default search action
Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 6, 1963
Volume 6, Number 1, January 1963
- John W. Backus, Friedrich L. Bauer, Julien Green, C. Katz, John McCarthy, Alan J. Perlis, Heinz Rutishauser, Klaus Samelson, Bernard Vauquois, Joseph Henry Wegstein, Adriaan van Wijngaarden, Michael Woodger, Peter Naur:
Revised report on the algorithm language ALGOL 60. 1-17 - Michael Woodger:
Supplement to the ALGOL 60 report. 18-20 - R. E. Utman:
Suggestions on ALGOL 60 (ROME) issues. 20-23 - Melvin E. Conway, Joseph Speroni:
Arithmetizing declarations: an application to COBOL. 24-27 - Allan K. Scidmore, B. L. Weinberg:
Storage and search properties of a tree-organized memory system. 28-31 - Mandalay Grems:
Terms frequently combined in problem description. 31 - M. J. R. Healy, Bruce P. Bogert:
FORTRAN subroutines for time series analysis. 32-34 - George Marsaglia:
Generating discrete random variables in a computer. 37-38 - Peter Naur:
Remarks on algorithm 42: invert. 38 - Peter G. Behrenz:
Certification of algorithm 31: gamma function. 38 - Peter Naur:
Remarks on and certification of algorithm 50: inverse of a finite segment of the Hilbert matrix. 38-39 - Peter Naur:
Remarks on and certification of algorithm 52: a set of test matrices. 39 - Peter Naur:
Certification of algorithm for calculating primes by means of GPS. 39 - Peter Naur:
Remark on algorithm 107: Gauss's method. 39 - Peter Naur:
Certification of algorithms 117 and 118 magic squares (even and odd orders). 39-40 - Peter Naur:
Certification of algorithms 120 and matrix inversion by Gauss-Jordan inversion II. 40
Volume 6, Number 2, February 1963
- Joan C. Miller, Clifford J. Maloney:
Systematic mistake analysis of digital computer programs. 58-63 - Lynn Yarbrough:
Decimal-to-binary conversion of short fields. 63-64 - Mandalay Grems:
Glossary construction. 64-65 - Theodore S. Lewis:
Character manipulation in FORTRAN. 65 - William C. White, Marvin B. Shapiro, Arnold W. Pratt:
Linear programming applied to ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. 66-67 - Heinz Rutishauser:
Algorithm 150: syminv2. 67-68 - Henry F. Walter:
Algorithm 151: location of a vector in a lexicographically ordered list. 68 - John Hopley:
Algorithm 152: Nexcom. 68 - Friedrich L. Bauer:
Algorithm 153: gomory. 68 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 32: multint. 69 - Noelle A. Meyer:
Certification of algorithm 73: incomplete elliptic integrals. 69
Volume 6, Number 3, March 1963
- Victor H. Yngve, Jean E. Sammet:
Toward better documentation of programming languages: introduction. 76 - Peter Naur:
Documentation problems: ALGOL 60. 77-79 - Joseph F. Cunningham:
COBOL. 79-82 - Victor H. Yngve:
COMIT. 83-84 - William P. Heising:
Fortran. 85-86 - Allen Newell:
Documentation of IPL-V. 86-89 - Christopher J. Shaw:
Jovial and its documentation. 89-91 - Maurice H. Halstead:
NELIAC. 91-92 - Robert J. Mayer:
Selective instruction trap for the 7090. 101 - M. Douglas McIlroy:
A variant method of file searching. 101 - William S. LaSor:
Test matrix for inversion. 102 - Charles J. Mifsud:
Algorithm 155: combination in any order. 103 - Charles J. Mifsud:
Algorithm 156: algebra of sets. 103 - Charles J. Mifsud:
Algorithm 154: combination in lexicographical order. 103 - Charles J. Mifsud:
Algorithm 157: Fourier series approximation. 103 - David W. Digby:
Algorithm 159: determinant. 104 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 96: ancestor. 104-105 - Eva S. Clark:
Certification of algorithm 79: difference expression coefficients. 104 - Henry E. Fettis:
Algorithm 158 (algorithm 134, revised) exponention of series. 104 - K. M. Bosworth:
Certifications of algorithms 117 and 118 magic square (odd and even orders)2. 105 - Donald L. Laughlin:
Remark on algorithm 133: random. 105 - Peter J. Brown:
Note on the proof of the non-existence of a phrase structure grammar for ALGOL 60. 105 - Gene Thomas Thompson:
Characteristic values and vectors of defective matrices. 106-107 - Perry A. Scheinok:
A computational extension of the variate difference method. 107-108 - H. A. Luther:
An interative factorization techniques for polynomials. 108-110 - Max Goldstein:
Significance arithmetic on a digital computer. 111-117 - W. D. Climenson:
RECOL - a retrieval command language. 117-122 - Virginia W. Whitley:
Everyman's information retrieval system. 123-126
Volume 6, Number 4, April 1963
- W. Barkley Fritz:
Selected definitions. 152-158 - H. V. Wright, M. L. Wolfson:
Algorithm 161: combinatorial of M things taken one at a time, two at a time, up to N at a time. 161 - Henry E. Fettis:
Algorithm 163: modified Hankel function. 161-162 - Fred G. Stockton:
Algorithm 162: XYmove plotting. 161 - M. L. Wolfson, H. V. Wright:
Algorithm 160: combinatorial of M things taken N at a time. 161 - R. E. Clark, Robert N. Kubik, L. P. Phillips:
Algorithm 164: orthogonal polynomial least squares surface fit. 162-163 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Algorithm 165: complete elliptic integrals. 163-164 - Robert D. Rodman:
Algorithm 166: MonteCarlo. 164 - William Kahan, I. Farkas:
Algorithm 167: calculation of confluent divided differences. 164-165 - William Kahan, I. Farkas:
Algorithm 169: Newton interpolation with forward divided differences. 165 - Paul E. Hennion:
Algorithm 170: reduction of a matrix containing polynomial elements. 165-166 - William Kahan, I. Farkas:
Algorithm 168: Newton interpolation with backward divided differences. 165 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 55: complete elliptic integral of the first kind. 166-167 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 149: complete elliptic integral. 166-167 - Robert P. Hale:
Certification of algorithm 91: Chebyshev curvefit. 167 - Jesse H. Poore Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 133: random. 167 - Reind P. van de Riet:
Certification of algorithm 73: incomplete elliptic integrals. 167 - William M. McKeeman:
Certification of algorithm 145: adaptive numerical integration by Simpson's rule. 167-168 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 147: PSIF. 168 - Dmitri Thoro:
Certification of algorithm 148: term of magic square. 168 - J. N. R. Barnecut:
Certification of algorithm 148: term of magic square. 168 - Miriam G. Shoffner, Peter J. Brown:
A suggested method of making fuller use of strings in ALGOL 60. 169-171 - Brian Gluss:
Least squares fitting of planes to surfaces using dynamic programming. 172-175
Volume 6, Number 5, May 1963
- C. C. Gotlieb:
Sorting on computers. 194-201 - Martin A. Goetz:
Internal and tape sorting using the replacement-selection technique. 201-206 - Thomas N. Hibbard:
An empirical study of minimal storage sorting. 206-213 - Harold H. Manker:
Multiphase sorting. 214-217 - W. David Malcolm Jr.:
String distribution for the polyphase sort. 217-220 - R. L. Gilstad:
Read-backward polyphase sorting. 220-223 - Martin A. Goetz, Gloria S. Toth:
A comparison between the polyphase and oscillating sort techniques. 223-225 - Norman C. French:
Computer planned collates. 225-227 - William S. Cooke:
A tape file merge pattern generator. 227-230 - John B. Glore:
Sorting nonredundant files - techniques used in the FACT compiler. 231-240 - Joel Falkin, Sal Savastano Jr.:
Sorting with large volume, random access, drum storage. 240-244 - Martin A. Goetz:
Organization and structure of data on disk file memory systems for efficient sorting and other data processing programs. 245-248 - George U. Hubbard:
Some characteristics of sorting computing systems using random access storage devices. 248-255 - J. B. Paterson:
The COBOL sorting verb. 255-258 - Michael H. Hall:
A method of comparing the time requirements of sorting methods. 259-263 - Martin A. Goetz:
Design and characteristics of a variable-length record sort using new fixed-length record sorting techniques. 264-267 - David J. Waks:
Conversion, reconversion and comparison techniques in variable-length sorting. 267-272 - Edward H. Sussenguth Jr.:
Use of Tree Structures for Processing Files. 272-279
Volume 6, Number 6, June 1963
- Saul Gorn:
Structures of standards-processing organizations in the computer area. 294-305 - Robert W. Bemer:
A note on range transformations for square root and logarithm. 306-307 - Elizabeth Wall, Richard M. Brown:
A penny-matching program. 307-308 - Catherine Britton, I. F. Wagner:
A computer program for analysis of variance for a 2-level factorial design. 308-309 - John E. Fedako:
1410 Fortran edit feature. 310-311 - Thomas G. Sanborn:
Self-inverse conversion table. 310 - John Caffrey:
Another test matrix for determinants and inverses. 310 - Otomar Hájek:
Algorithm 173: assign. 311 - Allan Gibb:
Algorithm 174: a posteriori bounds on a zero of a polynomial. 311-312 - Christopher J. Shaw, T. N. Trimble:
Algorithm 175: shuttle sort. 312-313 - T. D. Arthurs:
Algorithm 176: least squares surface fit. 313 - Arthur F. Kaupe Jr.:
Algorithm 178: direct search. 313-314 - Michael J. Synge:
Algorithm 177: least squares solution with constraints. 313 - Oliver G. Ludwig:
Algorithm 179: incomplete beta ratio. 314 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Algorithm 180: error function - large X. 314-315 - Hans Rudolf Schwarz:
Algorithm 183: reduction of a symmetric bandmatrix to triple diagonal form. 315-316 - William M. McKeeman, Lawrence G. Tesler:
Algorithm 182: nonrecursive adaptive integration. 315 - Henry C. Thacher Jr., Paul Shaman:
Algorithm 181: complementary error function - large X. 315 - Kazuo Isoda:
Certification of algorithm 74: curve fitting with constraints. 316 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 123: real error function, ERF (x). 316 - Richard W. Conway, William L. Maxwell:
CORC: the Cornell computing language. 317-321 - Marek Greniewski, Wladyslaw M. Turski:
The external language KLIPA for the URAL-2 digital computer. 321-324 - H. N. Cantrell:
Incompressible flow network calculations. 325-328 - Thomas Schick:
Disk file sorting. 330-331 - Harry Rudloe, Martin Deutsch, Thomas Marill:
PIP: a photo-interpretive program for the analysis of spark-chamber data. 332-335 - Raymond A. Kliphardt:
DESCRIPTRAN: automated descriptive geometry. 336-339
Volume 6, Number 7, July 1963
- Harry D. Huskey, Ralph Love, Niklaus Wirth:
A syntactic description of BC NELIAC. 367-375 - Robert V. Head:
Real-time programming specifications. 376-383 - Otto C. Juelich:
Further remarks on sampling a tape file - III. 384 - S. H. Eisman:
Polynomial evaluation revisited. 384-385 - Robert M. Gordon:
Checking for loops in networks. 384 - John Hopley:
Algorithm 152: Nexcom. 385 - A. Colker:
Algorithm 184: Erlang probalility for curve fitting. 386 - Reind P. van de Riet:
Algorithm 186: complex arithmetic. 386-387 - A. Colker:
Algorithm 185: normal probability for curve fitting. 386 - Reind P. van de Riet:
Algorithm 187: differences and derivatives. 387