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European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 185
Volume 185, Number 1, February 2008
- Michael Patriksson
A survey on the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem. 1-46 - Motilal Panigrahi, Geetanjali Panda, Sudarsan Nanda:
Convex fuzzy mapping with differentiability and its application in fuzzy optimization. 47-62 - Marvin D. Troutt, Alan A. Brandyberry, Changsoo Sohn, Suresh K. Tadisina:
Linear programming system identification: The general nonnegative parameters case. 63-75 - J. David Fuller, William Chung
Benders decomposition for a class of variational inequalities. 76-91 - João C. Teixeira
, António Pais Antunes
A hierarchical location model for public facility planning. 92-104 - M. Z. Arslanov, D. U. Ashigaliev, E. E. Ismail:
Polynomial algorithms for guillotine cutting of a rectangle into small rectangles of two kinds. 105-121 - Giovanni Andreatta, Guglielmo Lulli
A multi-period TSP with stochastic regular and urgent demands. 122-132 - Feng-Tse Lin:
Solving the knapsack problem with imprecise weight coefficients using genetic algorithms. 133-145 - Dobrila Petrovic
, Ying Xie, Keith J. Burnham, Radivoj Petrovic:
Coordinated control of distribution supply chains in the presence of fuzzy customer demand. 146-158 - Mohamed Ben-Daya
, Syed Mobasher Noman:
Integrated inventory and inspection policies for stochastic demand. 159-169 - Jayanta Kumar Dey, Shyamal Kumar Mondal, Manoranjan Maiti:
Two storage inventory problem with dynamic demand and interval valued lead-time over finite time horizon under inflation and time-value of money. 170-194 - Michael R. Caputo, Quirino Paris:
Comparative statics of the generalized maximum entropy estimator of the general linear model. 195-203 - Tieming Liu:
Economic lot sizing problem with inventory bounds. 204-215 - Sophie Mercier
Bounds and approximations for continuous-time Markovian transition probabilities and large systems. 216-234 - Flavio Pressacco, Marcellino Gaudenzi, Antonino Zanette
, Laura Ziani:
New insights on testing the efficiency of methods of pricing and hedging American options. 235-254 - Orhan Feyzioglu
, I. Kuban Altinel, Süleyman Özekici:
Optimum component test plans for phased-mission systems. 255-265 - Hongyi Chen, Dundar F. Kocaoglu:
A sensitivity analysis algorithm for hierarchical decision models. 266-288 - Gustavo Bergantiños
, Silvia Lorenzo-Freire
"Optimistic" weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems. 289-298 - Ion Georgiou
Making decisions in the absence of clear facts. 299-321 - Pablo Aragonés-Beltrán
, Jerónimo Aznar-Bellver, Javier Ferrís-Oñate
, Mónica García-Melón
Valuation of urban industrial land: An analytic network process approach. 322-339 - Yanfeng Ouyang, Carlos F. Daganzo:
Robust tests for the bullwhip effect in supply chains with stochastic dynamics. 340-353 - Samuel Burer, Philip C. Jones, Timothy J. Lowe:
Coordinating the supply chain in the agricultural seed industry. 354-377 - Jun Lin
, Kah-Hin Chai
, Yoke San Wong, Aarnout Brombacher:
A dynamic model for managing overlapped iterative product development. 378-392 - Chang-Chun Lin
, Yi-Ting Liu:
Genetic algorithms for portfolio selection problems with minimum transaction lots. 393-404 - César Martínez-Olvera
Entropy as an assessment tool of supply chain information sharing. 405-417 - Chiang Kao, Shiuh-Nan Hwang
Efficiency decomposition in two-stage data envelopment analysis: An application to non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. 418-429 - William F. Bowlin, Celia J. Renner:
Assessing gender and top-management-team pay in the S&P Mid-Cap and Small-Cap companies using data envelopment analysis. 430-437 - Vladimir Gurvich:
War and peace in veto voting. 438-443 - Jennifer Shu-Jen Lin, Shuo-Yan Chou, Wayne T. Chouhuang, C. P. Hsu:
Note on "Wash criterion in analytic hierarchy process". 444-447 - René Victor Valqui Vidal:
C. Bilton, Management and Creativity, From Creative Industries to Creative Management, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK (2007) p. xxiii+190, GBP 19.99, ISBN 1-4051-1996-9. 448-450
Volume 185, Number 2, March 2008
- Maria A. Osorio, Nalan Gülpinar, Berç Rustem:
A mixed integer programming model for multistage mean-variance post-tax optimization. 451-480 - Luca Quadrifoglio
, Maged M. Dessouky, Fernando Ordóñez
Mobility allowance shuttle transit (MAST) services: MIP formulation and strengthening with logic constraints. 481-494 - Vicente Valls, Francisco Ballestín
, M. Sacramento Quintanilla
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 495-508 - Anthony Przybylski
, Xavier Gandibleux
, Matthias Ehrgott
Two phase algorithms for the bi-objective assignment problem. 509-533 - Zhihai Xiang
, Chengbin Chu
, Haoxun Chen:
The study of a dynamic dial-a-ride problem under time-dependent and stochastic environments. 534-551 - Huei Chuen Huang, Rongheng Li:
A k-product uncapacitated facility location problem. 552-562 - Nima Safaei, Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad, M. S. Jabal-Ameli:
A hybrid simulated annealing for solving an extended model of dynamic cellular manufacturing system. 563-592 - Jie Li, K. Jo Min, Toshitsugu Otake, Timothy Van Voorhis:
Inventory and investment in setup and quality operations under Return On Investment maximization. 593-605 - Tulika Chakraborty, Bibhas Chandra Giri
, K. S. Chaudhuri:
Production lot sizing with process deterioration and machine breakdown. 606-618 - Hsin Rau, Bing-Chang OuYang:
An optimal batch size for integrated production-inventory policy in a supply chain. 619-634 - Yingdong Lu
Performance analysis for assemble-to-order systems with general renewal arrivals and random batch demands. 635-647 - Mauro Dell'Orco, Giovanni Circella
, Domenico Sassanelli:
A hybrid approach to combine fuzziness and randomness in travel choice prediction. 648-658 - Ahmed A. Soliman
, Fahad M. Al-Aboud:
Bayesian inference using record values from Rayleigh model with application. 659-672 - Eduardo Fernández, Jorge Navarro, Alfonso Duarte:
Multicriteria sorting using a valued preference closeness relation. 673-686 - Michèle Breton
, Abderrahmane Sokri, Georges Zaccour
Incentive equilibrium in an overlapping-generations environmental game. 687-699 - Yong Fang, Lihua Chen, Masao Fukushima:
A mixed R&D projects and securities portfolio selection model. 700-715 - Zhongsheng Hua
, Bin Zhang:
Improving density forecast by modeling asymmetric features: An application to S&P500 returns. 716-725 - Mohamed Ben-Daya
, M. Darwish, Kadir Ertogral:
The joint economic lot sizing problem: Review and extensions. 726-742 - Minqiang Li
Approximate inversion of the Black-Scholes formula using rational functions. 743-759 - Dong-Ping Song
, Christopher F. Earl:
Optimal empty vehicle repositioning and fleet-sizing for two-depot service systems. 760-777 - Ronaldo M. Salles
, Javier A. Barria:
Lexicographic maximin optimisation for fair bandwidth allocation in computer networks. 778-794 - Rasmus V. Rasmussen:
Scheduling a triple round robin tournament for the best Danish soccer league. 795-810 - Peng-Sheng You:
An efficient computational approach for railway booking problems. 811-824 - Khaled F. Abdelghany
, Ahmed F. Abdelghany, Goutham Ekollu:
An integrated decision support tool for airlines schedule recovery during irregular operations. 825-848 - Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay
, John M. Barron, Alok R. Chaturvedi
Capacity and entry issues in online exchanges. 849-863 - Zehui Ge
, Qiying Hu:
Collaboration in R&D activities: Firm-specific decisions. 864-883 - Tim Stallard
, R. Rothschild, G. A. Aggidis:
A comparative approach to the economic modelling of a large-scale wave power scheme. 884-898 - José Soeiro Ferreira:
Creative and Participative Problem Solving - The Art and the Science, Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, René Victor Valqui Vidal. Technical University of Denmark, 2006, 184 pages, http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~vvv/CPPS/. 899-900
Volume 185, Number 3, March 2008
- Sally C. Brailsford
, Paul R. Harper:
OR in Health. 901-904 - Brijesh Patel, Thierry J. Chaussalet
, Peter H. Millard:
Balancing the NHS balanced scorecard! 905-914 - Carla Alexandra Filipe Amado, Robert G. Dyson
On comparing the performance of primary care providers. 915-932 - Mónica Duarte Oliveira
, Gwyn Bevan
Modelling hospital costs to produce evidence for policies that promote equity and efficiency. 933-947 - Marion S. Rauner
, Markus Kraus
, Sigrun Schwarz:
Competition under different reimbursement systems: The concept of an internet-based hospital management game. 948-963 - Iryna Yevseyeva, Kaisa Miettinen
, Pekka Räsänen
Verbal ordinal classification with multicriteria decision aiding. 964-983 - K. Niki Kunene, Heinz Roland Weistroffer
An approach for predicting and describing patient outcome using multicriteria decision analysis and decision rules. 984-997 - Nelly Litvak, Marleen van Rijsbergen, Richard J. Boucherie
, Mark van Houdenhoven:
Managing the overflow of intensive care patients. 998-1010 - Dinh-Nguyen Pham, Andreas Klinkert:
Surgical case scheduling as a generalized job shop scheduling problem. 1011-1025 - Mehdi Lamiri, Xiaolan Xie, Alexandre Dolgui
, Frédéric Grimaud:
A stochastic model for operating room planning with elective and emergency demand for surgery. 1026-1037 - Erwin W. Hans
, Gerhard Wullink, Mark van Houdenhoven, Geert Kazemier:
Robust surgery loading. 1038-1050 - Renata Kopach, Baris Balcioglu, Michael W. Carter
Tutorial on constructing a red blood cell inventory management system with two demand rates. 1051-1059 - Zbigniew Michalewicz
, Patrick Siarry:
Feature cluster on adaptation of discrete metaheuristics to continuous optimization. 1060-1061 - Kalyanmoy Deb, Santosh Tiwari:
Omni-optimizer: A generic evolutionary algorithm for single and multi-objective optimization. 1062-1087 - Carlos García-Martínez
, Manuel Lozano
, Francisco Herrera
, Daniel Molina
, Ana M. Sánchez
Global and local real-coded genetic algorithms based on parent-centric crossover operators. 1088-1113 - Alicia Troncoso Lora
, José Cristóbal Riquelme Santos, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
, Jesús Manuel Riquelme-Santos
Evolutionary techniques applied to the optimal short-term scheduling of the electrical energy production. 1114-1127 - Chandra A. Poojari, Boby Varghese:
Genetic Algorithm based technique for solving Chance Constrained Problems. 1128-1154 - Krzysztof Socha, Marco Dorigo
Ant colony optimization for continuous domains. 1155-1173 - Alberto V. Donati, Roberto Montemanni
, Norman Casagrande, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, Luca Maria Gambardella:
Time dependent vehicle routing problem with a multi ant colony system. 1174-1191 - Daniel Jaeggi, Geoffrey T. Parks, Timoleon Kipouros
, P. John Clarkson
The development of a multi-objective Tabu Search algorithm for continuous optimisation problems. 1192-1212 - P. S. Shelokar, Valadi K. Jayaraman, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni:
Multicanonical jump walk annealing assisted by tabu for dynamic optimization of chemical engineering processes. 1213-1229 - Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Linet Özdamar
Investigating a hybrid simulated annealing and local search algorithm for constrained optimization. 1230-1245 - Peter A. N. Bosman, Jörn Grahl:
Matching inductive search bias and problem structure in continuous Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms. 1246-1264 - Milan Drazic, Carlile Lavor
, Nelson Maculan, Nenad Mladenovic
A continuous variable neighborhood search heuristic for finding the three-dimensional structure of a molecule. 1265-1273 - Éric D. Taillard, Marino Widmer
Feature cluster on papers presented at the FRANCORO IV conference. 1274-1275 - David Hernández, Robin Gras
, Ron D. Appel:
Neighborhood functions and hill-climbing strategies dedicated to the generalized ungapped local multiple alignment. 1276-1284 - Pierre L. Kunsch, Johan Springael
Simulation with system dynamics and fuzzy reasoning of a tax policy to reduce CO2 emissions in the residential sector. 1285-1299 - Jacques Pictet, Dominique Bollinger:
Extended use of the cards procedure as a simple elicitation technique for MAVT. Application to public procurement in Switzerland. 1300-1307 - Heinz Gröflin, Andreas Klinkert, Dinh-Nguyen Pham:
Feasible job insertions in the multi-processor-task job shop. 1308-1318 - Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello
, Jin-Kao Hao
, Jose Torres-Jimenez
An improved simulated annealing algorithm for bandwidth minimization. 1319-1335 - Éric D. Taillard, Philippe Waelti, Jacques Zuber:
Few statistical tests for proportions comparison. 1336-1350 - Nabil Absi
, Safia Kedad-Sidhoum:
The multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and shortage costs. 1351-1374 - Alexandre Dolgui
, Nikolai Guschinsky, Genrikh Levin, Jean-Marie Proth:
Optimisation of multi-position machines and transfer lines. 1375-1389 - Benedicte Vatinlen, Fabrice Chauvet, Philippe Chrétienne, Philippe Mahey:
Simple bounds and greedy algorithms for decomposing a flow into a minimal set of paths. 1390-1401 - Stavros A. Zenios
, David Saunders:
Feature Cluster: Operational Research for Risk Management. 1402-1403 - Claudio Albanese, Stathis Tompaidis:
Small transaction cost asymptotics and dynamic hedging. 1404-1414 - Panayiotis Ch. Andreou
, Chris Charalambous, Spiros H. Martzoukos
Pricing and trading European options by combining artificial neural networks and parametric models with implied parameters. 1415-1433 - Ian Buckley, David Saunders, Luis A. Seco:
Portfolio optimization when asset returns have the Gaussian mixture distribution. 1434-1461 - Alexander Y. Kreinin, Ahmed Nagi:
Calibration of the default probability model. 1462-1476 - Gerhard Scheuenstuhl, Rudi Zagst:
Integrated portfolio management with options. 1477-1500 - Nikolas Topaloglou, Hercules Vladimirou, Stavros A. Zenios
A dynamic stochastic programming model for international portfolio management. 1501-1524 - Yonggan Zhao, William T. Ziemba:
Calculating risk neutral probabilities and optimal portfolio policies in a dynamic investment model with downside risk control. 1525-1540 - Jyoti Gupta:
Feature Cluster on the 34th meeting of the Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling, May 12-14, 2004, Paris. 1541 - Simone Farinelli, Luisa Tibiletti
Sharpe thinking in asset ranking with one-sided measures. 1542-1547 - L. Peter Jennergren:
Continuing value in firm valuation by the discounted cash flow model. 1548-1563 - Thierry Post:
On the dual test for SSD efficiency: With an application to momentum investment strategies. 1564-1573 - G. M. Zambruno:
Some refinements on fixed income performance attribution. 1574-1577 - Pramuan Bunkanwanicha, Jyoti Gupta, Rofikoh Rokhim:
Debt and entrenchment: Evidence from Thailand and Indonesia. 1578-1595 - Silvana Musti, Rita Laura D'Ecclesia:
Term structure of interest rates and the expectation hypothesis: The euro area. 1596-1606 - Algirdas Laukaitis:
Functional data analysis for cash flow and transactions intensity continuous-time prediction using Hilbert-valued autoregressive processes. 1607-1614 - Domenico De Giovanni
, Sergio Ortobelli Lozza
, Svetlozar T. Rachev:
Delta hedging strategies comparison. 1615-1631 - Andranik Tangian:
Predicting DAX trends from Dow Jones data by methods of the mathematical theory of democracy. 1632-1662 - Göran Bergendahl, Ted Lindblom:
Evaluating the performance of Swedish savings banks according to service efficiency. 1663-1673 - Pierre L. Kunsch, A. Ruttiens, A. Pierreevalier:
A methodology using option pricing to determine a suitable discount rate in environmental management. 1674-1679 - Stein-Erik Fleten
, Snorre Lindset:
Optimal hedging strategies for multi-period guarantees in the presence of transaction costs: A stochastic programming approach. 1680-1689

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