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SmartGridComm 2011: Brussels, Belgium
- IEEE Second International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, SmartGridComm 2011, Brussels, Belgium, October 17-20, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1704-8
- Yufeng Xin, Ilia Baldine, Jeffrey S. Chase, Tsegereda Beyene, Bill Parkhurst, Aranya Chakrabortty:
Virtual smart grid architecture and control framework. 1-6 - David E. Bakken, Anjan Bose, K. Mani Chandy, Pramod P. Khargonekar, Anthony Kuh, Steven H. Low, Alexandra von Meier, Kameshwar Poolla, Pravin Varaiya, Felix F. Wu:
GRIP - Grids with intelligent periphery: Control architectures for Grid2050π. 7-12 - Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Anna Scaglione, Robert J. Thomas, Duncan S. Callaway:
Information infrastructure for cellular load management in green power delivery systems. 13-18 - Soojeong Choi, Sunju Park, Dong-Joo Kang, Seung-Jae Han, Hak-Man Kim:
A microgrid energy management system for inducing optimal demand response. 19-24 - Vijay Arya, Deva P. Seetharam, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Kejitan Dontas, Christopher J. Pavlovski, Steve Hoy, Jayant R. Kalagnanam:
Phase identification in smart grids. 25-30 - Yi Xu, Jianhua Zhang, Wenye Wang, Avik Juneja, Subhashish Bhattacharya:
Energy router: Architectures and functionalities toward Energy Internet. 31-36 - Terence Song, Dritan Kaleshi, Ran Zhou, Olivier Boudeville, Jing-Xuan Ma, Aude Pelletier, Idir Haddadi:
Performance evaluation of integrated smart energy solutions through large-scale simulations. 37-42 - Stjepan Sucic, Ante Martinic, Denis Francesconi:
Utilizing SOA-ready devices for virtual power plant control in semantic-enabled Smart Grid Analyzing IEC 61850 and OPC UA integration methodology. 43-48 - Yannick Phulpin, João Barros, Daniel Enrique Lucani:
Network coding in Smart Grids. 49-54 - Kai Wang, Steven H. Low, Chuang Lin:
How stochastic network calculus concepts help green the power grid. 55-60 - Miles H. F. Wen, Ka-Cheong Leung, Victor O. K. Li:
Communication-oriented smart grid framework. 61-66 - Stamatis Karnouskos:
Crowdsourcing information via mobile devices as a migration enabler towards the SmartGrid. 67-72 - Ignacio Lopez-Rodriguez, Mario Hernández-Tejera:
Challenges of using smart local devices for the management of the Smart Grid. 73-77 - I. Safak Bayram, George Michailidis, Michael Devetsikiotis, Subhashish Bhattacharya, Aranya Chakrabortty, Fabrizio Granelli:
Local energy storage sizing in plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging stations under blocking probability constraints. 78-83 - Pasi Nuutinen, Pasi Salonen, Pasi Peltoniemi, Tero Kaipia, Pertti Silventoinen, Jarmo Partanen:
Implementing a laboratory development platform for an LVDC distribution system. 84-89 - Masaaki Tanaka, Daisuke Umehara, Masahiro Morikura, Nobuaki Otsuki, Takatoshi Sugiyama:
New throughput analysis of long-distance IEEE 802.11 wireless communication system for smart grid. 90-95 - Christian Müller, Hanno Georg, Markus Putzke, Christian Wietfeld:
Performance analysis of radio propagation models for Smart Grid applications. 96-101 - Michael R. Souryal, Nada Golmie:
Analysis of advanced metering over a Wide Area Cellular Network. 102-107 - Stanislav Mudriievskyi, Ievgenii Tsokalo, Abdelfatteh Haidine, Bamidele Adebisi, Ralf Lehnert:
Performance evaluation of MAC backoff algorithm in Narrowband PLC. 108-113 - Gopalakrishnan Iyer, Prathima Agrawal, Emmanuel Monnerie, Ruben Salazar Cardozo:
Performance analysis of wireless mesh routing protocols for smart utility networks. 114-119 - Miriam Allalouf, Gidon Gershinsky, Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor:
Data-quality-aware volume reduction in smart grid networks. 120-125 - Amar H. Patel, Juan Aparicio, Nazif Tas, Michael Loiacono, Justinian Rosca:
Assessing communications technology options for smart grid applications. 126-131 - Marco Levorato, Urbashi Mitra:
Optimal allocation of heterogeneous smart grid traffic to heterogeneous networks. 132-137 - Malcolm Brew, Faisal Darbari, Louise Crockett, Mark B. Waddell, Michael Fitch, Stephan Weiss, Robert W. Stewart:
UHF white space network for rural smart grid communications. 138-142 - Ting Zhu, Sheng Xiao, Yi Ping, Don Towsley, Weibo Gong:
A secure energy routing mechanism for sharing renewable energy in smart microgrid. 143-148 - Andrea M. Tonello, Salvatore D'Alessandro, Fabio Versolatto, Carlo Tornelli:
Comparison of narrow-band OFDM PLC solutions and I-UWB modulation over distribution grids. 149-154 - Ruilong Deng, Sabita Maharjan, Xianghui Cao, Jiming Chen, Yan Zhang, Stein Gjessing:
Sensing-delay tradeoff for communication in cognitive radio enabled smart grid. 155-160 - Young-Jin Kim, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Hongseok Kim, Marina Thottan:
SSTP: A scalable and secure transport protocol for smart grid data collection. 161-166 - Muharrem A. Tunc, Erik Perrins, Lutz Lampe:
The effect of LPTV channel adaptation on the performance of broadband PLC for Smart Grid. 167-171 - Raghuram Ranganathan, Robert C. Qiu, Shujie Hou, Husheng Li:
Blind recovery of smart meter wireless transmissions employing Independent Component Analysis in the presence of strong wideband interference. 172-177 - Younghun Kim, Edith C. H. Ngai, Mani B. Srivastava:
Cooperative state estimation for preserving privacy of user behaviors in smart grid. 178-183 - Ognjen Vukovic, Kin Cheong Sou, György Dán, Henrik Sandberg:
Network-layer protection schemes against stealth attacks on state estimators in power systems. 184-189 - S. Raj Rajagopalan, Lalitha Sankar, Soheil Mohajer, H. Vincent Poor:
Smart meter privacy: A utility-privacy framework. 190-195 - Tat Wing Chim, Siu-Ming Yiu, Lucas Chi Kwong Hui, Victor O. K. Li:
PASS: Privacy-preserving authentication scheme for smart grid network. 196-201 - Ali Tajer, Soummya Kar, H. Vincent Poor, Shuguang Cui:
Distributed joint cyber attack detection and state recovery in smart grids. 202-207 - Paria Jokar, Hasen Nicanfar, Victor C. M. Leung:
Specification-based Intrusion Detection for home area networks in smart grids. 208-213 - Zubair A. Baig:
On the use of pattern matching for rapid anomaly detection in smart grid infrastructures. 214-219 - Lalitha Sankar, Soummya Kar, Ravi Tandon, H. Vincent Poor:
Competitive privacy in the smart grid: An information-theoretic approach. 220-225 - Vladimir Kolesnikov, Wonsuck Lee, Junhee Hong:
MAC aggregation resilient to DoS attacks. 226-231 - Annarita Giani, Eilyan Bitar, Manuel J. Garcia, Miles McQueen, Pramod P. Khargonekar, Kameshwar Poolla:
Smart grid data integrity attacks: characterizations and countermeasuresπ. 232-237 - Clifford Neuman, Kymie Tan:
Mediating cyber and physical threat propagation in secure smart grid architectures. 238-243 - Mohammad Esmalifalak, Huy Nguyen, Rong Zheng, Zhu Han:
Stealth false data injection using independent component analysis in smart grid. 244-248 - Todd Baumeister:
Adapting PKI for the smart grid. 249-254 - Zhong Fan:
Distributed charging of PHEVs in a smart grid. 255-260 - Wenbo Shi, Vincent W. S. Wong:
Real-time vehicle-to-grid control algorithm under price uncertainty. 261-266 - Walid Saad, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor, Tamer Basar:
A noncooperative game for double auction-based energy trading between PHEVs and distribution grids. 267-272 - Jan Keiser, Juri Glass, Nils Masuch, Marco Lützenberger, Sahin Albayrak:
A distributed multi-operator W2V2G management approach. 273-278 - Jinbiao Xu, Vincent W. S. Wong:
An approximate dynamic programming approach for coordinated charging control at vehicle-to-grid aggregator. 279-284 - Patrick R. Casey, Nabih Jaber, Kemal E. Tepe:
Design and implementation of a cross-platform sensor network for smart grid transmission line monitoring. 285-290 - Rakesh Rao, Srinivas Akella, Gokhan Guley:
Power line carrier (PLC) signal analysis of smart meters for outlier detection. 291-296 - Inigo Berganza, Alberto Sendin, Aitor Arzuaga, Manu Sharma, Badri Varadarajan:
PRIME on-field deployment First summary of results and discussion. 297-302 - Xiang Lu, Wenye Wang, Avik Juneja, Alexander Dean:
Talk to transformers: An empirical study of device communications for the FREEDM system. 303-308 - Cornelis Jan Kikkert:
Effect of couplers and line branches on PLC communication channel response. 309-314 - Jens Schmutzler, Sven Gröning, Christian Wietfeld:
Management of Distributed Energy Resources in IEC 61850 using Web Services on devices. 315-320 - Poramate Tarasak:
Optimal real-time pricing under load uncertainty based on utility maximization for smart grid. 321-326 - Anett Schuelke, Kellie Erickson:
The potential for compensating wind fluctuations with residential load shifting of electric vehicles. 327-332 - Yiyu Shi, Jinjun Xiong:
Contingency constrained economic dispatch in smart grids with correlated demands. 333-338 - Eugene A. Feinberg, Jiaqiao Hu, Kan Huang:
A rolling horizon approach to distribution feeder reconfiguration with switching costs. 339-344 - Antimo Barbato, Antonio Capone, Giuliana Carello, Maurizio Delfanti, Marco Merlo, A. Zaminga:
House energy demand optimization in single and multi-user scenarios. 345-350 - Hadi Goudarzi, Safar Hatami, Massoud Pedram:
Demand-side load scheduling incentivized by dynamic energy prices. 351-356 - Siyu Yue, Jiong Chen, Yuantao Gu, Chenye Wu, Yiyu Shi:
Dual-pricing policy for controller-side strategies in demand side management. 357-362 - Mahdi Kefayati, Ross Baldick:
Energy Delivery Transaction Pricing for flexible electrical loads. 363-368 - Pedram Samadi, Robert Schober, Vincent W. S. Wong:
Optimal energy consumption scheduling using mechanism design for the future smart grid. 369-374 - Datchanamoorthy Senthilkumar, Sunil Kumar, Yusuf Ozturk, Gordon K. Lee:
Optimal time-of-use pricing for residential load control. 375-380 - Richard Lau, Sami Ayyorgun, Siun Chuon Mau, Sharanya Eswaran, Archan Misra, Steven Bushby, David Holmberg:
Strategy and modeling for building DR optimization. 381-386 - Shengrong Bu, F. Richard Yu, Peter X. Liu:
A game-theoretical decision-making scheme for electricity retailers in the smart grid with demand-side management. 387-391 - Takekazu Kato, Kenji Yuasa, Takashi Matsuyama:
Energy on demand: Efficient and versatile energy control system for home energy management. 392-397 - Hongseok Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Kai Yang, Marina Thottan:
Cloud-based demand response for smart grid: Architecture and distributed algorithms. 398-403 - Antimo Barbato, Antonio Capone, Marta Rodolfi, Davide Tagliaferri:
Forecasting the usage of household appliances through power meter sensors for demand management in the smart grid. 404-409 - Stefan Feuerhahn, Michael Zillgith, Christof Wittwer, Christian Wietfeld:
Comparison of the communication protocols DLMS/COSEM, SML and IEC 61850 for smart metering applications. 410-415 - Sebastian Rohjans, Klaus Piech, Mathias Uslar, Jean-Francois Cabadi:
CIMbaT - automated generation of CIM-based OPC UA-address spaces. 416-421 - Rafael Santodomingo, J. A. Rodriguez-Mondejar, Miguel Angel Sanz-Bobi, Sebastian Rohjans, Mathias Uslar:
Towards the automatic alignment of CIM and SCL ontologies. 422-427 - Yoseba K. Penya, Aitor Peña, Oihane Kamara Esteban:
Semantic integration of IEC 60870 into CIM. 428-433 - Michael G. Kallitsis, George Michailidis, Michael Devetsikiotis:
A decentralized algorithm for optimal resource allocation in smartgrids with communication network externalities. 434-439 - Husheng Li, Zhu Han, Lifeng Lai, Robert C. Qiu, Depeng Yang:
Efficient and reliable multiple access for advanced metering in future smart grid. 440-444 - Gabriele Webber, Joseph Warrington, Sébastien Mariéthoz, Manfred Morari:
Communication limitations in iterative real time pricing for power systems. 445-450 - Topi Mikkola, Erik Bunn, Pasi Hurri, Giulio Jacucci, Matti Lehtonen, Manyazewal Fitta, Solomon Biza:
Near real time energy monitoring for end users: Requirements and sample applications. 451-456 - Masoud Farivar, Christopher R. Clarke, Steven H. Low, K. Mani Chandy:
Inverter VAR control for distribution systems with renewables. 457-462 - Husheng Li, Zhu Han:
Synchronization of power networks without and with communication infrastructures. 463-468 - Fabio Pasqualetti, Ruggero Carli, Francesco Bullo:
A distributed method for state estimation and false data detection in power networks. 469-474 - Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Vassiliki Hatzi, Leandros Tassiulas:
Optimal energy storage control policies for the smart power grid. 475-480 - Taha Selim Ustun, Cagil R. Ozansoy, Aladin Zayegh:
Implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm in a dynamic microgrid for relay hierarchy detection. 481-486 - Tomaso Erseghe, Francesco Lorenzon, Stefano Tomasin, Alessandro Costabeber, Paolo Tenti:
Distance measurement over PLC for dynamic grid mapping of smart micro grids. 487-492 - Toshiyuki Ito, Tatsuya Tsukada, Susumu Sato, Shinsuke Nii, Ryuichi Yokoyama:
Improvement of islanded operating stability for lean-burn gas engine by effective use of power storage device. 493-498 - Mehdi Savaghebi, Josep M. Guerrero, Alireza Jalilian, Juan C. Vasquez:
Secondary control for voltage unbalance compensation in an islanded microgrid. 499-504 - Alessandra Parisio, Luigi Glielmo:
A mixed integer linear formulation for microgrid economic scheduling. 505-510 - Rui Huang, Steven H. Low, Ufuk Topcu, K. Mani Chandy, Christopher R. Clarke:
Optimal design of hybrid energy system with PV/wind turbine/storage: A case study. 511-516 - H. M. Huang, G. W. Chang, C. K. Chen, H. J. Su, T. C. Wu:
A study of low voltage ride-through capability for offshore wind power plant. 517-521 - Hiroyuki Yusa, Tetsuo Otani, Noriyuki Senke, Eiji Ohba, Yutaka Arai, Yoshimichi Okuno, Takanori Hayashi, Yasuyuki Hoshi:
Application of IEC 61850 to the communication of a large-scale photovoltaic power generation operation - Web service and conformance test -. 522-527 - Navin Sharma, Pranshu Sharma, David E. Irwin, Prashant J. Shenoy:
Predicting solar generation from weather forecasts using machine learning. 528-533 - Jan Cappelle, Johan Vanalme, Stijn Vispoel, Thomas Van Maerhem, Bart Verhelst, Colin Debruyne, Jan Desmet:
Introducing small storage capacity at residential PV installations to prevent overvoltages. 534-539 - Tom Verschueren, Kevin Mets, Bart Meersman, Matthias Strobbe, Chris Develder, Lieven Vandevelde:
Assessment and mitigation of voltage violations by solar panels in a residential distribution grid. 540-545 - Dae-Hyun Choi, Le Xie:
Fully distributed bad data processing for wide area state estimation. 546-551 - Deepjyoti Deka, Sriram Vishwanath:
PMU placement and error control using belief propagation. 552-557 - Yanfeng Gong, Mangapathirao Mynam, Armando Guzman:
Real-time multiterminal fault location system for transmission networks. 558-563 - Dilek Düstegör, Touria El Mezyani, S. K. Srivastava:
A distributed fault protection method for power grid with high penetration of Renewable Energy Sources. 564-569 - Hao Zhu, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Lassoing line outages in the smart power grid. 570-575 - Edmund O. Schweitzer, Armando Guzman:
Synchrophasor processor detects out-of-step conditions. 576-581 - Markus Wache:
Wide area monitoring with Phasor Measurement Data. 582-586 - Naveen Cherukuri, Klara Nahrstedt:
Cooperative congestion control in power grid communication networks. 587-592 - Yannick Phulpin, Jagabondhu Hazra, Damien Ernst:
Model predictive control of HVDC power flow to improve transient stability in power systems. 593-598 - Michelle Lim, Mohit Chhabra, Puneet Pasrich, Kimberly Newman, Frank Barnes:
Frequency variations in hybrid renewable energy network with integrated storage. 599-604
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