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Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 2005
- Peter M. A. Sloot:
Preface. 1-2 - Jerry P. Greenberg, Steve Mock, Karan Bhatia, Mason J. Katz, Greg Bruno, Federico D. Sacerdoti, Philip M. Papadopoulos, Kim K. Baldridge:
Incorporation of middleware and grid technologies to enhance usability in Computational Chemistry applications. 3-10 - Jan Wendler, Florian Schintke:
Executing and observing CFD applications on the Grid. 11-18 - Manish Parashar, Hector Klie
, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Tahsin M. Kurç, Wolfgang Bangerth
, Vincent Matossian, Joel H. Saltz, Mary F. Wheeler:
Application of Grid-enabled technologies for solving optimization problems in data-driven reservoir studies. 19-26 - Wibke Sudholt, Kim K. Baldridge, David Abramson
, Colin Enticott, Slavisa Garic, Chris Kondric, Duy Nguyen:
Application of grid computing to parameter sweeps and optimizations in molecular modeling. 27-35 - Miroslaw Kupczyk, Rafal Lichwala, Norbert Meyer, Bartosz Palak, Marcin Plóciennik
, Pawel Wolniewicz
"Applications on demand" as the exploitation of the Migrating Desktop. 37-44 - Xiaobo Yang, Mark Hayes, Karl W. Jenkins, Stewart Cant:
The Cambridge CFD grid for large-scale distributed CFD applications. 45-51 - Hua Liu, Lian Jiang, Manish Parashar, Deborah Silver:
Rule-based visualization in the Discover computational steering collaboratory. 53-59 - Baker Abdalhaq
, Ana Cortés
, Tomàs Margalef
, Emilio Luque
Enhancing wildland fire prediction on cluster systems applying evolutionary optimization techniques. 61-67 - David Abramson
, Jagan Kommineni, John L. McGregor, Jack Katzfey
An Atmospheric Sciences Workflow and its implementation with Web Services. 69-78 - Marian Bubak
, Tomasz Gubala, Michal Kapalka, Maciej Malawski
, Katarzyna Rycerz
Workflow composer and service registry for grid applications. 79-86 - Wentong Cai
, Zijing Yuan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
, Stephen John Turner
Federate migration in HLA-based simulation. 87-95 - J. Mark Pullen, Ryan Brunton, Donald P. Brutzman, David Drake, Michael R. Hieb, Katherine L. Morse, Andreas Tolk
Using Web services to integrate heterogeneous simulations in a grid environment. 97-106 - Alexander Wöhrer
, Peter Brezany, A Min Tjoa
Novel mediator architectures for Grid information systems. 107-114 - Peter Z. Kunszt
, Erwin Laure, Heinz Stockinger
, Kurt Stockinger:
File-based replica management. 115-123 - Carles Pairot, Pedro García López, Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta
, Rubén Mondéjar:
Towards new load-balancing schemes for structured peer-to-peer grids. 125-133 - Junwei Cao, Daniel P. Spooner, Stephen A. Jarvis
, Graham R. Nudd:
Grid load balancing using intelligent agents. 135-149 - Yang Gao, Hongqiang Rong, Joshua Zhexue Huang:
Adaptive grid job scheduling with genetic algorithms. 151-161 - Serafeim Zanikolas, Rizos Sakellariou
A taxonomy of grid monitoring systems. 163-188 - Hai Zhuge, Erlin Yao, Yunpeng Xing, Jie Liu:
Extended resource space model. 189-198 - Alessandro Bassi
, Micah Beck, Jean-Patrick Gelas
, Laurent Lefèvre, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet:
Active and logistical networking for grid computing: the e-Toile architecture. 199-208 - Wei Yu
, Sriram Chellappan, Dong Xuan:
P2P/Grid-based overlay architecture to support VoIP services in large-scale IP networks. 209-219 - Gunther Stuer, Vaidy S. Sunderam, Jan Broeckhove:
Towards OGSA compatibility in the H2O metacomputing framework. 221-226 - Jorge L. V. Barbosa
, Cristiano André da Costa
, Adenauer C. Yamin, Cláudio F. R. Geyer:
GHolo: a multiparadigm model oriented to development of grid systems. 227-237 - Alexandru Jugravu, Thomas Fahringer:
JavaSymphony, a programming model for the Grid. 239-247
Volume 21, Number 2, February 2005
- CongDuc Pham, Bernard Tourancheau:
Grid infrastructures: practice and perspectives. 247-248 - Roberto Alfieri, Roberto Barbera, Patrizia Belluomo, Alessandro Cavalli, Roberto Cecchini, Andrea Chierici, Vincenzo Ciaschini, Luca dell'Agnello, Flavia Donno, Enrico Ferro, Antonio Forte, Luciano Gaido, Antonia Ghiselli, Alberto Gianoli, Alessandro Italiano, Stefano Lusso, Marisa Luvisetto, Paolo Mastroserio, Mirco Mazzucato, Daniele Mura, Mario Reale, Livio Salconi, Giuseppe Sava, Marco Serra, Fabio Spataro, Francesco Taurino, Gennaro Tortone, Luca Vaccarossa, Marco Verlato, Giulia Vita Finzi:
The INFN-Grid Testbed. 249-258 - Ruxandra Bondarescu
, Gabrielle Allen, Greg Daues, Ian Kelley, Michael Russell, Edward Seidel, John Shalf
, Malcolm Tobias:
The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory Portal: a framework for effective distributed research. 259-270 - Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu:
Heuristic scheduling for bag-of-tasks applications in combination with QoS in the computational grid. 271-280 - Colin Low:
Decentralised application placement. 281-290 - Jiageng Li, David Cordes:
A scalable authorization approach for the Globus grid system. 291-301 - Alessandro Bassi
, Micah Beck, Julien Laganier, Gabriella Paolini:
Enhancing grid capabilities: IBP over IPv6. 303-313 - Faycal Bouhafs
, Jean-Patrick Gelas
, Laurent Lefèvre, Moufida Maimour
, CongDuc Pham, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Bernard Tourancheau:
Designing and evaluating an active grid architecture. 315-330
Volume 21, Number 3, March 2005
- Adriana Iamnitchi
, Domenico Talia:
P2P computing and interaction with grids. 331-332 - Dipak Ghosal, Benjamin K. Poon, Keith Kong:
P2P contracts: a framework for resource and service exchange. 333-347 - Andrea Sanna
, Claudio Zunino, Luigi Ciminiera:
A distributed JXTA-based architecture for searching and retrieving solar data. 349-359 - Huaqun Guo
, Lek Heng Ngoh, Wai-Choong Wong
, Joo Geok Tan:
DINCast: a hop efficient dynamic multicast infrastructure for P2P computing. 361-375 - Emir Halepovic, Ralph Deters
The JXTA performance model and evaluation. 377-390 - Brian F. Cooper, Mayank Bawa, Neil Daswani, Sergio Marti, Hector Garcia-Molina:
Authenticity and availability in PIPE networks. 391-400 - Geoffrey C. Fox, Sang Lim, Shrideep Pallickara, Marlon E. Pierce
Message-based cellular peer-to-peer grids: foundations for secure federation and autonomic services. 401-415 - Franck Cappello, Samir Djilali, Gilles Fedak, Thomas Hérault
, Frédéric Magniette
, Vincent Néri, Oleg Lodygensky:
Computing on large-scale distributed systems: XtremWeb architecture, programming models, security, tests and convergence with grid. 417-437
Volume 21, Number 4, April 2005
- Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet:
High-speed networks and services for data-intensive Grids: The DataTAG Project. 439-442 - Olivier Martin, Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin, Edoardo Martelli, Paolo Moroni, Harvey B. Newman, Sylvain Ravot, Dan Nae:
The DataTAG transatlantic testbed. 443-456 - Catalin Meirosu
, Piotr Golonka, Andreas Hirstius, Stefan Stancu, Bob Dobinson, Erik Radius, Antony Antony, Freek Dijkstra, Johan Blom, Cees de Laat:
Native 10 Gigabit Ethernet experiments over long distances. 457-468 - Richard Hughes-Jones, Peter Clarke, Steven Dallison:
Performance of 1 and 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards with server quality motherboards. 469-488 - Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Cees de Laat, Jason Lee
Exploring practical limitations of TCP over transatlantic networks. 489-499 - Robert L. Grossman, Yunhong Gu, Xinwei Hong, Antony Antony, Johan Blom, Freek Dijkstra, Cees de Laat:
Teraflows over Gigabit WANs with UDT. 501-513 - Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Franois Echantillac, Mathieu Goutelle:
Experiments with equivalent differentiated services in a grid context. 515-524 - Chiara Curti, Tiziana Ferrari, Leon Gommans, Bas van Oudenaarde, Elisabetta Ronchieri
, Francesco Giacomini
, Maria Cristina Vistoli
On advance reservation of heterogeneous network paths. 525-538 - Bas van Oudenaarde, Zeger W. Hendrikse, Freek Dijkstra, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Robert J. Meijer:
Dynamic paths in multi-domain optical networks for grids. 539-548 - Roberto Alfieri
, Roberto Cecchini, Vincenzo Ciaschini, Luca dell'Agnello
, Ákos Frohner, Károly Lörentey, Fabio Spataro:
From gridmap-file to VOMS: managing authorization in a Grid environment. 549-558 - Sergio Andreozzi, Natascia De Bortoli, Sergio Fantinel, Antonia Ghiselli, Gian Luca Rubini, Gennaro Tortone, Maria Cristina Vistoli
GridICE: a monitoring service for Grid systems. 559-571 - Kai Xie, Jie Yang, Yue Min Zhu
Real-time rendering of 3D medical data sets. 573-581 - Yunfeng Liu, Dongqing Yang, Shiwei Tang, Tengjiao Wang, Jun Gao:
Validating key constraints over XML document using XPath and structure checking. 583-595 - Chokchai Leangsuksun, Lixin Shen, Tong Liu, Stephen L. Scott:
Achieving high availability and performance computing with an HA-OSCAR cluster. 597-606 - K. Subramani
, Lisa Kovalchick:
A greedy strategy for detecting negative cost cycles in networks. 607-623
Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2005
- Victor E. Malyshkin
Parallel computing technologies. 625-626 - Stefania Bandini
, Sara Manzoni, Carla Simone:
Supporting the application of Situated Cellular Agents in non-uniform spaces. 627-631 - Olga L. Bandman
Computation properties of spatial dynamics simulation by probabilistic cellular automata. 633-643 - Chiara Bodei
, Pierpaolo Degano, Riccardo Focardi
, Corrado Priami:
Authentication primitives for secure protocol specifications. 645-653 - Michel Raynal:
Wait-free computing: an introductory lecture. 655-663 - Frédéric Gava
, Frédéric Loulergue
A static analysis for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML to avoid parallel nesting. 665-671 - Victor P. Gergel, Roman G. Strongin
Parallel computing for globally optimal decision making on cluster systems. 673-678 - Anatoly E. Doroshenko
, Dmitry Ragozin:
Retargetable code generation for application-specific processors. 679-685 - George A. Papadopoulos
Modelling and implementing asynchronous timed multimedia frameworks using coordination principles. 687-698 - Martin Helmut Alt, Sergei Gorlatch:
Adapting Java RMI for grid computing. 699-707 - Anton Selikhov, C. Germai:
A Channel Memory based fault tolerance for MPI applications. 709-715 - Konstantin Popov, Vladimir Vlassov
, Per Brand, Seif Haridi:
An efficient incremental marshaling framework for distributed systems. 717-724 - Alexandros Stamatakis
, Markus Lindermeier, Michael Ott, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier:
DRAxML at home: a distributed program for computation of large phylogenetic trees. 725-730 - Todd E. Scheetz
, Nishank Trivedi, Kevin T. Pedretti, Terry A. Braun, Thomas L. Casavant:
Gene transcript clustering: a comparison of parallel approaches. 731-735 - Holger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch:
A cost-optimal parallel implementation of a tridiagonal system solver using skeletons. 737-742 - Oleg Bessonov
, Dominique Fougère, Bernard Roux:
Development of efficient computational kernels and linear algebra routines for out-of-order superscalar processors. 743-748 - Elvira A. Kuksheva, Victor E. Malyshkin
, Serguei A. Nikitin, Alexei V. Snytnikov
, Valery N. Snytnikov
, Vitalii A. Vshivkov:
Supercomputer simulation of self-gravitating media. 749-757 - Stefan Schamberger, Jens-Michael Wierum:
Partitioning finite element meshes using space-filling curves. 759-766 - Bernard Goossens, David Defour:
The instruction register file micro-architecture. 767-773 - Ming Tang, Bu-Sung Lee
, Chai Kiat Yeo
, Xueyan Tang:
Dynamic replication algorithms for the multi-tier Data Grid. 775-790 - Eduardo Javier Huerta Yero, Fabiano de Oliveira Lucchese, Francisco Sérgio Sambatti, Miriam von Zuben, Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques
JoiN: The implementation of a Java-based massively parallel grid. 791-810 - Shu Tezuka, Hiroki Murata, Shuji Tanaka, Shoji Yumae:
Monte Carlo grid for financial risk management. 811-821 - Giancarlo Fortino
, Carlo Mastroianni
, Wilma Russo
Cooperative control of multicast-based streaming on-demand systems. 823-839
Volume 21, Number 6, June 2005
- David W. Walker
, Elias N. Houstis:
Complex problem-solving environments for Grid computing. 841-842 - José C. Cunha, Omer F. Rana
, Pedro D. Medeiros
Future trends in distributed applications and problem-solving environments. 843-855 - Choon-Han Youn, Marlon E. Pierce
, Geoffrey C. Fox:
Building Problem-Solving Environments with Application Web Service toolkits. 856-867 - Yan Huang:
GSiB: PSE infrastructure for dynamic service-oriented Grid applications. 868-877 - Srinidhi Varadarajan, Naren Ramakrishnan
Novel runtime systems support for adaptive compositional modeling in PSEs. 878-895 - Sumalatha Adabala, Vineet Chadha, Puneet Chawla, Renato J. O. Figueiredo
, José A. B. Fortes, Ivan Krsul, Andréa M. Matsunaga
, Maurício O. Tsugawa, Jian Zhang, Ming Zhao, Liping Zhu, Xiaomin Zhu:
From virtualized resources to virtual computing grids: the In-VIGO system. 896-909 - Ozgur Balsoy, Ying Jin
, Galip Aydin, Marlon E. Pierce
, Geoffrey C. Fox:
Automating metadata Web service deployment for problem solving environments. 910-919 - Murat Hakki Eres
, Graeme E. Pound, Zhuoan Jiao, Jasmin L. Wason, Fenglian Xu, Andy J. Keane
, Simon J. Cox:
Implementation and utilisation of a Grid-enabled problem solving environment in Matlab. 920-929 - Constantine Bekas, Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Efstratios Gallopoulos:
The design of a distributed MATLAB-based environment for computing pseudospectra. 930-941 - Andreas Schreiber
, Thijs Metsch, Hans-Peter Kersken:
A problem solving environment for multidisciplinary coupled simulations in computational grids. 942-952 - John G. Michopoulos, Panagiota E. Tsompanopoulou, Elias N. Houstis, Charbel Farhat
, Michel Lesoinne, John R. Rice, Anupam Joshi
On a data-driven environment for multiphysics applications. 953-968
- Oliver Bröker, Oscar Chinellato, Roman Geus:
Using Python for large scale linear algebra applications. 969-979 - Asim YarKhan
, Jack J. Dongarra:
Biological sequence alignment on the computational grid using the GrADS framework. 980-986
Volume 21, Number 7, July 2005
- To the Readers. 987-
- Chunxi Chen, Bertil Schmidt
An adaptive grid implementation of DNA sequence alignment. 988-1003 - Shuyou Li, Binheng Song:
Normalized workflow net (NWF-net): Its definition and properties. 1004-1014
- Rodolfo E. Haber
Special section: "Soft-computing and advanced techniques in new algorithmic approaches to existing application areas". 1015-1018 - Gino Mirocle Crisci
, Salvatore Di Gregorio, Rocco Rongo
, William Spataro
PYR: a Cellular Automata model for pyroclastic flows and application to the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption. 1019-1032 - Malgorzata Dudkiewicz
, Pawel Mackiewicz, Aleksandra Nowicka, Maria Kowalczuk
, Dorota Mackiewicz
, Natalia Polak, Kamila Smolarczyk, Joanna Banaszak, Miroslaw R. Dudek, Stanislaw Cebrat:
Correspondence between mutation and selection pressure and the genetic code degeneracy in the gene evolution. 1033-1039 - Tom Dhaene, Jan De Geest:
Self-organizing multivariate constrained meta-modeling technique for passive microwave and RF components. 1040-1046 - Dimitri Treebushny, Henrik Madsen:
On the construction of a reduced rank square-root Kalman filter for efficient uncertainty propagation. 1047-1055 - Amaury Lendasse
, Damien François, Vincent Wertz, Michel Verleysen:
Vector quantization: a weighted version for time-series forecasting. 1056-1067 - Mieczyslaw A. Klopotek:
Very large Bayesian multinets for text classification. 1068-1082 - Rodolfo E. Haber, José R. Alique, Angel Alique, Rodolfo Haber-Haber:
Controlling a complex electromechanical process on the basis of a neurofuzzy approach. 1083-1095 - Dayong Gao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Kunihiko Ito, Xueli Zhao:
Neural networks for event extraction from time series: a back propagation algorithm approach. 1096-1105 - Jin Ok Kim, Bum Ro Lee, Chin Hyun Chung:
Real-time interactive motion transitions by a uniform posture map. 1106-1116 - Yun Seok Chang, Kwang Suk Park, Bo Yeon Kim:
Nonlinear model for ECG R-R interval variation using genetic programming approach. 1117-1123 - Hyun Taek Kim, Bo Yeon Kim, Eun Hye Park
, Jong Woo Kim, Eui Whan Hwang, Seung Kee Han, Sunyoung Cho:
Computerized recognition of Alzheimer disease-EEG using genetic algorithms and neural network. 1124-1130 - Roman Neruda
, Petra Kudová:
Learning methods for radial basis function networks. 1131-1142
- Elena V. Zudilova, Tony Adriaansen, Binh Pham:
Special section: "Interaction and visualisation techniques for problem solving environments". 1143-1144 - Yang Cai, Ingo Snel, Betty Cheng, B. Suman Bharathi, Clementine Klein, Judith Klein-Seetharaman:
BioSim--a biomedical character-based problem solving environment. 1145-1156 - Corina Sas
, Gregory M. P. O'Hare
, Ronan Reilly:
Virtual environment trajectory analysis: a basis for navigational assistance and scene adaptivity. 1157-1166 - Elena V. Zudilova, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Bringing combined interaction to a problem solving environment for vascular reconstruction. 1167-1176 - Hugo A. D. do Nascimento
, Peter Eades:
User hints: a framework for interactive optimization. 1171-1191 - Michael J. North, Charles M. Macal, Peter Campbell:
Oh behave! Agent-based behavioral representations in problem solving environments. 1192-1198 - Binh T. Pham, Ross Brown
Visualisation of fuzzy systems: requirements, techniques and framework. 1199-1212 - Masahiro Takatsuka:
A component-oriented software authoring system for exploratory visualization. 1213-1222 - Minh Tran, Amitava Datta
, Nick Lowe:
A simple model generation system for computer graphics. 1223-1234
Volume 21, Number 8, October 2005
- Carlo Mastroianni
, Domenico Talia
, Oreste Verta:
A super-peer model for resource discovery services in large-scale Grids. 1235-1248
- Peter Arbenz
, Helmar Burkhart, Erik Maehle, Olaf Schenk
Special section: SPEEDUP Workshop on Modern algorithms in computational science and information technology. 1249-1250