International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications (TLCA)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      13th TLCA 2015: Warsaw, Poland

      RTA-TLCA 2014: Vienna, Austria

      11th TLCA 2013: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

      10th TLCA 2011: Novi Sad, Serbia

      9th TLCA 2009: Brasilia, Brazil

      8th TLCA 2007: Paris, France

      7th TLCA 2005: Nara, Japan

      6th TLCA 2003: Valencia, Spain

      5th TLCA 2001: Krakow, Poland

      4th TLCA 1999: L'Aquila, Italy

      3rd TLCA 1997: Nancy, France

      2nd TLCA 1995: Edinburgh, UK

      1st TLCA 1993: Utrecht, The Netherlands