ISC Workshops 2017: Frankfurt, Germany

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The 1st International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-1)

Third International Workshop on Communication Architectures for HPC, Big Data, Deep Learning and Clouds at Extreme Scale (ExaComm)

Workshop on HPC Computing in a Post Moore's Law World (HCPM)

HPC I/O in the Data Center (HPC-IODC)

Second International Workshop on OpenPOWER for HPC (IWOPH'17)

Experiences on Intel Knights Landing at the One-Year Mark (IXPUG)

Second International Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for Accelerators (P^3MA)

12th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC'17)

Visualization at Scale: Deployment Case Studies and Experience Reports

Workshop on Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems (WOPSSS)