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Computers & Geosciences, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, February 2004
- Graeme Bonham-Carter:
Editorial. 1-3 - Boyan Brodaric:
The design of GSC FieldLog: ontology-based software for computer aided geological field mapping. 5-20 - Keith N. Sircombe:
AgeDisplay: an EXCEL workbook to evaluate and display univariate geochronological data using binned frequency histograms and probability density distributions. 21-31 - José Manuel Vacas Peña, José R. Martínez Catalán:
A computer program for the simulation of folds of different sizes under the influence of gravity. 33-43 - Arda Arcasoy, Vedat Toprak, Nuretdin Kaymakçi
Comprehensive Strip Based Lineament Detection Method (COSBALID) from point-like features: a GIS approach. 45-57 - Chris H. Okubo
, Richard A. Schultz
, Greggory S. Stefanelli:
Gridding Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data with GMT: effects of pixel size and interpolation methods on DEM integrity. 59-72 - Philippe Gaillot, Jane T. Punongbayan, Brice R. Rea
Map_plot and bgg_plot: software for integration of geoscience datasets. 73-89 - Patrick Wong
, Sean Boerner:
Ranking geological drivers in reservoir problems: a comparison study. 91-100 - G. R. J. Cooper
, D. R. Cowan:
The detection of circular features in irregularly spaced data. 101-105 - G. R. J. Cooper
The textural analysis of gravity data using co-occurrence matrices. 107-115 - Rahul Ramachandran
, Sara J. Graves, Helen Conover, Karen Moe:
Earth Science Markup Language (ESML): : a solution for scientific data-application interoperability problem. 117-124 - Michael Pezzopane
Interpre: a Windows software for semiautomatic scaling of ionospheric parameters from ionograms. 125-130 - Allan D. Woodbury:
A FORTRAN program to produce minimum relative entropy distributions. 131-138 - D. K. Koul, R. Koul, C. L. Bhat:
A novel method for the identification of zero slope component in a curve. 139-143 - Frits Agterberg:
Time-Series Analysis and Cyclostratigraphy: Graham Weedon, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003, 259pp, Hardback 0-521-62001-5, US$70.00. 145-146
Volume 30, Number 2, March 2004
- Nilo C. Bobillo-Ares
, N. C. Toimil, Jesús Aller, Fernando Bastida:
FoldModeler: a tool for the geometrical and kinematical analysis of folds. 147-159 - F. Bilim, A. Ates:
An enhanced method for estimation of body magnetization direction from pseudogravity and gravity data. 161-171 - Edgar Dachs
PET: Petrological Elementary Tools for Mathematica®: an update. 173-182 - C. S. Perring, Steven J. Barnes
, M. Verrall, R. E. T. Hill:
Using automated digital image analysis to provide quantitative petrographic data on olivine-phyric basalts. 183-195 - Martin Schlather, Bernd Huwe:
The use of the language interface of R: two examples for modelling water flux and solute transport. 197-201
Volume 30, Number 3, April 2004
- W. Gareth Rees
Least-cost paths in mountainous terrain. 203-209 - Victor C. Kress, Mark S. Ghiorso
, Coby Lastuka:
Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet-based program for calculating equilibrium gas speciation in the C-O-H-S-Cl-F system. 211-214 - Wei Luo, Kirk L. Duffin, Edit Peronja, Jay A. Stravers, George M. Henry:
A web-based interactive landform simulation model (WILSIM). 215-220 - Christian Regli, Lukas Rosenthaler, Peter Huggenberger:
GEOSSAV: a simulation tool for subsurface applications. 221-238 - Xin Li
, Toshio Koike, Mahadevan Pathmathevan:
A very fast simulated re-annealing (VFSA) approach for land data assimilation. 239-248 - A. M. Negredo, J. L. Valera, E. Carminati:
TEMSPOL: a MATLAB thermal model for deep subduction zones including major phase transformations. 249-258 - Christophe Pascal
SORTAN: a Unix program for calculation and graphical presentation of fault slip as induced by stresses. 259-265 - Yongwei Sheng:
Comparative evaluation of iterative and non-iterative methods to ground coordinate determination from single aerial images. 267-279 - Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk G. Osadetz, Haiyu Gao, Peter K. Hannigan:
SuperSD: an object-based stochastic simulation program for modeling the locations of undiscovered petroleum accumulations. 281-290 - Ute C. Herzfeld, Garry K. C. Clarke, Helmut Mayer, Ralf Greve
Derivation of deformation characteristics in fast-moving glaciers. 291-302 - Franco Biondi
, Kishor Waikul:
DENDROCLIM2002: A C++ program for statistical calibration of climate signals in tree-ring chronologies. 303-311 - Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail
A FORTRAN program to determine fracture principal axes from multiazimuthal seismic P-wave AVO data. 313-318 - Stephen Wise:
Comment on 'Constant time O(1) pixel averaging with applicability to kernel filtering'. 319-320
Volume 30, Number 4, May 2004
- Zhilin Li
, Christopher M. Gold:
Multi-dimensional geospatial technology for geosciences. 321-323 - Maria A. Brovelli
, Massimiliano Cannata
Digital terrain model reconstruction in urban areas from airborne laser scanning data: the method and an example for Pavia (northern Italy). 325-331 - G. X. Liu, X. L. Ding, Z. L. Li, Z. W. Li, Y. Q. Chen, S. B. Yu:
Pre- and co-seismic ground deformations of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake, measured with SAR interferometry. 333-343 - Guoqing Zhou, Changqing Song, John Simmers, Penggen Cheng:
Urban 3D GIS From LiDAR and digital aerial images. 345-353 - Jun Chen, Chaofei Qiao, Renliang Zhao:
A Voronoi interior adjacency-based approach for generating a contour tree. 355-367 - Qiming Zhou
, Xuejun Liu:
Analysis of errors of derived slope and aspect related to DEM data properties. 369-378 - Connie Ko, Qiuming Cheng:
GIS spatial modeling of river flow and precipitation in the Oak Ridges Moraine area, Ontario. 379-389 - Jianya Gong, Penggen Cheng, Yandong Wang:
Three-dimensional modeling and application in geological exploration engineering. 391-404 - Lixin Wu:
Topological relations embodied in a generalized tri-prism (GTP) model for a 3D geoscience modeling system. 405-418 - Siyka Zlatanova
, Alias Abdul-Rahman, Wenzhong Shi
Topological models and frameworks for 3D spatial objects. 419-428 - K. T. Chau, Y. L. Sze, M. K. Fung, W. Y. Wong, E. L. Fong, L. C. P. Chan:
Landslide hazard analysis for Hong Kong using landslide inventory and GIS. 429-443
Volume 30, Number 5, June 2004
- Khansith Boupha, Jennifer M. Jacobs
, Kirk Hatfield
MDL Groundwater software: Laplace transforms and the De Hoog algorithm to solve contaminant transport equations. 445-453 - G. R. J. Cooper
, D. R. Cowan:
Filtering using variable order vertical derivatives. 455-459 - Desmond FitzGerald, Alan Reid, Philip McInerney:
New discrimination techniques for Euler deconvolution. 461-469 - Can Ulas Hatiboglu, Serhat Akin
A new computerized moving stage for optical microscopes. 471-481 - Y. R. Fares, D. Giacobbe:
Transient transport of reactive and non-reactive solutes in groundwater. 483-492 - Clement Ogaja
Multisource data analysis for geoscience applications. 493-499 - Scott H. Ensign
, Joanne N. Halls
, Michael A. Mallin:
Application of digital bathymetry data in an analysis of flushing times of two large estuaries. 501-511 - Hannes Löser:
PaleoTax - a database program for palaeontological data. 513-521 - Peter Gege
The water color simulator WASI: an integrating software tool for analysis and simulation of optical in situ spectra. 523-532 - Eulogio Pardo-Igúzquiza
, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar
POWGRAF2: a program for graphical spectral analysis in cyclostratigraphy. 533-542 - S. J. Talman, J. J. Adams, Richard J. Chalaturnyk:
Adapting TOUGH2 for general equations of state with application to geological storage of CO2. 543-552 - Joachim Gottsmann, Nicolas Fournier
, Hazel Rymer
g_log4PDA: an application for continuous monitoring of gravity using LaCoste&Romberg Aliod 100 systems and Palm OS® run hand-held computers. 553-558 - John C. Tipper:
Geodynamics, 2nd Edition, : D.L. Turcotte and G. Schubert (Eds.); Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002, price $110.00 hardback, ISBN 0-521-66186-2; price $45.00, paperback, ISBN 0-521-66624-4. 559-560
Volume 30, Number 6, July 2004
- Ricardo A. Olea:
CORRELATOR 5.2 - a program for interactive lithostratigraphic correlation of wireline logs. 561-567 - Mogens Humlekrog Greve, Mette Balslev Greve:
Determining and representing width of soil boundaries using electrical conductivity and MultiGrid. 569-578 - Ahmet Karakas, Keith Turner:
Aggregate supply and demand modeling using GIS methods for the front range urban corridor, Colorado. 579-590 - Derman Dondurur
, Coskun Sari:
A Fortran 77 computer code for damped least-squares inversion of Slingram electromagnetic anomalies over thin tabular conductors. 591-599 - V. Chakravarthi, N. Sundararajan:
Automatic 3-D gravity modeling of sedimentary basins with density contrast varying parabolically with depth. 601-607 - Keagan Moodley, Hugh Murrell:
A colour-map plugin for the open source, Java based, image processing package, ImageJ. 609-618 - James Gunning, Michael E. Glinsky:
Delivery: an open-source model-based Bayesian seismic inversion program. 619-636 - Oswald Marinoni:
Implementation of the analytical hierarchy process with VBA in ArcGIS. 637-646 - Oleg M. Rosen, Ali A. Abbyasov, John C. Tipper:
MINLITH - an experience-based algorithm for estimating the likely mineralogical compositions of sedimentary rocks from bulk chemical analyses. 647-661 - Carl Axness, Jesús Carrera
, Marti Bayer
Finite-element formulation for solving the hydrodynamic flow equation under radial flow conditions. 663-670 - Jordi Casademont
, Elena López-Aguilera
, Josep Paradells
, Alfonso Rojas, Anna Calveras
, Francisco Barceló, Josep Cotrina:
Wireless technology applied to GIS. 671-682
Volume 30, Number 7, August 2004
- Edzer J. Pebesma
Multivariable geostatistics in S: the gstat package. 683-691 - Alan Witten:
A MATLAB-based three-dimensional viewer. 693-703 - Ahmad Zamani, Naser Hashemi:
Computer-based self-organized tectonic zoning: a tentative pattern recognition for Iran. 705-718 - Boyan Brodaric, Mark Gahegan
, Rob Harrap:
The art and science of mapping: computing geological categories from field data. 719-740 - Ying Xu, Jef Caers
, Cristina Arroyo-Garcia:
Automatic geobody detection from seismic data using minimum message length clustering. 741-751 - E. K. Esawi:
AMPH-CLASS: An Excel spreadsheet for the classification and nomenclature of amphiboles based on the 1997 recommendations of the International Mineralogical Association. 753-760 - Irtek Uraz, Serhat Akin
, Mustafa Versan Kok
On the estimation of kinetic parameters of organic matters using linearization methods. 761-766 - Dale F. Rucker
, Ty Paul Andrew Ferré:
BGPR_Reconstruct: A MATLAB® ray-tracing program for nonlinear inversion of first arrival travel time data from zero-offset borehole radar. 767-776 - Yun Hong-sic:
Computer program for datum transformation by a 10-parameter model. 777-783 - Monika Hoelzel:
StratDraw: automatic generation of stratigraphic sections from tabulated field data. 785-789 - L. J. Poppe, A. H. Eliason, M. E. Hastings:
A Visual Basic Program to Generate Sediment Grain-Size Statistics and to Extrapolate Particle Distributions. 791-795
Volume 30, Number 8, October 2004
- A. Zanandrea, J. M. Da Costa, S. L. G. Dutra, Reinaldo R. Rosa
, O. Saotome:
Spectral and polarization analysis of geomagnetic pulsations data using a multitaper method. 797-808 - Gerald Spreitzhofer, Charles Fierz
, Michael Lehning
SN_GUI: a graphical user interface for snowpack modeling. 809-816 - Ye Zhou, John Starkey, Lalu Mansinha
Segmentation of petrographic images by integrating edge detection and region growing. 817-831 - Per Jönsson
, Lars Eklundh
TIMESAT - a program for analyzing time-series of satellite sensor data. 833-845 - Bruce M. Eglington
DateView: a windows geochronology database. 847-858 - Ernst Glatzer, Werner G. Müller
Residual diagnostics for variogram fitting. 859-866 - Jacobus P. Le Roux
, M. Brodalka:
An Excel™-VBA programme for the analysis of current velocity profiles. 867-879 - Carme Hervada-Sala
, Eusebi Jarauta-Bragulat:
A program to perform Ward's clustering method on several regionalized variables. 881-886 - Yoon-Seop Chang, Hyeong-Dong Park:
Development of a web-based Geographic Information System for the management of borehole and geological data. 887-897 - Justin Taylor, Martin J. Siegert
, Antony J. Payne
, Bryn Hubbard
Regional-scale bed roughness beneath ice masses: measurement and analysis. 899-908
Volume 30, Numbers 9-10, November - December 2004
- Andreas Brandelik, H.-J. Massonne:
PTGIBBS - an EXCELTM Visual Basic program for computing and visualizing thermodynamic functions and equilibria of rock-forming minerals. 909-923 - Gilles Grandjean
, Sandrine Sage:
JaTS: a fully portable seismic tomography software based on Fresnel wavepaths and a probabilistic reconstruction approach. 925-935 - Gerard Lods
, Philippe Gouze
WTFM, software for well test analysis in fractured media combining fractional flow with double porosity and leakance approaches. 937-947 - João Catalão Fernandes
, M. J. Sevilla:
Inner and minimum constraint adjustment of marine gravity data. 949-957 - S. Katsev, D. G. Rancourt
, I. L'Heureux:
dSED: a database tool for modeling sediment early diagenesis. 959-967 - Yongliang Chen:
MRPM: three visual basic programs for mineral resource potential mapping. 969-983 - Kristy F. Tiampo
, José Fernández
, Gerhard Jentzsch, María Charco
, John B. Rundle:
Volcanic source inversion using a genetic algorithm and an elastic-gravitational layered earth model for magmatic intrusions. 985-1001 - William Cooper, Claire H. Jarvis:
A Java-based intelligent advisor for selecting a context-appropriate spatial interpolation algorithm. 1003-1018 - Young-Hoon Kim, Sanjay Rana, Steve M. Wise:
Exploring multiple viewshed analysis using terrain features and optimisation techniques. 1019-1032 - Sagi Filin
Surface classification from airborne laser scanning data. 1033-1041 - Rick D. Van Remortel, Robert W. Maichle, Robert J. Hickey:
Computing the LS factor for the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation through array-based slope processing of digital elevation data using a C++ executable. 1043-1053 - Carlos Henrique Grohmann:
Morphometric analysis in geographic information systems: applications of free software GRASS and R. 1055-1067 - M. Scott Wilkerson, Joshua M. Wilson, Josep Poblet
, Mark P. Fischer:
DETACH: an Excel spreadsheet to simulate 2-D cross sections of detachment folds. 1069-1077 - Gary L. Pavlis, Frank L. Vernon, Danny Harvey, Dan Quinlan:
The generalized earthquake-location (GENLOC) package: an earthquake-location library. 1079-1091 - Zhixiao Xie:
A rotation- and flip-invariant algorithm for representing spatial continuity information of geographic images in content-based image retrieval. 1093-1104 - Fangjun Li, Chris Dyt, Cedric Griffiths:
3D modelling of flexural isostatic deformation. 1105-1115 - Gyoo-Bum Kim, Jin-Yong Lee
, Kang-Kun Lee:
Construction of lineament maps related to groundwater occurrence with ArcView and Avenue™ scripts. 1117-1126

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