5th SERA 2007: Busan, Korea

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Software Architecture, Process Models, Design Patterns, and Frameworks I

Communication Systems, Networks, and Telecommunications

Web Engineering and Web-Based Applications

Software Architecture and Process Models, Design Patterns, and Frameworks II

1st International Workshop on Advanced Internet Technology, and Applications (AITA 2007) I

Artificial Intelligence I

Formal Methods and Tools I

1st International Workshop on Advanced Internet Technology, and Applications (AITA 2007) II

Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Knowledge Recovery

Component Based Software Engineering

Object-Oriented Technology and Modelling with UML I

Reliability Modeling and Requirements Engineering

Ubiquitous IT Applications I

Computer & Software Engineering, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering I

Information Systems Engineering, Management Systems, Economic, and Financial Systems

Ubiquitous IT Applications II

Reliability Modeling and Software Agent Technology

Computer & Software Engineering, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering I

Mobile/Wireless Computing I

Visual and Multimedia Computing, Human Computer Interaction I

Computer & Software Engineering, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering II

Mobile/Wireless Computing II

Software Reuse and Metrics

Visual and Multimedia Computing, Human Computer Interaction II

Parallel and Distributed Computing

Process Management & Improvement

Software Testing Techniques, Formal Methods and Tools

Object-Oriented Technology, Safety and Security Critical Software and Modelling with UML