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Discrete Mathematics, Volume 340
Volume 340, Number 1, January 2017
- Sylwia Cichacz, Dalibor Froncek, Inne Singgih:
Vertex magic total labelings of 2-regular graphs. 3117-3124 - Annachiara Korchmaros, István Kovács:
Automorphism groups of Cayley graphs generated by block transpositions and regular Cayley maps. 3125-3139 - Florent Foucaud, Michael A. Henning:
Location-domination in line graphs. 3140-3153 - Hiroaki Taniguchi:
On some bilinear dual hyperovals. 3154-3166 - Minki Kim:
A note on the colorful fractional Helly theorem. 3167-3170 - Giampiero Chiaselotti, Tommaso Gentile:
Intersection properties of maximal directed cuts in digraphs. 3171-3175 - Bart De Bruyn:
A characterization of a class of hyperplanes of DW(2n-1, F). 3176-3182 - Diana Davis, Victor Dods, Cynthia M. Traub, Jed Yang:
Geodesics on the regular tetrahedron and the cube. 3183-3196 - Fen Li, Xiwang Cao:
A class of minimal cyclic codes over finite fields. 3197-3206 - Michael A. Henning, Kirsti Wash:
Matchings, path covers and domination. 3207-3216 - Lorenzo Traldi:
Notes on a theorem of Naji. 3217-3234 - Nair Abreu, Domingos M. Cardoso, Paula Carvalho, Cybele T. M. Vinagre:
Spectra and Laplacian spectra of arbitrary powers of lexicographic products of graphs. 3235-3244
Volume 340, Number 2, February 2017
- Gregory Z. Gutin, Mark Jones, Bin Sheng, Magnus Wahlström, Anders Yeo:
Acyclicity in edge-colored graphs. 1-8 - Sofiya Ostrovska, Mikhail I. Ostrovskii:
Nonexistence of embeddings with uniformly bounded distortions of Laakso graphs into diamond graphs. 9-17 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova:
Low 5-stars in normal plane maps with minimum degree 5. 18-22 - Honghai Xu:
A note on bipartite subgraphs and triangle-independent sets. 23-30 - Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Thomas M. Lewis:
On ve-degrees and ev-degrees in graphs. 31-38 - Sukumar Das Adhikari, Luis Boza, Shalom Eliahou, Juan Manuel Marín, M. P. Revuelta, María Isabel Sanz Domínguez:
On the finiteness of some n-color Rado numbers. 39-45 - M. Amin Bahmanian:
Factorizations of complete multipartite hypergraphs. 46-50 - Adam Woryna:
On the set of uniquely decodable codes with a given sequence of code word lengths. 51-57 - Sarah Loeb, Jakub Przybylo, Yunfang Tang:
Asymptotically optimal neighbor sum distinguishing total colorings of graphs. 58-62 - Ludmila Yu. Tsiovkina:
Arc-transitive antipodal distance-regular covers of complete graphs related to SU3(q). 63-71 - Gábor N. Sárközy:
Monochromatic cycle power partitions. 72-80 - Jianxin Wei, Heping Zhang:
A negative answer to a problem on generalized Fibonacci cubes. 81-86 - Ryota Matsubara, Hajime Matsumura, Masao Tsugaki, Tomoki Yamashita:
Degree sum conditions for path-factors with specified end vertices in bipartite graphs. 87-95 - G. Sethuraman, P. Ragukumar, Peter J. Slater:
Any Tree with m edges can be embedded in a Graceful Tree with less than 4m edges and in a graceful planar graph. 96-106 - Joanna Polcyn, Andrzej Rucinski:
Refined Turán numbers and Ramsey numbers for the loose 3-uniform path of length three. 107-118 - You Lu, Jiaao Li, Rong Luo, Zhengke Miao:
Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of graphs with maximum degree 4. 119-123 - Yair Caro, Raphael Yuster, Christina Zarb:
Ramsey numbers for degree monotone paths. 124-131 - Long-Tu Yuan, Xiao-Dong Zhang:
The Turán number of disjoint copies of paths. 132-139 - Jun Wang, Huajun Zhang:
Intersecting k-uniform families containing a given family. 140-144 - John Lenz, Dhruv Mubayi:
Eigenvalues of non-regular linear quasirandom hypergraphs. 145-153 - Yezhou Wu, Cun-Quan Zhang, Bao-Xuan Zhu:
Vertex-coloring 3-edge-weighting of some graphs. 154-159 - Donatella Merlini, Renzo Sprugnoli:
Arithmetic into geometric progressions through Riordan arrays. 160-174 - Hui Jiang, Xueliang Li, Yingying Zhang:
Total monochromatic connection of graphs. 175-180 - Xing Peng, Craig Timmons:
A path Turán problem for infinite graphs. 181-191 - Wei Jin, Weijun Liu, Shang Jin Xu:
Two-geodesic transitive graphs of valency six. 192-200 - Yiwei Zhang, Tao Zhang, Xin Wang, Gennian Ge:
Invertible binary matrices with maximum number of 2-by-2 invertible submatrices. 201-208 - Elad Cohen, Martin Charles Golumbic, Marina Lipshteyn, Michal Stern:
Tolerance intersection graphs of degree bounded subtrees of a tree with constant tolerance 2. 209-222 - Richard C. Brewster, Florent Foucaud, Pavol Hell, Reza Naserasr:
The complexity of signed graph and edge-coloured graph homomorphisms. 223-235 - Guangzhou Chen, Yong Zhang, Kejun Chen:
Super-simple pairwise balanced designs with block sizes 3 and 4. 236-242 - Zhi-Hong Chen, Hong-Jian Lai, Meng Zhang:
Spanning trails with variations of Chvátal-Erdős conditions. 243-251 - Andrzej Zak:
Packing large trees of consecutive orders. 252-263 - Sergey V. Savchenko:
On the number of 7-cycles in regular n-tournaments. 264-285
Volume 340, Number 3, March 2017
- Guantao Chen, Julia Ehrenmüller, Cristina G. Fernandes, Carl Georg Heise, Songling Shan, Ping Yang, Amy N. Yates:
Nonempty intersection of longest paths in series-parallel graphs. 287-304 - Hongliang Lu, Yuqing Lin:
On the number of disjoint perfect matchings of regular graphs with given edge connectivity. 305-310 - Shuchao Li, Huihui Zhang:
Proofs of three conjectures on the quotients of the (revised) Szeged index and the Wiener index and beyond. 311-324 - Lorenz A. Gilch, Sebastian Müller:
Counting self-avoiding walks on free products of graphs. 325-332 - Shoham Letzter:
Radon numbers for trees. 333-344 - Xiaoshan Kai, Lingrong Wang, Shixin Zhu:
The depth spectrum of negacyclic codes over Z4. 345-350 - Yun Li, Lijun Ji:
Constructions of dihedral Steiner quadruple systems. 351-360 - Rachna Sachdeva, A. K. Agarwal:
Combinatorics of certain restricted n-color composition functions. 361-372 - András Gyárfás, Alexander W. N. Riasanovsky, Melissa U. Sherman-Bennett:
Chromatic Ramsey number of acyclic hypergraphs. 373-378 - Elizabeth Maltais, Lucia Moura, Mike Newman:
Graph-intersecting set systems and LYM inequalities. 379-398 - Markus Grassl, Masaaki Harada:
New self-dual additive F4-codes constructed from circulant graphs. 399-403 - Premysl Jedlicka, David Stanovský, Petr Vojtechovský:
Distributive and trimedial quasigroups of order 243. 404-415 - Saieed Akbari, Andrea C. Burgess, Peter Danziger, Eric Mendelsohn:
Zero-sum flows for triple systems. 416-425 - Marko Thiel:
A new cyclic sieving phenomenon for Catalan objects. 426-429 - Saori Adachi, Rina Hayashi, Hiroshi Nozaki, Chika Yamamoto:
Maximal m-distance sets containing the representation of the Hamming graph H(n, m). 430-442 - André Bernardino, Rui Pacheco, Manuel Silva:
Coloring factors of substitutive infinite words. 443-451 - Safet Penjic:
On the Terwilliger algebra of bipartite distance-regular graphs with Δ2=0 and c2=2. 452-466 - Qiuyan Wang, Fei Li, Kelan Ding, Dongdai Lin:
Complete weight enumerators of two classes of linear codes. 467-480 - Ayineedi Venkateswarlu, Santanu Sarkar, Sai Mali Ananthanarayanan:
On acyclic edge-coloring of complete bipartite graphs. 481-493 - Stéphane Bessy, Pascal Ochem, Dieter Rautenbach:
Bounds on the exponential domination number. 494-503 - Zbigniew Lonc:
Note on a construction of short k-radius sequences. 504-507 - Valentas Kurauskas:
On the genus of the complete tripartite graph Kn, n, 1. 508-515 - Ronan Egan, Dane L. Flannery:
Automorphisms of generalized Sylvester Hadamard matrices. 516-523 - Joe Sawada, Aaron Williams, Dennis Wong:
A simple shift rule for k-ary de Bruijn sequences. 524-531 - Marius Somodi, Katie Burke, Jesse Todd:
On a construction using commuting regular graphs. 532-540 - Liang Zhang, Kar-Ping Shum:
Finite maximal codes and triangle conjecture. 541-549 - Jongyook Park:
The distance-regular graphs with valency k≥2, diameter D≥3 and kD-1+kD≤2k. 550-561
Volume 340, Number 4, April 2017
- Daniel Birmajer, Juan B. Gil, Michael D. Weiner:
Colored partitions of a convex polygon by noncrossing diagonals. 563-571 - Lei Meng, Jian-Hua Yin:
An extension of a result of Alon, Ben-Shimon and Krivelevich on bipartite graph vertex sequences. 572-577 - Diego González-Moreno, Mucuy-kak Guevara, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros:
Monochromatic connecting colorings in strongly connected oriented graphs. 578-584 - Noam Solomon, Ruixiang Zhang:
Highly incidental patterns on a quadratic hypersurface in R4. 585-590 - Guixin Deng:
On the depth spectrum of binary linear codes and their dual. 591-595 - Christoph Brause, Dieter Rautenbach, Ingo Schiermeyer:
Local connectivity, local degree conditions, some forbidden induced subgraphs, and cycle extendability. 596-606 - Zhenzhen Lou, Qiongxiang Huang, Xueyi Huang:
Construction of graphs with distinct eigenvalues. 607-616 - Miwako Mishima, Koji Momihara:
A new series of optimal tight conflict-avoiding codes of weight 3. 617-629 - Xiaoqin Zhan, Shenglin Zhou:
A classification of flag-transitive 2-designs with λ≥(r, λ)2 and sporadic socle. 630-636 - Wei Jin:
Two-geodesic-transitive graphs which are locally connected. 637-643 - Mircea Merca:
On the number of partitions into parts of k different magnitudes. 644-648 - Suyun Jiang, Shuya Chiba, Shinya Fujita, Jin Yan:
Vertex-disjoint copies of K1, t in K1, r-free graphs. 649-654 - Xuemei Zhang, Yaojun Chen, T. C. Edwin Cheng:
Polarity graphs and Ramsey numbers for C4 versus stars. 655-660 - Luke Nelson:
A recursion on maximal chains in the Tamari lattices. 661-677 - Shuya Chiba, Tomoki Yamashita:
Degree sum conditions for vertex-disjoint cycles passing through specified vertices. 678-690 - Csongor Gy. Csehi, András Recski:
Partitioning the bases of the union of matroids. 691-694 - Song Guo, Victor J. W. Guo:
A recursive algorithm for trees and forests. 695-703 - Shujuan Dang, Lu Qiu, Dianhua Wu:
New (q, K, λ)-ADFs via cyclotomy. 704-707 - Hui-Qin Cao, Hao Pan:
A Stern-type congruence for the Schröder numbers. 708-712 - Anu Kathuria, S. K. Arora, Sudhir Batra:
On traceability property of equidistant codes. 713-721 - Jennifer D. Key, T. P. McDonough, Vassili C. Mavron:
Improved partial permutation decoding for Reed-Muller codes. 722-728 - Shudi Yang, Zheng-an Yao:
Complete weight enumerators of a class of linear codes. 729-739 - Avinash Patil, B. N. Waphare, Vinayak Joshi:
Perfect zero-divisor graphs. 740-745 - Hiranmoy Pal, Bikash Bhattacharjya:
Pretty good state transfer on some NEPS. 746-752 - Anna A. Taranenko:
On the numbers of 1-factors and 1-factorizations of hypergraphs. 753-762 - Jin Wang:
A note on unimodular lattices with trivial automorphism groups. 763-765 - Daniel W. Cranston, Douglas B. West:
An introduction to the discharging method via graph coloring. 766-793 - Jorge Bruno:
A family of ω1 topological types of locally finite trees. 794-795 - Michal Lason:
The coloring game on matroids. 796-799 - Joshua Hallam:
Applications of quotient posets. 800-810 - Jiangmin Pan, Zhaohong Huang, Suyun Ding:
Arc-transitive cyclic covers of graphs with order twice a prime. 811-816 - Gregory Z. Gutin, Bin Sheng, Magnus Wahlström:
Odd properly colored cycles in edge-colored graphs. 817-821 - M. M. Pyaderkin:
On the stability of some Erdős-Ko-Rado type results. 822-831 - Hai Q. Dinh, Sompong Dhompongsa, Songsak Sriboonchitta:
On constacyclic codes of length 4ps over Fpm+uFpm. 832-849
Volume 340, Number 5, May 2017
- Maycon Sambinelli, Cândida Nunes da Silva, Orlando Lee:
On Linial's conjecture for spine digraphs. 851-854 - Sandip Das, Sasthi C. Ghosh, Soumen Nandi, Sagnik Sen:
A lower bound technique for radio k-coloring. 855-861 - Julien Leroy, Michel Rigo, Manon Stipulanti:
Counting the number of non-zero coefficients in rows of generalized Pascal triangles. 862-881 - Thomas Schweser, Michael Stiebitz:
Degree choosable signed graphs. 882-891 - Sung-Yell Song, Bangteng Xu, Shenglin Zhou:
Combinatorial extensions of Terwilliger algebras and wreath products of association schemes. 892-905 - Abdollah Khodkar, Christian Schulz, Nathan Wagner:
Existence of some signed magic arrays. 906-926 - Cemil Dibek, Tínaz Ekim, Pinar Heggernes:
Maximum number of edges in claw-free graphs whose maximum degree and matching number are bounded. 927-934 - Danny Dyer, Eduardo Martínez-Pedroza, Brandon Thorne:
The coarse geometry of Hartnell's firefighter problem on infinite graphs. 935-950 - Anthony Bonato, Przemyslaw Gordinowicz, Gena Hahn:
Cops and Robbers ordinals of cop-win trees. 951-956 - Carolin Hannusch:
On monomial codes in modular group algebras. 957-962 - Jerzy Konarski, Andrzej Zak:
Near packings of two graphs. 963-968 - Matthew Brennan:
Ramsey numbers of trees and unicyclic graphs versus fans. 969-983 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros:
A Richardson's theorem version for ⊓-kernels. 984-987 - Ervin Györi, Tamás Róbert Mezei, Gábor Mészáros:
Note on terminal-pairability in complete grid graphs. 988-990 - Takayuki Hibi, Nan Li, Yoshimi Sahara, Akihiro Shikama:
The numbers of edges of the order polytope and the chain polytope of a finite partially ordered set. 991-994 - Pierre Aboulker, Guillaume Lagarde, David Malec, Abhishek Methuku, Casey Tompkins:
De Bruijn-Erdős-type theorems for graphs and posets. 995-999 - Stéphane Bessy, Nicolas Bousquet:
Colorful paths for 3-chromatic graphs. 1000-1007 - Flavia Bonomo, María Pía Mazzoleni, Maya Stein:
Clique coloring B1-EPG graphs. 1008-1011