefa Mula, Francisco Campuzano-Bolarín, Ma Mar Eva Alemany Díaz, Ángel Ortiz Bas:
Simulation to reallocate supply to committed orders under shortage. 1552-1570 - Marcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira, Robert B. Handfield:
Analytical foundations for development of real-time supply chain capabilities. 1571-1589 - Arnaud Stimec, François Grima:
The impact of implementing continuous improvement upon stress within a Lean production framework. 1590-1605
Volume 57, Number 6, March 2019
- Tomas Ambra, An Caris, Cathy Macharis:
Towards freight transport system unification: reviewing and combining the advancements in the physical internet and synchromodal transport research. 1606-1623 - Cheng-Hu Yang, Xin Ma, Srinivas Talluri:
Optimal acquisition decision in a remanufacturing system with partial random yield information. 1624-1644 - Rodrigo Romero-Silva, Sabry Shaaban:
Influence of unbalanced operation time means and uneven buffer allocation on unreliable merging assembly line efficiency. 1645-1666 - Min Ji, Wenya Zhang, Lijuan Liao, T. C. E. Cheng, Yuanyuan Tan:
Multitasking parallel-machine scheduling with machine-dependent slack due-window assignment. 1667-1684 - Yonit Barron:
Critical level policy for a production-inventory model with lost sales. 1685-1705 - Ming Liu, Xin Liu, E. Zhang, Feng Chu, Chengbin Chu:
Scenario-based heuristic to two-stage stochastic program for the parallel machine ScheLoc problem. 1706-1723 - Kathleen M. Iacocca, Stephen Mahar:
Cooperative partnerships and pricing in the pharmaceutical supply chain. 1724-1740 - Matthias Thürer, Mark Stevenson, Martin J. Land, Lawrence D. Fredendall:
On the combined effect of due date setting, order release, and output control: an assessment by simulation. 1741-1755 - Enda Jiang, Ling Wang:
An improved multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for energy-efficient permutation flow shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time. 1756-1771 - Preetam Basu, Qindong Liu, Jan Stallaert:
Supply chain management using put option contracts with information asymmetry. 1772-1796 - Bruno A. R. Soares, Elsa M. P. Henriques, Inês Ribeiro, Manuel Freitas:
Cost analysis of alternative automated technologies for composite parts production. 1797-1810 - Junbo Tuo, Fei Liu, Peiji Liu:
Key performance indicators for assessing inherent energy performance of machine tools in industries. 1811-1824 - Marcello Braglia, Marco Frosolini, Mosè Gallo, Leonardo Marrazzini:
Lean manufacturing tool in engineer-to-order environment: Project cost deployment. 1825-1839 - Zhaoxiang Chen, Yihai He, Yixiao Zhao, Xiao Han, Zhen He, Yu Xu, Anqi Zhang:
Mission reliability evaluation based on operational quality data for multistate manufacturing systems. 1840-1856 - Mohammad Reza Rasouli:
Intelligent process-aware information systems to support agility in disaster relief operations: a survey of emerging approaches. 1857-1872 - Xinyu Sun, Xin-Na Geng, Ji-Bo Wang, Feng Liu:
Convex resource allocation scheduling in the no-wait flowshop with common flow allowance and learning effect. 1873-1891 - Klaus Altendorfer:
Effect of limited capacity on optimal planning parameters for a multi-item production system with setup times and advance demand information. 1892-1913
Volume 57, Number 7, April 2019
- Kartick Dey, Sankhadip Roy, Subrata Saha:
The impact of strategic inventory and procurement strategies on green product design in a two-period supply chain. 1915-1948 - Yue Zhai, Yelin Fu, Gangyan Xu, George Q. Huang:
Multi-period hedging and coordination in a prefabricated construction supply chain. 1949-1971 - Jie Wei, Jing Zhao, Xiaorui Hou:
Integration strategies of two supply chains with complementary products. 1972-1989 - Simonov Kusi-Sarpong, Himanshu Gupta, Joseph Sarkis:
A supply chain sustainability innovation framework and evaluation methodology. 1990-2008 - Sachin S. Kamble, Angappa Gunasekaran, Himanshu Arha:
Understanding the Blockchain technology adoption in supply chains-Indian context. 2009-2033 - Pamela Danese, Andrea Lion, Andrea Vinelli:
Drivers and enablers of supplier sustainability practices: a survey-based analysis. 2034-2056