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Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, January 2011
- Andre Zerger, Ted Lefroy
, Brett A. Bryan
Science to improve regional environmental investment decisions. 1
- Thiagarajah Ramilan
, Frank Scrimgeour, G. Levy, Dan Marsh
, Alvaro Jorge Romera
Simulation of alternative dairy farm pollution abatement policies. 2-7 - David M. Stoms, Jason Kreitler, Frank W. Davis
The power of information for targeting cost-effective conservation investments in multifunctional farmlands. 8-17 - Oswald Marinoni, P. Adkins, Stefan Hajkowicz
Water planning in a changing climate: Joint application of cost utility analysis and modern portfolio theory. 18-29 - Neville D. Crossman
, Brett A. Bryan
, Darran King:
Contribution of site assessment toward prioritising investment in natural capital. 30-37 - Mauro Coli, Eugenia Nissi
, Agnese Rapposelli:
Monitoring environmental efficiency: An application to Italian provinces. 38-43 - Jan Cools
, Steven Broekx
, Veronique Vandenberghe, Hannes Sels
, Erika Meynaerts, Peter Vercaemst, Piet Seuntjens, Stijn Van Hulle
, Hilde Wustenberghs, Willy Bauwens, Marc Huygens:
Coupling a hydrological water quality model and an economic optimization model to set up a cost-effective emission reduction scenario for nitrogen. 44-51 - Jenifer L. Ticehurst
, Allan Curtis, Wendy S. Merritt
Using Bayesian Networks to complement conventional analyses to explore landholder management of native vegetation. 52-65 - J. Melbourne-Thomas
, C. R. Johnson, P. M. Aliño, R. C. Geronimo, C. L. Villanoy, G. G. Gurney:
A multi-scale biophysical model to inform regional management of coral reefs in the western Philippines and South China Sea. 66-82 - Brett A. Bryan
, Neville D. Crossman
, Darran King, Wayne S. Meyer:
Landscape futures analysis: Assessing the impacts of environmental targets under alternative spatial policy options and future scenarios. 83-91 - Marit E. Kragt
, Lachlan T. H. Newham, J. Bennett, Anthony J. Jakeman
An integrated approach to linking economic valuation and catchment modelling. 92-102 - Andre Zerger, Garth Warren
, P. Hill, D. Robertson, A. Weidemann, K. Lawton:
Multi-criteria assessment for linking regional conservation planning and farm-scale actions. 103-110
Volume 26, Number 2, February 2011
- Leonie J. Pearson
, Rohan Nelsonc, Steve Crimp, Jenny Langridge:
Interpretive review of conceptual frameworks and research models that inform Australia's agricultural vulnerability to climate change. 113-123
- Vardit Makler-Pick, Gideon Gal, Malka Gorfine, Matthew R. Hipsey
, Yohay Carmel
Sensitivity analysis for complex ecological models - A new approach. 124-134 - K. P. Sudheer, G. Lakshmi
, Indrajeet Chaubey
Application of a pseudo simulator to evaluate the sensitivity of parameters in complex watershed models. 135-143 - Olga Vigiak
, Lachlan T. H. Newham, Jane Whitford, Anna M. Roberts, Dan Rattray, Alice R. Melland
Integrating farming systems and landscape processes to assess management impacts on suspended sediment loads. 144-162 - Ibrahim Alameddine
, YoonKyung Cha, Kenneth H. Reckhow:
An evaluation of automated structure learning with Bayesian networks: An application to estuarine chlorophyll dynamics. 163-172 - Mário Almeida-Neto
, Werner Ulrich
A straightforward computational approach for measuring nestedness using quantitative matrices. 173-178 - Tatiana Filatova
, Alexey A. Voinov
, Anne van der Veen:
Land market mechanisms for preservation of space for coastal ecosystems: An agent-based analysis. 179-190 - B. J. M. v. d. Giesen, S. H. A. Penders, M. G. L. C. Loomans, P. G. S. Rutten, J. L. M. Hensen:
Modelling and simulation of a jet fan for controlled air flow in large enclosures. 191-200 - Roberto Quiroz
, Christian Yarlequé
, Adolfo Posadas
, Víctor Mares, Walter W. Immerzeel
Improving daily rainfall estimation from NDVI using a wavelet transform. 201-209 - L. Wissmeier, D. A. Barry:
Simulation tool for variably saturated flow with comprehensive geochemical reactions in two- and three-dimensional domains. 210-218 - Mark A. Thyer
, Michael Leonard
, Dmitri Kavetski, Stephen Need, Benjamin Renard
The open source RFortran library for accessing R from Fortran, with applications in environmental modelling. 219-234
- Nikolaos Protogeros, Apostolos Vontas, Grigorios Chatzikostas, Adamantios Koumpis
A software shell for environmental accounting. 235-237 - Arthur H. W. Beusen
, Pascal J. F. de Vink, Arthur C. Petersen:
The dynamic simulation and visualization software MyM. 238-240 - António Lopes
, J. Saraiva, M. J. Alcoforado
Urban boundary layer wind speed reduction in summer due to urban growth and environmental consequences in Lisbon. 241-243
Volume 26, Number 3, March 2011
- Brian S. McIntosh
, Georgii Alexandrov
, Keith B. Matthews
, Jaroslav Mysiak
, Martin K. van Ittersum
Preface: Thematic issue on the assessment and evaluation of environmental models and software. 245-246
- Keith B. Matthews
, Mike Rivington, Kristy Blackstock, Gillian McCrum, Kevin Buchan, Dave G. Miller:
Raising the bar? - The challenges of evaluating the outcomes of environmental modelling and software. 247-257 - Craig A. Aumann:
Constructing model credibility in the context of policy appraisal. 258-265
- Hedwig van Delden
, Ralf Seppelt
, Roger White
, Anthony J. Jakeman
A methodology for the design and development of integrated models for policy support. 266-279 - Guy R. Larocque, Jagtar S. Bhatti, James C. Ascough II, Jinxun Liu
, Nancy Luckai, Daniel Mailly, Louis Archambault, Andrew M. Gordon:
An analytical framework to assist decision makers in the use of forest ecosystem model predictions. 280-288 - Penny Kloprogge, Jeroen P. van der Sluijs
, Arthur C. Petersen:
A method for the analysis of assumptions in model-based environmental assessments. 289-301
- David Inman, Michiel Blind, Irina Ribarova
, Arno Krause, Onno Roosenschoon
, Ayalew Kassahun
, Huub Scholten
, George Arampatzis
, Geraldine Abrami, Brian S. McIntosh
, Paul Jeffrey
Perceived effectiveness of environmental decision support systems in participatory planning: Evidence from small groups of end-users. 302-309 - B. Sterk, Martin K. van Ittersum
, C. Leeuwis:
How, when, and for what reasons does land use modelling contribute to societal problem solving? 310-316 - Esther Díez, Brian S. McIntosh
Organisational drivers for, constraints on and impacts of decision and information support tool use in desertification policy and management. 317-327
- G. A. Alexandrov, Daniel P. Ames
, Gianni Bellocchi, Michael Bruen
, Neil Crout
, Marina G. Erechtchoukova, Anke Hildebrandt
, Forrest M. Hoffman
, C. Jackisch, Peter A. Khaiter, Giorgio Mannina
, Tsuneo Matsunaga, S. Thomas Purucker, M. Rivington, Luis Samaniego
Technical assessment and evaluation of environmental models and software: Letter to the Editor. 328-336
Volume 26, Number 4, April 2011
- Maryam Ramin, Serguei Stremilov, Tanya Labencki, Alexey Gudimov
, Duncan Boyd, George B. Arhonditsis
Integration of numerical modeling and Bayesian analysis for setting water quality criteria in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada. 337-353 - Dennis Trolle
, David P. Hamilton
, Conrad A. Pilditch, Ian C. Duggan
, Erik Jeppesen
Predicting the effects of climate change on trophic status of three morphologically varying lakes: Implications for lake restoration and management. 354-370 - Guillaume Martin, Roger Martin-Clouaire
, Jean-Pierre Rellier, Michel Duru:
A simulation framework for the design of grassland-based beef-cattle farms. 371-385 - Daniel Wallach
, Samuel Buis
, Patrice Lecharpentier, Jeremy Bourges, Philippe Clastre, Marie Launay
, Jacques-Eric Bergez
, Martine Guérif, Julie Soudais, Eric Justes
A package of parameter estimation methods and implementation for the STICS crop-soil model. 386-394 - Hongyan Chen, Michael D. Wood
, C. Linstead, Edward Maltby:
Uncertainty analysis in a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis tool for river catchment management. 395-405 - Silvia Bosa
, Marco Petti
Shallow water numerical model of the wave generated by the Vajont landslide. 406-418 - John R. Schramski, Caner Kazanci, E. W. Tollner:
Network environ theory, simulation, and EcoNet® 2.0. 419-428 - Serozhah Milashuk, William A. Crane:
Wind speed prediction accuracy and expected errors of RANS equations in low relief inland terrain for wind resource assessment purposes. 429-433 - K. Wyat Appel, Robert C. Gilliam, Neil Davis
, Alexis Zubrow
, Steven C. Howard:
Overview of the atmospheric model evaluation tool (AMET) v1.1 for evaluating meteorological and air quality models. 434-443 - Jing Yang:
Convergence and uncertainty analyses in Monte-Carlo based sensitivity analysis. 444-457 - Min Feng, Shuguang Liu, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Claudia J. Young, David M. Mushet:
Prototyping an online wetland ecosystem services model using open model sharing standards. 458-468 - Georgios Argyropoulos, Constantini Samara
Development and application of a robotic chemical mass balance model for source apportionment of atmospheric particulate matter. 469-481 - Bing Zhang, Yongliang Zhang, Jun Bi:
An adaptive agent-based modeling approach for analyzing the influence of transaction costs on emissions trading markets. 482-491 - Javier Guerrero, Albert Guisasola
, Ramón Vilanova
, Juan Antonio Baeza
Improving the performance of a WWTP control system by model-based setpoint optimisation. 492-497 - Daniele Laucelli
, Orazio Giustolisi
Scour depth modelling by a multi-objective evolutionary paradigm. 498-509 - Dean P. Holzworth, Neil I. Huth, Peter G. de Voil:
Simple software processes and tests improve the reliability and usefulness of a model. 510-516 - Elcio Lebensztayn
, Fabio Prates Machado, Pablo Martín Rodríguez
On the behaviour of a rumour process with random stifling. 517-522 - Stefano Alvisi
, Marco Franchini
Fuzzy neural networks for water level and discharge forecasting with uncertainty. 523-537
- Ulrike Bende-Michl, Martin Volk
, Daren Harmel, Lachlan T. H. Newham, Tommy Dalgaard
Monitoring strategies and scale-appropriate hydrologic and biogeochemical modelling for natural resource management: Conclusions and recommendations from a session held at the iEMSs 2008. 538-542
- Lino J. Alvarez-Vázquez
, Néstor García-Chan
, Aurea Martínez
, Miguel E. Vázquez-Méndez
SOS: A numerical simulation toolbox for decision support related to wastewater discharges and their environmental impact. 543-545 - Mao-Gui Hu
, Jinfeng Wang
A spatial sampling optimization package using MSN theory. 546-548 - Kemachandra Ranatunga, Gavin Walker, Paul A. Sheahan:
Implementation of groundwater observations in the Water Data Transfer Format. 549-550
Volume 26, Number 5, May 2011
- Dragan A. Savic
, Josef Bicik, Mark Morley
A DSS generator for multiobjective optimisation of spreadsheet-based models. 551-561 - Montse Aulinas, Juan Carlos Nieves, Ulises Cortés
, Manel Poch
Supporting decision making in urban wastewater systems using a knowledge-based approach. 562-572 - Jonathan L. Goodall
, Bella Robinson
, Anthony M. Castronova
Modeling water resource systems using a service-oriented computing paradigm. 573-582 - Avi Bar Massada
, Alexandra D. Syphard
, Todd J. Hawbaker
, Susan I. Stewart, Volker C. Radeloff
Effects of ignition location models on the burn patterns of simulated wildfires. 583-592 - Maria Librada Chu-Agor
, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena
, Gregory A. Kiker
, A. Emanuelsson, Igor Linkov:
Exploring vulnerability of coastal habitats to sea level rise through global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. 593-604 - Mika Liukkonen
, Teri Hiltunen, Eero Hälikkä, Yrjö Hiltunen:
Modeling of the fluidized bed combustion process and NOx emissions using self-organizing maps: An application to the diagnosis of process states. 605-614 - Ans M. Mouton, Juan Diego Alcaraz-Hernández
, Bernard De Baets
, Peter L. M. Goethals, Francisco Martínez-Capel:
Data-driven fuzzy habitat suitability models for brown trout in Spanish Mediterranean rivers. 615-622 - Bongghi Hong, Dennis P. Swaney
, Robert W. Howarth
A toolbox for calculating net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs (NANI). 623-633 - Giovanni Ravazzani
, Dario Rametta, Marco Mancini:
Macroscopic cellular automata for groundwater modelling: A first approach. 634-643 - Yueh-Hsin Lo
, Juan Blanco
, Brad Seely, Clive Welham, James P. Kimmins:
Generating reliable meteorological data in mountainous areas with scarce presence of weather records: The performance of MTCLIM in interior British Columbia, Canada. 644-657 - Natasa Atanasova, Saso Dzeroski
, Boris Kompare, Ljupco Todorovski, Gideon Gal:
Automated discovery of a model for dinoflagellate dynamics. 658-668 - Klaus D. Jöhnk
, Rainer Brüggemann, Jacqueline Rücker
, B. Luther, Ute Simon, Brigitte Nixdorf, Claudia Wiedner:
Modelling life cycle and population dynamics of Nostocales (cyanobacteria). 669-677
- Yong Min, Wei Gong, Xiaogang Jin, Jie Chang, Baojing Gu
, Zhen Han, Ying Ge:
NCNA: Integrated platform for constructing, visualizing, analyzing and sharing human-mediated nitrogen biogeochemical networks. 678-679 - Martinho Marta-Almeida
, Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal
, Pablo Otero
, Marcos Cobas
, Alvaro Peliz
, Rita Nolasco
, Mauro Cirano
, Janini Pereira
OOFɛ: A Python engine for automating regional and coastal ocean forecasts. 680-682 - Georgiy Kirillin
, Johannes Hochschild, Dmitri Mironov
, Arkady Terzhevik
, Sergey Golosov, Gunnar Nützmann:
FLake-Global: Online lake model with worldwide coverage. 683-684 - Ozan Kahramanogullari, Ferenc Jordán, James F. Lynch:
CoSBiLab LIME: A language interface for stochastic dynamical modelling in ecology. 685-687
Volume 26, Number 6, June 2011
- Javier Murillo, Dídac Busquets, Jordi Dalmau, Beatriz López
, Víctor Muñoz
, Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda
Improving urban wastewater management through an auction-based management of discharges. 689-696
- Anna Rigosi, Rafael Marcé
, Camelo Escot
, Francisco J. Rueda
A calibration strategy for dynamic succession models including several phytoplankton groups. 697-710 - Daniele Massa
, Luca Incrocci
, Rita Maggini
, Carlo Bibbiani
, Giulia Carmassi, Fernando Malorgio
, Alberto Pardossi
Simulation of crop water and mineral relations in greenhouse soilless culture. 711-722 - Davood Shahsavani
, A. Grimvall:
Variance-based sensitivity analysis of model outputs using surrogate models. 723-730 - Andrea Sulis, Paola Buscarinu, Giovanni M. Sechi
Using reservoir trophic-state indexes in optimisation modelling of water-resource systems. 731-738 - Balwinder Singh, Eric R. Pardyjak
, Andrew Norgren, Peter Willemsen:
Accelerating urban fast response Lagrangian dispersion simulations using inexpensive graphics processor parallelism. 739-750 - Robert N. Stewart
, S. Thomas Purucker:
An environmental decision support system for spatial assessment and selective remediation. 751-760 - Jean-François Côté, Richard A. Fournier, Richard Egli:
An architectural model of trees to estimate forest structural attributes using terrestrial LiDAR. 761-777 - Vikas Singh
, Claudio Carnevale, Giovanna Finzi
, Enrico Pisoni
, Marialuisa Volta
A cokriging based approach to reconstruct air pollution maps, processing measurement station concentrations and deterministic model simulations. 778-786 - Anjali Awasthi, Satyaveer Singh Chauhan:
Using AHP and Dempster-Shafer theory for evaluating sustainable transport solutions. 787-796 - Alexander M. R. Bakker, Bart Van den Hurk, Janette Bessembinder, Timo Kroon:
Standard years for large-scale hydrological scenario simulations. 797-803 - Satoshi Hirabayashi
, Charles Kroll, David Nowak:
Component-based development and sensitivity analyses of an air pollutant dry deposition model. 804-816
- Honghai Qi, Mustafa Siddik Altinakar:
A GIS-based decision support system for integrated flood management under uncertainty with two dimensional numerical simulations. 817-821 - Christa Kelleher
, Thorsten Wagener
Ten guidelines for effective data visualization in scientific publications. 822-827
- Philipp Kraft, Kellie B. Vaché, Hans-Georg Frede, Lutz Breuer
CMF: A Hydrological Programming Language Extension For Integrated Catchment Models. 828-830 - Jun Bi, Jian Li, Bing Zhang:
IMSP: Integrated management system for water pollutant discharge permit based on a hybrid C/S and B/S model. 831-833 - Bart Kranstauber
, Alison Cameron
, R. Weinzerl, Tony Fountain, Sameer Tilak, Martin Wikelski, Roland Kays
The Movebank data model for animal tracking. 834-835
Volume 26, Number 7, July 2011
- Alex Smajgl
, Daniel G. Brown, Diego Valbuena, Marco Huigen:
Empirical characterisation of agent behaviours in socio-ecological systems. 837-844 - Pepijn Schreinemachers
, Thomas Berger
An agent-based simulation model of human-environment interactions in agricultural systems. 845-859 - Graeme J. Doole
, Thiagarajah Ramilan
, David Pannell
Framework for evaluating management interventions for water-quality improvement across multiple agents. 860-872 - Mohammed Mahmoud, Hoshin V. Gupta
, Seshadri Rajagopal:
Scenario development for water resources planning and watershed management: Methodology and semi-arid region case study. 873-885 - Daniel Partington
, Philip Brunner
, Craig T. Simmons
, René Therrien
, A. D. Werner, Graeme C. Dandy, Holger R. Maier
A hydraulic mixing-cell method to quantify the groundwater component of streamflow within spatially distributed fully integrated surface water-groundwater flow models. 886-898 - Michel C. Boufadel, Yuqiang Xia
, Hailong Li
Modeling solute transport and transient seepage in a laboratory beach under tidal influence. 899-912 - Paul M. Feikema
, Gary J. Sheridan
, Robert M. Argent
, Patrick N. J. Lane, Rodger B. Grayson:
Estimating catchment-scale impacts of wildfire on sediment and nutrient loads using the E2 catchment modelling framework. 913-928 - Wim Aertsen
, Vincent Kint, Jos Van Orshoven
, Bart Muys
Evaluation of modelling techniques for forest site productivity prediction in contrasting ecoregions using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA). 929-937 - Elisabetta Giusti, Stefano Marsili-Libelli
, Alessandro Spagni
Modelling microbial population dynamics in nitritation processes. 938-949 - Paola Annoni, Rainer Brüggemann, Andrea Saltelli
Partial order investigation of multiple indicator systems using variance-based sensitivity analysis. 950-958 - Stefan Finsterle
, Yingqi Zhang:
Solving iTOUGH2 simulation and optimization problems using the PEST protocol. 959-968
- Lina Perelman, Avi Ostfeld
Topological clustering for water distribution systems analysis. 969-972 - Claudia M. Cardona, Cristina Martin
, Antonio Salterain, Alain Castro, D. San-Martín, Eduardo Ayesa
CALHIDRA 3.0 - New software application for river water quality prediction based on RWQM1. 973-979
- Gordon D. Standart, Kelsey R. Stulken, Xuesong Zhang, Ziliang Zong:
Geospatial visualization of global satellite images with Vis-EROS. 980-982 - Karina Gibert
, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Outcomes from the iEMSs data mining in the environmental sciences workshop series. 983-985
Volume 26, Number 8, August 2011
- Junqiang Xia, Roger A. Falconer
, Binliang Lin, Guangming Tan:
Numerical assessment of flood hazard risk to people and vehicles in flash floods. 987-998 - Salvador Peña-Haro, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez
, Carlos Llopis-Albert
Stochastic hydro-economic modeling for optimal management of agricultural groundwater nitrate pollution under hydraulic conductivity uncertainty. 999-1008 - Alfred J. Kalyanapu, Siddharth Shankar, Eric R. Pardyjak
, David R. Judi, Steven J. Burian
Assessment of GPU computational enhancement to a 2D flood model. 1009-1016 - Joseph Alcamo, Rüdiger Schaldach, Jennifer Koch
, Christina Kölking, David M. Lapola, Jörg A. Priess
Evaluation of an integrated land use change model including a scenario analysis of land use change for continental Africa. 1017-1027 - Lasse Loepfe, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta
, Josep Piñol
An integrative model of human-influenced fire regimes and landscape dynamics. 1028-1040