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Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 2008
- Udo Schwingenschlögl:
Seat biases of apportionment methods under general distributional assumptions. 1-3 - Yadollah Ordokhani
, Mohsen Razzaghi:
Solution of nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations via a collocation method and rationalized Haar functions. 4-9 - István Faragó, Ágnes Havasi
Relationship between vanishing splitting errors and pairwise commutativity. 10-14 - Xinyuan Liao, Shengfan Zhou, Youssef N. Raffoul:
On the discrete-time multi-species competition-predation system with several delays. 15-22 - Xia Zhang, Guizhen Liu:
Some graphs of class 1 for f-colorings. 23-29 - Tibor Lukic, Nebojsa M. Ralevic:
Geometric mean Newton's method for simple and multiple roots. 30-36 - Zhendong Shao, Roger K. Yeh, David Zhang
The L(2, 1)-labeling on graphs and the frequency assignment problem. 37-41 - Jun Li, Nan-Jing Huang:
Exceptional families of elements for set-valued mappings: An application to nonlinear complementarity problems. 42-46 - Li Zeng, Yi Zhao, Yu Huang:
Period-doubling bifurcation of a discrete metapopulation model with a delay in the dispersion terms. 47-55 - Bingwen Liu, Lihong Huang:
Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for a kind of Liénard equation with a deviating argument. 56-62 - Lutz Volkmann:
On local connectivity of graphs. 63-66 - Je-Chiang Tsai:
Similarity solutions for boundary layer flows with prescribed surface temperature. 67-73 - Ibrahim Çanak
An extended Tauberian theorem for the (C, 1) summability method. 74-80 - Lili Du, Zheng-an Yao:
Note on non-simultaneous blow-up for a reaction-diffusion system. 81-85 - Laura A. Zager, George C. Verghese:
Graph similarity scoring and matching. 86-94 - V. S. Belonosov, V. V. Skazka:
The inverse dynamic problem of seismic sounding low-frequency regularization. 95-100 - M. Boutat, S. Hilout, J. E. Rakotoson, Jean-Michel Rakotoson:
The generalized thin film equation with periodic-domain conditions. 101-104
Volume 21, Number 2, February 2008
- Taekyun Kim:
An invariant p-adic q-integral on Zp. 105-108 - Bingwen Liu, Lihong Huang:
Boundedness of solutions for a class of Liénard equations with a deviating argument. 109-112 - Hong-Xu Li:
Almost periodic solutions for logistic equations with infinite delay. 113-118 - George A. Anastassiou:
Chebyshev-Grüss type inequalities on RN over spherical shells and balls. 119-127 - Anne-Claire Bennis, Tomás Chacón Rebollo
, Macarena Gómez Mármol, Roger Lewandowski:
Stability of some turbulent vertical models for the ocean mixing boundary layer. 128-133 - Ekrem Savas:
On lacunary statistically convergent double sequences of fuzzy numbers. 134-141 - Ram U. Verma:
A hybrid proximal point algorithm based on the (A, eta)-maximal monotonicity framework. 142-147 - José A. Carrillo
, Jesús Rosado, Francesco Salvarani:
1D nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations for fermions and bosons. 148-154 - Ilaria Brazzoli:
From the discrete kinetic theory to modelling open systems of active particles. 155-160 - Rongxia Hao, Yanpei Liu:
The genus distributions of directed antiladders in orientable surfaces. 161-164 - Neculai Andrei:
A Dai-Yuan conjugate gradient algorithm with sufficient descent and conjugacy conditions for unconstrained optimization. 165-171 - Eunju Sohn
, Charles Knessl:
A simple direct solution to a storage allocation model. 172-175 - John R. Graef, Lingju Kong, Haiyan Wang
A periodic boundary value problem with vanishing Green's function. 176-180 - Min Li:
A new generalized APPA for maximal monotone operators. 181-186 - Tongjiang Yan, Shengqiang Li, Guozhen Xiao:
On the linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences with the period pm. 187-193 - Zaid Odibat
, Shaher Momani
A generalized differential transform method for linear partial differential equations of fractional order. 194-199 - Med Ram Verma
Approximately optimum stratification for ratio and regression methods of estimation. 200-207
Volume 21, Number 3, March 2008
- Roman O. Popovych
, Christodoulos Sophocleous
, Olena O. Vaneeva
Exact solutions of a remarkable fin equation. 209-214 - Billy Jackson:
The time scale logarithm. 215-221 - Tuncay Candan
, Rajbir S. Dahiya:
On the oscillation of certain mixed neutral equations. 222-226 - V. S. Koroliuk, Nikolaos Limnios:
First integrals in the diffusion approximation scheme. 227-231 - Reza Memarbashi:
Sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of nonautonomous difference equations. 232-235 - Ferhan Merdivenci Atici, Fahriye Uysal:
A production-inventory model of HMMS on time scales. 236-243 - Licio Hernanes Bezerra:
An eigenvalue method for calculating dominant poles of a transfer function. 244-247 - Olena O. Vaneeva
, Andrew G. Johnpillai
, Roman O. Popovych
, Christodoulos Sophocleous
Group analysis of nonlinear fin equations. 248-253 - W. H. Yang:
A generalization of Hadamard's inequality for convex functions. 254-257 - Wen Li:
The infinity norm bound for the inverse of nonsingular diagonal dominant matrices. 258-263 - Jozsef Z. Farkas
Balanced growth for solutions of nonautonomous partial differential equations. 264-267 - Dehong Ji, Yitao Yang, Weigao Ge:
Triple positive pseudo-symmetric solutions to a four-point boundary value problem with p-Laplacian. 268-274 - Lazhar Bougoffa:
Note on the explicit solutions for a boundary value problem of a second-order nonlinear equation. 275-278 - João Marcos do Ó
, Sebastián Lorca, Pedro Ubilla:
Multiplicity of solutions for a class of non-homogeneous fourth-order boundary value problems. 279-286 - Guangjun Xu, Liying Kang, Erfang Shan, Hong Yan
Proof of a conjecture on k-tuple domination in graphs. 287-290 - Ramón Quintanilla
On uniqueness for a family of nonstandard problems. 291-297 - Fu-Hsiang Wong, Sheng-Ping Wang, Cheh-Chih Yeh:
Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations. 298-302 - D. I. Cruz-Báez
, J. M. González-Rodríguez:
A different approach for pricing Asian options. 303-306 - Tomasz Malolepszy, Wojciech Okrasinski:
Blow-up conditions for nonlinear Volterra integral equations with power nonlinearity. 307-312
Volume 21, Number 4, April 2008
- Shanhe Wu
, Lokenath Debnath:
Weighted generalization of Rado's inequality and Popoviciu's inequality. 313-319 - Eugene V. Mamontov:
Dynamic-equilibrium solutions of ordinary differential equations and their role in applied problems. 320-325 - Ricardo Riaza
, Roswitha März:
A simpler construction of the matrix chain defining the tractability index of linear DAEs. 326-331 - George B. Mertzios:
A matrix characterization of interval and proper interval graphs. 332-337 - Andréa S. Bonifácio, Cybele T. M. Vinagre, Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Constructing pairs of equienergetic and non-cospectral graphs. 338-341 - A. Eden, I. A. Topaloglu:
Standing waves for a generalized Davey-Stewartson system: Revisited. 342-347 - C. S. Ryoo:
A numerical computation on the structure of the roots of q-extension of Genocchi polynomials. 348-354 - Ram U. Verma:
Rockafellar's celebrated theorem based on A -maximal monotonicity design. 355-360 - Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic
Group homomorphisms hi such that h1(x1)...hn(xn)=y is solvable. 361-365 - I. L. El-Kalla:
Convergence of the Adomian method applied to a class of nonlinear integral equations. 372-376 - Alexander G. Ramm:
On unbounded operators and applications. 377-382 - Lihui Peng, Chong Li:
Uniqueness of simultaneous approximations in continuous function spaces. 383-387 - N. S. Barnett, Sever Silvestru Dragomir
An additive reverse of the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz integral inequality. 388-393 - H. M. Srivastava
, Sevtap Sümer Eker:
Some applications of a subordination theorem for a class of analytic functions. 394-399 - Puntip Pattaraintakorn, Nick Cercone:
Integrating rough set theory and medical applications. 400-403 - Cheh-Chih Yeh:
Ostrowski's inequality on time scales. 404-409 - Zhixin Cheng:
Global entropy solutions to a variant of the compressible Euler equations. 410-415 - Fang Tian
, Jun-Ming Xu:
Distance domination-critical graphs. 416-420 - Vinod B. Goyal, Philip W. Schaefer:
On a conjecture for an overdetermined problem for the biharmonic operator. 421-424
Volume 21, Number 5, May 2008
- Michael L. Frankel, Victor Roytburd:
Stability for a class of nonlinear pseudo-differential equations. 425-430 - Oktay Duman
, Cihan Orhan:
Rates of A-statistical convergence of operators in the space of locally integrable functions. 431-435 - Xinhui An, Baoyindureng Wu:
The Wiener index of the kth power of a graph. 436-440 - Hong-Yong Wang, Xiu-Juan Li:
Perturbation error analysis for fractal interpolation functions and their moments. 441-446 - Leonid Berezansky, Lev Idels:
Stability of a time-varying fishing model with delay. 447-452 - Lihua Feng, Weihu Hong:
On hydrologic calculation using artificial neural networks. 453-458 - J. Adolfo Minjárez-Sosa:
Empirical estimation in average Markov control processes. 459-464 - Yongli Zhong, Shihua Chen, Changping Wang:
Existence results for a fourth-order ordinary differential equation with a four-point boundary condition. 465-470 - Jie Zhang, Yan Xu:
Meromorphic functions sharing two sets. 471-476 - Daniil Ryabko, Marcus Hutter
Predicting non-stationary processes. 477-482 - Bicheng Yang:
On a relation between Hilbert's inequality and a Hilbert-type inequality. 483-488 - Yonghui Zhou, Jian Yu, Shuwen Xiang:
A metric on the space of finite measures with an application to fixed point theory. 489-495 - Adriano B. L. Tort:
On the convergence of series of translated functions and applications. 496-501 - Wei Wang, Yifan Xu:
Simple transformation functions for finding better minima. 502-509 - Hong Oh Kim, Rae Young Kim
Sobolev exponents of Butterworth refinable functions. 510-515 - Gi-Sang Cheon
, Louis W. Shapiro:
Protected points in ordered trees. 516-520 - Lorenzo Pisani, Gaetano Siciliano
Note on a Schrödinger-Poisson system in a bounded domain. 521-528 - Frantisek Neuman:
Structure of solution spaces via transformation. 529-533 - L. Andrew Campbell:
Erratum to the Pinchuk map description in "Partial properness and real planar maps" [Appl. Math. Lett 9 (1996) 99-105]. 534-535
Volume 21, Number 6, June 2008
- Bapurao C. Dhage, M. Kumpulainen:
Nonlinear functional boundary value problems involving the product of two nonlinearities. 537-544 - Andreas W. M. Dress, Katharina T. Huber, Jacobus H. Koolen
, Vincent Moulton
Cut points in metric spaces. 545-548 - Mohammad Kafini
, Salim A. Messaoudi
A blow-up result in a Cauchy viscoelastic problem. 549-553 - Lizhou Wang
, Dongsheng Li:
An extension of the mountain pass lemma. 554-557 - Shanhe Wu
A new sharpened version of the Neuberg-Pedoe inequality. 558-562 - Alemdar Hasanov, Zhenhai Liu:
An inverse coefficient problem for a nonlinear parabolic variational inequality. 563-570 - Jianfu Yang, Xiaohui Yu:
Existence of an elliptic system involving Pucci operator. 571-577 - Yong Zhou, B. G. Zhang, C. F. Li:
Remarks on oscillation and nonoscillation for second-order linear difference equations. 578-580 - Yan Luo
, Weibing Wang, Jianhua Shen:
Existence of positive periodic solutions for two kinds of neutral functional differential equations. 581-587 - Shanhe Wu
, Lokenath Debnath:
A new generalization of Aczél's inequality and its applications to an improvement of Bellman's inequality. 588-593 - Hüseyin Çakalli
Sequential definitions of compactness. 594-598 - Lun Li, Jun Li:
Equivalence and existence of weak Pareto optima for multiobjective optimization problems with cone constraints. 599-606 - Chuanxi Zhu, Zongben Xu:
Inequalities and solution of an operator equation. 607-611 - Agacik Zafer
Calculating the matrix exponential of a constant matrix on time scales. 612-616 - Hong Du, Minggen Cui:
Approximate solution of the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. 617-623 - Hassan Yousefi-Azari, B. Manoochehrian, A. R. Ashrafi
The PI index of product graphs. 624-627 - Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou:
Limit behavior of global attractors for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation on infinite lattices. 628-635 - Leonid Berezansky, Elena Braverman:
Positive solutions for a scalar differential equation with several delays. 636-640 - Ke-Ang Fu, Weidong Liu
, Li-Xin Zhang
Precise asymptotics for the first moment of the error variance estimator in linear models. 641-647
Volume 21, Number 7, July 2008
- Zhiping Xiong, Bing Zheng:
The reverse order laws for {1, 2, 3} - and {1, 2, 4} -inverses of a two-matrix product. 649-655 - Huihui Pang, Meiqiang Feng, Weigao Ge:
Existence and monotone iteration of positive solutions for a three-point boundary value problem. 656-661 - Alberto d'Onofrio
"Fuzzy oncology": Fuzzy noise induced bifurcations and their application to anti-tumor chemotherapy. 662-668 - Elçin Yusufoglu:
The variational iteration method for studying the Klein-Gordon equation. 669-674 - Emin Özçag, Inci Ege, Hasmet Gürçay, Biljana Jolevska-Tuneska
On partial derivatives of the incomplete beta function. 675-681 - Simon Spacapan:
Connectivity of Cartesian products of graphs. 682-685 - Giuseppe Dattoli, H. M. Srivastava
A note on harmonic numbers, umbral calculus and generating functions. 686-693 - Young-Su Lee, Soon-Yeong Chung
Stability of an Euler-Lagrange-Rassias equation in the spaces of generalized functions. 694-700 - Chuangxia Huang, Ping Chen, Yigang He, Lihong Huang, Wen Tan:
Almost sure exponential stability of delayed Hopfield neural networks. 701-705 - Mehmet Cenkci, V. Kurt, S. H. Rim, Yilmaz Simsek
On (i, q) Bernoulli and Euler numbers. 706-711 - Damir Vukicevic, Petra Zigert:
Binary coding of algebraic Kekulé structures of catacondensed benzenoid graphs. 712-716 - Hua Meng, Yaqiong Li:
New convergence behavior of shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with time-varying coefficients. 717-721