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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 1, 2012
- Andrew Lazowski, Stephen M. Shea:
Finite Factors of Bernoulli Schemes and Distinguishing Labelings of Directed Graphs. 1 - Tsuyoshi Miezaki, Makoto Tagami:
On Euclidean Designs and Potential Energy. 2 - Arian Aflaki, Saieed Akbari, Keith J. Edwards, Deniz S. Eskandani, M. Jamaali, Hajar Ravanbod
On Harmonious Colouring of Trees. 3 - Matas Sileikis:
On the Upper Tail of Counts of Strictly Balanced Subgraphs. 4 - Giuliano Pezzolo Giacaglia, Lionel Levine, James Propp, Linda Zayas-Palmer:
Local-to-Global Principles for the Hitting Sequence of a Rotor Walk. 5 - Arturas Dubickas:
A Basis of Finite and Infinite Sets with Small Representation Function. 6 - Chunwei Song, Catherine Yan
Descents of Permutations in a Ferrers Board. 7 - Stephen Suen, Jennifer Tarr:
An Improved Inequality Related to Vizing's Conjecture. 8 - Carla D. Savage, Gopal Viswanathan:
The (1/k)-Eulerian Polynomials. 9 - Uwe Schauz:
Anti-Codes in Terms of Berlekamp's Switching Game. 10 - Eliana Zoque:
Partitions, Kostka Polynomials and Pairs of Trees. 11 - Taras O. Banakh, Oleksandr Petrenko, Igor Protasov, Sergiy Slobodianiuk:
Kaleidoscopical Configurations in G-Spaces. 12 - Andrew Frohmader:
Flag f-Vectors of Three-Colored Complexes. 13 - Jesús A. De Loera, Yvonne Kemper, Steven Klee:
h-Vectors of Small Matroid Complexes. 14 - Klaus Dohmen, Peter Tittmann:
Domination Reliability. 15 - Luis Serrano, Christian Stump:
Maximal Fillings of Moon Polyominoes, Simplicial Complexes, and Schubert Polynomials. 16 - Amin Coja-Oghlan, Mikael Onsjö, Osamu Watanabe:
Propagation Connectivity of Random Hypergraphs. 17 - Walter Klotz, Torsten Sander:
Pandiagonal Sudokus. 18 - Ping Zhao, Kefeng Diao, Kaishun Wang:
The Smallest One-Realization of a Given Set. 19 - Xueliang Li, Sujuan Liu, L. Sunil Chandran, Rogers Mathew
, Deepak Rajendraprasad
Rainbow Connection Number and Connectivity. 20 - Joel Brewster Lewis:
Generating Trees and Pattern Avoidance in Alternating Permutations. 21 - József Balogh, András Pluhár:
The Positive Minimum Degree Game on Sparse Graphs. 22 - Penny E. Haxell, Alex D. Scott:
On Ryser's conjecture. 23 - Jun Liu, Zongsheng Gao, Ke Xu:
A Note on Random k-SAT for Moderately Growing k. 24 - Michael Krivelevich:
On the Number of Hamilton Cycles in Pseudo-Random Graphs. 25 - Vivek Dhand:
Symmetric Chain Decomposition of Necklace Posets. 26 - Arun Sharma:
Sequences of Integers Avoiding 3-term Arithmetic Progressions. 27 - Eric Marberg:
Actions and Identities on Set Partitions. 28 - Joshua Sack, Henning Úlfarsson
Refined Inversion Statistics on Permutations. 29 - Rani Hod
, Marcin Krzywkowski:
A Construction for the Hat Problem on a Directed Graph. 30 - Svante Janson, Oliver Riordan:
Susceptibility in Inhomogeneous Random Graphs. 31 - Florent Foucaud, Guillem Perarnau:
Bounds for Identifying Codes in Terms of Degree Parameters. 32 - Sergey Bereg
, Mikio Kano:
Balanced Line for a 3-Colored Point Set in the Plane. 33 - Anthony B. Evans:
The Existence of Strong Complete Mappings. 34 - Mikhail H. Klin, István Kovács:
Automorphism Groups of Rational Circulant Graphs. 35 - Shishuo Fu, Victor Reiner
, Dennis Stanton, Nathaniel Thiem:
The Negative q-Binomial. 36 - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
Properties of θ-super positive graphs. 37 - Müge Taskin
Plactic relations for r-domino tableaux. 38 - Yi-Zheng Fan, Gui-Dong Yu, Yi Wang:
The Chromatic Number and the Least Eigenvalue of a Graph. 39 - Anton A. Klyachko, Ekaterina V. Menshova:
The Identities of Additive Binary Arithmetics. 40 - Seog-Jin Kim, Young Soo Kwon, Daphne Der-Fen Liu, Xuding Zhu:
On-Line List Colouring of Complete Multipartite Graphs. 41 - Joe Sawada, Aaron Williams:
Efficient Oracles for Generating Binary Bubble Languages. 42 - Hiu-Fai Law:
On the Number of F-Matchings in a Tree. 43 - Roger C. Alperin, Brian L. Peterson:
Integral Sets and Cayley Graphs of Finite Groups. 44 - Amanda Montejano
, Oriol Serra:
Rainbow-free 3-colorings of Abelian Groups. 45 - Andrzej Dudek, Alan M. Frieze, Andrzej Rucinski
Rainbow Hamilton Cycles in Uniform Hypergraphs. 46 - Felix Joos:
Random Subgraphs in Cartesian Powers of Regular Graphs. 47 - William J. Keith:
The 2-adic Valuation of Plane Partitions and Totally Symmetric Plane Partitions. 48 - Robert Cori, Claire Mathieu, John Michael Robson:
On the Number of Indecomposable Permutations with a Given Number of Cycles. 49 - Martin Trinks:
The Covered Components Polynomial: A New Representation of the Edge Elimination Polynomial. 50 - Thomas M. DuBois, Stephen G. Eubank, Aravind Srinivasan:
The Effect of Random Edge Removal on Network Degree Sequence. 51 - Péter L. Erdös, Dániel Gerbner, Nathan Lemons, Dhruv Mubayi, Cory Palmer
, Balázs Patkós:
Two-Part Set Systems. 52 - Jin-Xin Zhou
, Yan-Quan Feng:
Cubic Vertex-Transitive Non-Cayley Graphs of Order 8p. 53 - Jeehoon Kang
, Suh-Ryung Kim, Boram Park:
A Dice Rolling Game on a Set of Tori. 54 - Gaku Liu:
Minimum Clique Number, Chromatic Number, and Ramsey Numbers. 55 - Barry Dewitt, Megumi Harada:
Poset Pinball, Highest Forms, and (n-2, 2) Springer Varieties. 56 - Emma Yu Jin, Markus E. Nebel:
A Combinatorial Proof of the Recurrence for Rook Paths. 57 - Mikio Kano, Saieed Akbari, Maryam Ghanbari, Mohammad Javad Nikmehr:
The Chromatic Index of a Graph Whose Core has Maximum Degree 2. 58 - Edward Dobson:
The Full Automorphism Group of Cayley Graphs of ℤp×ℤp2. 59 - Pietro Mongelli:
Combinatorial Interpretations of Particular Evaluations of Complete and Elementary Symmetric Functions. 60 - Dan Hefetz, Mirjana Mikalacki, Milos Stojakovic:
Doubly Biased Maker-Breaker Connectivity Game. 61 - Miklós Bóna
Surprising Symmetries in Objects Counted by Catalan Numbers. 62 - Lina Jansson Andrén
Avoiding (m, m, m)-Arrays of Order n=2k. 63 - Eric Riedl:
Largest and Smallest Minimal Percolating Sets in Trees. 64 - Alexander M. Romanov:
Hamiltonicity of Minimum Distance Graphs of 1-Perfect Codes. 65 - Geoffrey Exoo:
On the Ramsey Number R(4, 6). 66 - Walter Carballosa
, Domingo Pestana, José M. Rodríguez, José María Sigarreta:
Distortion of the Hyperbolicity Constant of a Graph. 67 - Sho Suda:
On Q-Polynomial Association Schemes of Small Class. 68 - Ardeshir Dolati, Somayyeh Golalizadeh:
The Tight Upper Bound for the Number of Matchings of Tricyclic Graphs. 69
Volume 19, Number 2, 2012
- Susan Margulies, Illya V. Hicks
An Algebraic Exploration of Dominating Sets and Vizing's Conjecture. 1 - Aristidis Sapounakis, Panagiotis Tsikouras, Ioannis Tasoulas, Kostas Manes:
Strings of Length 3 in Grand-Dyck Paths and the Chung-Feller Property. 2 - Matteo Novaga, Pietro Majer:
Monotone Paths in Random Hypergraphs. 3 - Anne Schilling
, Peter Tingley:
Demazure Crystals, Kirillov-Reshetikhin Crystals, and the Energy Function. 4 - Sherry H. F. Yan, Yuexiao Xu:
Self-Dual Interval Orders and Row-Fishburn Matrices. 5 - Aimin Xu:
Extensions of Spivey's Bell Number Formula. 6 - Saieed Akbari, Narges Ghareghani, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Sanaz Zare:
A Note on Zero-Sum 5-Flows in Regular Graphs. 7 - Roberta Rui Zhou:
Multiranks for Partitions into Multi-Colors. 8 - Colleen Bouey, Christina Graves, Aaron Ostrander, Gregory Palma:
Non-Recursively Constructible Recursive Families of Graphs. 9 - Dariush Kiani, Mohsen Molla Haji Aghaei:
On the Unitary Cayley Graph of a Ring. 10 - Feng-Zhen Zhao:
On Log-concavity of a Class of Generalized Stirling Numbers. 11 - Daniel Kotlar
, Ran Ziv:
On the Length of a Partial Independent Transversal in a Matroidal Latin Square. 12 - Richard P. Stanley, Fabrizio Zanello:
On the Rank Function of a Differential Poset. 13 - Shinya Fujita:
Generalized Ramsey Numbers for Graphs with Three Disjoint Cycles Versus a Complete Graph. 14 - Janusz Dybizbanski:
Sequences Containing No 3-Term Arithmetic Progressions. 15 - Moussa Ahmia, Hacène Belbachir:
Preserving Log-Convexity for Generalized Pascal Triangles. 16 - Lishuang Lin:
Arithmetic Properties of Overpartition Pairs into Odd Parts. 17 - James Allen Fill, Svante Janson, Mark Daniel Ward:
Partitions with Distinct Multiplicities of Parts: On An "Unsolved Problem" Posed By Herbert Wilf. 18 - Carlos Seara, Antoni Lozano, Mercè Mora:
Distinguishing Trees in Linear Time. 19 - Andrzej Czygrinow, Vikram Kamat:
Tight Co-Degree Condition for Perfect Matchings in 4-Graphs. 20 - Endre Csóka
An Undecidability Result on Limits of Sparse Graphs. 21 - Rahil Baber, John M. Talbot:
New Turán Densities for 3-Graphs. 22 - Ioan Tomescu:
Some Results on Chromaticity of Quasi-Linear Paths and Cycles. 23 - István Kovács, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marusic, Steve Wilson:
Classification of Cubic Symmetric Tricirculants. 24 - Keith Edwards, Graham Farr:
Improved Upper Bounds for Planarization and Series-Parallelization of Degree-Bounded Graphs. 25 - Andrzej P. Kisielewicz, Krzysztof Przeslawski:
The Coin Exchange Problem and the Structure of Cube Tilings. 26 - Simon M. Smith, Thomas W. Tucker, Mark E. Watkins:
Distinguishability of Infinite Groups and Graphs. 27 - Chengmin Wang, Jie Yan:
The Existence of Near Generalized Balanced Tournament Designs. 28 - Imed Zaguia:
The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for N-Free Ordered Sets. 29 - András Gyárfás, Ghaffar Raeisi:
The Ramsey Number of Loose Triangles and Quadrangles in Hypergraphs. 30 - Adrian Dumitrescu, János Pach, Géza Tóth:
Drawing Hamiltonian Cycles with no Large Angles. 31 - Padmini Mukkamala, János Pach, Dömötör Pálvölgyi:
Lower Bounds on the Obstacle Number of Graphs. 32 - Anh Vinh Le:
Sum and Shifted-Product Subsets of Product-Sets over Finite Rings. 33 - Murali K. Srinivasan:
A Positive Combinatorial Formula for the Complexity of the q-Analog of the n-Cube. 34 - John R. Rabung, Mark Lotts:
Improving the Use of Cyclic Zippers in Finding Lower Bounds for van der Waerden Numbers. 35 - Natalie Aisbett:
Inequalities between Gamma-Polynomials of Graph-Associahedra. 36 - Antoine Genitrini, Bernhard Gittenberger, Veronika Kraus, Cécile Mailler:
Probabilities of Boolean Functions given by Random Implicational Formulas. 37 - Ville Junnila, Tero Laihonen:
Optimal Lower Bound for 2-Identifying Codes in the Hexagonal Grid. 38 - Will Grilliette:
Injective Envelopes and Projective Covers of Quivers. 39 - Louis Esperet, Sylvain Gravier, Mickaël Montassier, Pascal Ochem, Aline Parreau:
Locally Identifying Coloring of Graphs. 40 - Michal Przykucki:
Maximal Percolation Time in Hypercubes Under 2-Bootstrap Percolation. 41 - Peter Frankl, Tomasz Luczak
, Katarzyna Mieczkowska:
On Matchings in Hypergraphs. 42 - Joe Sawada, Roy Li:
Stamp Foldings, Semi-Meanders, and Open Meanders: Fast Generation Algorithms. 43 - Dariush Kiani, Sara Saeedi Madani:
Binomial Edge Ideals of Graphs. 44 - Ellen Veomett, Andrew John Radcliffe:
Vertex Isoperimetric Inequalities for a Family of Graphs on ℤk. 45 - Dwight Duffus, Jeremy McKibben-Sanders, Kyle Thayer:
Some Quotients of Chain Products are Symmetric Chain Orders. 46 - Octavio Arizmendi
Statistics of Blocks in k-Divisible Non-Crossing Partitions. 47 - Thang Van Pham, Anh Vinh Le:
Orthogonal Systems in Vector Spaces over Finite Rings. 48 - Yuexiao Xu, Sherry H. F. Yan:
Alternating Permutations with Restrictions and Standard Young Tableaux. 49 - Jean-Luc Fouquet, Henri Thuillier, Jean-Marie Vanherpe, Adam Pawel Wojda:
On (Kq, k) Stable Graphs with Small k. 50 - Andreas Distler, James D. Mitchell:
The Number of Nilpotent Semigroups of Degree 3. 51 - Jennifer Diemunsch, Michael Ferrara, Allan Lo, Casey Moffatt, Florian Pfender, Paul S. Wenger:
Rainbow Matchings of Size δ(G) in Properly Edge-Colored Graphs. 52 - Justin H. C. Chan, Jonathan Jedwab:
The n-Card Problem, Stochastic Matrices, and the Extreme Principle. 53 - Weiwen Gu:
The Decomposition Algorithm for Skew-Symmetrizable Exchange Matrices. 54 - Chris Berg, Nantel Bergeron, Steven Pon, Mike Zabrocki
Expansions of k-Schur Functions in the Affine nilCoxeter Algebra. 55
Volume 19, Number 3, 2012
- Stefan Kluge:
The Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon for Non-Crossing Forests. 1 - Jia Shen:
Ramsey Properties of Random Subgraphs of Pseudo-Random Graphs. 2 - Michal Kotrbcík, Martin Skoviera:
Matchings, Cycle Bases, and the Maximum Genus of a Graph. 3 - Victor J. W. Guo, Jiang Zeng:
On Zudilin's q-Question about Schmidt's Problem. 4 - C. Ryan Vinroot:
An Enumeration of Flags in Finite Vector Spaces. 5 - Daniel Pellicer, Gordon I. Williams
Minimal Covers of the Archimedean Tilings, Part 1. 6 - Roland Bacher:
Counting Packings of Generic Subsets in Finite Groups. 7 - Ji Li:
Combinatorial Logarithm and Point-Determining Cographs. 8 - Alexander M. Kasprzyk
, Benjamin Nill:
Reflexive Polytopes of Higher Index and the Number 12. 9 - Daniel Kotlar
Parity Types, Cycle Structures and Autotopisms of Latin Squares. 10 - Harold Ward:
Block Designs with SDP Parameters. 11 - Edwin R. van Dam
, Miguel Angel Fiol:
A Short Proof of the Odd-Girth Theorem. 12 - Aida Abiad, Willem H. Haemers:
Cospectral Graphs and Regular Orthogonal Matrices of Level 2. 13 - Wenzhong Liu, Yichao Chen:
Polyhedral Embeddings of Snarks with Arbitrary Nonorientable Genera. 14 - Yongwook Choi, Charles Knessl, Wojciech Szpankowski:
On a Recurrence Arising in Graph Compression. 15 - Yair Caro, Adriana Hansberg:
Degrees in Oriented Hypergraphs and Ramsey p-Chromatic Number. 16 - Danjun Huang, Weifan Wang:
Planar Graphs of Maximum Degree Six without 7-cycles are Class One. 17 - Koichi Betsumiya, Masaaki Harada, Akihiro Munemasa:
A Complete Classification of Doubly Even Self-dual Codes of Length 40. 18 - Polona Pavlic, Janez Zerovnik
Roman Domination Number of the Cartesian Products of Paths and Cycles. 19 - Michael H. Albert, Mike D. Atkinson, Robert Brignall:
The Enumeration of Three Pattern Classes using Monotone Grid Classes. 20 - Markus Fulmek
Viewing Determinants as Nonintersecting Lattice Paths yields Classical Determinantal Identities Bijectively. 21 - Michael Dairyko, Lara Pudwell, Samantha Tyner, Casey Wynn:
Non-Contiguous Pattern Avoidance in Binary Trees. 22 - Aline Duarte Bessa, Ivan C. Rocha-Neto, Suani Tavares Rubim de Pinho, Roberto Fernandes Silva Andrade
, Thierry Petit Lobão:
Graph Cospectrality using Neighborhood Matrices. 23 - Michael Z. Spivey:
Enumerating Lattice Paths Touching or Crossing the Diagonal at a Given Number of Lattice Points. 24 - Marilena Barnabei, Flavio Bonetti, Matteo Silimbani:
Two Permutation Classes related to the Bubble Sort Operator. 25 - Sen-Peng Eu
, Tung-Shan Fu, Yeh-Jong Pan, Chien-Tai Ting:
Baxter Permutations, Maj-balances, and Positive Braids. 26 - Shinya Fujita, Michitaka Furuya, András Gyárfás, Ágnes Tóth:
Partition of Graphs and Hypergraphs into Monochromatic Connected Parts. 27 - Federico Montecalvo:
Some Constructions of General Covering Designs. 28 - Michael John Grannell, Martin Knor:
Biembeddings of Metacyclic Groups and Triangulations of Orientable Surfaces by Complete Graphs. 29 - Wilfried Huss, Ecaterina Sava:
The Rotor-Router Group of Directed Covers of Graphs. 30 - Yushuang Fan, Weidong Gao, Guoqing Wang, Qinghai Zhong, Jujuan Zhuang:
On Short Zero-sum Subsequences of Zero-sum Sequences. 31 - Ron M. Adin
, Yuval Roichman:
Triangle-Free Triangulations, Hyperplane Arrangements and Shifted Tableaux. 32 - Lily L. Liu:
Polynomials with Real Zeros and Compatible Sequences. 33 - Svante Janson:
Generalized Galois Numbers, Inversions, Lattice Paths, Ferrers Diagrams and Limit Theorems. 34 - Shifeng Ding, Weijun Liu:
Existence of 2-(v, k, 1) Designs Admitting a Block-Transitive Group of Affine Type. 35 - Christophe Reutenauer:
On a Matrix Representation for Polynomially Recursive Sequences. 36 - James Alexander, Jonathan Cutler, Tim Mink:
Independent Sets in Graphs with Given Minimum Degree. 37 - Christopher Manon:
Dissimilarity Maps on Trees and the Representation Theory of GLn(ℂ). 38 - Seunghyun Seo:
Shi Threshold Arrangement. 39 - Victor Falgas-Ravry
, Emil R. Vaughan:
Turán H-Densities for 3-Graphs. 40 - William Y. C. Chen, Ae Ja Yee, Albert J. W. Zhu:
Euler's Partition Theorem with Upper Bounds on Multiplicities. 41 - Matthias Beck, Tristram Bogart, Tu Pham:
Enumeration of Golomb Rulers and Acyclic Orientations of Mixed Graphs. 42 - Cheyne Homberger:
Expected Patterns in Permutation Classes. 43 - Aleksandar Ilic, Sandi Klavzar, Yoomi Rho:
Parity Index of Binary Words and Powers of Prime Words. 44 - Jean-François Marckert:
Directed Animals, Quadratic Systems and Rewriting Systems. 45 - Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Guillaume Chapuy:
The Vertical Profile of Embedded Trees. 46 - Tomer Kotek, James Preen
, Frank Simon, Peter Tittmann, Martin Trinks:
Recurrence Relations and Splitting Formulas for the Domination Polynomial. 47
Volume 19, Number 4, 2012
- John P. Steinberger:
The Lowest-Degree Polynomial with Nonnegative Coefficients Divisible by the n-th Cyclotomic Polynomial. 1 - Rui Duarte:
Constructions of Bipartite and Bipartite-regular Hypermaps. 2 - Teresa X. S. Li, Melissa Y. F. Miao:
Invariant Principal Order Ideals under Foata's Transformation. 3 - Derek H. Smith
, Roberto Montemanni
Some Constant Weight Codes from Primitive Permutation Groups. 4 - Alan M. Frieze, Charalampos E. Tsourakakis
Rainbow Connection of Sparse Random Graphs. 5 - Stephen G. Hartke, Derrick Stolee:
Uniquely Kr-Saturated Graphs. 6 - Daniel Kotlar
On Extensions of the Alon-Tarsi Latin Square Conjecture. 7 - Sam Hopkins, David Perkinson:
Orientations, Semiorders, Arrangements, and Parking Functions. 8 - Joshua Erde
, Bruno Golénia, Sylvain Golénia:
The Closed Knight Tour Problem in Higher Dimensions. 9 - Garry S. Bowlin:
Maximum Frustration in Bipartite Signed Graphs. 10 - Irina A. Gorbunova:
Repetition Threshold for Circular Words. 11 - Carol T. Zamfirescu:
Hypohamiltonian Graphs and their Crossing Number. 12 - Xiaogang Liu
, Sanming Zhou:
Spectral Properties of Unitary Cayley Graphs of Finite Commutative Rings. 13 - Edward A. Bender, E. Rodney Canfield, Zhicheng Gao:
Locally Restricted Compositions IV. Nearly Free Large Parts and Gap-Freeness. 14 - Hjalmar Rosengren:
New Proofs of Determinant Evaluations Related to Plane Partitions. 15 - Felix Breuer:
Ehrhart f*-Coefficients of Polytopal Complexes are Non-negative Integers. 16 - Igor Dolinka, Éva Jungábel:
Finite Homomorphism-Homogeneous Permutations via Edge Colourings of Chains. 17 - Tamás Terpai:
Large 2-Coloured Matchings in 3-Coloured Complete Hypergraphs. 18 - Tom Denton:
Canonical Decompositions of Affine Permutations, Affine Codes, and Split k-Schur Functions. 19 - Peter Sin
On Codes that are Invariant under the Affine Group. 20 - Béla Bollobás, Oliver Riordan:
A Simple Branching Process Approach to the Phase Transition in Gn, p. 21 - Per Alexandersson:
Schur Polynomials, Banded Toeplitz Matrices and Widom's Formula. 22 - Mark Pankov:
A Note on Automorphisms of the Infinite-Dimensional Hypercube Graph. 23 - Stefaan De Winter
, Jeroen Schillewaert, Jacques Verstraëte:
Large Incidence-free Sets in Geometries. 24 - Walter Klotz, Torsten Sander:
Distance Powers and Distance Matrices of Integral Cayley Graphs over Abelian Groups. 25 - Andreas Gathmann, Franziska Schroeter:
Irreducible Cycles and Points in Special Position in Moduli Spaces for Tropical Curves. 26 - Kendra Killpatrick:
On the Parity of Certain Coefficients for a q-Analogue of the Catalan Numbers. 27 - Christopher Ross:
Properties of Random Difference Graphs. 28 - Daniel K. Du, Qing-Hu Hou:
Partially Ordinal Sums and P-partitions. 29 - Tamás Héger, Marcella Takáts:
Resolving Sets and Semi-Resolving Sets in Finite Projective Planes. 30 - Sasa Radomirovic
A Construction of Short Sequences Containing All Permutations of a Set as Subsequences. 31 - Michael A. Henning, Anders Yeo:
Identifying Vertex Covers in Graphs. 32 - Vincent E. Coll, Colton Magnant, Kathleen Ryan:
Structure of Colored Complete Graphs Free of Proper Cycles. 33 - Daniel Birmajer
, Juan B. Gil, Michael D. Weiner:
Some Convolution Identities and an Inverse Relation Involving Partial Bell Polynomials. 34 - Muhuo Liu:
The (Signless Laplacian) Spectral Radii of Connected Graphs with Prescribed Degree Sequences. 35 - Gunnar Brinkmann, Jan Goedgebeur, Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta:
Ramsey Numbers R(K3, G) for Graphs of Order 10. 36 - Annika Heckel, Oliver Riordan:
The Hitting Time of Rainbow Connection Number Two. 37 - Xianglin Wei:
A Proof of Erdős-Fishburn's Conjecture for g(6)=13. 38 - Jason Bandlow, Jennifer Morse:
Combinatorial Expansions in K-Theoretic Bases. 39 - Michael Brand:
Münchhausen Matrices. 40 - Michael Snook:
Counting Bases of Representable Matroids. 41 - Vladimir Grujic
, Tanja Stojadinovic
Hopf Algebra of Building Sets. 42 - Craig Timmons:
An Ordered Turán Problem for Bipartite Graphs. 43 - Andrzej Dudek, Alan M. Frieze, Po-Shen Loh
, Shelley Speiss:
Optimal Divisibility Conditions for Loose Hamilton Cycles in Random Hypergraphs. 44 - Andrew Gainer-Dewar:
Γ-Species and the Enumeration of k-Trees. 45 - Zubeyir Cinkir:
The Tau Constant and the Edge Connectivity of a Metrized Graph. 46 - Luis Boza, Janusz Dybizbanski, Tomasz Dzido:
Three Color Ramsey Numbers for Graphs with at most 4 Vertices. 47 - Shuchao Li, Shujing Wang:
Further Analysis on the Total Number of Subtrees of Trees. 48 - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
On Cross-Intersecting Families of Set Partitions. 49 - Alice M. Dean, Joan P. Hutchinson:
List-Coloring Graphs on Surfaces with Varying List-Sizes. 50 - Olivier Bernardi:
On the Spanning Trees of the Hypercube and other Products of Graphs. 51 - Zachary Gates, Brian Goldman, C. Ryan Vinroot:
On the Number of Partition Weights with Kostka Multiplicity One. 52 - Colin McDiarmid:
Connectivity for Random Graphs from a Weighted Bridge-Addable Class. 53 - Andrew Vince
, Miklós Bóna
The Number of Ways to Assemble a Graph. 54 - Daniel Panario
, Murat Sahin, Qiang Wang:
Generalized Alcuin's Sequence. 55 - Min Feng, Min Xu, Kaishun Wang:
Identifying Codes of Lexicographic Product of Graphs. 56

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