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31st SEKE 2019: Lisbon, Portugal
- Angelo Perkusich:
The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2019, Hotel Tivoli, Lisbon, Portugal, July 10-12, 2019. KSI Research Inc. and Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School 2019, ISBN 1-891706-48-9
Knowledge Graphs
- Menglong Li, Mengxing Huang, Yu Zhang, Wenlong Feng:
A DIK-based Question-Answering Architecture with Multi-sources Data for Medical Self-Service (S). 1-10 - Junming Cao, Tianjiao Du, Beijun Shen, Wei Li, Qinyue Wu, Yuting Chen:
Constructing a Knowledge Base of Coding Conventions from Online Resources. 5-14 - Hanwen Liu, Huaizhen Kou
, Xiaoxiao Chi, Lianyong Qi:
Combining time, keywords and authors information to construct papers correlation graph (S). 11-19 - Fei Deng, Yunqiang Yan, Feng Gao, Linbo Wu:
Modeling and Simulation of CPS based on SysML and Modelica (S). 15-25
Agile Software I
- Rachel Vital
, Glaucia Melo dos Santos, Toacy Cavalcante de Oliveira
, Paulo S. C. Alencar, Donald D. Cowan:
AgileCritPath: Identifying Critical Tasks in Agile Environments. 20-38 - Felipe Barbosa Araújo Ramos, Antonio Pedro, Marcos Cesar, Antonio Alexandre Moura Costa, Mirko Barbosa Perkusich, Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida
, Angelo Perkusich
Evaluating Software Developers' Acceptance of a Tool for Supporting Agile Non-Functional Requirement Elicitation. 26-42 - Martin Blersch, Sebastian Weigelt, Walter F. Tichy, Kevin Angele:
Automatic Generation of Virtual Assistants from Databases using Active Ontologies. 32-48 - Priscilla Neuhaus
, Julia Couto
, Jonatas Wehrmann, Duncan Dubugras Alcoba Ruiz, Felipe Meneguzzi
GADIS: A Genetic Algorithm for Database Index Selection (S). 39-54
Software Testing I
- Yimei Chen, Zheng Li, Ruilian Zhao, Junxia Guo:
Research on Page Object Generation Approach for Web Application Testing. 43-63 - Yingling Li, Junjie Wang, Qing Wang, Jun Hu:
A Class-level Test Selection Approach Toward Full Coverage For Continuous Integration. 49-70 - Thiago Botti de Assis, Andre Augusto Menegassi, André Takeshi Endo
Amplifying Tests for Cross-Platform Apps through Test Patterns. 55-74
Theoretical Software Engineering
- Iaakov Exman, Assaf Spanier:
Algebraic Convergence to Software-Knowledge: Deep Software Learning (P). 61-87 - José María Álvarez Rodríguez
, Valentin Moreno, Juan Lloréns
Formal ontologies and data shapes within the Software Engineering development lifecycle. 64-93 - Débora C. Engelmann, Julia Couto
, Vágner de Oliveira Gabriel, Renata Vieira
, Rafael H. Bordini:
Towards an Ontology to Support Decision-making in Hospital Bed Allocation (S). 71-74 - Iaakov Exman, Harel Wallach:
A Software System is Greater than its Modules Sum: Providers and Consumers Modularity Matrix. 75-106
Agile Software
- Emanuel Dantas, Antonio Alexandre Moura Costa, Marcus Vinicius, Mirko Barbosa Perkusich, Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida
, Angelo Perkusich
An Effort Estimation Support Tool for Agile Software Development: An Empirical Evaluation. 82-116 - Joelma Choma, Eduardo Guerra
, Tiago Silva da Silva, Luciana A. M. Zaina, Filipe Figueiredo Correia
Towards an artifact to support agile teams in software analytics activities. 88-122 - Fabian Kortum, Jil Klünder, Wasja Brunotte, Kurt Schneider
Sprint Performance Forecasts in Agile Software Development - The Effect of Futurespectives on Team-Driven Dynamics. 94-128
Software Testing II
- Feng Gao, Fei Deng, Yunqiang Yan:
Research on Multi-constraint Combinatorial Test Technology for High Confidence Embedded Software (S). 102-140 - Canh Minh Do
, Kazuhiro Ogata:
Specification-based Testing with Simulation Relations (S). 107-146 - Adel Jebali, Abderrazak Jemai
, Salma Sassi
A Survey Study on the Inference Problem in Distributed Environment (S). 113-152 - Samantha Catania, Chris Porter
, Mark Micallef:
Towards human-centric software testing. 117-158
Software Testing III
- Thi Anh Tuyet Vuong, Shingo Takada:
Semantic Analysis for Deep Q-Network in Android GUI Testing. 123-170 - Douglas Hiura Longo, Patricia Vilain, Lucas Pereira da Silva:
Impacts of Data Uniformity in the Reuse of Acceptance Test Glue Code. 129-176 - Mauricio Rocha, Adenilso Simão
, Thiago Sousa, Marcelo Batista:
Test Case Generation by EFSM Extracted from UML Sequence Diagrams. 135-180 - Zijie Huang
, Junhua Chen, Jianhua Gao:
The Smell of Blood: Evaluating Anemia and Bloodshot Symptoms in Web Applications. 141-186
Formal Methods I
- Jiaqi Yin, Huibiao Zhu, Yuan Fei, Qiwen Xu, Ruobiao Wu:
Formalization and Verification of RTPS StatefulWriter Module Using CSP. 147-198 - Tengfei Li
, Jing Liu, Dongdong An, Haiying Sun:
A Sound and Complete Axiomatisation for Spatio-Temporal Specification Language. 153-204 - Moe Nandi Aung, Yati Phyo
, Kazuhiro Ogata:
Formal Specification and Model Checking of the Lim-Jeong-Park-Lee Autonomous Vehicle Intersection Control Protocol (S). 159-208
Baysean Methods
- João Nunes, Luiz Silva, Mirko Barbosa Perkusich, Kyller Costa Gorgônio
, Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida
, Angelo Perkusich
Improving the Applicability of the Ranked Nodes Method to build Expert-Driven Bayesian Networks (S). 165-220 - Renata M. Saraiva, Mirko Barbosa Perkusich, Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida
, Angelo Perkusich
A systematic process to define expert-driven software metrics thresholds (S). 171-226 - Tao Sun, Qi Wang:
Multi-source fault detection and diagnosis based on multi-level Knowledge Graph and Bayesian theory reasoning (S). 177-232
Formal Methods II
- Kazuhiro Ogata:
Formal Specification and Model Checking of A* Algorithm. 181-244 - Nacha Chondamrongkul, Jing Sun, Ian Warren:
PAT approach to Architecture Behavioural Verification. 187-252 - Xin Sun, Lan Lin:
Leveraging Rigorous Software Specification Towards Systematic Detection of SDN Control Conflicts (S). 193-258
Software Bugs
- Aloisio S. Cairo, Glauco de Figueiredo Carneiro, Antônio Resende, Fernando Brito e Abreu
The Influence of God Class and Long Method in the Occurrence of Bugs in Two Open Source Software Projects: An Exploratory Study (S). 199-270 - Akalanka Galappaththi, John Anvik
Feature Evaluation for Automatic Bug Report Summarization (S). 205-274 - Mark Grechanik
, Gurudev Devanla:
Generating Integration Tests Automatically Using Frequent Patterns of Method Execution Sequences. 209-280 - Leandro Beserra, Roberta Coelho:
CrashAwareDev: Supporting Software Development based on Crash Report Mining and Analysis (S). 215-286
Internet of Things
- Fernanda Famá
, Cleuves de Carvalho, Danilo F. S. Santos
, Angelo Perkusich
, Kyller Costa Gorgônio
Dynamic and Interoperable Control of IoT Devices and Applications based on Calvin Framework. 221-296 - Sébastien Salva, Elliott Blot:
Reverse Engineering Behavioural Models of IoT Devices. 227-300 - Carlos Eduardo Pantoja
, Heder Dorneles Soares, Tielle Alexandre, José Viterbo, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni:
A Resource Management Architecture For Exposing Devices as a Service in the Internet of Things. 233-306
- Henrique Persch, Lisandra M. Fontoura, Adriano Fontoura:
SPRO: Security Process Framework. 239-318 - Fabien Patrick Viertel, Wasja Brunotte, Daniel Strüber, Kurt Schneider
Detecting Security Vulnerabilities using Clone Detection and Community Knowledge. 245-324 - Marcelo Colomé, Raul Ceretta Nunes
, Luís Alvaro de Lima Silva:
Case-Based Cybersecurity Incident Resolution. 253-330
Formal Methods III
- Feng Sheng, Huibiao Zhu, Zongyuan Yang, Jiaqi Yin, Gang Lu:
Verifying Static Aspects of UML models using Prolog (S). 259-342 - Dongzhen Sun, Huibiao Zhu, Yuan Fei, Lili Xiao, Gang Lu, Jiaqi Yin:
Modeling and Verifying TESAC Using CSP. 265-348 - Weidi Sun, Meng Sun:
PRISM Code Generation for Verification of Mediator Models (S). 271-354
Adaptive Software
- Jiawei Lu, Huan Zhou, Jun Xu, Haibo Pan, Gang Xiao:
An evolutionary model for dynamic and adaptative service composition in distributed environment. 275-366 - Yingcheng Sun
, XiaoShu Cai, Kenneth A. Loparo:
Learning - based Adaptation Framework for Elastic Software Systems. 281-372 - He Zhang, Qingshan Li, Lu Wang, Wen Cheng:
Self-Adaptive software changes analysis method based on "Detection-Recognition" Mechanism (S). 287-378
Semantic Enabled SE
- Freddy Priyatna, David Chaves-Fraga
, Ahmad Alobaid
, Óscar Corcho:
morph-GraphQL: GraphQL Servers Generation from R2RML Mappings (S). 291-390 - Luke Tudor, Jing Sun, Hai H. Wang
, Bingyang Wei:
Semantic Rule Based Program Monitoring (S). 297-397 - Ester Giallonardo, Francesco Poggi
, Davide Rossi, Eugenio Zimeo:
Context-aware Reactive Systems based on Runtime Semantic Models (S). 301-403 - Duankang Fu, Shufan Zhou, Beijun Shen, Yuting Chen:
Enhancing Semantic Search of Crowdsourcing IT Services using Knowledge Graph. 307-409
Empirical Studies
- Shivani Jain, Anju Saha:
An Empirical Study on Research and Developmental Opportunities in Refactoring Practices. 313-418 - Xingguang Yang, Huiqun Yu, Guisheng Fan, Kang Yang:
An Empirical Studies on Optimal Solutions Selection Strategies for Effort-Aware Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction. 319-424 - Ursula Campos, Adriana Lopes, Simone D. J. Barbosa
, Tayana Conte
Empirical Studies Concerning the Maintenance of BPMN Diagrams: A Systematic Mapping Study. 325-430
Neural Networks
- Yi Luo, Qin Liu, Hongming Zhu, Hongfei Fan, Tianyou Song, Chang Wu Yu, Bowen Du:
Multistep Flow Prediction on Car-Sharing Systems: A Multi-Graph Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism. 331-442 - Liubo Ouyang, Hui Tang, Guangyi Xiao:
Chinese Text Relation Extraction with Multi-instance Multi-label BLSTM Neural Networks. 337-448 - Xiao-Jie Wang, Wenbin Yao, Huiyuan Fu:
A Convolutional Neural Network Pruning Method Based On Attention Mechanism. 343-452 - Gul Jabeen, Ping Luo, Junaid Akram
, Akber Aman Shah:
An Integrated Software Vulnerability Discovery Model based on Artificial Neural Network. 349-458
Machine Learning Algorithms for SE
- Saad bin Abid, Vishal Mahajan, Levi Lucio:
Machine Learning for Learnability of MDD tools. 355-468 - Khalid Alkharabsheh
, Yania Crespo
, Manuel Fernández Delgado
, José Manuel Cotos, José A. Taboada
Assessing the Influence of Size Category of the Project in God Class Detection, an Experimental Approach based on Machine Learning. 361-472 - Yiyan Chen, Zhanghui Liu, Zhiming Huang, Chuangshumin Hu, Xing Chen:
A Services Development Approach for Smart Home Based on Natural Language Instructions. 367-478 - Dongjin Yu, Kaihui Xu, Dongjing Wang:
Modeling User Contextual Behavior Semantics with Geographical Influence for Point-Of-Interest Recommendation. 373-484
Deep Learning/AI
- Jun Zeng, Haoran Tang, Yinghua Li, Xin He:
A Deep Learning Model Based on Sparse Matrix for Point-of-Interest Recommendation. 379-492 - Xiangru Tang, Zhihao Wang, Jiyang Qi, Zengyang Li:
Improving Code Generation From Descriptive Text By Combining Deep Learning and Syntax Rules. 385-496 - Gabriel Pedroza
, Morayo Adedjouma:
Safe-by-Design Development Method for Artificial Intelligent Based Systems. 391-502
Software Development II
- Chong Wang, Tao Wang, Peng Liang
, Maya Daneva
, Marten van Sinderen:
Augmenting App Review with App Changelogs: An Approach for App Review Classification. 398-512 - Peiyu Liu, Wenzhi Chen, Zonghui Wang, Lirong Fu:
Prudent Practices for Designing Virtual Desktop Experiments. 404-517 - Zeyu Ni, Beijun Shen, Yuting Chen, Zhangyuan Meng, Junming Cao:
CrowDevBot: A Task-Oriented Conversational Bot for Software Crowdsourcing Platform (S). 410-522 - Glaucia Melo dos Santos, Toacy Cavalcante de Oliveira
, Paulo S. C. Alencar, Donald D. Cowan:
Retrieving Curated Stack Overflow Posts from Project Task Similarities (S). 415-528
Software Defects
- Wenbo Zheng
, Shaocong Mo, Xin Jin, Yili Qu, Zefeng Xie, Jia Shuai:
Software Defect Prediction Model Based on Improved Deep Forest and AutoEncoder by Forest. 419-540 - Qiguo Huang, Chao Ni, Xiang Chen, Qing Gu, Kaibo Cao:
Multi-project Regression based Approach for Software Defect Number Prediction. 425-546 - Shaojian Qiu
, Lu Lu, Ziyi Cai, Siyu Jiang:
Cross-Project Defect Prediction via Transferable Deep Learning-Generated and Handcrafted Features. 431-552 - Xiaoxing Yang, Xin Li, Wushao Wen, Jianmin Su:
An Investigation of Ensemble Approaches to Cross-Version Defect Prediction. 437-556
Software Architectures I
- Tong Wang, Dongdong Wang, Bixin Li:
A Multilevel Analysis Method for Architecture Erosion. 443-566 - Alexandru Ardelean, Kuderna-Iulian Benta:
The affinity Platform: Modular Architecture based on Independent Components (S). 449-572 - Julia Couto
, Olimar Teixeira Borges
, Duncan D. Ruiz, Sabrina Marczak, Rafael Prikladnicki:
A Mapping Study about Data Lakes: An Improved Definition and Possible Architectures. 453-578
Software Architectures II
- Sameh Azouzi, Zaki Brahmi, Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi:
Architecture for Discovery and Customization of Multi-tenant Learning Process as a service and resources allocation in cloud computing. 459-588 - Quentin Perez
, Alexandre Le Borgne
, Christelle Urtado
, Sylvain Vauttier
An Empirical Study about Software Architecture Configuration Practices with the Java Spring Framework (S). 465-593 - Tong Wang, Yelian Zhang, Xufang Gong, Bixin Li:
Recover and Optimize Software Architecture Based on Source Code and Directory Hierarchies (S). 469-599
User Centered Design
- Maroun Koussaifi, Sylvie Trouilhet, Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Jean-Michel Bruel:
Automated user-oriented description of emerging composite ambient applications. 473-611 - Ranci Ren, John W. Castro, Silvia Teresita Acuña, Juan de Lara:
Usability of Chatbots: A Systematic Mapping Study. 479-617 - Thiago Rocha Silva
, Marco Winckler, Hallvard Trætteberg:
Extending Behavior-Driven Development for Assessing User Interface Design Artifacts (S). 485-623
Software Development III
- Edson Lucas
, Toacy Cavalcante de Oliveira
, Paulo S. C. Alencar:
A Method to Recommend Artifacts to New Tasks in Software Projects (S). 489-633 - Akhila Sri Manasa Venigalla, Chaitanya S. Lakkundi, Sridhar Chimalakonda:
SOTagger - Towards Classifying Stack Overflow Posts through Contextual Tagging (S). 493-639 - Antonio Relvas, Nuno C. Marques
, Miguel P. Monteiro
, Glauco de Figueiredo Carneiro:
An annotated repository for MATLAB code (S). 497-645
Fuzzy and Stochastic Approaches
- Diogo Domingues Regateiro, Óscar Mortágua Pereira, Rui L. Aguiar
BDFIS: Binary Decision Access Control Model Based On Fuzzy Inference Systems. 503-654 - Carlos Antonio Casanova Pietroboni
, Giovanni Daián Rottoli
, Esteban Schab
, Luciano Bracco, Fernando Pereyra Rausch, Anabella De Battista:
Fuzzy Bi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Next Release Problem (S). 509-660 - Joaquim V. C. Assunção, Paulo Fernandes
, Lucelene Lopes
Language Independent POS-tagging Using Automatically Generated Markov Chains (S). 513-666 - Chunqi Chen, Yunxiang Xiong, Beijun Shen, Yuting Chen:
Generating SQL Statements from Natural Language Queries: A Multitask Learning Approach (S). 518-674
Software Systems I
- Nayyar Iqbal, Jun Sang, Min Gao, Haibo Hu, Hong Xiang:
Forward Engineering Completeness for Software by Using Requirements Validation Framework (S). 523-686 - Farzana Jabeen
, Linmi Tao, Yirou Guo
, Shiyu Zhang
, Shanshan Mei
Improving Mobile Device interaction for Parkinson's Disease Patients via PD-Helper. 529-692 - Chao Luo, Xin Wang, Xiaojie Li, Yucheng Chen, Jiliu Zhou, Kunlin Cao, Qi Song, Xi Wu, Youbing Yin:
ACNET: Attention-based Convolution Network with Additional Discriminative Features for DCM Classification (S). 535-700 - Marcel Heinz, Ralf Lämmel, Mathieu Acher:
Discovering Indicators for Classifying Wikipedia Articles in a Domain - A Case Study on Software Languages. 541-706
Mobile Software
- Dragos Dobrean, Laura Diosan:
Model View Controller in iOS mobile applications development. 547-716 - C. Marimuthu
, Sanjana Palisetti, K. Chandrasekaran
An Empirical Study on Managing Energy and Accuracy Requirements of Location Based Android Applications (S). 553-722 - Cheng-Zen Yang
, Chih-Ju Lai, Peng Lu, Zhi-Jun You:
LAD: A Layout Anomaly Detector for Android Applications. 557-728 - Cong Chen, Yangyang Chen, Jianmin Jiang, Shi Zhang, Zhong Hong, Hongping Shu, Zeng Qiong:
Schedulability analysis for real-time mobile systems (S). 563-734
- Bangchao Wang
, Rong Peng, Zhuo Wang, Yaxin Zhao:
Combining VSM and BTM to Improve Requirements Trace Links Generation. 567-747 - Alba Fernández-Izquierdo, Raúl García-Castro:
Themis: a tool for validating ontologies through requirements. 573-753 - Jean C. S. Rosa, Beatriz Brito do Rêgo, Filipe A. Garrido, Pedro Valente, Nuno Nunes
, Ecivaldo de Souza Matos
Communication on Requirements Elicitation and Interaction Design through SPIDe (S). 579-759 - Florindo Silote Neto, Bruno Rafael de Oliveira Rodrigues, Renata de Souza França, Fabrício Ziviani, Fernando Silva Parreiras:
Impact of Agile Practices Adoption on Organizational Learning: a Survey in Brazil. 583-765
Information Systems
- Anderson Vale, Sérgio Martins Fernandes, Ana Patrícia Magalhães:
Towards a customizable Student Information System integrating MDD and SPL (S). 589-773 - Mark Micallef, Chris Porter
Towards Detecting and Managing Information Anxiety in the ICT Industry. 594-775 - Camila Hübner Brondani, Otávio da Cruz Mello, Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura:
A Case Study of a Software Development Process Model for SIS-ASTROS. 600-776
- Javier Cuenca
, Felix Larrinaga
, Edward Curry
Experiences on applying SPL Engineering Techniques to Design a (Re) usable Ontology in the Energy Domain. 606-777 - Qiang Yin, Lulu Wang, Bixin Li:
Identify MVC architectural pattern based on ontology. 612-777 - Neeraj Mathur, Sai Anirudh Karre, Y. Raghu Reddy
Grouping Semantically Related Change-Sets to Enhance Identification of Logical Coupling. 618-777
Signal Processing
- Menglei Jin, Weibin Liu, Weiwei Xing:
A Robust Visual Tracker Based on DCF Algorithm. 624-777 - Yaru Cheng, Weibin Liu, Weiwei Xing:
A Novel Algorithm for Exemplar-based Image Inpainting (S). 630-777 - Zengwei Zheng, Wenwang Chen, Yuanyi Chen, Dan Chen:
Trajectory Similarity Computation based on Interpolation and Integration (S). 634-777
- Cinthia Mikaela de Souza, Magali R. G. Meireles, Paulo E. M. de Almeida:
Clustering algorithms performance analysis applied to patent database. 640-777 - Mushtaq Raza, João Pascoal Faria
Automatic Calibration of Performance Indicators for Performance Analysis in Software Development (S). 646-777 - Xiumin Liu, Zheng Liu:
Knowledge Engineering Research Topic Mining Based on Co-word Analysis. 650-777 - Ali Zafar Sadiq, Ahmedul Kabir, Kazi Sakib:
Finding Erroneous Components from Change Coupled Relations at Fix-inducing Changes. 655-777
Software Quality
- Camila Hübner Brondani, Gelson Bertuol, Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura:
Artifact Quality Assessment Plans Generation from Tailored Processes. 661-777 - Yixiao Yang, Chen Xiang:
Improve Language Modelling for Code Completion through Learning General Token Repetition of Source Code. 667-777 - Yixiao Yang, Chen Xiang:
Improve Language Modelling for Code Completion by Tree Language Model with Tree Encoding of Context (S). 675-777 - Hend Amraoui, Faouzi Mhamdi, Mourad Elloumi:
Fast Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Discovering Relevant Association Rules. 681-777
Software Process
- Ana Filipa Nogueira
, Emilien Sergeant, Antoine Craske, José Carlos Bregieiro Ribeiro
, Mário Alberto Zenha-Rela:
Collecting Data from Continuous Practices: an Infrastructure to Support Team Development. 687-777