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Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, January 2007
- Lina El Khansa, Amine Naït-Ali:
Parametrical modelling of a premature ventricular contraction ECG beat: Comparison with the normal case. 1-7 - Dimitrios G. Tsalikakis, Henngui G. Zhang, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, George P. Kremmydas, Lampros K. Michalis:
Phase response characteristics of sinoatrial node cells. 8-20 - Emre Çomak, Ahmet Arslan, Ibrahim Türkoglu:
A decision support system based on support vector machines for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases. 21-27 - Murat Ceylan, Rahime Ceylan, Fatma Dirgenali, Sadik Kara, Yüksel Özbay:
Classification of carotid artery Doppler signals in the early phase of atherosclerosis using complex-valued artificial neural network. 28-36 - Guillaume Kom, Alain Tiedeu, Martin Kom:
Automated detection of masses in mammograms by local adaptive thresholding. 37-48 - Min Soon Kim, Gregory P. Reece, Elisabeth K. Beahm, Michael J. Miller, E. Neely Atkinson, Mia K. Markey:
Objective assessment of aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: Measuring ptosis from clinical photographs. 49-59 - Paris A. Mastorocostas, John B. Theocharis:
A dynamic fuzzy neural filter for separation of discontinuous adventitious sounds from vesicular sounds. 60-69 - Ningning Guo, Libo Zeng, Qiongshui Wu:
A method based on multispectral imaging technique for White Blood Cell segmentation. 70-76 - Sadik Kara, Aysegül Güven:
Training a learning vector quantization network using the pattern electroretinography signals. 77-82 - Giuseppe Boccignone, Paolo Napoletano, Vittorio Caggiano, Mario Ferraro:
A multiresolution diffused expectation-maximization algorithm for medical image segmentation. 83-96 - Filip De Turck, Johan Decruyenaere, Pieter Thysebaert, Sofie Van Hoecke, Bruno Volckaert, Chris Danneels, Kirsten Colpaert, Georges De Moor:
Design of a flexible platform for execution of medical decision support agents in the intensive care unit. 97-112
Volume 37, Number 2, February 2007
- João Carlos Setubal, Sergio Verjovski-Almeida:
Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics. 113-114
- Ana Carolina Lorena, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho:
Protein cellular localization prediction with Support Vector Machines and Decision Trees. 115-125 - R. Nigam, S. Liang:
Algorithm for perturbing thermodynamically infeasible metabolic networks. 126-133 - Marcelo Cezar Pinto, Luciana Foss, José Carlos Merino Mombach, Leila Ribeiro:
Modelling, property verification and behavioural equivalence of lactose operon regulation. 134-148 - Cláudia Lemelle Fernandes, Ardala Breda, Diógenes Santiago Santos, Luiz Augusto Basso, Osmar Norberto de Souza:
A structural model for chorismate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with coenzyme and substrate. 149-158 - Francisco Prosdocimi, Maurício de Alvarenga Mudado, José Miguel Ortega:
A set of amino acids found to occur more frequently in human and fly than in plant and yeast proteomes consists of non-essential amino acids. 159-165
- Rajeev Agrawal, Karmeshu:
Ultrasonic backscattering in tissue: characterization through Nakagami-generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. 166-172 - Gülay Tohumoglu, K. Erbil Sezgin:
ECG signal compression by multi-iteration EZW coding for different wavelets and thresholds. 173-182 - Abdulhamit Subasi:
Selection of optimal AR spectral estimation method for EEG signals using Cramer-Rao bound. 183-194 - G. Witten, G. Poulter:
Simulations of infectious diseases on networks. 195-205 - Jiun-Tze Lai, Ting-Wei Hou, Chiun-Lin Yeh, Chien-Min Chao:
Using Healthcare IC Cards to manage the drug doses of chronic disease patients. 206-213 - Celia Varela, Pablo G. Tahoces, Arturo J. Méndez, Miguel Souto, Juan J. Vidal:
Computerized detection of breast masses in digitized mammograms. 214-226 - Abdulhamit Subasi:
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for epileptic seizure detection using wavelet feature extraction. 227-244 - Marcin Binkowski, Andrzej Jan Dyszkiewicz, Zygmunt Wróbel:
The analysis of densitometry image of bone tissue based on computer simulation of X-ray radiation propagation through plate model. 245-250 - Shital C. Shah, Andrew Kusiak:
Cancer gene search with data-mining and genetic algorithms. 251-261 - Mohammed Al-Rawi, Munib Qutaishat, Mohammed Arrar:
An improved matched filter for blood vessel detection of digital retinal images. 262-267
Volume 37, Number 3, March 2007
- S. M. Debbal, Fethi Bereksi-Reguig:
Automatic measure of the split in the second cardiac sound by using the wavelet transform technique. 269-276 - Leonardo Ciocca, Ilaria Gallina, Eugenio Navacchia, Paolo Baldissara, Roberto Scotti:
A new method for quantitative analysis of dentinal tubules. 277-286 - Yüksel Özbay, Murat Ceylan:
Effects of window types on classification of carotid artery Doppler signals in the early phase of atherosclerosis using complex-valued artificial neural network. 287-295 - George Hripcsak, Charles Knirsch, Li Zhou, Adam B. Wilcox, Genevieve B. Melton:
Using discordance to improve classification in narrative clinical databases: An application to community-acquired pneumonia. 296-304 - Ciara O'Brien, Conor Heneghan:
A comparison of algorithms for estimation of a respiratory signal from the surface electrocardiogram. 305-314 - Yuan-Zhi Song, Jian-Feng Zhou, Yang Song, Jiming Xie, Yong Ye:
Theoretical analysis on retention behavior of pigments in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC). 315-319 - Peng Xu, Dezhong Yao:
A study on medical image registration by mutual information with pyramid data structure. 320-327 - Bülent Yilmaz, Robert S. MacLeod:
Generalized training subset selection for statistical estimation of epicardial activation maps from intravenous catheter measurements. 328-336 - A. León, J. Pozo:
Model based on a quantum algorithm to study the evolution of an epidemics. 337-341 - John Chiverton, Kevin Wells, Emma Lewis, Chao Chen, Barbara Podda, Declan Johnson:
Statistical morphological skull stripping of adult and infant MRI data. 342-357 - Richard L. Summers, David S. Martin, Janice V. Meck, Thomas G. Coleman:
Computer systems analysis of spaceflight induced changes in left ventricular mass. 358-363 - María Elena Díaz, Guillermo Ayala, Rafael Sebastián, L. Martínez-Costa:
Granulometric analysis of corneal endothelium specular images by using a germ-grain model. 364-375 - Estefanía Peña, Begoña Calvo, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Manuel Doblaré:
Effect of the size and location of osteochondral defects in degenerative arthritis. A finite element simulation. 376-387 - Lassi Autio, Martti Juhola, Jorma Laurikkala:
On the neural network classification of medical data and an endeavour to balance non-uniform data sets with artificial data extension. 388-397 - Mauro Ursino, Giuseppe Emiliano La Cara, Matteo Ritrovato:
Direction selectivity of simple cells in the primary visual cortex: Comparison of two alternative mathematical models. I: Response to drifting gratings. 398-414 - Seral Sahan, Kemal Polat, Halife Kodaz, Salih Günes:
A new hybrid method based on fuzzy-artificial immune system and k-nn algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis. 415-423
- Gonzalo Álvarez, Shujun Li, Luis Hernández Encinas:
Analysis of security problems in a medical image encryption system. 424-427
Volume 37, Number 4, April 2007
- Rodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jose Carlos Pereira:
Introduction to the special issue on wavelet-based algorithms for medical problems. 429
- Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xiaoli Li, Yan Li, Xinping Guan:
Application of wavelet-based similarity analysis to epileptic seizures prediction. 430-437 - Charalampos Dimoulas, George Kalliris, George Papanikolaou, Antonios Kalampakas:
Long-term signal detection, segmentation and summarization using wavelets and fractal dimension: A bioacoustics application in gastrointestinal-motility monitoring. 438-462 - Zhisong Wang, Alexander Maier, David A. Leopold, Nikos K. Logothetis, Hualou Liang:
Single-trial evoked potential estimation using wavelets. 463-473 - Roozbeh Behroozmand, Farshad Almasganj:
Optimal selection of wavelet-packet-based features using genetic algorithm in pathological assessment of patients' speech signal with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. 474-485 - Lucia Dettori, Lindsay Semler:
A comparison of wavelet, ridgelet, and curvelet-based texture classification algorithms in computed tomography. 486-498 - Nuri F. Ince, Ahmed H. Tewfik, Sami Arica:
Extraction subject-specific motor imagery time-frequency patterns for single trial EEG classification. 499-508 - Xiaoli Li, Jin Li, Xin Yao:
A wavelet-based data pre-processing analysis approach in mass spectrometry. 509-516 - James N. Watson, Paul S. Addison, Nopadol Uchaipichat, A. S. Shah, Neil R. Grubb:
Wavelet transform analysis predicts outcome of DC cardioversion for atrial fibrillation patients. 517-523 - Artur Przelaskowski, Katarzyna Sklinda, Pawel Bargiel, Jerzy Walecki, M. Biesiadko-Matuszewska, M. Kazubek:
Improved early stroke detection: Wavelet-based perception enhancement of computerized tomography exams. 524-533 - Urszula Malinowska, Piotr J. Durka, Jaroslaw Zygierewicz, Waldemar Szelenberger, Andrzej Wakarow:
Explicit parameterization of sleep EEG transients. 534-541 - Robi Polikar, Apostolos Topalis, Deborah Green, John Kounios, Christopher M. Clark:
Comparative multiresolution wavelet analysis of ERP spectral bands using an ensemble of classifiers approach for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. 542-558 - Z. Y. Chen, X. P. Guo, X. L. Zhang, W. J. Cram, Z. W. Li:
A novel method for analysis of single ion channel signal based on wavelet transform. 559-562 - Styliani A. Taplidou, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis:
Nonlinear analysis of wheezes using wavelet bicoherence. 563-570 - Everthon Silva Fonseca, Rodrigo Capobianco Guido, Paulo Rogério Scalassara, Carlos Dias Maciel, Jose Carlos Pereira:
Wavelet time-frequency analysis and least squares support vector machines for the identification of voice disorders. 571-578
Volume 37, Number 5, May 2007
- Heike Rudolph, Ralph G. Luthardt, Michael H. Walter:
Computer-aided analysis of the influence of digitizing and surfacing on the accuracy in dental CAD/CAM technology. 579-587 - Bing Nan Li, Sam Chao, Ming-Chui Dong:
SIBAS: A blood bank information system and its 5-year implementation at Macau. 588-597 - Giuseppe Emiliano La Cara, Mauro Ursino:
Direction selectivity of simple cells in the primary visual cortex: Comparison of two alternative mathematical models. II: Velocity tuning and response to moving bars. 598-610 - Margarita Fernández, Minaya Villasana, Dan Streja:
Glucose dynamics in Type I diabetes: Insights from the classic and linear minimal models. 611-627 - Johannes V. Soulis, George D. Giannoglou, George E. Parcharidis, George Louridas:
Flow parameters in normal left coronary artery tree. Implication to atherogenesis. 628-636 - Elias Zintzaras, Maria Bai, Christos Douligeris, Axel Kowald, Panayiotis Kanavaros:
A tree-based decision rule for identifying profile groups of cases without predefined classes: application in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. 637-641 - George Manis, Stavros Nikolopoulos, Anastasia Alexandridi, Constantinos H. Davos:
Assessment of the classification capability of prediction and approximation methods for HRV analysis. 642-654 - Woowon Jeong, Kyehan Rhee:
Numerical analysis of forced injection of enzyme during thrombolysis. 655-662 - Mario Cesarelli, Maria Romano, Paolo Bifulco, Fiammetta Fedele, Marcello Bracale:
An algorithm for the recovery of fetal heart rate series from CTG data. 663-669 - Nicholas O. Oleng, Andrei V. Gribok, Jaques Reifman:
Error bounds for data-driven models of dynamical systems. 670-679 - Robert Sturm:
A computer model for the clearance of insoluble particles from the tracheobronchial tree of the human lung. 680-690 - D. Hecquet, Heather J. Ruskin, Martin Crane:
Optimisation and parallelisation strategies for Monte Carlo simulation of HIV infection. 691-699 - Fuyou Liang, Hisashi Taniguchi, Hao Liu:
A multi-scale computational method applied to the quantitative evaluation of the left ventricular function. 700-715 - Lisheng Xu, David Zhang, Kuanquan Wang, Naimin Li, Xiaoyun Wang:
Baseline wander correction in pulse waveforms using wavelet-based cascaded adaptive filter. 716-731 - Zhenghong Xu, Zhen-xi Zhang, Yinbin Jin, Jing Wang:
Examination of depth-weighted optical signals during cardiac optical mapping: A simulation study. 732-738
Volume 37, Number 6, June 2007
- Markus Finck, D. Hänel, Irenaeus Wlokas:
Simulation of nasal flow by lattice Boltzmann methods. 739-749 - Chi-Kan Chen, Tzy-Ling Kuo, Po-Chou Chan, Lung-Ying Lin:
Subtractive SELEX against two heterogeneous target samples: Numerical simulations and analysis. 750-759 - José Carlos Dafonte Vázquez, Alfonso Castro Martínez, Ángel Gómez, Bernardino Arcay Varela:
Intelligent agents technology applied to tasks scheduling and communications management in a critical care telemonitoring system. 760-773 - Vanessa Díaz-Zuccarini, Jacques LeFèvre:
An energetically coherent lumped parameter model of the left ventricle specially developed for educational purposes. 774-784 - Firat Hardalaç, Hanefi Yildirim, Selami Serhatlioglu:
Determination of carotid disease with the application of STFT and CWT methods. 785-792 - Hongqing Zhu, Huazhong Shu, Jian Zhou, Xu Dong Bao, Limin Luo:
Bayesian algorithms for PET image reconstruction with mean curvature and Gauss curvature diffusion regularizations. 793-804 - Anne Wei, Amine Naït-Ali:
Evaluation of a none compressed 12-lead ECG transmission via internet using IPSec. 805-810 - Sukhwinder Singh, Vinod Kumar, H. K. Verma:
Adaptive threshold-based block classification in medical image compression for teleradiology. 811-819 - Mehmet Engin:
Spectral and wavelet based assessment of congestive heart failure patients. 820-828 - E. Y. K. Ng, Ean-Hin Ooi:
Ocular surface temperature: A 3D FEM prediction using bioheat equation. 829-835 - Sadik Kara, Aysegül Güven, Semra Içer:
Classification of macular and optic nerve disease by principal component analysis. 836-841 - Marcus Fraga Vieira, A. F. Kohn:
Compartmental models of mammalian motoneurons of types S, FR and FF and their computer simulation. 842-860 - Da Xu, Yuanyuan Wang:
An automated feature extraction and emboli detection system based on the PCA and fuzzy sets. 861-871 - Sandra Martelli, Nicola Francesco Lopomo, Simone Bignozzi, Stefano Zaffagnini, Andrea Visani:
Validation of a new protocol for navigated intraoperative assessment of knee kinematics. 872-878 - Abdulkader A. Murad:
Creating a GIS application for health services at Jeddah city. 879-889 - Magnus W. Roos:
Theoretical estimation of retinal oxygenation during retinal detachment. 890-896
Volume 37, Number 7, July 2007
- John L. Semmlow:
Vision and movement in man and machines: Special issue in memory of Lawrence Stark. 897
- Gabriel M. Gauthier, Doug Hansmann, Bob Kenyon, John L. Semmlow, Shiro Usui, Larry Young:
The arts and sciences of Lawrence Stark. 898-902
- Tara L. Alvarez, John L. Semmlow, Claude Pedrono:
Dynamic assessment of disparity vergence ramps. 903-909 - John L. Semmlow, Tara L. Alvarez, Claude Pedrono:
Dry dissection of disparity divergence eye movements using independent component analysis. 910-918 - Kenneth J. Ciuffreda, Bin Wang, Balamurali Vasudevan:
Depth-of-focus: Control system implications. 919-923 - Bruce Bridgeman:
Efference copy and its limitations. 924-929 - George K. Hung, Kenneth J. Ciuffreda:
Incremental retinal-defocus theory of myopia development - Schematic analysis and computer simulation. 930-946 - C. C. Krischer, Wolfgang H. Zangemeister:
Scanpaths in reading and picture viewing: Computer-assisted optimization of display conditions. 947-956 - Robert B. Goldstein, Russell L. Woods, Eli Peli:
Where people look when watching movies: Do all viewers look at the same place? 957-964 - Toyomi Fujita, Claudio M. Privitera, Lawrence W. Stark:
Image-type dependent eigen-regions-of-interest define conspicuity operators for predicting human scanpath fixation. 965-974 - Wolfgang H. Zangemeister, Thomas Liman:
Foveal versus parafoveal scanpaths of visual imagery in virtual hemianopic subjects. 975-982 - Christian Freksa, Sven Bertel:
Eye movements and smart technology. 983-988 - Gabriel M. Gauthier, Jean Blouin, Christophe Bourdin, Jean-Louis Vercher:
Adaptive control: A review of the ability to acquire and maintain high sensorimotor performance. 989-1000 - A. Terry Bahill, David G. Baldwin:
Describing baseball pitch movement with right-hand rules. 1001-1008 - K. Han Kim, R. Brent Gillespie, Bernard J. Martin:
Head movement control in visually guided tasks: Postural goal and optimality. 1009-1019 - Clifton M. Schor, Shrikant R. Bharadwaj, Christopher D. Burns:
Dynamic performance of accommodating intraocular lenses in a negative feedback control system: A simulation-based study. 1020-1035 - Kazutsuna Yamaji, Hiroyuki Sakai, Yoshihiro Okumura, Shiro Usui:
Customizable neuroinformatics database system: XooNIps and its application to the pupil platform. 1036-1041 - V. V. Krishnan:
Optimal strategy for time-limited sequential search. 1042-1049
Volume 37, Number 8, August 2007
- Matjaz Sever, Tomaz Podnar, Franc Runovc, Marjan Kordas:
Analog simulation of two clinical conditions: (1) Acute left ventricle failure; (2) exercise in patient with aortic stenosis. 1051-1062 - Joong Yull Park, Chan Young Park, Chang Mo Hwang, Kyung Sun, Byoung Goo Min:
Pseudo-organ boundary conditions applied to a computational fluid dynamics model of the human aorta. 1063-1072 - Styliani A. Taplidou, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis:
Wheeze detection based on time-frequency analysis of breath sounds. 1073-1083 - Rajasvaran Logeswaran, Chikkannan Eswaran:
Stone detection in MRCP images using controlled region growing. 1084-1091