4th SIGUCCS 1976: Tucson, AZ, USA

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Session 1: elements of success for user services

Session 2: computers and privacy

Session 3a: firmament of terminals

Session 4a: newsletter workshop

Session 4b: new tools for instructors

Session 4c: physical facilities

Session 6a: statistical packages

Session 6b: user services and operations (panel)

Session 7a: overcoming computerese

Session 7b: servey of state of the art

Session 7c: small college success stories

Session 8a: online documentation

Session 8b: the computer center's potential as a community educational resource tool

Session 8c: data archives and data file services

Session 9a: how effective are we?

Session 9b: human oriented user services

Session 12: the quality of computing

Session 14a: user feedback, how to get it

Session 14b: multi-vendor environments

Session 14c: program library care and feeding

Session 15a: EDUNET (panel)

Session 15b: student free access

Session 15c: commitment for specialized consulting

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