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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 9, 1966
Volume 9, Number 1, January 1966
- George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership. 1 - Gerard Salton:
Toward a publications policy for ACM. 2 - Jerome A. Feldman:
A formal semantics for computer languages and its application in a compiler-compiler. 3-9 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Solution of transcendental equations by series reversion. 10-11 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Algorithm 273: Serrev. 11 - J. Boothroyd:
Algorithm 274: Generation of Hilbert derived test matrix. 11-12 - Gerhard Meidell Larssen:
Certification of algorithm 56: Complete elliptic integral of the second kind. 12 - Niklaus Wirth, Helmut Weber:
EULER: a generalization of ALGOL and it formal definition: Part 1. 13-25 - D. L. Fisher:
Data, documentation, and decision tables. 26-31 - Cyril G. Veinott:
Programming decision tables in FORTRAN, COBOL or ALGOL. 31-35 - B. A. Griffith:
Remarks on computer program for the construction of school timetables. 35 - L. Richard Turner:
On the confusion between "0" and "O". 35 - Joseph Weizenbaum:
ELIZA - a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine. 36-45 - Harris Hyman:
Comments on a problem in concurrent programming control. 45
Volume 9, Number 2, February 1966
- Wolfgang Händler:
On displaying the topological properties of a program. 59 - Robert F. Rosin:
On PUFFT. 59 - William H. Burge:
A reprogramming machine. 60-66 - Bertram Raphael:
The structure of programming languages. 67-71 - David Lorge Parnas:
A language for describing the functions of synchronous systems. 72-76 - Donald L. Wright:
A comparison of the FORTRAN language implementation for several computers. 77-79 - Robert S. Ledley, John Jacobsen, Marilyn Belson:
BUGSYS: a programming system for picture processing - not for debugging. 79-84 - Gerhard R. Deily:
Algorithm 275: Exponential curve fit. 85 - Gerhard R. Deily:
Algorithm 276: constrained exponential curve fit. 85-86 - Lyle B. Smith:
Algorithm 277: Computation of Chebyshev series coefficients. 86-87 - P. Lloyd:
Algorithm 278: Graph plotter. 88 - Niklaus Wirth, Helmut Weber:
EULER: a generalization of ALGOL, and its formal definition: Part II. 89-99 - Gerard Salton:
Control procedures for data communication - an ASA progress report. 100-105 - Robert V. Head:
Dribble posting a master file. 106-107 - Thomas E. Hull, J. Richard Swenson:
Tests of probabilistic models for propagation of roundoff errors. 108-113 - Abbas I. Abdel Karim:
The stability of the fourth order Runge-Kutta method for the solution of systems of differential equations. 113-116 - William C. Lynch:
Description of a high capacity, fast turnaround university computing center. 117-123 - Robert N. Kubik:
On applications of differential equations in general problem solving. 123
Volume 9, Number 3, March 1966
- Jack W. Carlson:
On determining C. S. education programs. 135 - Shulom Kurtz:
In defense of ALGOL. 135 - Reginald P. Tewarson:
On comparison of the algorithms for linear programming. 136 - D. V. Savidge:
Toward improved communication capability. 136 - Charles R. Pearson:
On JOE. 136 - John O'Connor:
On editorial procedures. 136 - George E. Forsythe:
Welcoming remarks. 137-138 - Heinz Zemanek:
Semiotics and programming languages. 139-143 - Jack B. Dennis, Earl C. Van Horn:
Programming semantics for multiprogrammed computations. 143-155 - Bertram Raphael:
The structure of programming languages. 155-156 - Peter J. Landin:
The next 700 programming languages. 157-166 - R. Narasimhan:
Syntax-directed interpretation of classes of pictures. 166-173 - Lawrence G. Roberts:
A graphical service system with variable syntax. 173-176 - Peter Naur:
Program translation viewed as a general data processing problem. 176-179 - Jean-Claude Boussard:
An ALGOL compiler: construction and use in relation to an elaborate operating system. 179-182 - Gene F. Leonard, John R. Goodroe:
More on extensible machines. 183-188 - William Orchard-Hays:
Multilevel operating systems. 189-190 - David E. Ferguson:
Evolution of the meta-assembly program. 190-196 - Ascher Opler:
Requirements for real-time languages. 196-199 - Jules I. Schwartz:
Online programming. 199-203 - Gerard Salton:
Data manipulation and programming problems in automatic information retrieval. 204-210 - Robert F. Simmons:
Storage and retrieval of aspects of meaning in directed graph structures. 211-215 - Calvin N. Mooers:
TRAC, a procedure-describing language for the reactive typewriter. 215-219 - Michael Woodger, Julien Green:
Summary session. 220-224 - Charles W. Bachman:
On a generalized language for file organization and manipulation. 225-226 - A. Caracciolo:
Some preliminary remarks on theoretical pragmatics. 226-227 - Jean E. Sammet:
The use of English as a programming language. 228-230 - Julien Green:
Microprogramming, emulators and programming languages. 230-232 - Saul Gorn:
Advanced programming and the aims of standardization. 232
Volume 9, Number 4, April 1966
- Leon Cooper:
Comments on professor Tewarson's letter. 241 - Solomon W. Golomb:
References to pentominoes. 241 - Leonard Uhr:
Is the groping IR field ready for a costly crash program? 241-242 - Peter J. Smith:
On CR review 8570. 242 - J. W. de Bakker:
On AXLE. 242 - David Lorge Parnas:
On the preliminary report of C3S. 242-243 - T. Wangsness, J. Franklin:
"Algorithm" and "formula". 243 - George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership. 244 - Anthony G. Oettinger:
On ACM's responsibility. 246 - Robert W. Rector:
Statement of principles. 247-253 - Gerard Salton:
Information dissemination and publication control. 254 - Alan J. Perlis:
A new policy for algorithms? 255 - George E. Forsythe:
Algorithms for scientific computation. 255-256 - John G. Herriot:
Algorithms section policy. 256 - David Lorge Parnas:
On facilitating parallel and multiprocessing in ALGOL. 257 - Frank A. Engel, Lewis A. Ondis:
On behalf of FORTRAN. 257 - Sol Broder:
On the problem of time table construction. 257 - Benson H. Scheff:
A simple user-oriented compiler source language for programming automatic test equipment. 258-266 - John W. Carr III, Jerome Welland:
A nonrecursive method of syntax specification. 267-269 - F. R. A. Hopgood, C. Litherland:
Algorithm 279: Chebyshev quadrature. 270 - John H. Welsch:
Algorithm 280: Abscissas and weights for Gregory quadrature. 271 - John H. Welsch:
Algorithm 281: Abscissas and weights for Romberg quadrature. 271-272 - Walter Gautschi:
Algorithm 282: Derivatives of ex/x, cos (x)/x, AND sin (x)/x. 272 - Immo O. Kerner:
Algorithm 283: Simultaneous displacement of polynomial roots if real and simple. 273 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of Algorithm 9: Runge-Kutta integration. 273 - G. Bayer:
Remark on Algorithm 218: Kutta-Merson. 273 - Theodor D. Sterling, Seymour V. Pollack:
Use of the computer to teach introductory statistics. 274-275 - C. M. Reeves:
An algorithm for generating projective reduction formulas for matrix elements of many-electron wavefunctions. 276-279 - R. J. Royston, J. Gregory:
A method for finding the least squares estimate of the intersection point of two Helices in space. 280-284 - Saul Gorn:
Recorded magnetic tape for information interchange (800 CPI, NRZI). 285-292 - John Waters:
Methods of numerical integration applied to a system having trivial function evaluations. 293-296 - C. T. Fike:
Starting approximations for square root calculation on IBM system /360. 297-299 - Roger H. Simonsen, D. Louise Anketell:
Mechanization of the curve fitting process: DATAN. 299-304 - George L. Cain:
A method for locating zeros of complex functions. 305-306
Volume 9, Number 5, May 1966
- V. G. Sprague, Solomon L. Pollack:
On storage space of decision tables. 319-320 - Niklaus Wirth:
A note on "Program structures for parallel processing". 320-321 - Donald E. Knuth:
Additional comments on a problem in concurrent programming control. 321-322 - Richard F. Thomas, Peter Henrici:
Corrections to numerical data on Q-D algorithm. 322-323 - Norman Davids:
Direct methods of computer analysis. 323 - George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership. 325 - William Fletcher:
ACM Algorithm 284: Interchange of Two Blocks of Data. 326 - William Fletcher, Roland Silver:
Algorithm 284: Interchange of two blocks of data. 326 - Thomas J. Aird:
Algorithm 285: The mutual primal-dual method. 326-328 - Donald S. Burdick, Thomas H. Naylor:
Design of computer simulation experiments for industrial systems. 329-339 - Nathaniel Macon, E. E. Walker:
A Monte Carlo algorithm for assigning students to classes. 339-340 - P. B. M. Roes:
A note on linear programming algorithm design: a combinatorial problem. 340-342 - Charles Erwin Cohn:
Incorporation of nonstandard input/output devices into FORTRAN systems. 343-344 - Phillip Deuel:
On a storage mapping function for data structures. 344-347 - O. G. Mancino:
Multiple precision floating-point conversion from decimal-to-binary and vice versa. 347-348 - John Lions:
Matrix reduction using the Hungarian method for the generation of school timetables. 349-354 - Charles R. Blair:
Certification of Algorithm 271: Quickersort. 354 - M. A. Rockwell, Herbert Shubin, Max Harry Weil, P. F. Meagher:
Shock III, a computer system as an aid in the management of critically III patients. 355-357 - Stephen M. Pizer:
Simulation of radioisotope scans by computer. 358-362 - William G. Smith, Martin B. Solomon:
A simulation of hospital admission policy. 362-365 - Corrado Böhm, Giuseppe Jacopini:
Flow diagrams, turing machines and languages with only two formation rules. 366-371 - Michael L. Pershing:
On 0 and O. 371 - Leon Shalla:
Automatic analysis of electronic digital circuits using list processing. 372-380 - B. Rust, W. R. Burrus, C. Schneeberger:
A simple algorithm for computing the generalized inverse of a matrix. 381-385 - Saul Gorn:
Eleven-sixteenths inch perforated paper tape. 386-387 - Courtesy E. P. Miles:
"Impact of computer applications on undergraduate mathematics instruction" explored at Florida State-ACM-SIAM symposium. 388-389 - Frank N. Marzocco:
Man, medicine, mathematics, and machines. 389 - Chris Shaw:
ACM Southern California's symposium poses adventureland, frontierland, fantasyland.... 390-391 - Jerome D. Carp:
SOFTWARE - where we are today, and trend. 390-393 - Noel Zakin:
New York City's top officials envision information system for total organization at ACM symposium. 392 - Melvin Klerer:
Basic problems in nonnumerical mathematics not yet well understood, SICSAM symposium reveals. 393
Volume 9, Number 6, June 1966
- R. P. Boas:
Capitalizaton of language references. 409 - Peter Henrici:
Test of probabilistic models for the propagation of roundoff errors. 409-410 - Jean E. Sammet:
More on CR 8570. 410-412 - Rowena Swanson:
Is the programming language designer losing sight of the user? 412 - Stephen Potter:
Correction to a comparison of Fortran language implementation. 412