International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym)

International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym) – International Symposium on Wikis (ISW)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      OpenSym 2022: Madrid, Spain

      OpenSym 2021: Virtual Event, Spain

      OpenSym 2020: Virtual Event, Spain

      OpenSym 2019: Skövde, Sweden

      OpenSym 2018: Paris, France

      OpenSym 2017: Galway, Ireland

      OpenSym 2016: Berlin, Germany

      OpenSym 2015: San Francisco, CA, USA

      OpenSym 2014: Berlin, Germany

      OpenSym 2013: Hong Kong, China

      WikiSym 2012: Linz, Austria

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2011: Mountain View, CA, USA

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2010: Gdansk, Poland

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2009: Orlando, Florida, USA

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2008: Porto, Portugal

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2007: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2006: Odense, Denmark

      Int. Sym. Wikis 2005: San Diego, California, USA

      a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics