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Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January 2007
- Anthony J. Jakeman, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli:
Best Paper Awards for 2005. 1 - Murat Alp, Hikmet Kerem Cigizoglu:
Suspended sediment load simulation by two artificial neural network methods using hydrometeorological data. 2-13 - Lukasz Sochaczewski, Wlodek Tych, William Davison, Hao Zhang:
2D DGT induced fluxes in sediments and soils (2D DIFS). 14-23 - Oihana Izagirre, Miren Bermejo, Jesús Pozo, Arturo Elosegi:
RIVERMET: An Excel-based tool to calculate river metabolism from diel oxygen-concentration curves. 24-32 - Stamatis Zoras, Athanassios G. Triantafyllou, P. J. Hurley:
Grid sensitivity analysis for the calibration of a prognostic meteorological model in complex terrain by a screening experiment. 33-39 - Usama Zaher, P. Grau, Lorenzo Benedetti, Eduardo Ayesa, Peter A. Vanrolleghem:
Transformers for interfacing anaerobic digestion models to pre- and post-treatment processes in a plant-wide modelling context. 40-58 - Amaya Lobo García de Cortázar, Iñaki Tejero Monzón:
MODUELO 2: A new version of an integrated simulation model for municipal solid waste landfills. 59-72 - Uday Bhaskar Nidumolu, Herman Van Keulen, Marcel Lubbers, Andrew Mapfumo:
Combining interactive multiple goal linear programming with an inter-stakeholder communication matrix to generate land use options. 73-83 - Manfred Mudelsee, Merianne Alkio:
Quantifying effects in two-sample environmental experiments using bootstrap confidence intervals. 84-96 - S. I. V. Sousa, Fernando Gomes Martins, M. C. M. Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. Pereira:
Multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks based on principal components to predict ozone concentrations. 97-103 - Sergey Venevsky, Shamil Maksyutov:
SEVER: A modification of the LPJ global dynamic vegetation model for daily time step and parallel computation. 104-109 - Yuanhai Li, Amy B. Chan Hilton:
Optimal groundwater monitoring design using an ant colony optimization paradigm. 110-116 - Giulio Giunta, Patrizio Mariani, Raffaele Montella, Angelo Riccio:
pPOM: A nested, scalable, parallel and Fortran 90 implementation of the Princeton Ocean Model. 117-122
Volume 22, Number 2, February 2007
- Michael Matthies, Carlo Giupponi, Bertram Ostendorf:
Environmental decision support systems: Current issues, methods and tools. 123-127 - Inge A. T. de Kort, Martijn J. Booij:
Decision making under uncertainty in a decision support system for the Red River. 128-136 - N. A. Carrick, Bertram Ostendorf:
Development of a spatial Decision Support System (DSS) for the Spencer Gulf penaeid prawn fishery, South Australia. 137-148 - Reimund P. Roetter, Marrit van den Berg, Alice G. Laborte, Huib Hengsdijk, Joost Wolf, Martin K. van Ittersum, Herman Van Keulen, Epifania O. Agustin, Tran Thuc Son, Nguyen Xuan Lai:
Combining farm and regional level modelling for Integrated Resource Management in East and South-east Asia. 149-157 - Maja Schlüter, Nadja Rüger:
Application of a GIS-based simulation tool to illustrate implications of uncertainties for water management in the Amudarya river delta. 158-166 - Lauren Basson, Jim G. Petrie:
An integrated approach for the consideration of uncertainty in decision making supported by Life Cycle Assessment. 167-176 - Michael Rudner, Robert Biedermann, Boris Schröder, Michael Kleyer:
Integrated Grid Based Ecological and Economic (INGRID) landscape model - A tool to support landscape management decisions. 177-187 - Peter Reichert, Mark E. Borsuk, M. Hostmann, S. Schweizer, C. Spörri, Klement Tockner, Bernhard Truffer:
Concepts of decision support for river rehabilitation. 188-201 - Mike Rivington, Keith B. Matthews, Gianni Bellocchi, Kevin Buchan, Claudio O. Stöckle, Marcello Donatelli:
An integrated assessment approach to conduct analyses of climate change impacts on whole-farm systems. 202-210 - Sarah Dorner, Jie Shi, David A. Swayne:
Multi-objective modelling and decision support using a Bayesian network approximation to a non-point source pollution model. 211-222 - Hedwig van Delden, Patrick Luja, Guy Engelen:
Integration of multi-scale dynamic spatial models of socio-economic and physical processes for river basin management. 223-238 - Jürgen Berlekamp, Sven Lautenbach, Neil Graf, Silke Reimer, Michael Matthies:
Integration of MONERIS and GREAT-ER in the decision support system for the German Elbe river basin. 239-247 - Carlo Giupponi:
Decision Support Systems for implementing the European Water Framework Directive: The MULINO approach. 248-258 - Maarten S. Krol, Axel Bronstert:
Regional integrated modelling of climate change impacts on natural resources and resource usage in semi-arid Northeast Brazil. 259-268 - Richard S. Sojda:
Empirical evaluation of decision support systems: Needs, definitions, potential methods, and an example pertaining to waterfowl management. 269-277
Volume 22, Number 3, March 2007
- Thomas Lux, W. Andrew Matthews:
Advanced technology for environmental modelling. 279-280 - Keith G. Jeffery:
Next Generation GRIDs for environmental science. 281-287 - W. Andrew Matthews, Stephen Wood, Brian Connor:
Sustainability and greenhouse gases: What are the issues for New Zealand? 288-296 - Roberto San José García, Juan L. Pérez, Rosa M. González Barras:
An operational real-time air quality modelling system for industrial plants. 297-307 - Nikolaos A. Kampanis, D. A. Mitsoudis, M. C. Dracopoulos:
Benchmarking two simulation models for underwater and atmospheric sound propagation. 308-314 - Maurice Dixon, Julian R. Gallop, Simon C. Lambert, J. V. Healy:
Experience with data mining for the anaerobic wastewater treatment process. 315-322 - Jacopo Grazzini, Antonio Turiel, Hussein M. Yahia, Isabelle Herlin:
A multifractal approach for extracting relevant textural areas in satellite meteorological images. 323-334 - Tal Feingersh, Eyal Ben-Dor, Juval Portugali:
Construction of synthetic spectral reflectance of remotely sensed imagery for planning purposes. 335-348 - Scott Elliott, Shaoping Chu, David Erickson:
Contours of simulated marine dimethyl sulfide distributions under variation in a Gabric mechanism. 349-358 - John R. Skalski, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Peter W. Dillingham, Rebecca A. Buchanan:
Calculating the variance of the finite rate of population change from a matrix model in Mathematica. 359-364 - Scott N. Miller, Darius J. Semmens, David C. Goodrich, Mariano Hernandez, Ryan C. Miller, William G. Kepner, David Phillip Guertin:
The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment tool. 365-377 - Ying Fan, Qiao-Mei Liang, Yi-Ming Wei, Norio Okada:
A model for China's energy requirements and CO2 emissions analysis. 378-393 - A. H. Elliott, S. A. Trowsdale:
A review of models for low impact urban stormwater drainage. 394-405 - W. C. Boughton:
Effect of data length on rainfall-runoff modelling. 406-413 - Nicolaos Theodossiou, Pericles Latinopoulos:
Corrigendum to "Evaluation and optimisation of groundwater observation networks using the Kriging methodology" [Environ. Model. Softw. (2006) 991-1000]. 414
Volume 22, Number 4, April 2007
- Nigel W. T. Quinn:
Environmental Risk and Emergency Management. 415 - Nigel W. T. Quinn, Karl C. Jacobs:
Design and implementation of an emergency environmental response system to protect migrating salmon in the lower San Joaquin River, California. 416-422 - Isaac W. Wong, R. Bloom, Don K. McNicol, Philip Fong, R. Russell, X. Chen:
Species at risk: Data and knowledge management within the WILDSPACETM Decision Support System. 423-430 - Steven P. Frysinger, Michael L. Deaton, Adrienne G. Gonzalo, Amanda M. VanHorn, Mark A. Kirk:
The FALCON decision support system: Preparing communities for weapons of opportunity. 431-435 - Daryl H. Hepting:
Decision support for local environmental impact assessment. 436-441 - Gavin Fleming, Marna van der Merwe, Graeme McFerren:
Fuzzy expert systems and GIS for cholera health risk prediction in southern Africa. 442-448 - Neville D. Crossman, Lyall M. Perry, Brett A. Bryan, Bertram Ostendorf:
CREDOS: A Conservation Reserve Evaluation And Design Optimisation System. 449-463 - Sangam Shrestha, F. Kazama:
Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin, Japan. 464-475 - Walter Boughton, Francis H. S. Chiew:
Estimating runoff in ungauged catchments from rainfall, PET and the AWBM model. 476-487 - Temitope O. Ojo, James S. Bonner, Cheryl A. Page:
Simulation of constituent transport using a reduced 3D constituent transport model (CTM) driven by HF Radar: Model application and error analysis. 488-501 - M. M. Cox, John P. Bolte:
A spatially explicit network-based model for estimating stream temperature distribution. 502-514 - Leorey O. Marquez, Vivian Salim:
Assessing impacts of urban freight measures on air toxic emissions in Inner Sydney. 515-525 - Sharad Gokhale, Mukesh Khare:
Statistical behavior of carbon monoxide from vehicular exhausts in urban environments. 526-535 - Hector R. Bravo, John S. Gulliver, Miki Hondzo:
Development of a commercial code-based two-fluid model for bubble plumes. 536-547 - Feng Liu, Jiang Zhu, Fei Hu, Yuanhang Zhang:
An optimal weather condition dependent approach for emission planning in urban areas. 548-557
Volume 22, Number 5, May 2007
- Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Jan Sendzimir, Matthew P. Hare:
IA special issue EMS. 559-560 - Claudia Pahl-Wostl:
The implications of complexity for integrated resources management. 561-569 - John P. Bolte, David W. Hulse, Stanley V. Gregory, Court Smith:
Modeling biocomplexity - actors, landscapes and alternative futures. 570-579 - Les Oxley, Donald A. R. George:
Economics on the edge of chaos: Some pitfalls of linearizing complex systems. 580-589 - Jeroen P. van der Sluijs:
Uncertainty and precaution in environmental management: Insights from the UPEM conference. 590-598 - J. Sendzimir, Piotr Magnuszewski, P. Balogh, A. Vári:
Anticipatory modeling of biocomplexity in the Tisza River Basin: First steps to establish a participatory adaptive framework. 599-609 - Stefan Salhofer, Gudrun Wassermann, Erwin Binner:
Strategic environmental assessment as an approach to assess waste management systems. Experiences from an Austrian case study. 610-618 - Erica J. Brown Gaddis, Helena Vladich, Alexey A. Voinov:
Participatory modeling and the dilemma of diffuse nitrogen management in a residential watershed. 619-629 - Pierre Maurel, Marc Craps, Flavie Cernesson, Richard Raymond, Pieter Valkering, Nils Ferrand:
Concepts and methods for analysing the role of Information and Communication tools (IC-tools) in Social Learning processes for River Basin Management. 630-639 - Brian S. McIntosh, Roger A. F. Seaton, Paul Jeffrey:
Tools to think with? Towards understanding the use of computer-based support tools in policy relevant research. 640-648 - David Batten:
Are some human ecosystems self-defeating? 649-655 - Michael Monticino, Miguel F. Acevedo, Baird Callicott, Travis Cogdill, Christopher Lindquist:
Coupled human and natural systems: A multi-agent-based approach. 656-663 - Niandry Moreno, Raquel Quintero, Magdiel Ablan, Rodrigo Barros, Jacinto A. Dávila, Hirma Ramírez, Giorgio Tonella, Miguel F. Acevedo:
Biocomplexity of deforestation in the Caparo tropical forest reserve in Venezuela: An integrated multi-agent and cellular automata model. 664-673 - Orazio Giustolisi, Angelo Doglioni, Dragan A. Savic, B. W. Webb:
A multi-model approach to analysis of environmental phenomena. 674-682 - Patrick M. Reed, Joshua B. Kollat, V. K. Devireddy:
Using interactive archives in evolutionary multiobjective optimization: A case study for long-term groundwater monitoring design. 683-692 - Brian D. Fath, William E. Grant:
Ecosystems as evolutionary complex systems: Network analysis of fitness models. 693-700 - Valentina Krysanova, Fred Hattermann, Frank Wechsung:
Implications of complexity and uncertainty for integrated modelling and impact assessment in river basins. 701-709 - Heikki Lehtonen, Ilona Bärlund, Sirkka Tattari, Mikael Hilden:
Combining dynamic economic analysis and environmental impact modelling: Addressing uncertainty and complexity of agricultural development. 710-718 - Ilona Bärlund, T. Kirkkala, Olli Malve, J. Kämäri:
Assessing SWAT model performance in the evaluation of management actions for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in a Finnish catchment. 719-724 - Veronique Vandenberghe, Willy Bauwens, Peter A. Vanrolleghem:
Evaluation of uncertainty propagation into river water quality predictions to guide future monitoring campaigns. 725-732 - Rebecca A. Letcher, Barry F. W. Croke, Anthony J. Jakeman:
Integrated assessment modelling for water resource allocation and management: A generalised conceptual framework. 733-742 - Huub Scholten, Ayalew Kassahun, Jens Christian Refsgaard, Theodore Kargas, Costas Gavardinas, Adrie J. M. Beulens:
A methodology to support multidisciplinary model-based water management. 743-759
Volume 22, Number 6, June 2007
- D. Stevens, Suzana Dragicevic, Kristina Rothley:
iCity: A GIS-CA modelling tool for urban planning and decision making. 761-773 - Brian G. Sanderson, Barbara Baginska:
Calculating flow into coastal lakes from water level measurements. 774-786 - Luis F. León, David C.-L. Lam, W. M. Schertzer, David A. Swayne, Jörg Imberger:
Towards coupling a 3D hydrodynamic lake model with the Canadian Regional Climate Model: Simulation on Great Slave Lake. 787-796 - C. James Taylor, Diego J. Pedregal, Peter C. Young, Wlodek Tych:
Environmental time series analysis and forecasting with the Captain toolbox. 797-814 - Bestamin Özkaya, Ahmet Demir, M. Sinan Bilgili:
Neural network prediction model for the methane fraction in biogas from field-scale landfill bioreactors. 815-822 - Greta Moretti, Alberto Montanari:
AFFDEF: A spatially distributed grid based rainfall-runoff model for continuous time simulations of river discharge. 823-836 - Adrian Doicu, Franz Schreier, Siegfried Hilgers, Michael Hess:
Error analysis and minimum bound method for atmospheric remote sensing. 837-846 - Ilenia Iacopozzi, Valentina Innocenti, Stefano Marsili-Libelli, Elisabetta Giusti:
A modified Activated Sludge Model No. 3 ASM3) with two-step nitrification-denitrification. 847-861 - Alfonso Iglesias, Carlos Dafonte, Bernardino Arcay Varela, José Manuel Cotos:
Integration of remote sensing techniques and connectionist models for decision support in fishing catches. 862-870 - Dekui Yuan, Binliang Lin, Roger A. Falconer, Jianhua Tao:
Development of an integrated model for assessing the impact of diffuse and point source pollution on coastal waters. 871-879 - V. U. Smakhtin, Denis A. Hughes:
Automated estimation and analyses of meteorological drought characteristics from monthly rainfall data. 880-890 - Michael Tischler, Matthew Garcia, Christa D. Peters-Lidard, M. Susan Moran, S. Miller, D. Thoma, Sujay V. Kumar, James Geiger:
A GIS framework for surface-layer soil moisture estimation combining satellite radar measurements and land surface modeling with soil physical property estimation. 891-898 - Nicola Checchi, Elisabetta Giusti, Stefano Marsili-Libelli:
PEAS: A toolbox to assess the accuracy of estimated parameters in environmental models. 899-913
Volume 22, Number 7, July 2007
- Jason J. Sharples, J. C. V. Pezzey:
Expectations of linear functions with respect to truncated multinormal distributions - With applications for uncertainty analysis in environmental modelling. 915-923 - Alexandra Gemitzi, Demetrios Tolikas:
HYDRA model: Simulation of salt intrusion in coastal aquifers using Visual Basic and GIS. 924-936 - Fayçal Bouraoui:
Testing the PEARL model in the Netherlands and Sweden. 937-950 - K. Vairavamoorthy, Jimin Yan, Harshal M. Galgale, Sunil D. Gorantiwar:
IRA-WDS: A GIS-based risk analysis tool for water distribution systems. 951-965 - Olli Malve, Marko Laine, Heikki Haario, Teija Kirkkala, Jouko Sarvala:
Bayesian modelling of algal mass occurrences - using adaptive MCMC methods with a lake water quality model. 966-977 - Michel C. Boufadel, Kemei Du, Vikram Kaku, James Weaver:
Lagrangian simulation of oil droplets transport due to regular waves. 978-986 - Kati W. Migliaccio, Indrajeet Chaubey, Brian E. Haggard:
Evaluation of landscape and instream modeling to predict watershed nutrient yields. 987-999 - Mark Gallagher, John Doherty:
Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis for a watershed model. 1000-1020 - Thorsten Wagener, Joshua Kollat:
Numerical and visual evaluation of hydrological and environmental models using the Monte Carlo analysis toolbox. 1021-1033 - Christian W. Dawson, Robert J. Abrahart, Linda M. See:
HydroTest: A web-based toolbox of evaluation metrics for the standardised assessment of hydrological forecasts. 1034-1052 - Alfredo Vellido, Eugenia Martí, Joaquim Comas, Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda, Francesc Sabater:
Exploring the ecological status of human altered streams through Generative Topographic Mapping. 1053-1065 - Lazaros S. Iliadis, Fotis P. Maris:
An Artificial Neural Network model for mountainous water-resources management: The case of Cyprus mountainous watersheds. 1066-1072
Volume 22, Number 8, August 2007
- Andrea Castelletti, Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa:
Bayesian networks in water resource modelling and management. 1073-1074 - Andrea Castelletti, Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa:
Bayesian Networks and participatory modelling in water resource management. 1075-1088 - Francisco Martín de Santa Olalla, Alfonso Dominguez, Fernando Ortega, Alfonso Artigao, Concepción Fabeiro:
Bayesian networks in planning a large aquifer in Eastern Mancha, Spain. 1089-1100 - Hans Jørgen Henriksen, Per Rasmussen, Gyrite Brandt, Dorthe von Bülow, Finn Verner Jensen:
Public participation modelling using Bayesian networks in management of groundwater contamination. 1101-1113 - Andrea Castelletti, Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa:
Coupling real-time control and socio-economic issues in participatory river basin planning. 1114-1128 - Jenifer L. Ticehurst, Lachlan T. H. Newham, David Rissik, Rebecca A. Letcher, Anthony J. Jakeman:
A Bayesian network approach for assessing the sustainability of coastal lakes in New South Wales, Australia. 1129-1139 - Carmel A. Pollino, Owen Woodberry, Ann E. Nicholson, Kevin B. Korb, Barry T. Hart:
Parameterisation and evaluation of a Bayesian network for use in an ecological risk assessment. 1140-1152