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Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Volume 89
Volume 89, Number 1, January 2021
- Sihem Mesnager, Sihong Su
, Hui Zhang:
A construction method of balanced rotation symmetric Boolean functions on arbitrary even number of variables with optimal algebraic immunity. 1-17 - Lilya Budaghyan, Marco Calderini
, Claude Carlet, Robert S. Coulter, Irene Villa
Generalized isotopic shift construction for APN functions. 19-32 - Marco Calderini
Differentially low uniform permutations from known 4-uniform functions. 33-52 - Paulo José Fernandes Almeida, Diego Napp Avelli
A new rank metric for convolutional codes. 53-73 - Wilfried Meidl, Isabel Pirsic
Bent and ${{\mathbb {Z}}}_{2^k}$-Bent functions from spread-like partitions. 75-89 - Xin Wang
Improved upper bounds for parent-identifying set systems and separable codes. 91-104 - Matthias Grezet
, Camilla Hollanti
The complete hierarchical locality of the punctured Simplex code. 105-125 - Pranab Chakraborty, Subhamoy Maitra:
Further clarification on Mantin's Digraph Repetition Bias in RC4. 127-141 - Michael Bamiloshin, Aner Ben-Efraim, Oriol Farràs
, Carles Padró:
Common information, matroid representation, and secret sharing for matroid ports. 143-166 - Alexey Oblaukhov
On metric regularity of Reed-Muller codes. 167-197
Volume 89, Number 2, February 2021
- Edoardo Ballico, Giuseppe Favacchio, Elena Guardo
, Lorenzo Milazzo:
Steiner systems and configurations of points. 199-219 - Sartaj Ul Hasan
, Mohit Pal
, Constanza Riera
, Pantelimon Stanica
On the c-differential uniformity of certain maps over finite fields. 221-239 - Xiaopeng Zhao, Zhenfu Cao
, Xiaolei Dong, Jun Shao:
Extended Galbraith's test on the anonymity of IBE schemes from higher residuosity. 241-253 - Jingkun Zhou, Zhiwen He
, Zhao Chai:
Two kinds of constructions of directed strongly regular graphs. 255-268 - Delio Jaramillo
, Maria Vaz Pinto
, Rafael H. Villarreal
Evaluation codes and their basic parameters. 269-300 - Cícero Carvalho
, Victor G. L. Neumann:
Towards the Complete Determination of Next-to-Minimal Weights of Projective Reed-Muller Codes. 301-315 - Chen-Dong Ye, Tian Tian
, Fan-Yang Zeng:
The MILP-aided conditional differential attack and its application to Trivium. 317-339 - Eiichi Bannai, Manabu Oura, Da Zhao
The complex conjugate invariants of Clifford groups. 341-350 - Julian Renner, Alessandro Neri
, Sven Puchinger:
Low-rank parity-check codes over Galois rings. 351-386 - Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure
Greedy weights for matroids. 387-405
Volume 89, Number 3, March 2021
- Chun Guo
, Guoyan Zhang:
Beyond-birthday security for permutation-based Feistel networks. 407-440 - Claude Carlet, Kwang Ho Kim, Sihem Mesnager
A direct proof of APN-ness of the Kasami functions. 441-446 - Heide Gluesing-Luerssen
, Hunter Lehmann
Distance Distributions of Cyclic Orbit Codes. 447-470 - Daniele Bartoli
, Matteo Bonini
, Marco Timpanella
On the weight distribution of some minimal codes. 471-487 - Stefano Innamorati, Fulvio Zuanni:
Classifying sets of class [1, q+1, 2q+1, q2+q+1]2 in PG(r, q), $r\ge 3$. 489-496 - Hiram H. López
, Beth Malmskog, Gretchen L. Matthews
, Fernando Piñero-González
, Mary Wootters:
Hermitian-lifted codes. 497-515 - James A. Davis
, J. J. Hoo, Connor Kissane, Ziming Liu, Calvin Reedy, Kartikey Sharma, Ken Smith, Yiwei Sun:
Abelian difference sets with the symmetric difference property. 517-523 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Adam Mammoliti, Ian M. Wanless
Maximal sets of mutually orthogonal frequency squares. 525-558 - Sascha Kurz
, Eitan Yaakobi:
PIR Codes with Short Block Length. 559-587 - Tran van Trung:
An extending theorem for s-resolvable t-designs. 589-597
Volume 89, Number 4, April 2021
- José Andrés Armario
, Iván Bailera, Ronan Egan
Generalized Hadamard full propelinear codes. 599-615 - Makoto Araya, Masaaki Harada, Ken Saito:
Characterization and classification of optimal LCD codes. 617-640 - Tania Sidana
, Anuradha Sharma
Roulette games and depths of words over finite commutative rings. 641-678 - Zhongxiao Wang, Qunxiong Zheng
, Xiao-Xin Zhao, Xiutao Feng:
Grain-like structures with minimal and maximal period sequences. 679-693 - Yuhua Sun, Tongjiang Yan, Qiuyan Wang:
The 2-adic complexity of Yu-Gong sequences with interleaved structure and optimal autocorrelation magnitude. 695-707 - Sebati Ghosh, Palash Sarkar
Variants of Wegman-Carter message authentication code supporting variable tag lengths. 709-736 - Kangquan Li, Chunlei Li, Tor Helleseth, Longjiang Qu:
Cryptographically strong permutations from the butterfly structure. 737-761
Volume 89, Number 5, May 2021
- Tsuyoshi Miezaki
Design-theoretic analogies between codes, lattices, and vertex operator algebras. 763-780 - Zhaoping Meng
, Bin Zhang, Zhanggui Wu:
Constructions of doubly resolvable Steiner quadruple systems. 781-795 - Hualu Liu, Peng Hu, Xiusheng Liu:
Asymmetric entanglement-assisted quantum codes: bound and constructions. 797-809 - Simeon Ball
Some constructions of quantum MDS codes. 811-821 - Lin Sok:
New families of self-dual codes. 823-841 - Tsuyoshi Miezaki
, Akihiro Munemasa, Hiroyuki Nakasora
A note on Assmus-Mattson type theorems. 843-858 - Bart Mennink, Samuel Neves
On the Resilience of Even-Mansour to Invariant Permutations. 859-893 - Dingding Jia
, Benoît Libert:
SO-CCA secure PKE from pairing based all-but-many lossy trapdoor functions. 895-923 - Veronika Kuchta
, Amin Sakzad, Ron Steinfeld, Joseph K. Liu:
Lattice-based zero-knowledge arguments for additive and multiplicative relations. 925-963 - Angela Aguglia, Luca Giuzzi
, Angelo Sonnino:
Near-MDS codes from elliptic curves. 965-972 - Wonhee Cho
, Jiseung Kim
, Changmin Lee
(In)security of concrete instantiation of Lin17's functional encryption scheme from noisy multilinear maps. 973-1016 - Nan Cui, Shengli Liu
, Dawu Gu, Jian Weng
Robustly reusable fuzzy extractor with imperfect randomness. 1017-1059 - Masoumeh Shafieinejad
, Navid Nasr Esfahani:
A scalable post-quantum hash-based group signature. 1061-1090 - Ankur
, Pramod Kumar Kewat:
Self-dual codes over ${\mathbb {F}}_2[u]/\langle u^4 \rangle $ and Jacobi forms over a totally real subfield of ${\mathbb {Q}}(\zeta _8)$. 1091-1109
Volume 89, Number 6, June 2021
- Hanwen Feng, Jianwei Liu, Dawei Li, Ya-Nan Li, Qianhong Wu:
Traceable ring signatures: general framework and post-quantum security. 1111-1145 - Huili Dong
Flag-transitive 4-designs and PSL(2, q) groups. 1147-1157 - Jun Guo
Cameron-Liebler sets in bilinear forms graphs. 1159-1180 - Haode Yan, Chengju Li:
Differential spectra of a class of power permutations with characteristic 5. 1181-1191 - Zhengbang Zha
, Lei Hu:
Some classes of power functions with low c-differential uniformity over finite fields. 1193-1210 - Daniel R. Hawtin
s-Elusive codes in Hamming graphs. 1211-1220 - Daniele Bartoli, Maria Montanucci
, Giovanni Zini
On certain self-orthogonal AG codes with applications to Quantum error-correcting codes. 1221-1239 - Himadri Shekhar Chakraborty
, Tsuyoshi Miezaki:
Average of complete joint weight enumerators and self-dual codes. 1241-1254 - Jianfu Chen, Shenglin Zhou
Flag-transitive, point-imprimitive 2-(v, k, λ ) symmetric designs with k and λ prime powers. 1255-1260 - Giovanni Falcone
, Marco Pavone
Binary Hamming codes and Boolean designs. 1261-1277 - Julian Renner
, Sven Puchinger, Antonia Wachter-Zeh:
LIGA: a cryptosystem based on the hardness of rank-metric list and interleaved decoding. 1279-1319 - Jonathan S. Turner, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Dursun A. Bulutoglu, Andrew J. Geyer:
A Legendre pair of length 77 using complementary binary matrices with fixed marginals. 1321-1333 - Olive Chakraborty
, Jean-Charles Faugère, Ludovic Perret:
Cryptanalysis of the extension field cancellation cryptosystem. 1335-1364 - Alexandr A. Polujan
, Alexander Pott:
Correction to: Cubic bent functions outside the completed Maiorana-McFarland class. 1365-1366
Volume 89, Number 7, July 2021
- Hiram H. López
, Ivan Soprunov
, Rafael H. Villarreal
The dual of an evaluation code. 1367-1403 - Tairong Shi
, Wenling Wu, Bin Hu, Jie Guan, Sengpeng Wang:
Breaking LWC candidates: sESTATE and Elephant in quantum setting. 1405-1432 - Mahdi Sajadieh
, Mohsen Mousavi
Construction of MDS matrices from generalized Feistel structures. 1433-1452 - Yumeng Yang, Xiangyong Zeng
, Shi Wang:
Construction of lightweight involutory MDS matrices. 1453-1483 - Fengrong Zhang
, Enes Pasalic, René Rodríguez
, Yongzhuang Wei:
Wide minimal binary linear codes from the general Maiorana-McFarland class. 1485-1507 - Kanat S. Abdukhalikov
Equivalence classes of Niho bent functions. 1509-1534 - Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu
, Yohei Watanabe:
Adaptively secure revocable hierarchical IBE from k-linear assumption. 1535-1574 - Yanwei Zhou
, Bo Yang, Zhe Xia, Mingwu Zhang, Yi Mu:
Novel generic construction of leakage-resilient PKE scheme with CCA security. 1575-1614 - Steven T. Dougherty, Joe Gildea
, Adrian Korban
, Abidin Kaya:
Composite matrices from group rings, composite G-codes and constructions of self-dual codes. 1615-1638 - Ruikai Chen, Sihem Mesnager, Chang-An Zhao
Good polynomials for optimal LRC of low locality. 1639-1660 - Tuvi Etzion
, Junling Zhou:
Large sets with multiplicity. 1661-1690 - Huaning Liu
, Xi Liu:
On the properties of generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period 2pm. 1691-1712 - Cunsheng Ding, Chunming Tang
, Vladimir D. Tonchev:
The projective general linear group ${\mathrm {PGL}}(2, 2^m)$ and linear codes of length 2m+1. 1713-1734 - Oriol Farràs
, Jordi Ribes-González
, Sara Ricci
Privacy-preserving data splitting: a combinatorial approach. 1735-1756
Volume 89, Number 8, August 2021
- Junqing Gong, Haifeng Qian:
Simple and efficient FE for quadratic functions. 1757-1786 - Varsha Chauhan, Anuradha Sharma
, Sandeep Sharma
, Monika Yadav
Hamming weight distributions of multi-twisted codes over finite fields. 1787-1837 - Shoko Chisaki
, Ryoh Fuji-Hara, Nobuko Miyamoto:
A construction for circulant type dropout designs. 1839-1852 - Giovanni Zini, Ferdinando Zullo
Scattered subspaces and related codes. 1853-1873 - Ling Song
, Yi Tu, Danping Shi
, Lei Hu:
Security analysis of Subterranean 2.0. 1875-1905 - Sebati Ghosh
, Palash Sarkar:
Breaking tweakable enciphering schemes using Simon's algorithm. 1907-1926 - Atsushi Takayasu
Tag-based ABE in prime-order groups via pair encoding. 1927-1963 - Atsushi Takayasu
Adaptively secure lattice-based revocable IBE in the QROM: compact parameters, tight security, and anonymity. 1965-1992 - Ziling Heng
, Dexiang Li, Jiao Du, Fuling Chen:
A family of projective two-weight linear codes. 1993-2007 - Xiaoqiang Wang, Dabin Zheng
, Yan Zhang:
Binary linear codes with few weights from Boolean functions. 2009-2030 - Ruikai Chen, Sihem Mesnager, Chang-An Zhao
Correction to: Good polynomials for optimal LRC of low locality. 2031
Volume 89, Number 9, September 2021
- Hadi Kharaghani, Thomas Pender, Sho Suda
Balancedly splittable orthogonal designs and equiangular tight frames. 2033-2050 - Hongwei Liu, Shengwei Liu:
Construction of MDS twisted Reed-Solomon codes and LCD MDS codes. 2051-2065 - Péter Ligeti, Péter Sziklai
, Marcella Takáts
Generalized threshold secret sharing and finite geometry. 2067-2078 - Fatemeh Ghasemi, Reza Kaboli, Shahram Khazaei
, Maghsoud Parviz, Mohammad-Mahdi Rafiei:
On ideal homomorphic secret sharing schemes and their decomposition. 2079-2096 - Nicolas Aragon, Marco Baldi, Jean-Christophe Deneuville
, Karan Khathuria
, Edoardo Persichetti
, Paolo Santini
Cryptanalysis of a code-based full-time signature. 2097-2112 - Sadegh Sadeghi, Vincent Rijmen
, Nasour Bagheri
Proposing an MILP-based method for the experimental verification of difference-based trails: application to SPECK, SIMECK. 2113-2155 - Edoardo Ballico
Locally Recoverable Codes correcting many erasures over small fields. 2157-2162 - Trygve Johnsen
, Hugues Verdure:
Möbius and coboundary polynomials for matroids. 2163-2177 - Xiaojing Chen
, Shixin Zhu, Wan Jiang, Gaojun Luo:
A new family of EAQMDS codes constructed from constacyclic codes. 2179-2193 - Daitao Huang, Qin Yue
, Yongfeng Niu, Xia Li:
MDS or NMDS self-dual codes from twisted generalized Reed-Solomon codes. 2195-2209
Volume 89, Number 10, October 2021
- Alexander A. Davydov
, Stefano Marcugini
, Fernanda Pambianco
Twisted cubic and point-line incidence matrix in $\mathrm {PG}(3, q)$. 2211-2233 - Gianira N. Alfarano
, Julia Lieb
, Joachim Rosenthal:
Construction of LDPC convolutional codes via difference triangle sets. 2235-2254 - Ritam Bhaumik
, Mridul Nandi
, Anik Raychaudhuri:
Improved indifferentiability security proof for 3-round tweakable Luby-Rackoff. 2255-2281 - Kanat S. Abdukhalikov
, Duy Ho
Extended cyclic codes, maximal arcs and ovoids. 2283-2294 - Masaaki Harada:
Construction of binary LCD codes, ternary LCD codes and quaternary Hermitian LCD codes. 2295-2312 - Ayça Çesmelioglu, Wilfried Meidl, Isabel Pirsic
Vectorial bent functions and partial difference sets. 2313-2330 - Clementa Alonso-González
, Miguel Ángel Navarro-Pérez
Cyclic orbit flag codes. 2331-2356 - Yu-Chi Chen
, Xin Xie, Hung-Yu Tsao, Raylin Tso:
Public key encryption with filtered equality test revisited. 2357-2372 - Charles J. Colbourn
Egalitarian Steiner triple systems for data popularity. 2373-2395 - Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu, Yohei Watanabe
Efficient identity-based encryption with Hierarchical key-insulation from HIBE. 2397-2431
Volume 89, Number 11, November 2021
- Michail I. Rozhkov
, Alexander V. Sorokin:
Some conditions for absence of affine functions in NFSR output stream. 2433-2443 - Stefka Bouyuklieva
Optimal binary LCD codes. 2445-2461 - Amar Bapic
, Enes Pasalic:
A new method for secondary constructions of vectorial bent functions. 2463-2475 - Qian Wang
, Chenhui Jin:
Bounding the length of impossible differentials for SPN block ciphers. 2477-2493 - Peng Hu, Xiusheng Liu:
Linear complementary pairs of codes over rings. 2495-2509 - Xiang Wang, Yuanjie Wang, Wenjuan Yin, Fang-Wei Fu:
Nonexistence of perfect permutation codes under the Kendall τ-metric. 2511-2531 - Xiaojing Chen, Shixin Zhu, Wan Jiang:
Cyclic codes and some new entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes. 2533-2551 - Matthew Fickus
, Joseph W. Iverson
, John Jasper, Emily J. King
Grassmannian codes from paired difference sets. 2553-2576 - Junichi Tomida
, Yuto Kawahara, Ryo Nishimaki:
Fast, compact, and expressive attribute-based encryption. 2577-2626 - Sartaj Ul Hasan
, Mohit Pal
, Pantelimon Stanica:
Boomerang uniformity of a class of power maps. 2627-2636 - Yanan Wu, Nian Li
, Xiangyong Zeng:
New PcN and APcN functions over finite fields.