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49th WSC 2017: Las Vegas, NV, USA
- 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA, December 3-6, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3428-8
- Barry L. Nelson:
WSC 2067: What are the chances? 1 - Bernard P. Zeigler:
Why should we develop simulation models in pairs? 2 - Robert G. Sargent:
A perspective on fifty-five years of the evolution of scientific respect for simulation. 3-15 - David Goldsman, Mariana de Almeida Costa
, Paul Goldsman, James R. Wilson:
History of the winter simulation conference: Overview and notable facts and figures. 16-39 - Thomas J. Schriber, Julian Reitman, Arnold Ockene, Harold G. Hixson:
History of the winter simulation conference: Origins and early years (1967-1974). 40-49 - Robert G. Sargent, Paul F. Roth, Thomas J. Schriber:
History of the winter simulaltion conference: Renaissance perod (1975-1982). 50-59 - Brian W. Hollocks:
A history of simulation development in the United Kingdom. 60-74 - David Goldsman, Mariana de Almeida Costa
, Paul Goldsman:
The countries of the participants in the winter simulation conference. 75-81 - Robert G. Sargent:
History of the winter simulation conference: Coming-of-age period (1983-1992). 82-86 - Russell R. Barton
, Jeffrey A. Joines
, Douglas J. Morrice:
History of the winter simulation conference: Period of growth, consolidation, and innovation (1993-2007). 87-99 - Christos Alexopoulos, Jeffrey A. Joines
, Michael E. Kuhl:
History of the winter simulation conference: Modern period (2008-2017). 100-114 - Christos Alexopoulos, W. David Kelton:
A concise history of simulation output analysis. 115-130 - Michael C. Fu, Shane G. Henderson:
History of seeking better solutions, AKA simulation optimization. 131-157 - Russell R. Barton
, Marvin K. Nakayama, Lee Schruben:
History of improving statistical efficiency. 158-180 - Russell C. H. Cheng:
History of input modeling. 181-201 - Pierre L'Ecuyer
History of uniform random number generation. 202-230 - Michael E. Kuhl:
History of random variate generation. 231-242 - Richard E. Nance, C. Michael Overstreet:
History of computer simulation software: An initial perspective. 243-261 - Richard M. Fujimoto, Rajive L. Bagrodia, Randal E. Bryant, K. Mani Chandy, David R. Jefferson, Jayadev Misra, David M. Nicol, Brian W. Unger:
Parallel discrete event simulation: The making of a field. 262-291 - Robert G. Sargent, Osman Balci:
History of verification and validation of simulation models. 292-307 - Stephen D. Roberts, Claude Dennis Pegden:
The history of simulation modeling. 308-323 - Robert G. Sargent, James R. Wilson:
Creation of the computer simulation archive. 324-329 - Richard E. Nance, Gwyneth A. Thayer:
The computer simulation archive: Development and current contents. 330-341 - Gregory K. Raschke
, Susan K. Nutter:
The importance of the computer simulation archive. 342-345 - Raymond R. Hill, John O. Miller:
A history of United States military simulation. 346-364 - Sally C. Brailsford
, Michael W. Carter
, Sheldon H. Jacobson:
Five decades of healthcare simulation. 365-384 - Leon F. McGinnis, Oliver Rose:
History and perspective of simulation in manufacturing. 385-397 - Eduardo Perez
Integrating mathematical optimization in devs for nuclear medicine patient and resource scheduling. 398-407 - Xiaoliang Wu, Qi Yang, Xin Liu, Dong Jin, Cheol Won Lee:
A hardware-in-the-loop emulation testbed for high fidelity and reproducible network experiments. 408-418 - Kishwar Ahmed
, Jason Liu
, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Stephan J. Eidenbenz:
A brief history of HPC simulation and future challenges. 419-430 - Richard M. Fujimoto, Christopher D. Carothers, Alois Ferscha, David R. Jefferson, Margaret L. Loper, Madhav V. Marathe, Simon J. E. Taylor
Computational challenges in modeling & simulation of complex systems. 431-445 - Roberto San José, Juan Luis Perez, Libia Perez, Rosa Maria González Barras:
Modelling of urban climate impacts using regional and urban CFD models. Application to madrid (Spain) and London (UK). 446-456 - Lavanya Ramapantulu, Yong Meng Teo
, Ee-Chien Chang
A conceptural framework to federate testbeds for cybersecurity. 457-468 - Huei-Wen Teng:
A spherical Monte Carlo approach for calculating value-at-risk and expected shortfall in financial risk management. 469-480 - Esmeralda Niño Pérez
, Cesar A. Rivera-Collazo, Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos, Yaileen M. Méndez-Vázquez:
Iterative multicriteria simulation and prototyping optimization in manufacturing. 481-492 - Wen Jun Tan, Wentong Cai
, Allan NengSheng Zhang
Integration design of supply chain hybrid simulation. 493-504 - K. Preston White, Ricki G. Ingalls:
The basics of simulation. 505-519 - Gerd Wagner
Introduction to information and process modeling for simulation. 520-534 - Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Adedeji O. Fabiyi, Christine S. M. Currie
, Thomas Monks
, Roberto Barbera
, Bruce Becker:
Open science: Approaches and benefits for modeling & simulation. 535-549 - Averill M. Law:
A tutorial on design of experiments for simulation modeling. 550-564 - Stewart Robinson
A tutorial on simulation conceptual modeling. 565-579 - Melanie R. Barker, Nancy Zupick:
Revisiting the four C'S of managing a successful simulation project. 580-587 - David T. Sturrock:
Avoid failures! Tested success tips for simulation excellence. 588-596 - Martin H. Kunc
System dynamics: A soft and hard approach to modelling. 597-606 - Abhinav Adduri, Lee Schruben:
The Tao of simulation. 607-616 - Alberto Falcone
, Alfredo Garro
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
An introduction to developing federations with the High Level Architecture (HLA). 617-631 - Masoud Fakhimi, Lampros K. Stergioulas, Navonil Mustafee
Modelling for sustainable development using the triple-bottom line: Methods, challenges and the need for hybrid M&S. 632-643 - Yentl Van Tendeloo, Hans Vangheluwe
Classic DEVS modelling and simulation. 644-658 - Misbah Mubarak, Nikhil Jain, Jens Domke, Noah Wolfe, Caitlin Ross, Jianping Kelvin Li, Abhinav Bhatele, Christopher D. Carothers, Kwan-Liu Ma, Robert B. Ross:
Toward reliable validation of HPC network simulation models. 659-674 - Hessam S. Sarjoughian:
Restraining complexity and scale traits for component-based simulation models. 675-689 - Jared S. Ivey, Brian Paul Swenson, George F. Riley:
Simulating networks with NS-3 and enhancing realism with DCE. 690-704 - John A. Miller
, Hao Peng, Casey N. Bowman:
Advanced tutorial on microscopic discrete-event traffic simulation. 705-719 - Richard M. Fujimoto:
Power consumption in parallel and distributed simulations. 720-734 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner, Jeffrey S. Smith:
Inside discrete-event simulation software: How it works and why it matters. 735-749 - Fernando J. Barros
Towards a universal formalism for modeling & simulation. 750-761 - Gerd Wagner:
An abstract state machine semantics for discrete event simulation. 762-773 - María Julia Blas, Silvio Gonnet
, Horacio Pascual Leone:
Routing structure over discrete event system specification: A DEVS adaptation to develop smart routing in simulation models. 774-785 - David R. Jefferson, Peter D. Barnes Jr.:
Virtual time III: Unification of conservative and optimistic synchronization in parallel discrete event simulation. 786-797 - Wenjie Tang, Yiping Yao, Feng Zhu, Tianlin Li, Xiao Song:
A work-stealing based dynamic load balancing algorithm for conservative parallel discrete event simulation. 798-809 - Sabra Neal, Richard M. Fujimoto:
Energy consumption of HLA data distribution management approaches. 810-820 - Osman Balci, Richard M. Fujimoto, David Goldsman, Richard E. Nance, Bernard P. Zeigler:
The state of innovation in modeling and simulation: The last 50 years. 821-836 - R. Alan Bowman, Thomas Ashman, James Lambrinos:
Warriors or bulls: Introducing retroactive gambling line simulation. 837-848 - Katherine Smith, John Shull, Yuzhong Shen, Anthony Dean, Jennifer Michaeli:
Overcoming challenges in educational stem game design and development. 849-859 - Souvik Barat, Vinay Kulkarni, Tony Clark
, Balbir Barn:
An actor-model based bottom-up simulation - An experiment on Indian demonetisation initiative. 860-871 - Andreas Ruscheinski, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Provenance in modeling and simulation studies - Bridging gaps. 872-883 - Chris J. Myers, Gary D. Bader, Padraig Gleeson, Martin Golebiewski, Michael Hucka
, Nicolas Le Novère, David P. Nickerson, Falk Schreiber, Dagmar Waltemath:
A brief history of COMBINE. 884-895 - Khaled Sayed, Yu-Hsin Kuo, Anuva Kulkarni, Natasa Miskov-Zivanov:
DiSH simulator: Capturing dynamics of cellular signaling with heterogeneous knowledge. 896-907 - Gopinath Chennupati, Nandakishore Santhi
, Stephan J. Eidenbenz, Sunil Thulasidasan:
An analytical memory hierarchy model for performance prediction. 908-919 - Mohammad Abu Obaida, Jason Liu
Simulation of HPC job scheduling and large-scale parallel workloads. 920-931 - Elsa Gonsiorowski, Christopher D. Carothers, Justin M. LaPre, Philip Heidelberger, Cyriel Minkenberg, Germán Rodríguez:
Using quality of service lanes to control the impact of raid traffic within a burst buffer. 932-943 - Yentl Van Tendeloo, Hans Vangheluwe
The Modelverse: A tool for Multi-Paradigm Modelling and simulation. 944-955 - Fatemeh Sadat Hashemi, Michael R. Taaffe:
A sequential statistics approach to dynamic staffing under demand uncertainty. 956-965 - Timothy Sprock, Conrad Bock:
Incorporating abstraction methods into system-analysis integration methodology for discrete event logistics systems. 966-976 - Ange-Lionel Toba
, Mamadou D. Seck, Matthew Amissah, Sarah Bouazzaoui:
An approach for DEVS based modeling of electrical power systems. 977-988 - Gabriel A. Wainer
, Scott Stewart:
A cell-DEVS model for fracture propagation in rock. 989-1000 - Celine Kessler, Laurent Capocchi, Jean François Santucci, Bernard P. Zeigler:
Hierarchical Markov decision process based on DEVS formalism. 1001-1012 - Young Jin Kim, Dimitri Mavris
, Richard Fujimoto:
Time-parallel simulation of air traffic networks. 1013-1024 - Patrick Crawford, Stephan J. Eidenbenz, Peter D. Barnes Jr., Philip A. Wilsey:
Some properties of communication behaviors in discrete-event simulation models. 1025-1036 - Kalyan S. Perumalla
Concurrent conversation modeling and parallel simulation of the naming game in social networks. 1037-1048 - Andres Laurito, Matías Bonaventura, Mikel Eukeni Pozo Astigarraga, Rodrigo D. Castro:
TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks. 1049-1060 - Vignesh Babu, Rakesh Kumar, Hoang Hai Nguyen, David M. Nicol, Kartik Palani, Elizabeth Reed:
Melody: Synthesized datasets for evaluating intrusion detection systems for the smart grid. 1061-1072 - Junfei Xie, Chenyuan He, Yan Wan
, Kevin Mills, Christopher Dabrowski:
A layered and aggregated queuing network simulator for detection of abnormalities. 1073-1084 - Chris J. Kuhlman, Yihui Ren
, Bryan L. Lewis, James Schlitt:
Hybrid Agent-based modeling of Zika in the united states. 1085-1096 - Parastu Kasaie, Hojoon Sohn, Emily Kendall, Gabriela B. Gomez, Anna Vassall, Madhukar Pai
, David W. Dowdy:
Exploring the epidemiological impact of universal access to rapid tuberculosis diagnosis using agent-based simulation. 1097-1108 - Kambiz Rasoulkhani, Brianne Logasa, Maria E. Presa Reyes, Ali Mostafavi
Agent-based modeling framework for simulation of complex adaptive mechanisms underlying household water conservation technology adoption. 1109-1120 - Youssef Bouanan, Seghir Zerguini, Nathalie Gaussier:
Modeling and simulating households and firms location choice using agent-based models: Application to the urban area of Bordeaux. 1121-1132 - Xueping Li
, Mohammad Ramshani, Anahita Khojandi, Olufemi A. Omitaomu, Jon Michael Hathaway:
An agent based model for joint placement of PV panels and green roofs. 1133-1144 - Sanish Rai, Xiaolin Hu:
Data assimilation with sensor-informed resampling for building occupancy simulation. 1145-1156 - Hideyuki Mizuta:
Large-Scale Distributed Agent-Based Simulation for Shopping Mall and performance improvement with shadow agent projection. 1157-1168 - Di Chen, Gary S. H. Tan, Antoine Fagette, Stephen Chai:
Simulating crowd motion using density estimation and optical flow. 1169-1180 - Brian F. Tivnan, Matthew T. K. Koehler, David M. Slater, Jason G. Veneman, Brendan F. Tivnan:
Towards a model of the U.S. stock market: How important is the securities information processor? 1181-1192 - Jianling Wang, Vivek George, Tucker Balch, Maria Hybinette:
Stockyard: A discrete event-based stock market exchange simulator. 1193-1203 - Yasaman Kamyab Hessary, Mirsad Hadzikadic:
An agent-based study of herding relationships with financial markets phenomena. 1204-1215 - Wenchao Yi, Jinghui Zhong, Singkuang Tan, Wentong Cai
, Nan Hu:
Surrogate assisted calibration framework for crowd model calibration. 1216-1227 - Sumeet Kumar
, Kathleen M. Carley:
Simulating DDOS attacks on the us fiber-optics internet infrastructure. 1228-1239 - Diana Suleimenova, David Bell
, Derek Groen:
Towards an automated framework for agent-based simulation of refugee movements. 1240-1251 - Mohammad Nazrul Ishlam Patoary, Carl Tropper, Robert A. McDougal, William W. Lytton:
Optimizations for Neuron Time Warp(NTW) for stochastic reaction-diffusion models of neurons. 1252-1263 - Kamwoo Lee, Mark Rucker, William T. Scherer, Peter A. Beling, Matthew S. Gerber, Hyojung Kang:
Agent-based model construction using inverse reinforcement learning. 1264-1275 - Okan Topçu:
Using situational awareness for adaptive decision making in agent-based simulation. 1276-1287 - Alejandro Teran-Somohano
, Alice E. Smith
, Levent Yilmaz
Model alignment using optimization and design of experiments. 1288-1299 - Levent Yilmaz
, Sritika Chakladar, Kyle Doud, Alice E. Smith
, Alejandro Teran-Somohano
, Halit Oguztüzün
, Sema Çam, Orçun Dayibas, Bilge Kaan Görür
Models as self-aware cognitive agents and adaptive mediators for model-driven science. 1300-1311 - Kyle Doud, Levent Yilmaz
A framework for formal automated analysis of simulation experiments using probabilistic model checking. 1312-1323 - Berry Gerrits
, Martijn Mes, Peter Schuur:
An agent-based simulation model for autonomous trailer docking. 1324-1335 - Mengqi Hu, Yang Chen
, Xiaopeng Li, Kaiqi Xiong:
An agent-based simulation model for distributed vehicle sharing operations. 1336-1347 - Warren Volk-Makarewicz, Catherine Cleophas
A meta-algorithm for validating agent-based simulation models to support decision making. 1348-1359 - Fabian Lorig, Daniel S. Lebherz, Jan Ole Berndt, Ingo J. Timm:
Hypothesis-driven experiment design in computer simulation studies. 1360-1371 - Kai G. Mertens
, Iris Lorscheid, Matthias Meyer:
Using structural equation-based metamodeling for agent-based models. 1372-1382 - Mohsen Jafari Songhori, Mohammad S. Jalali
, Takao Terano:
The effects of teams' initial characterizations of interactions on product development performance. 1383-1394 - Wai Kin (Victor) Chan:
Agent-based and regression models of social influence. 1395-1406 - Ashkan Negahban
Neural networks and agent-based diffusion models. 1407-1418 - Arnd Hartmanns
, Sean Sedwards, Pedro R. D'Argenio
Efficient simulation-based verification of probabilistic timed automata. 1419-1430 - Suresh C. Kothari, Payas Awadhutkar, Ahmed Tamrawi, Jon Mathews:
Modeling lessons from verifying large software systems for safety and security. 1431-1442 - Yifan Wang, Daniel Kim
, Seong-Hee Kim
, Haengju Lee:
Designing highway access control system using multi-class M/G/C/C state dependent queueing model and cross-entropy method. 1443-1454 - Yue Zhang, Christos G. Cassandras
, Wei Li, Pieter J. Mosterman:
A simevents model for hybrid traffic simulation. 1455-1466 - Roberto S. Silva Filho, Alexander K. Carroll, James D. Brooks:
A distributed simulator platform for rapid industrial user experience prototyping. 1467-1478 - Javier Panadero
, Laura Calvet
, Joan Manuel Marquès, Angel A. Juan
A simheuristic approach for resource allocation in volunteer computing. 1479-1490 - Andreas Naderlinger:
Simulating execution time variations in Matlab/Simulink. 1491-1502 - Stefan Scheifele, Oliver Riedel, Günter Pritschow:
Engineering of machine tools and manufacturing systems using cyber-physical systems. 1503-1514 - Celine Kessler, Laurent Capocchi, Bernard P. Zeigler, Jean François Santucci:
Generic architecture for interactive mobile simulation of parallel Devs models: A missile defense application. 1515-1526 - Waleed Abo-Hamad, Ahmed Ramy, Amr Arisha:
A hybrid process-mining approach for simulation modeling. 1527-1538 - Mahmoud Elbattah, Owen Molloy
Learning about systems using machine learning: Towards more data-driven feedback loops. 1539-1550