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Neurocomputing, Volume 38-40
Volume 38-40, June 2001
- Kim T. Blackwell
Propagation of calcium waves in the Hermissenda type B photoreceptor. 1-7 - Kevin M. Franks, Thomas M. Bartol, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
An MCell model of calcium dynamics and frequency-dependence of calmodulin activation in dendritic spines. 9-16 - William G. Gibson, Les Farnell, Max R. Bennett:
A Monte Carlo analysis of calcium dynamics and facilitation in nerve terminals. 17-22 - Michele Giugliano
, Massimo Grattarola, Gwendal Le Masson:
Electrophysiological activity to cell metabolism signal transduction: Possible feedback regulatory biochemical pathways. 23-30 - Bruce P. Graham, Arjen van Ooyen:
Compartmental models of growing neurites. 31-36 - Bruce P. Graham, Adrian Y. C. Wong, Ian D. Forsythe
A computational model of synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held. 37-42 - Sung-Jong Lee, Chang-Sub Jung, Sun-Sook Paik, Sun-Ho Bai:
The functional roles of chemical coupling and gap junction between horizontal cells in the catfish retina. 43-51 - Liesbeth A. Bruins Slot, Emmanuel Pham, F. C. Colpaert:
A mechanism of signal transduction operating with opiate receptors. 53-64 - Julia Trommershäuser, Annette Zippelius:
Biophysical model of a single synaptic connection: Transmission properties are determined by the cooperation of pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms. 65-71 - Arjen van Ooyen, Bruce P. Graham, Ger J. A. Ramakers:
Competition for tubulin between growing neurites during development. 73-78 - Keun-Hang Yang, Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski, Kim T. Blackwell
The role of protein kinase C in the biochemical pathways of classical conditioning. 79-85 - Mélanie Aeschlimann
, Laurent Tettoni:
Biophysical model of axonal pathfinding. 87-92 - Toshio Aoyagi
, Nobuhiko Terada, Youngnam Kang
, Takeshi Kaneko, Tomoki Fukai
A bursting mechanism of chattering neurons based on Ca2+-dependent cationic currents. 93-98 - Nikolai Axmacher
, Martin B. Stemmler, Dirk Engel, Andreas Draguhn, Raphael Ritz:
Presynaptic control of efficacy of GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus. 99-104 - Jan Benda, Matthias Bethge, Matthias Hennig, Klaus Pawelzik, Andreas V. M. Herz:
Spike-frequency adaptation: Phenomenological model and experimental tests. 105-110 - David Brown, Stuart Feerick, Jianfeng Feng
Significance of random neuronal drive. 111-119 - Nissim J. Buchs, Walter Senn
Learning direction selectivity through spike-timing dependent modification of neurotransmitter release probability. 121-127 - Maurice J. Chacron
, André Longtin, Leonard Maler:
Simple models of bursting and non-bursting P-type electroreceptors. 129-139 - Frances S. Chance
, L. F. Abbott:
Input-specific adaptation in complex cells through synaptic depression. 141-146 - Gal Chechik
Spike timing dependent plasticity and mutual information in spiking neurons. 147-152 - Allan D. Coop, George N. Reeke Jr.:
Deciphering the neural code: neuronal discharge variability is preferentially controlled by the temporal distribution of afferent impulses. 153-157 - Gennady S. Cymbalyuk
, Ronald L. Calabrese:
A model of slow plateau-like oscillations based upon the fast Na+ current in a window mode. 159-166 - Alain Destexhe:
Simplified models of neocortical pyramidal cells preserving somatodendritic voltage attenuation. 167-173 - Alexander Dimitrov
, John P. Miller, Zane N. Aldworth, Tomás Gedeon:
Non-uniform quantization of neural spike sequences through an information distortion measure. 175-181 - Jacob Duijnhouwer, Michiel W. H. Remme
, Arjen van Ooyen, Jaap van Pelt:
Influence of dendritic topology on firing patterns in model neurons. 183-189 - Julian Eggert, Berthold Bäuml
, J. Leo van Hemmen:
Fast dynamic organization without short-term synaptic plasticity: A new view on Hebb's dynamical assemblies. 191-196 - Stuart Feerick, Jianfeng Feng
, David Brown:
Inhibitory inputs increase a neurons's firing rate. 197-203 - Jianfeng Feng
, Guibin Li:
Behaviour of two-compartment models. 205-211 - Brent A. Field, Richard T. Marrocco:
The calculation of neuronal signal-to-noise ratios using sine-wave estimation of the system kernel. 213-221 - Gideon Gradwohl, Yoram Grossman
Dendritic voltage dependent conductances increase the excitatory synaptic response and its postsynaptic inhibition in a reconstructed -motoneuron: A computer model. 223-229 - Arthur R. Houweling, Rashmi H. Modi, Paul Ganter, Jean-Marc Fellous, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Models of frequency preferences of prefrontal cortical neurons. 231-238 - Rick L. Jenison
Decoding first-spike latency: A likelihood approach. 239-248 - Bart Krekelberg
, Monica Paolini, Frank Bremmer
, Markus Lappe, Klaus-Peter Hoffmann:
Deconstructing the receptive field: Information coding in macaque area MST. 249-254 - Silvia M. Kuva, Gilson F. Lima, Osame Kinouchi
, Marcelo H. R. Tragtenberg, Antônio Carlos Roque-da-Silva:
A minimal model for excitable and bursting elements. 255-261 - Christian K. Machens
, P. Prinz, Martin B. Stemmler, Bernhard Ronacher, Andreas V. M. Herz:
Discrimination of behaviorally relevant signals by auditory receptor neurons. 263-268 - Yair Manor, Farzan Nadim
Frequency regulation demonstrated by coupling a model and a biological neuron. 269-278 - Norbert Michael Mayer, J. Michael Herrmann, Theo Geisel:
Signatures of natural image statistics in cortical simple cell receptive fields. 279-284 - Lovorka Pantic, Joaquín J. Torres
, Hilbert J. Kappen:
On the role of dynamical synapses in coincidence detection. 285-291 - Michael G. Paulin, Larry F. Hoffman:
State-space receptive fields of semicircular canal afferent neurons in the bullfrog. 293-298 - Tim C. Pearce
, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
, Joel White, John Kauer:
Stimulus encoding during the early stages of olfactory processing: A modeling study using an artificial olfactory system. 299-306 - Hans E. Plesser, Theo Geisel:
Signal processing by means of noise. 307-312 - Raphael Ritz, Roberto Fdez. Galán
, Paul Szyszka
, Andreas V. M. Herz:
Analysis of odor processing in the mushroom bodies of the honeybee. 313-318 - Jean-Pierre Rospars, Petr Lánský
, Patricia Duchamp-Viret
, André Duchamp:
Characterizing and modeling concentration-response curves of olfactory receptor cells. 319-325 - Michael Rudolph, Nicolas Hô, Alain Destexhe:
Synaptic background activity affects the dynamics of dendritic integration in model neocortical pyramidal neurons. 327-333 - Manuel A. Sánchez-Montañés
, Tim C. Pearce
Fisher information and optimal odor sensors. 335-341 - Andreas Schierwagen
, Conny Claus:
Dendritic morphology and signal delay in superior colliculus neurons. 343-350 - Lars Schwabe, Péter Adorján, Klaus Obermayer:
Spike-frequency adaptation as a mechanism for dynamic coding in V1. 351-358 - Jonghan Shin:
Hippocampal LTP induction is related to dynamic range of postsynaptic calcium concentration. 359-368 - Jonghan Shin:
Adaptive noise shaping neural spike encoding and decoding. 369-381 - Volker Steuber
, Erik De Schutter:
Long-term depression and recognition of parallel fibre patterns in a multi-compartmental model of a cerebellar Purkinje cell. 383-388 - Klaus M. Stiefel, Valérie Wespatat, Wolf Singer, Frank Tennigkeit:
A computational model of the interaction of membrane potential oscillations with inhibitory synaptic input in cortical cells. 389-395 - Paul H. E. Tiesinga, Jean-Marc Fellous, Jorge V. José, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Optimal information transfer in synchronized neocortical neurons. 397-402 - Jaap van Pelt, Andreas Schierwagen
, Harry B. M. Uylings:
Modeling dendritic morphological complexity of deep layer cat superior colliculus neurons. 403-408 - Mark C. W. van Rossum
, Gina G. Turrigiano:
Correlation based learning from spike timing dependent plasticity. 409-415 - Carl van Vreeswijk:
Information transmission with renewal neurons. 417-422 - Fabio L. S. Veiga, Marcelo H. R. Tragtenberg:
A very stochastic resonant neuron model. 423-431 - Niclas Wahlgren, Anders Lansner:
Biological evaluation of a Hebbian-Bayesian learning rule. 433-438 - Thomas Wennekers:
Nonlinear analysis of orientation tuning: Stationary properties of simple cells in V1. 439-444 - Stefan D. Wilke, Christian W. Eurich:
Neural spike statistics modify the impact of background noise. 445-450 - Winfried Wojtenek, Michael H. Hofmann, Lon A. Wilkens:
Primary afferent electrosensory neurons represent paddlefish natural prey. 451-458 - László Zalányi, Fülöp Bazsó, Péter Érdi:
The effect of synaptic depression on stochastic resonance. 459-465 - Pamela M. Baker, Jörg Grigull, Peter S. Pennefather, Beverley A. Orser, Frances K. Skinner
Frequency switches in inhibitory networks with anesthetics. 467-474 - Hauke Bartsch
, Martin Stetter, Klaus Obermayer:
Contextual effects by short range connections in a mean-field model of V1. 475-481 - Matthias Bethge, Klaus Pawelzik:
Synchronous inhibition as a mechanism for unbiased selective gain control. 483-488 - Jason W. Bohland
, Ali A. Minai
Efficient associative memory using small-world architecture. 489-496 - Victoria Booth, Amitabha Bose
Regulating firing rate of networks of pyramidal cells. 497-504 - Amitabha Bose
, Steve Kunec:
Synchrony and frequency regulation by synaptic delay in networks of self-inhibiting neurons. 505-513 - Andrew P. Davison
, Jianfeng Feng
, David Brown:
Spike synchronization in a biophysically-detailed model of the olfactory bulb. 515-521 - Marc de Kamps
, Frank van der Velde:
Using a recurrent network to bind form, color and position into a unified percept. 523-528 - Damien Debay, Alain Destexhe, Thierry Bal:
Corticothalamic feedback can induce hypersynchronous low-frequency rhythms in the physiologically intact thalamus. 529-538 - Arnaud Delorme, Laurent Perrinet
, Simon J. Thorpe
Networks of integrate-and-fire neurons using Rank Order Coding B: Spike timing dependent plasticity and emergence of orientation selectivity. 539-545 - David DeMaris:
Synchronization opponent systems: Attractor basin transient statistics as a population code for object representation. 547-554 - Alain Destexhe, Diego Contreras, Mircea Steriade:
LTS cells in cerebral cortex and their role in generating spike-and-wave oscillations. 555-563 - Markus Diesmann, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Stefan Rotter, Ad Aertsen:
State space analysis of synchronous spiking in cortical neural networks. 565-571 - Mikael Djurfeldt, Örjan Ekeberg
, Ann M. Graybiel:
Cortex-basal ganglia interaction and attractor states. 573-579 - Chris Eliasmith, Charles H. Anderson:
Beyond bumps: Spiking networks that store sets of functions. 581-586 - Jean-Marc Fellous, Paul H. E. Tiesinga, Jorge V. José, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Computational model of carbachol-induced delta, theta and gamma-like oscillations in hippocampus. 587-593 - Paul Franck, Reinoud Maex
, Erik De Schutter:
Synchronization between patches of local excitation in a cerebellar granular layer model. 595-599 - Erik Fransén, Angel A. Alonso, Michael E. Hasselmo
Entorhinal neuronal activity during delayed matching tasks may depend upon muscarinic-induced non-specific cation current I(CANM). 601-606 - W. Otto Friesen, Gerta Fleissner, Günther Fleissner:
Role of feedback loops in the scorpion circadian system. 607-614 - Tomoki Fukai
Neuronal analog-digital information transformation at the gamma frequency. 615-619 - Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Markus Diesmann, Ad Aertsen:
Cortical synfire-activity: Configuration space and survival probability. 621-626 - E. Haskell, Duane Q. Nykamp, Daniel Tranchina:
A population density method for large-scale modeling of neuronal networks with realistic synaptic kinetics. 627-632 - Michael E. Hasselmo
, Ajay Kapur, Bradley P. Wyble:
Theta rhythm oscillations and sequence encoding in the hippocampus. 633-640 - Detlef H. Heck
, Fahad Sultan, Valentino Braitenberg:
Sequential stimulation of rat cerebellar granular layer in vivo: Further evidence of a 'tidal-wave' timing mechanism in the cerebellum. 641-646 - Marcel Heldoorn
, Johan L. Van Leeuwen
, Jan Vanderschoot, Enrico Marani:
Electrotonic coupling in a network of compartmental external urethral sphincter motoneurons of Onuf 's nucleus. 647-658 - Matthias H. Hennig
, Klaus Funke:
A biophysically realistic simulation of the vertebrate retina. 659-665 - Claus C. Hilgetag
, Simon Grant II:
Uniformity and specificity of long-range corticocortical connections in the visual cortex of the cat. 667-673 - Satoru Inoue, Takafumi Yoshizawa, Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara:
An essential role of random arrangement of coincidence detection neurons in hyperaccurate sound location of owl. 675-682 - Mehrdad Jazayeri, Liang Zhang, Frances K. Skinner
A dynamical feedback mechanism for the generation of hippocampal field rhythms. 683-689 - Szabolcs Káli
, Peter Dayan
A familiarity-based learning procedure for the establishment of place fields in area CA3 of the rat hippocampus. 691-695 - Yukiyasu Kamitani, Vidya M. Bhalodia, Yoshihisa Kubota, Shinsuke Shimojo:
A model of magnetic stimulation of neocortical neurons. 697-703 - Yoshiki Kashimori, Satoru Inoue, Takeshi Kambara, Minoru Uchiyama:
A neural model of amygdala playing an essential role in formation of brain maps for accomplishing spatial tasks. 705-712 - Tamás Kiss
, Gergo Orbán
, Máté Lengyel
, Péter Érdi:
Intrahippocampal gamma and theta rhythm generation in a network model of inhibitory interneurons. 713-719 - Katsunori Kitano, Toshio Aoyagi
, Tomoki Fukai
Synchronous and asynchronous activities in a network model of the striatal spiny projection neurons. 721-726 - Anette Kocbach
, Gaute T. Einevoll, Paul Heggelund:
Probing mechanistic models for the retinogeniculate circuit in cat using drifting gratings. 727-732 - Efstratios K. Kosmidis, Jean-François Vibert:
A model of respiration rhythmogenesis bridging network and pacemaker theories. 733-739 - Rolf Kötter, Claus C. Hilgetag
, Klaas E. Stephan
Connectional characteristics of areas in Walker's map of primate prefrontal cortex. 741-746 - Robert Kozma
, Maritza Alvarado, Linda J. Rogers, Brian Lau
, Walter J. Freeman:
Emergence of un-correlated common-mode oscillations in the sensory cortex. 747-755 - Thomas Z. Lauritzen, Anton E. Krukowski, Kenneth D. Miller:
A model of cross-orientation inhibition in cat primary visual cortex. 757-762 - Timothy J. Lewis, John Rinzel:
Topological target patterns and population oscillations in a network with random gap junctional coupling. 763-768 - András Lörincz
, Gábor Szirtes, Bálint Takács, György Buzsáki:
Independent component analysis of temporal sequences forms place cells. 769-774 - Paul W. Munro, Gerardina Hernández:
Time-dependent LTD as a stability factor. 775-780 - Farzan Nadim
, Yair Manor, Amitabha Bose
Control of network output by synaptic depression. 781-787 - Remus Osan, Bard Ermentrout:
Two dimensional synaptically generated traveling waves in a theta-neuron neural network. 789-795 - Eimei Oyama
, Arvin Agah, Karl F. MacDorman
, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi:
A modular neural network architecture for inverse kinematics model learning. 797-805 - Jay S. Pathmanathan, Duck O. Kim:
A computational model for the AVCN marginal shell with medial olivocochlear feedback: Generation of a wide dynamic range. 807-815 - Laurent Perrinet
, Arnaud Delorme, Manuel Samuelides, Simon J. Thorpe
Networks of integrate-and-fire neuron using rank order coding A: How to implement spike time dependent Hebbian plasticity. 817-822 - Sean Polyn, William B. Levy:
Dynamic control of inhibition improves performance of a hippocampal model. 823-829 - Brigitte Quenet
, David Horn
, Gérard Dreyfus, Rémi Dubois:
Temporal coding in an olfactory oscillatory model. 831-836 - Dmitry Rinberg, Hanan Davidowitz:
Multineuron response to wind stimuli in the American cockroach. 837-843 - Patrick D. Roberts, Curtis C. Bell:
Mutual inhibition increases adaptation rate in an electrosensory system. 845-850 - Manuel A. Sánchez-Montañés
, Fernando J. Corbacho, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
, Juan A. Sigüenza
A biologically plausible model for the development of selective microcircuits in striate cortex. 851-857 - Manuel A. Sánchez-Montañés
, Peter König
, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
Learning in a neural network model in real time using real world stimuli. 859-865 - Anders Sandberg, Anders Lansner, Karl Magnus Petersson
Selective enhancement of recall through plasticity modulation in an autoassociative memory. 867-873 - Ronen Segev
, Eshel Ben-Jacob:
Chemical waves and internal energy during cooperative self-wiring of neural nets. 875-879 - Peggy Seriès, Sébastien Georges, Jean Lorenceau
, Yves Frégnac:
A network view of the structure of center/surround modulations of V1 receptive field properties in visual and cortical spaces. 881-888 - Lokendra Shastri:
A computational model of episodic memory formation in the hippocampal system. 889-897 - Ken Shimono, Makoto Taketani, Fernando Brücher, Don Kubota, Laura Colgin, Sam Robertson, Richard Granger, Gary Lynch:
Continuous two-dimensional current source density analyses of electrophysiological activity in hippocampal slices. 899-905 - Vikaas S. Sohal
, John R. Huguenard
Clonazepam suppresses oscillations in rat thalamic slices. 907-913