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SC 2012: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth:
SC Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC '12, Salt Lake City, UT, USA - November 11 - 15, 2012. IEEE/ACM 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0804-5
ACM Gordon Bell finalist: ACM Gordon Bell prize I
- Jatin Chhugani, Changkyu Kim, Hemant Shukla, Jongsoo Park, Pradeep Dubey, John Shalf
, Horst D. Simon
Billion-particle SIMD-friendly two-point correlation on large-scale HPC cluster systems. 1 - Arthur A. Mirin, David F. Richards, James N. Glosli, Erik W. Draeger, Bor Chan, Jean-Luc Fattebert
, William D. Krauss, Tomas Oppelstrup, John Jeremy Rice, John A. Gunnels, Viatcheslav Gurev, Changhoan Kim, John Magerlein, Matthias Reumann, Hui-Fang Wen:
Toward real-time modeling of human heart ventricles at cellular resolution: simulation of drug-induced arrhythmias. 2 - Tan Bui-Thanh
, Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, James Martin, Georg Stadler, Lucas C. Wilcox:
Extreme-scale UQ for Bayesian inverse problems governed by PDEs. 3
ACM Gordon Bell finalist: ACM Gordon Bell prize II
- Salman Habib, Vitali A. Morozov, Hal Finkel, Adrian Pope, Katrin Heitmann, Kalyan Kumaran, Tom Peterka, Joseph A. Insley, David Daniel
, Patricia K. Fasel, Nicholas Frontiere, Zarija Lukic:
The universe at extreme scale: multi-petaflop sky simulation on the BG/Q. 4 - Tomoaki Ishiyama
, Keigo Nitadori, Junichiro Makino
4.45 Pflops astrophysical N-body simulation on K computer: the gravitational trillion-body problem. 5
Analysis of I/O and storage
- Robert Henschel, Stephen C. Simms, David Y. Hancock, Scott Michael
, Tom Johnson, Nathan Heald, Thomas William, Donald K. Berry, Matthew Allen, Richard Knepper
, Matt Davy, Matthew R. Link, Craig A. Stewart:
Demonstrating lustre over a 100Gbps wide area network of 3, 500km. 6 - Dirk Meister, Jürgen Kaiser, André Brinkmann
, Toni Cortes
, Michael Kuhn, Julian M. Kunkel:
A study on data deduplication in HPC storage systems. 7 - Bing Xie
, Jeffrey S. Chase, David Dillow, Oleg Drokin, Scott Klasky, Sarp Oral, Norbert Podhorszki:
Characterizing output bottlenecks in a supercomputer. 8
Autotuning and search-based optimization
- Dheya Mustafa
, Rudolf Eigenmann:
Portable section-level tuning of compiler parallelized applications. 9 - Herbert Jordan, Peter Thoman, Juan Jose Durillo Barrionuevo
, Simone Pellegrini, Philipp Gschwandtner
, Thomas Fahringer
, Hans Moritsch:
A multi-objective auto-tuning framework for parallel codes. 10 - Matthias Christen, Olaf Schenk
, Yifeng Cui:
Patus for convenient high-performance stencils: evaluation in earthquake simulations. 11
Breadth first search
- Scott Beamer, Krste Asanovic, David A. Patterson:
Direction-optimizing breadth-first search. 12 - Fabio Checconi, Fabrizio Petrini, Jeremiah Willcock, Andrew Lumsdaine
, Anamitra R. Choudhury, Yogish Sabharwal:
Breaking the speed and scalability barriers for graph exploration on distributed-memory machines. 13 - Nadathur Satish, Changkyu Kim, Jatin Chhugani, Pradeep Dubey:
Large-scale energy-efficient graph traversal: a path to efficient data-intensive supercomputing. 14
Direct numerical simulations
- John M. Levesque, Ramanan Sankaran
, Ray W. Grout:
Hybridizing S3D into an exascale application using OpenACC: an approach for moving to multi-petaflops and beyond. 15 - Babak Hejazialhosseini, Diego Rossinelli, Christian Conti, Petros Koumoutsakos
High throughput software for direct numerical simulations of compressible two-phase flows. 16
- Tanzima Zerin Islam
, Kathryn M. Mohror
, Saurabh Bagchi, Adam Moody, Bronis R. de Supinski, Rudolf Eigenmann:
McrEngine: a scalable checkpointing system using data-aware aggregation and compression. 17 - Rolf Riesen, Kurt B. Ferreira, Dilma Da Silva, Pierre Lemarinier
, Dorian C. Arnold, Patrick G. Bridges
Alleviating scalability issues of checkpointing protocols. 18 - Kento Sato, Naoya Maruyama, Kathryn M. Mohror
, Adam Moody, Todd Gamblin, Bronis R. de Supinski, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Design and modeling of a non-blocking checkpointing system. 19
Cloud computing
- Thanasis G. Papaioannou
, Nicolas Bonvin, Karl Aberer:
Scalia: an adaptive scheme for efficient multi-cloud storage. 20 - Sheng Di, Derrick Kondo, Walfredo Cirne:
Host load prediction in a Google compute cloud with a Bayesian model. 21 - Maciej Malawski
, Gideon Juve, Ewa Deelman, Jarek Nabrzyski:
Cost- and deadline-constrained provisioning for scientific workflow ensembles in IaaS clouds. 22
GPU programming models and patterns
- Seyong Lee
, Jeffrey S. Vetter:
Early evaluation of directive-based GPU programming models for productive exascale computing. 23 - Jacques A. Pienaar, Srimat T. Chakradhar, Anand Raghunathan
Automatic generation of software pipelines for heterogeneous parallel systems. 24 - Linchuan Chen, Xin Huo, Gagan Agrawal:
Accelerating MapReduce on a coupled CPU-GPU architecture. 25
Maximizing performance on multi-core and many-core architectures
- Francisco D. Igual
, Murtaza Ali
, Arnon Friedmann, Eric Stotzer, Timothy Wentz, Robert A. van de Geijn:
Unleashing the high-performance and low-power of multi-core DSPs for general-purpose HPC. 26 - Li-Wen Chang, John A. Stratton, Hee-Seok Kim, Wen-mei W. Hwu:
A scalable, numerically stable, high-performance tridiagonal solver using GPUs. 27 - Jongsoo Park, Ping Tak Peter Tang, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Daehyun Kim, Thomas Benson:
Efficient backprojection-based synthetic aperture radar computation with many-core processors. 28
Auto-diagnosis of correctness and performance issues
- Peng Li, Guodong Li, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan:
Parametric flows: automated behavior equivalencing for symbolic analysis of races in CUDA programs. 29 - Tobias Hilbrich, Joachim Protze
, Martin Schulz
, Bronis R. de Supinski, Matthias S. Müller
MPI runtime error detection with MUST: advances in deadlock detection. 30 - Abhinav Bhatele, Todd Gamblin, Katherine E. Isaacs, Brian T. N. Gunney, Martin Schulz
, Peer-Timo Bremer, Bernd Hamann:
Novel views of performance data to analyze large-scale adaptive applications. 31
DRAM power and resiliency management
- Donghong Wu, Bingsheng He
, Xueyan Tang, Jianliang Xu
, Minyi Guo:
RAMZzz: rank-aware dram power management with dynamic migrations and demotions. 32 - Sheng Li, Doe Hyun Yoon, Ke Chen, Jishen Zhao, Jung Ho Ahn
, Jay B. Brockman, Yuan Xie, Norman P. Jouppi:
MAGE: adaptive granularity and ECC for resilient and power efficient memory systems. 33
Grids/clouds networking
- Yufei Ren, Tan Li, Dantong Yu, Shudong Jin, Thomas G. Robertazzi, Brian Tierney, Eric Pouyoul:
Protocols for wide-area data-intensive applications: design and performance issues. 34 - Nusrat S. Islam, Md. Wasi-ur-Rahman, Jithin Jose, Raghunath Rajachandrasekar, Hao Wang, Hari Subramoni, Chet Murthy, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
High performance RDMA-based design of HDFS over InfiniBand. 35 - Kiril Dichev
, Fergal Reid, Alexey L. Lastovetsky
Efficient and reliable network tomography in heterogeneous networks using BitTorrent broadcasts and clustering algorithms. 36
Weather and seismic simulations
- Preeti Malakar, Thomas George, Sameer Kumar, Rashmi Mittal, Vijay Natarajan, Yogish Sabharwal, Vaibhav Saxena, Sathish S. Vadhiyar:
A divide and conquer strategy for scaling weather simulations with multiple regions of interest. 37 - Max Rietmann, Peter Messmer, Tarje Nissen-Meyer
, Daniel Peter
, Piero Basini, Dimitri Komatitsch
, Olaf Schenk
, Jeroen Tromp
, Lapo Boschi
, Domenico Giardini:
Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on emerging large-scale GPU architectures. 38
Compiler-based analysis and optimization
- Tan Nguyen, Pietro Cicotti, Eric J. Bylaska, Dan Quinlan, Scott B. Baden:
Bamboo: translating MPI applications to a latency-tolerant, data-driven form. 39 - Vinayaka Bandishti, Irshad Pananilath, Uday Bondhugula:
Tiling stencil computations to maximize parallelism. 40 - Wei Ding, Yuanrui Zhang, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Seung Woo Son:
Compiler-directed file layout optimization for hierarchical storage systems. 41
Fast algorithms
- Ping Tak Peter Tang, Jongsoo Park, Daehyun Kim, Vladimir Petrov:
A framework for low-communication 1-D FFT. 42 - Hari Sundar, George Biros, Carsten Burstedde, Johann Rudi
, Omar Ghattas, Georg Stadler:
Parallel geometric-algebraic multigrid on unstructured forests of octrees. 43 - Akira Nukada, Kento Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Scalable multi-GPU 3-D FFT for TSUBAME 2.0 supercomputer. 44
Massively parallel simulations
- Jun Doi:
Peta-scale lattice quantum chromodynamics on a blue gene/Q supercomputer. 45 - Abhinav Sarje, Xiaoye S. Li, Slim Chourou, Elaine R. Chan, Alexander Hexemer
Massively parallel X-ray scattering simulations. 46 - Christopher Baker, Gregory G. Davidson, Thomas M. Evans
, Steven P. Hamilton
, Joshua J. Jarrell
, Wayne Joubert:
High performance radiation transport simulations: preparing for Titan. 47
Optimizing I/O for analytics
- John Jenkins, Eric R. Schendel
, Sriram Lakshminarasimhan, David A. Boyuka II, Terry Rogers, Stéphane Ethier, Robert B. Ross
, Scott Klasky, Nagiza F. Samatova:
Byte-precision level of detail processing for variable precision analytics. 48 - Janine Bennett, Hasan Abbasi, Peer-Timo Bremer, Ray W. Grout, Attila Gyulassy, Tong Jin, Scott Klasky, Hemanth Kolla, Manish Parashar, Valerio Pascucci
, Philippe P. Pébay
, David C. Thompson
, Hongfeng Yu, Fan Zhang, Jacqueline Chen:
Combining in-situ and in-transit processing to enable extreme-scale scientific analysis. 49 - Sidharth Kumar, Venkatram Vishwanath, Philip H. Carns, Joshua A. Levine, Robert Latham, Giorgio Scorzelli
, Hemanth Kolla, Ray W. Grout, Robert B. Ross, Michael E. Papka
, Jacqueline Chen, Valerio Pascucci
Efficient data restructuring and aggregation for I/O acceleration in PIDX. 50
Datacenter technologies
- Melanie Kambadur, Tipp Moseley, Rick Hank, Martha A. Kim:
Measuring interference between live datacenter applications. 51 - Rini T. Kaushik, Klara Nahrstedt:
T: a data-centric cooling energy costs reduction approach for big data analytics cloud. 52 - Vignesh T. Ravi, Michela Becchi, Gagan Agrawal, Srimat T. Chakradhar:
ValuePack: value-based scheduling framework for CPU-GPU clusters. 53
Optimizing application performance
- Robert Preissl, Theodore M. Wong, Pallab Datta, Myron Flickner, Raghavendra Singh, Steven K. Esser, William P. Risk, Horst D. Simon
, Dharmendra S. Modha:
Compass: a scalable simulator for an architecture for cognitive computing. 54 - Yanhua Sun, Gengbin Zheng, Chao Mei, Eric J. Bohm, James C. Phillips
, Laximant V. Kalé, Terry R. Jones
Optimizing fine-grained communication in a biomolecular simulation application on Cray XK6. 55 - Yuri Alexeev, Ashutosh Mahajan, Sven Leyffer
, Graham Fletcher, Dmitri G. Fedorov:
Heuristic static load-balancing algorithm applied to the fragment molecular orbital method. 56
- Dong Li, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Weikuan Yu
Classifying soft error vulnerabilities in extreme-scale scientific applications using a binary instrumentation tool. 57 - Jinsuk Chung, Ikhwan Lee, Michael B. Sullivan, Jee Ho Ryoo, Dong-Wan Kim, Doe Hyun Yoon, Larry Kaplan, Mattan Erez
Containment domains: a scalable, efficient, and flexible resilience scheme for exascale systems. 58
Visualization and analysis of massive data sets
- Surendra Byna
, Jerry Chi-Yuan Chou, Oliver Rübel, Prabhat, Homa Karimabadi, William S. Daughton, Vadim Roytershteyn
, E. Wes Bethel, Mark Howison
, Ke-Jou Hsu, Kuan-Wu Lin, Arie Shoshani, Andrew Uselton, Kesheng Wu
Parallel I/O, analysis, and visualization of a trillion particle simulation. 59 - Kalin Kanov, Randal C. Burns
, Gregory L. Eyink, Charles Meneveau, Alexander S. Szalay:
Data-intensive spatial filtering in large numerical simulation datasets. 60 - Boonthanome Nouanesengsy, Teng-Yok Lee
, Kewei Lu, Han-Wei Shen, Tom Peterka:
Parallel particle advection and FTLE computation for time-varying flow fields. 61
Graph algorithms
- Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary, Diana Palsetia, Ankit Agrawal
, Wei-keng Liao
, Fredrik Manne, Alok N. Choudhary:
A new scalable parallel DBSCAN algorithm using the disjoint-set data structure. 62 - Olga Nikolova, Srinivas Aluru:
Parallel Bayesian network structure learning with application to gene networks. 63 - Arif M. Khan, David F. Gleich, Alex Pothen
, Mahantesh Halappanavar:
A multithreaded algorithm for network alignment via approximate matching. 64
Locality in programming models and runtimes
- Stephen Olivier
, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz
, Jan F. Prins:
Characterizing and mitigating work time inflation in task parallel programs. 65 - Michael Bauer, Sean Treichler, Elliott Slaughter, Alex Aiken:
Legion: expressing locality and independence with logical regions. 66 - Michael Garland, Manjunath Kudlur, Yili Zheng:
Designing a unified programming model for heterogeneous machines. 67
- Sushant Sharma, Dimitrios Katramatos, Dantong Yu, Li Shi:
Design and implementation of an intelligent end-to-end network QoS system. 68 - Dong Chen, Noel Eisley, Philip Heidelberger, Sameer Kumar, Amith R. Mamidala, Fabrizio Petrini, Robert M. Senger, Yutaka Sugawara, Robert Walkup, Burkhard D. Steinmacher-Burow, Anamitra R. Choudhury, Yogish Sabharwal, Swati Singhal, Jeffrey J. Parker:
Looking under the hood of the IBM blue gene/Q network. 69 - Hari Subramoni, Sreeram Potluri, Krishna Chaitanya Kandalla, Bill Barth, Jérôme Vienne, Jeff Keasler, Karen A. Tomko
, Karl W. Schulz, Adam Moody, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Design of a scalable InfiniBand topology service to enable network-topology-aware placement of processes. 70
Runtime-based analysis and optimization
- Guancheng Chen, Per Stenström:
Critical lock analysis: diagnosing critical section bottlenecks in multithreaded applications. 71 - Mahesh Ravishankar, John Eisenlohr, Louis-Noël Pouchet, J. Ramanujam
, Atanas Rountev, P. Sadayappan:
Code generation for parallel execution of a class of irregular loops on distributed memory systems. 72
Cosmology applications
- Jean-Michel Alimi, Vincent Bouillot, Yann Rasera
, Vincent Reverdy, Pier-Stefano Corasaniti, Irène Balmès, Stéphane Requena, Xavier Delaruelle, Jean-Noel Richet:
First-ever full observable universe simulation. 73 - William B. March, Kenneth Czechowski, Marat Dukhan, Thomas Benson, Dongryeol Lee, Andrew J. Connolly
, Richard W. Vuduc
, Edmond Chow, Alexander G. Gray:
Optimizing the computation of n-point correlations on large-scale astronomical data. 74 - Jingjin Wu, Zhiling Lan, Xuanxing Xiong, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Andrey V. Kravtsov:
Hierarchical task mapping of cell-based AMR cosmology simulations. 75
Fault detection and analysis
- Vilas Sridharan, Dean Liberty:
A study of DRAM failures in the field. 76 - Ana Gainaru, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir, William Kramer:
Fault prediction under the microscope: a closer look into HPC systems. 77 - David Fiala, Frank Mueller, Christian Engelmann
, Rolf Riesen, Kurt B. Ferreira, Ron Brightwell:
Detection and correction of silent data corruption for large-scale high-performance computing. 78
Grid computing
- Dmytro Karpenko, Roman Vitenberg, Alexander L. Read:
ATLAS grid workload on NDGF resources: analysis, modeling, and workload generation. 79 - Trilce Estrada
, Michela Taufer
On the effectiveness of application-aware self-management for scientific discovery in volunteer computing systems. 80 - Zhengyang Liu, Malathi Veeraraghavan, Zhenzhen Yan, Chris Tracy, Jing Tie, Ian T. Foster, John M. Dennis, Jason Hick, Yee-Ting Li, W. Yang:
On using virtual circuits for GridFTP transfers. 81
Performance modeling
- Jiayuan Meng, Vitali A. Morozov, Venkatram Vishwanath, Kalyan Kumaran:
Dataflow-driven GPU performance projection for multi-kernel transformations. 82 - Tyler Dwyer, Alexandra Fedorova, Sergey Blagodurov, Mark Roth, Fabien Gaud, Jian Pei
A practical method for estimating performance degradation on multicore processors, and its application to HPC workloads. 83 - Kyle Spafford, Jeffrey S. Vetter:
Aspen: a domain specific language for performance modeling. 84
Big data
- Zhao Zhang, Daniel S. Katz
, Justin M. Wozniak, Allan Espinosa, Ian T. Foster:
Design and analysis of data management in scalable parallel scripting. 85 - Ian F. Adams, Brian A. Madden, Joel Cameron Frank, Mark W. Storer, Ethan L. Miller, Gene Harano:
Usage behavior of a large-scale scientific archive. 86 - Jharrod Lafon, Satyajayant Misra, Jon Bringhurst:
On distributed file tree walk of parallel file systems. 87
Memory systems
- I-Hsin Chung, Changhoan Kim, Hui-Fang Wen, Guojing Cong:
Application data prefetching on the IBM blue gene/Q supercomputer. 88 - Lluc Alvarez
, Lluís Vilanova
, Marc González, Xavier Martorell
, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguadé
Hardware-software coherence protocol for the coexistence of caches and local memories. 89 - Martin Schindewolf, Barna L. Bihari, John C. Gyllenhaal, Martin Schulz
, Amy Wang, Wolfgang Karl:
What scientific applications can benefit from hardware transactional memory? 90
Numerical algorithms
- Laura Grigori, Radek Stompor, Mikolaj Szydlarski:
A parallel two-level preconditioner for cosmic microwave background map-making. 91 - Robert Speck
, Daniel Ruprecht
, Rolf Krause
, Matthew Emmett, Michael L. Minion, Mathias Winkel, Paul Gibbon
A massively space-time parallel N-body solver. 92 - Katsuki Fujisawa
, Hitoshi Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka, Toshio Endo, Makoto Yamashita, Maho Nakata:
High-performance general solver for extremely large-scale semidefinite programming problems. 93
Performance optimization
- Rob F. Van der Wijngaart, Srinivas Sridharan, Victor W. Lee:
Extending the BT NAS parallel benchmark to exascale computing. 94 - Michael R. Frasca, Kamesh Madduri
, Padma Raghavan:
NUMA-aware graph mining techniques for performance and energy efficiency. 95 - Samuel Williams
, Dhiraj D. Kalamkar, Amik Singh, Anand M. Deshpande, Brian van Straalen, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Ann S. Almgren
, Pradeep Dubey, John Shalf
, Leonid Oliker:
Optimization of geometric multigrid for emerging multi- and manycore processors. 96
Communication optimization
- Abhinav Bhatele, Todd Gamblin, Steve H. Langer, Peer-Timo Bremer, Erik W. Draeger, Bernd Hamann, Katherine E. Isaacs, Aaditya G. Landge, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci, Martin Schulz
, Charles H. Still:
Mapping applications with collectives over sub-communicators on torus networks. 97 - Torsten Hoefler, Timo Schneider:
Optimization principles for collective neighborhood communications. 98 - Zheng Cui, Lei Xia, Patrick G. Bridges
, Peter A. Dinda, John R. Lange:
Optimizing overlay-based virtual networking through optimistic interrupts and cut-through forwarding. 99
Linear algebra algorithms
- Evangelos Georganas, Jorge González-Domínguez
, Edgar Solomonik, Yili Zheng, Juan Touriño
, Katherine A. Yelick
Communication avoiding and overlapping for numerical linear algebra. 100 - Benjamin Lipshitz
, Grey Ballard, James Demmel, Oded Schwartz:
Communication-avoiding parallel strassen: implementation and performance. 101 - Haim Avron
, Anshul Gupta:
Managing data-movement for effective shared-memory parallelization of out-of-core sparse solvers. 102
New computer systems
- Greg Faanes, Abdulla Bataineh, Duncan Roweth, Tom Court, Edwin Froese, Robert Alverson, Tim Johnson, Joe Kopnick, Mike Higgins, James Reinhard:
Cray cascade: a scalable HPC system based on a Dragonfly network. 103 - Junichiro Makino
, Hiroshi Daisaka:
GRAPE-8: an accelerator for gravitational N-body simulation with 20.5Gflops/W performance. 104 - Greg Thorson, Michael Woodacre:
SGI® UV2: a fused computation and data analysis machine. 105

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