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IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 49
Volume 49, Number 1, January 2011
- Kelly T. Morrison:
Rapidly recovering from the catastrophic loss of a major telecommunications office. 28-35 - J. Chris Oberg, Andrew G. Whitt, Robert M. Mills:
Disasters will happen - are you ready? 36-42 - Yang Ran:
Considerations and suggestions on improvement of communication network disaster countermeasures after the wenchuan earthquake. 44-47 - Richard E. Krock:
Lack of emergency recovery planning is a disaster waiting to happen. 48-51 - Kenichi Mase:
How to deliver your message from/to a disaster area. 52-57 - Philipp Gutheim:
An ontology-based context inference service for mobile applications in next-generation networks. 60-66 - François Toutain, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Radim Zemek, Claude Daloz:
Interpersonal context-aware communication services. 68-74 - Yuchul Jung
, Yoo-mi Park, Hyunjoo Bae, Byung Sun Lee, Jinsul Kim:
Employing collective intelligence for user driven service creation. 76-83 - Athanasios Christakidis, Nikolaos Efthymiopoulos, Jens Fiedler, Shane Dempsey, Konstantinos Koutsopoulos, Spyros G. Denazis
, Spyros L. Tombros, Stephen Garvey, Odysseas G. Koufopavlou:
VITAL++, a new communication paradigm: embedding P2P technology in next generation networks. 84-91 - Janez Sterle, Mojca Volk, Urban Sedlar, Janez Bester, Andrej Kos:
Application-based NGN QoE controller. 92-101 - Mari Carmen Domingo
A context-aware service architecture for the integration of body sensor networks and social networks through the IP multimedia subsystem. 102-108 - Maurice D. Mulvenna
, William Carswell, Paul J. McCullagh
, Juan Carlos Augusto, Huiru Zheng
, Paul Jeffers, Haiying Wang
, Suzanne Martin
Visualization of data for ambient assisted living services. 110-117 - Marc Cheboldaeff:
Service charging challenges in converged networks. 118-123 - Adel A. M. Saleh, Jane M. Simmons:
Technology and architecture to enable the explosive growth of the internet. 126-132 - Ahmad R. Dhaini
, Pin-Han Ho:
MC-FiWiBAN: an emergency-aware mission-critical fiber-wireless broadband access network. 134-142
Volume 49, Number 2, February 2011
- Mahmoud Daneshmand, Chonggang Wang, Wei Wei:
Advances in passive optical networks [Guest Editorial]. - Dirk Breuer, Frank Geilhardt, Ralf Hülsermann, Mario Kind, Christoph Lange, Thomas Monath, Erik Weis:
Opportunities for next-generation optical access. - Klaus Grobe, Markus Roppelt, Achim Autenrieth, Jörg-Peter Elbers, Michael H. Eiselt:
Cost and energy consumption analysis of advanced WDM-PONs. - Jingjing Zhang, Nirwan Ansari
Toward energy-efficient 1G-EPON and 10G-EPON with sleep-aware MAC control and scheduling. - Hamzeh Beyranvand, Jawad A. Salehi:
Multirate and multi-quality-of-service passive optical network based on hybrid WDM/OCDM system. - Mohammad M. Rad, Kerim Fouli, Habib Fathallah
, Leslie A. Rusch
, Martin Maier:
Passive optical network monitoring: challenges and requirements. - Werner Mohr, José F. Monserrat
, Afif Osseiran, Marc Werner:
IMT-Advanced and next-generation mobile networks [Guest Editorial]. 82-83 - Stefan Parkvall, Anders Furuskar, Erik Dahlman:
Evolution of LTE toward IMT-advanced. 84-91 - Krystian Safjan, Valeria D'Amico, Daniel Bültmann, David Martín-Sacristán
, Ahmed Saadani, Hendrik Schöneich:
Assessing 3GPP LTE-advanced as IMT-advanced technology: the WINNER+ evaluation group approach. 92-100 - Ralf Irmer, Heinz Droste, Patrick Marsch, Michael Grieger, Gerhard P. Fettweis, Stefan Brueck, Hans-Peter Mayer, Lars Thiele, Volker Jungnickel:
Coordinated multipoint: Concepts, performance, and field trial results. 102-111 - Chester Sungchung Park, Y.-P. Eric Wang, George Jöngren, David Hammarwall:
Evolution of uplink MIMO for LTE-advanced. 112-121 - Sheng Liu, Jianjun Wu, Chung Ha Koh, Vincent K. N. Lau
A 25 Gb/s(/km2) urban wireless network beyond IMT-advanced. 122-129 - Jean-Loup Ferrant, Stefano Ruffini:
Evolution of the standards for packet network synchronization. 132-138 - Geoffrey M. Garner, Hyunsurk Ryu:
Synchronization of audio/video bridging networks using IEEE 802.1AS. 140-147 - Lee Cosart:
NGN packet network synchronization measurement and analysis. 148-154 - Kishan Shenoi:
Performance aspects of timing in next-generation networks. 156-162 - Michel Ouellette, Kuiwen Ji, Song Liu, Han Li:
Using IEEE 1588 and boundary clocks for clock synchronization in telecom networks. 164-171
Volume 49, Number 3, March 2011
- Ryan W. Thomas, Brett J. Borghetti, Ramakant S. Komali, Petri Mähönen:
Understanding conditions that lead to emulation attacks in dynamic spectrum access. 32-37 - Tugba Erpek, Mark A. McHenry, Andrew Stirling:
Dynamic spectrum access operational parameters with wireless microphones. 38-45 - Carlos E. Caicedo
, Martin B. H. Weiss:
The viability of spectrum trading markets. 46-52 - Rahul Tandra, Anant Sahai, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Unified space-time metrics to evaluate spectrum sensing. 54-61 - Michael Fitch, Maziar M. Nekovee
, Santosh Kawade, Keith Briggs, Richard MacKenzie:
Wireless service provision in TV white space with cognitive radio technology: A telecom operator's perspective and experience. 64-73 - Jianfeng Wang, Monisha Ghosh, Kiran S. Challapali:
Emerging cognitive radio applications: A survey. 74-81 - Stanislav A. Filin, Hiroshi Harada
, Homare Murakami, Kentaro Ishizu:
International standardization of cognitive radio systems. 82-89 - Przemyslaw Pawelczak, Keith E. Nolan, Linda Doyle
, Ser Wah Oh, Danijela Cabric
Cognitive radio: Ten years of experimentation and development. 90-100 - Shamik Sengupta, Kai Hong, Rajarathnam Chandramouli
, Koduvayur P. Subbalakshmi:
SpiderRadio: A cognitive radio network with commodity hardware and open source software. 101-109 - Wei Koong Chai, Ning Wang, Ioannis Psaras, George Pavlou, Chaojiong Wang, Gerardo García-de-Blas, Francisco Javier Ramón-Salguero, Lei Liang, Spiros Spirou, Andrzej Beben
, Eleftheria Hadjioannou:
Curling: Content-ubiquitous resolution and delivery infrastructure for next-generation services. 112-120 - Jaeyoung Choi, Jinyoung Han, Eunsang Cho
, Ted Taekyoung Kwon, Yanghee Choi:
A Survey on content-oriented networking for efficient content delivery. 121-127 - Naeem Ramzan
, Emanuele Quacchio, Toni Zgaljic, Stefano Asioli, Luca Celetto, Ebroul Izquierdo, Fabrizio S. Rovati:
Peer-to-peer streaming of scalable video in future Internet applications. 128-135 - Bertrand Mathieu, Selim Ellouze, Nico Schwan, David Griffin, Eleni Mykoniati, Toufik Ahmed
, Oriol R. Prats:
Improving end-to-end QoE via close cooperation between applications and ISPs. 136-143 - María Alduán, Faustino Sánchez, Federico Alvarez, David Jiménez
, José Manuel Menéndez
, Carolina Cebrecos:
System architecture for enriched semantic personalized media search and retrieval in the future media internet. 144-151 - Theodoros Semertzidis
, Petros Daras
, Paul Moore, Lambros Makris, Michael G. Strintzis:
Automatic creation of 3D environments from a single sketch using content-centric networks. 152-157 - Vangelis Angelakis, Stefanos Papadakis, Vasilios A. Siris
, Apostolos Traganitis:
Adjacent channel interference in 802.11a is harmful: Testbed validation of a simple quantification model. 160-166 - Sebastian Wahle, Christos Tranoris
, Spyros G. Denazis
, Anastasius Gavras
, Konstantinos Koutsopoulos, Thomas Magedanz, Spyros L. Tombros:
Emerging testing trends and the Panlab enabling infrastructure. 167-175
Volume 49, Number 4, April 2011
- Frederick T. Andrews:
Early T-carrier history. 12-17 - Rongxing Lu, Xu Li, Xiaohui Liang, Xuemin Shen
, Xiaodong Lin:
GRS: The green, reliability, and security of emerging machine to machine communications. 28-35 - Geng Wu, Shilpa Talwar, Kerstin Johnsson, Nageen Himayat, Nageen D. Johnson:
M2M: From mobile to embedded internet. 36-43 - Yan Zhang, Rong Yu, Shengli Xie, Wenqing Yao, Yang Xiao
, Mohsen Guizani:
Home M2M networks: Architectures, standards, and QoS improvement. 44-52 - Dusit Niyato
, Xiao Lu, Ping Wang:
Machine-to-machine communications for home energy management system in smart grid. 53-59 - Zubair Md. Fadlullah
, Mostafa Fouda
, Nei Kato, Akira Takeuchi, Noboru Iwasaki, Yousuke Nozaki:
Toward intelligent machine-to-machine communications in smart grid. 60-65 - Shao-Yu Lien, Kwang-Cheng Chen
, Yonghua Lin:
Toward ubiquitous massive accesses in 3GPP machine-to-machine communications. 66-74 - Rolf Winter:
The coming of age of MPLS. 78-81 - Thomas Dreibholz
, Erwin P. Rathgeb, Irene Rüngeler, Robin Seggelmann, Michael Tüxen, Randall R. Stewart:
Stream control transmission protocol: Past, current, and future standardization activities. 82-88 - Brian Trammell, Elisa Boschi:
An introduction to IP flow information export (IPFIX). 89-95 - JeongGil Ko, Andreas Terzis, Stephen Dawson-Haggerty, David E. Culler, Jonathan W. Hui, Philip Alexander Levis:
Connecting low-power and lossy networks to the internet. 96-101 - Richard L. Barnes, James Winterbottom, Martin Dawson:
Internet geolocation and location-based services. 102-108 - Steven Swanson
, Michael Bedford Taylor:
Greendroid: Exploring the next evolution in smartphone application processors. 112-119 - Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Scott K. Reynolds, Arun Natarajan, Dong Gun Kam, Duixian Liu, Jie-Wei Lai, Yen-Lin Oscar Huang, Ping-Yu Chen, Ming-Da Tsai, Jing-Hong Conan Zhan, Sean Nicolson, Brian A. Floyd
Single-element and phased-array transceiver chipsets for 60-ghz Gb/s communications. 120-131 - Yun Chiu
Equalization techniques for nonlinear analog circuits. 132-139 - David W. Matolak, Jeff Frolik:
Worse-than-Rayleigh fading: Experimental results and theoretical models. 140-146 - Rafal Stankiewicz
, Piotr Cholda
, Andrzej Jajszczyk
QoX: What is it really? 148-158 - Mischa Dohler, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Angel E. Lozano
, Constantinos B. Papadias
, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela:
Is the PHY layer dead? 159-165 - Kevin J. Ma, Radim Bartos
, Swapnil Bhatia
, Raj Nair:
Mobile video delivery with HTTP. 166-175
Volume 49, Number 5, May 2011
- John M. Cioffi:
Lighting up copper [History of Communications]. 30-43 - Moe Z. Win
, Andrea Conti
, Santiago Mazuelas, Yuan Shen
, Wesley M. Gifford, Davide Dardari
, Marco Chiani
Network localization and navigation via cooperation. 56-62 - Zhengguo Sheng, Kin K. Leung, Zhiguo Ding:
Cooperative wireless networks: from radio to network protocol designs. 64-69 - Sean A. Ramprashad, Haralabos C. Papadopoulos, Anass Benjebbour, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Nihar Jindal, Giuseppe Caire:
Cooperative cellular networks using multi-user MIMO: trade-offs, overheads, and interference control across architectures. 70-77 - Shichuan Ma, Yaoqing Yang, Hamid Sharif:
Distributed MIMO technologies in cooperative wireless networks. 78-82 - Yi Yu, Rose Qingyang Hu, Chandra S. Bontu, Zhijun Cai:
Mobile association and load balancing in a cooperative relay cellular network. 83-89 - Yan Wang, Yaohui Jin, Wei Guo, Weiqiang Sun, Weisheng Hu
Virtualized optical network services across multiple domains for grid applications. 92-101 - June-Koo Kevin Rhee, Chan-Kyun Lee, Jihwan Kim, Yong-Hyub Won, JinSeek Choi
, JungYul Choi:
Power and cost reduction by hybrid optical packet switching with shared memory buffering. 102-110 - Inder Monga
, Chin Guok, William E. Johnston, Brian Tierney:
Hybrid networks: lessons learned and future challenges based on ESnet4 experience. 114-121 - Tom Lehman, Xi Yang, Nasir Ghani, Feng Gu, Chin Guok, Inder Monga
, Brian Tierney:
Multilayer networks: an architecture framework. 122-130 - Neal Charbonneau, Vinod Vokkarane
, Chin Guok, Inder Monga
Advance reservation frameworks in hybrid IP-WDM networks. 132-139 - Eleni Palkopoulou, Dominic A. Schupke, Thomas Bauschert:
Shared backup router resources: realizing virtualized network resilience. 140-146 - Raul Cafini, Walter Cerroni
, Carla Raffaelli
, Michele Savi:
Standard-based approach to programmable hybrid networks. 148-155 - Falko Dressler
, Frank Kargl, Jörg Ott, Ozan K. Tonguz, Lars Wischhof
Research challenges in intervehicular communication: lessons of the 2010 Dagstuhl Seminar. 158-164 - Shiao-Li Tsao, Chien-Ming Cheng:
Design and evaluation of a two-tier peer-to-peer traffic information system. 165-172 - Christoph Sommer
, Ozan K. Tonguz, Falko Dressler
Traffic information systems: efficient message dissemination via adaptive beaconing. 173-179 - Zhenkai Zhu, Lixia Zhang, Ryuji Wakikawa:
Supporting mobility for internet cars. 180-186 - Sandra Céspedes Umaña
, Xuemin Shen
, Christian Lazo Ramírez:
IP mobility management for vehicular communication networks: challenges and solutions. 187-194 - Andrea Goldsmith, Michelle Effros, Ralf Koetter, Muriel Médard, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Lizhong Zheng:
Beyond Shannon: the quest for fundamental performance limits of wireless ad hoc networks. 195-205 - Pantelis A. Frangoudis, George C. Polyzos
, Vasileios P. Kemerlis
Wireless community networks: an alternative approach for nomadic broadband network access. 206-213 - Lei Zhu, Tak-Shing Peter Yum:
A critical survey and analysis of RFID anti-collision mechanisms. 214-221 - György Dán, Tobias Hoßfeld
, Simon Oechsner, Piotr Cholda
, Rafal Stankiewicz
, Ioanna Papafili, George D. Stamoulis:
Interaction patterns between P2P content distribution systems and ISPs. 222-230 - Stéphane Ouellette, Laurent Marchand, Samuel Pierre:
A potential evolution of the policy and charging control/QoS architecture for the 3GPP IETF-based evolved packet core. 231-239
Volume 49, Number 6, June 2011
- Yan Chen, Shunqing Zhang, Shugong Xu
, Geoffrey Ye Li:
Fundamental trade-offs on green wireless networks. 30-37 - Hanna Bogucka
, Andrea Conti
Degrees of freedom for energy savings in practical adaptive wireless systems. 38-45 - Congzheng Han, Tim Harrould, Simon Armour, Ioannis Krikidis
, Stefan Videv, Peter M. Grant, Harald Haas
, John S. Thompson, Ivan Ku
, Cheng-Xiang Wang
, Tuan Anh Le, Mohammad Reza Nakhai, Jiayi Zhang
, Lajos Hanzo
Green radio: radio techniques to enable energy-efficient wireless networks. 46-54 - Eunsung Oh
, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Xin Liu, Zhisheng Niu:
Toward dynamic energy-efficient operation of cellular network infrastructure. 56-61 - Willem Vereecken, Ward Van Heddeghem, Margot Deruyck, Bart Puype, Bart Lannoo, Wout Joseph, Didier Colle, Luc Martens, Piet Demeester:
Power consumption in telecommunication networks: overview and reduction strategies. 62-69 - Jayant Baliga, Robert Ayre, Kerry Hinton, Rodney S. Tucker:
Energy consumption in wired and wireless access networks. 70-77 - Suresh Singh, Candy Yiu:
Putting the cart before the horse: merging traffic for energy conservation. 78-82 - Chengchen Hu, Chunming Wu, Wei Xiong, Binqiang Wang, Jiangxing Wu, Ming Jiang:
On the design of green reconfigurable router toward energy efficient internet. 83-87 - Klaus I. Pedersen, Frank Frederiksen, Claudio Rosa
, Hung Tuan Nguyen, Luis Guilherme Uzeda Garcia, Yuanye Wang:
Carrier aggregation for LTE-advanced: functionality and performance aspects. 89-95 - Dingqing Lu, Zhengrong Zhou:
Integrated solutions for testing wireless communication systems. 96-100 - Zhouyue Pi, Farooq Khan:
An introduction to millimeter-wave mobile broadband systems. 101-107 - Hanna Bogucka
, Alexander M. Wyglinski
, Srikanth Pagadarai, Adrian Kliks
Spectrally agile multicarrier waveforms for opportunistic wireless access. 108-115 - Hosub Lee
, Young Sang Choi, Yeo-Jin Kim:
An adaptive user interface based on spatiotemporal structure learning. 118-124 - Péter Vingelmann, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Morten Videbæk Pedersen, Janus Heide, Hassan Charaf
Synchronized multimedia streaming on the iphone platform with network coding. 126-132 - Archi Delphinanto, Ton Koonen
, Frank T. H. den Hartog:
Real-time probing of available bandwidth in home networks. 134-140 - Imre Kelényi, Akos Ludanyi, Jukka K. Nurminen:
Using home routers as proxies for energy-efficient bittorrent downloads to mobile phones. 142-147 - Greg T. Elliott, David Carr, Henry Holtzman:
TakeoverTV: facilitating the social negotiation of television content in public spaces. 148-153 - Robert Birke, Emilio Leonardi
, Marco Mellia
, Arpad Bakay, Tivadar Szemethy, Csaba Király
, Renato Lo Cigno
, Fabien Mathieu, Luca Muscariello, Saverio Niccolini, Jan Seedorf, Giuseppe Tropea:
Architecture of a network-aware P2P-TV application: the NAPA-WINE approach. 154-163 - Humair Raza:
A brief survey of radio access network backhaul evolution: part I. 164-171 - Oriol Sallent, Jordi Pérez-Romero
, Juan Sanchez-Gonzalez, Ramón Agustí
, Miguel Ángel Díaz-Guerra, David Henche, Daniel Paul:
A roadmap from UMTS optimization to LTE self-optimization. 172-182 - Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Choong Seon Hong
, Sungwon Lee, Jae-Jo Lee, Md. Abdur Razzaque, Jin Hyuk Kim:
Medium access control for power line communications: an overview of the IEEE 1901 and ITU-T G.hn standards. 183-191
Volume 49, Number 7, July 2011
- Jianli Pan, Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain
A survey of the research on future internet architectures. 26-36 - John Chuang
Loci of competition for future internet architectures. 38-43 - Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Kenji Leibnitz, Pietro Liò
, Dmitri Botvich, Masayuki Murata
Biological principles for future internet architecture design. 44-52 - Peter Szegedi, Jordi Ferrer Riera, Joan A. Garcia-Espin, Markus Hidell, Peter Sjödin, Pehr Söderman
, Marco Ruffini, Donal O'Mahony
, Andrea Bianco
, Luca Giraudo, Miguel Ponce de Leon
, Gemma Power, Cristina Cervello-Pastor
, Víctor López, Susanne Naegele-Jackson:
Enabling future internet research: the FEDERICA case. 54-61 - Bengt Ahlgren, Pedro A. Aranda-Gutiérrez
, Prosper Chemouil
, Sara Oueslati, Luís M. Correia, Holger Karl, Michael Söllner, Annikki Welin:
Content, connectivity, and cloud: ingredients for the network of the future. 62-70 - Gaogang Xie, Peng He, Hongtao Guan, Zhenyu Li, Yingke Xie, Layong Luo, Jianhua Zhang, Yonggong Wang, Kavé Salamatian
PEARL: a programmable virtual router platform. 71-77 - Alberto Gonzalez Prieto, Daniel Gillblad
, Rebecca Steinert, Avi Miron:
Toward decentralized probabilistic management. 80-86