International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      16th SIN 2023: Jaipur, India

      15th SIN 2022: Sousse, Tunisia

      14th SIN 2021: Edinburgh, United Kingdom

      13th SIN 2020: Virtual Event / Istanbul, Turkey

      12th SIN 2019: Sochi, Russia

      11th SIN 2018: Cardiff, Wales, UK

      10th SIN 2017: Jaipur, IN, India

      9th SIN 2016: Newark, NJ, USA

      8th SIN 2015: Sochi, Russia

      7th SIN 2014: Glasgow, Scotland, UK

      6th SIN 2013: Aksaray, Turkey

      5th SIN 2012: Jaipur, India

      4th SIN 2011: Sydney, NSW, Australia

      3rd SIN 2010: Rostov-on-Don, Russia

      2nd SIN 2009: Gazimagusa, North Cyprus