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Human Factors, Volume 63
Volume 63, Number 1, February 2021
- Peter J. Keir
, Amanda M. Farias Zuniga, Daanish M. Mulla, Kumara G. Somasundram:
Relationships and Mechanisms Between Occupational Risk Factors and Distal Upper Extremity Disorders. - Sadaf Kazi
, Salar Khaleghzadegan, Julie V. Dinh, Mark Shelhamer, Adam Sapirstein, Lee A. Goeddel, Nnenna O. Chime, Eduardo Salas
, Michael A. Rosen
Team Physiological Dynamics: A Critical Review. - Luke Crameri
, Imali Hettiarachchi, Samer Hanoun:
A Review of Individual Operational Cognitive Readiness: Theory Development and Future Directions. - Tiffany M. Bisbey
, Molly P. Kilcullen, Eric J. Thomas, Madelene J. Ottosen, Kuo-Jen Tsao, Eduardo Salas
Safety Culture: An Integration of Existing Models and a Framework for Understanding Its Development. - Sarah Tinitali
, Kelly-Ann Bowles
, Jennifer L. Keating, Terry Haines:
Sitting Posture During Occupational Driving Causes Low Back Pain; Evidence-Based Position or Dogma? A Systematic Review. - Mica R. Endsley
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Direct Objective Measures of Situation Awareness: A Comparison of SAGAT and SPAM. - Lin Lu, Fadel M. Megahed, Lora A. Cavuoto
Interventions to Mitigate Fatigue Induced by Physical Work: A Systematic Review of Research Quality and Levels of Evidence for Intervention Efficacy.
Volume 63, Number 2, March 2021
- John D. Lee
, Shu-Yuan Liu, Joshua E. Domeyer, Azadeh DinparastDjadid
Assessing Drivers' Trust of Automated Vehicle Driving Styles With a Two-Part Mixed Model of Intervention Tendency and Magnitude. - Miguel Martínez-García
, Yu Zhang, Timothy J. Gordon:
Memory Pattern Identification for Feedback Tracking Control in Human-Machine Systems.
- Fabian Möller
, Uwe Hoffmann, Marc Dalecki, Tobias Dräger, Michael Doppelmayr
, Fabian Steinberg
Physical Exercise Intensity During Submersion Selectively Affects Executive Functions. - Jingyu Zhang
, Xiaotian E, Feng Du
, Jiazhong Yang, Shayne Loft
The Difficulty to Break a Relational Complexity Network Can Predict Air Traffic Controllers' Mental Workload and Performance in Conflict Resolution.
- Manzura Zholdassova
, Almira M. Kustubayeva, Gerald Matthews
The ANT Executive Control Index: No Evidence for Temporal Decrement.
- Ben Elix, Neelam Naikar
Designing for Adaptation in Workers' Individual Behaviors and Collective Structures With Cognitive Work Analysis: Case Study of the Diagram of Work Organization Possibilities.
- Christopher Widdowson
, Israel Becerra
, Cameron Merrill
, Ranxiao Frances Wang, Steven M. LaValle:
Assessing Postural Instability and Cybersickness Through Linear and Angular Displacement.
- Edin Sabic
, Jing Chen, Justin A. MacDonald:
Toward a Better Understanding of In-Vehicle Auditory Warnings and Background Noise. - Xingwei Wu, Linda Ng Boyle
Auditory Messages for Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) Systems: Effects of Speech- and Nonspeech-Based Cues.
- Donghyun Beck
, Jaemoon Jung, Woojin Park
Evaluating the Effects of In-Vehicle Side-View Display Layout Design on Physical Demands of Driving.
Volume 63, Number 3, May 2021
- Daniel G. Morrow, H. Chad Lane, Wendy A. Rogers
A Framework for Design of Conversational Agents to Support Health Self-Care for Older Adults.
- Gyrd Skraaning Jr.
, Greg A. Jamieson
Human Performance Benefits of The Automation Transparency Design Principle: Validation and Variation.
- Daniel Sturman
, Mark W. Wiggins
Drivers' Cue Utilization Predicts Cognitive Resource Consumption During a Simulated Driving Scenario. - Christoph Bernhard
, Heiko Hecht:
The Ups and Downs of Camera-Monitor Systems: The Effect of Camera Position on Rearward Distance Perception.
- Kaitlin M. Gallagher
, Laura Cameron
, Diana E. De Carvalho
, Madison Boulé:
Does Using Multiple Computer Monitors for Office Tasks Affect User Experience?: A Systematic Review.
- Laura H. Barg-Walkow
, Rickey P. Thomas, Christopher D. Wickens
, Wendy A. Rogers:
Modeling Task Scheduling Decisions of Emergency Department Physicians.
- Panagiotis Matsangas
, Nita Lewis Shattuck:
Habitability in Berthing Compartments and Well-Being of Sailors Working on U.S. Navy Surface Ships.
- Giorgia Chinazzo
, Kynthia Chamilothori
, Jan Wienold
, Marilyne Andersen:
Temperature-Color Interaction: Subjective Indoor Environmental Perception and Physiological Responses in Virtual Reality.
- Birsen Donmez
, Maryam Merrikhpour, Mehdi Hoseinzadeh Nooshabadi:
Mitigating Teen Driver Distraction: In-Vehicle Feedback Based on Peer Social Norms. - Azadeh DinparastDjadid
, John D. Lee, Joshua E. Domeyer, Chris Schwarz, Timothy L. Brown, Pujitha Gunaratne:
Designing for the Extremes: Modeling Drivers' Response Time to Take Back Control From Automation Using Bayesian Quantile Regression.
- Gavan Lintern
, Walter R. Boot:
Cognitive Training: Transfer Beyond the Laboratory?
Volume 63, Number 4, June 2021
- Qiuyang Tang
, Gang Guo, Zijian Zhang, Bingbing Zhang, Yingzhang Wu:
Olfactory Facilitation of Takeover Performance in Highly Automated Driving.
- Neal Wiggermann
, Jie Zhou, Nancy McGann:
Effect of Repositioning Aids and Patient Weight on Biomechanical Stresses When Repositioning Patients in Bed.
- Tyler N. Morrison
, Emanuele Rizzi
, O. Anil Turkkan, Richard J. Jagacinski
, Haijun Su
, Junmin Wang
Drivers' Spatio-Temporal Attentional Distributions Are Influenced by Vehicle Dynamics and Displayed Point of View.
- Caleb Furlough, Thomas Stokes, Douglas J. Gillan
Attributing Blame to Robots: I. The Influence of Robot Autonomy. - Joseph B. Lyons
, Thy Vo, Kevin T. Wynne, Sean Mahoney, Chang S. Nam
, Darci Gallimore:
Trusting Autonomous Security Robots: The Role of Reliability and Stated Social Intent. - Robert Valner
, Jason Mario Dydynski
, Sookyung Cho, Karl Kruusamäe
Communication of Hazards in Mixed-Reality Telerobotic Systems: The Usage of Naturalistic Avoidance Cues in Driving Tasks.
- Ann J. Carrigan
, John Magnussen, Andrew Georgiou
, Kim M. Curby
, Thomas J. Palmeri, Mark W. Wiggins
Differentiating Experience From Cue Utilization in Radiological Assessments.
- Hideyuki Kimpara
, Kenechukwu C. Mbanisi
, Zhi Li
, Karen L. Troy
, Danil V. Prokhorov
, Michael A. Gennert
Force Anticipation and Its Potential Implications on Feedforward and Feedback Human Motor Control.
- Deokhoon Jun
, Venerina Johnston, Steven M. McPhail
, Shaun O'Leary:
A Longitudinal Evaluation of Risk Factors and Interactions for the Development of Nonspecific Neck Pain in Office Workers in Two Cultures.
- Anthony L. Baker
, Joseph Roland Keebler
, Emily C. Anania, David Schuster
, John P. Plummer:
Team Combat Identification: Effects of Gender, Spatial Visualization, and Disagreement. - Jason S. McCarley
, Nathan Leggett, Alison Enright:
Shared Gaze Fails to Improve Team Visual Monitoring.
- Alexandra D. Kaplan
, Jessica Cruit, Mica R. Endsley
, Suzanne M. Beers, Ben D. Sawyer, Peter A. Hancock
The Effects of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality as Training Enhancement Methods: A Meta-Analysis.
Volume 63, Number 5, August 2021
- Philip T. Kortum, Barbara S. Chaparro:
Preface to the Special Section on the Science Behind Usability and UX. - Per Ø. Braarud, Terje Bodal, John E. Hulsund, Michael N. Louka
, Christer Nihlwing, Espen Nystad, Håkan Svengren, Emil Wingstedt:
An Investigation of Speech Features, Plant System Alarms, and Operator-System Interaction for the Classification of Operator Cognitive Workload During Dynamic Work. - Lauren R. Kennedy-Metz
, Roger D. Dias
, Srey Rithy, Geoffrey Rance, Heather M. Conboy, Miguel E. Haime, Jacquelyn A. Quin, Steven J. Yule, Marco A. Zenati:
Analysis of Dynamic Changes in Cognitive Workload During Cardiac Surgery Perfusionists′ Interactions With the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Pump. - Shiyan Yang
, Jonny Kuo, Michael G. Lenné, Michael Fitzharris
, Timothy Horberry, Kyle Blay, Darren Wood, Christine M. Mulvihill, Carine Truche:
The Impacts of Temporal Variation and Individual Differences in Driver Cognitive Workload on ECG-Based Detection. - Reilly J. Innes
, Zachary L. Howard
, Alexander Thorpe
, Ami Eidels
, Scott D. Brown
The Effects of Increased Visual Information on Cognitive Workload in a Helicopter Simulator. - Francesco N. Biondi
, Balakumar Balasingam, Prathamesh Ayare:
On the Cost of Detection Response Task Performance on Cognitive Load. - Francesco N. Biondi
, Angela Cacanindin, Caitlyn Douglas, Joel A. Cort:
Overloaded and at Work: Investigating the Effect of Cognitive Workload on Assembly Task Performance. - Tobias Grundgeiger
, Jörn Hurtienne, Oliver Happel:
Why and How to Approach User Experience in Safety-Critical Domains: The Example of Health Care. - Elizabeth Fox
, Joseph W. Houpt
, Pamela S. Tsang:
Derivation and Demonstration of a New Metric for Multitasking Performance.
- Robert S. Gutzwiller
, John Reeder:
Dancing With Algorithms: Interaction Creates Greater Preference and Trust in Machine-Learned Behavior.
- Woojin Yoon, Seobin Choi, Hyeseon Han, Gwanseob Shin
Neck Muscular Load When Using a Smartphone While Sitting, Standing, and Walking.
- Yasunori Kinosada
, Takashi Kobayashi, Kazumitsu Shinohara
Trusting Other Vehicles' Automatic Emergency Braking Decreases Self-Protective Driving.
- Reilly J. Innes
, Nathan J. Evans, Zachary L. Howard
, Ami Eidels
, Scott D. Brown
A Broader Application of the Detection Response Task to Cognitive Tasks and Online Environments.
- Surabhi Pasarakonda
, Gudela Grote
, Jan B. Schmutz
, Jasmina Bogdanovic, Merlin Guggenheim, Tanja Manser:
A Strategic Core Role Perspective on Team Coordination: Benefits of Centralized Leadership for Managing Task Complexity in the Operating Room.
Volume 63, Number 6, September 2021
- Katie J. Parnell
, Victoria A. Banks
, Katherine L. Plant, Thomas G. C. Griffin, Peter Beecroft, Neville A. Stanton
Predicting Design-Induced Error on the Flight Deck: An Aircraft Engine Oil Leak Scenario. - Janine D. Mator, William E. Lehman, Wyatt McManus, Sarah Powers, Lauren N. Tiller, James R. Unverricht, Jeremiah D. Still
Usability: Adoption, Measurement, Value. - Colton J. Turner, Barbara S. Chaparro
, Jibo He
Typing on a Smartwatch While Mobile: A Comparison of Input Methods. - Philip T. Kortum
, Claudia Ziegler Acemyan, Frederick L. Oswald:
Is It Time to Go Positive? Assessing the Positively Worded System Usability Scale (SUS). - James R. Lewis
Measuring User Experience With 3, 5, 7, or 11 Points: Does It Matter? - Carlos Silva, Joana Vieira
, José Francisco Creissac Freitas de Campos
, Rui Couto, António Nestor Ribeiro
Development and Validation of a Descriptive Cognitive Model for Predicting Usability Issues in a Low-Code Development Platform.
- Sarah-Maria Castritius
, Christoph Johannes Dietz, Patric Schubert, Johanna Moeller, Simone Morvilius, Sabine Hammer
, Chung Anh Tran, Christian T. Haas:
Truck Platooning Under Real Traffic Conditions: First Insights on Behavioral Adaptations and Gap Preference of Professional Drivers.
- Brittany N. Neilson
, Curtis M. Craig
, Raelyn Y. Curiel, Martina I. Klein:
Restoring Attentional Resources With Nature: A Replication Study of Berto's (2005) Paradigm Including Commentary From Dr. Rita Berto.
- Tjasa Kermavnar
, Kevin J. O'Sullivan
, Adam de Eyto
, Leonard W. O'Sullivan
Relationship Between Interface Pressures and Pneumatic Cuff Inflation Pressure at Different Assessment Sites of the Lower Limb to Aid Soft Exoskeleton Design.
- Johannes Kraus
, David Scholz
, Martin Baumann
What's Driving Me? Exploration and Validation of a Hierarchical Personality Model for Trust in Automated Driving.
- Taylor Shupsky, Adriana Lyman, Jibo He
, Maryam Zahabi
Effects of Mobile Computer Terminal Configuration and Level of Driving Control on Police Officers' Performance and Workload.
- Francesco N. Biondi
, David L. Strayer, William J. Horrey, Joel M. Cooper, Joel A. Cort:
Preface to the Special Section on Measuring Cognitive Workload in Human Factors.
Volume 63, Number 7, November 2021
- Hamid Allahverdipour, Iman Dianat
, Galavizh Mameh, Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi
Effects of Cognitive and Physical Loads on Dynamic and Static Balance Performance of Healthy Older Adults Under Single-, Dual-, and Multi-task Conditions.
- Kara Blacker
, Kyle A. Pettijohn
, Grant Roush, Adam T. Biggs:
Measuring Lethal Force Performance in the Lab: The Effects of Simulator Realism and Participant Experience.
- Yke Bauke Eisma, Clark Borst, René van Paassen, Joost C. F. de Winter
Augmented Visual Feedback: Cure or Distraction?
- Yifan Li, Mitchell D. Wolf, Amol D. Kulkarni, James Bell, Jonathan S. Chang
, Amit Nimunkar
, Robert G. Radwin
In Situ Tremor in Vitreoretinal Surgery.
- Gyouhyung Kyung
, Sungryul Park
Curved Versus Flat Monitors: Interactive Effects of Display Curvature Radius and Display Size on Visual Search Performance and Visual Fatigue.
- Peter A. Hancock
, Theresa T. Kessler, Alexandra D. Kaplan, John C. Brill, James L. Szalma:
Evolving Trust in Robots: Specification Through Sequential and Comparative Meta-Analyses.
- Emad Alyan
, Naufal M. Saad, Nidal S. Kamel:
Effects of Workstation Type on Mental Stress: FNIRS Study. - Eric T. Greenlee
, Tiffany G. Lui, Emily L. Maw:
Is Physiobehavioral Monitoring Nonintrusive? An Examination of Transcranial Doppler Sonography in a Vigilance Task. - Kathryn A. Feltman
, Kyle A. Bernhardt, Amanda M. Kelley:
Measuring the Domain Specificity of Workload Using EEG: Auditory and Visual Domains in Rotary-Wing Simulated Flight.
- Colin D. McKinnon
, Samantha Ehmke, Aaron M. Kociolek, Jack P. Callaghan
, Peter J. Keir
Wrist Posture Estimation Differences and Reliability Between Video Analysis and Electrogoniometer Methods.
- Husam Muslim
, Makoto Itoh:
Long-Term Evaluation of Drivers' Behavioral Adaptation to an Adaptive Collision Avoidance System.
Volume 63, Number 8, December 2021
- Patricia R. DeLucia:
Looking Back, Looking Forward, Reprised: The Last Eight Years of Human Factors.
- Jussi P. P. Jokinen
, Tuomo Kujala
, Antti Oulasvirta
Multitasking in Driving as Optimal Adaptation Under Uncertainty. - Kunihiro Hasegawa
, Motohiro Kimura
, Yuji Takeda:
Pedal Misapplication: Interruption Effects and Age-Related Differences.
- Brigid M. Gillespie, Joseph J. Gillespie, Rhonda J. Boorman
, Karin Granqvist, Johan Stranne, Annette Erichsen-Andersson:
The Impact of Robotic-Assisted Surgery on Team Performance: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review.
- Jeroen Roozendaal, Emma Johansson, Joost C. F. de Winter
, David A. Abbink
, Sebastiaan M. Petermeijer
Haptic Lane-Keeping Assistance for Truck Driving: A Test Track Study. - Sophia von Salm-Hoogstraeten
, Jochen Müsseler:
Human Cognition in Interaction With Robots: Taking the Robot's Perspective Into Account.
- Matt Holman
, Guy H. Walker
, Terry C. Lansdown, Paul M. Salmon
, Gemma J. M. Read, Neville A. Stanton
The Binary-Based Model (BBM) for Improved Human Factors Method Selection.
- Ranjana K. Mehta
, Joseph K. Nuamah
Relationship Between Acute Physical Fatigue and Cognitive Function During Orthostatic Challenge in Men and Women: A Neuroergonomics Investigation.
- Hillary Maxwell
, Bruce Weaver, Sylvain Gagnon, Shawn Marshall, Michele Bedard:
The Validity of Three New Driving Simulator Scenarios: Detecting Differences in Driving Performance by Difficulty and Driver Gender and Age.
- Ryosuke Yokoi
, Kazuya Nakayachi
Trust in Autonomous Cars: Exploring the Role of Shared Moral Values, Reasoning, and Emotion in Safety-Critical Decisions.
- Shiyan Yang
, Jonny Kuo, Michael G. Lenné
Effects of Distraction in On-Road Level 2 Automated Driving: Impacts on Glance Behavior and Takeover Performance.

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