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1st NC 1998: Vienna, Austria
- Michael Heiss:
Proceedings of the International ICSC / IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC 1998), September 23-15, 1998, Vienna, Austria. ICSC Academic Press, International Computer Science Conventions, Canada / Switzerland 1998, ISBN 3-906454-14-2
Keynote Papers
- Wolfgang Maass:
Spiking Neurons. NC 1998: 16-20 - Igor Aleksander, Barry Dunmall:
Models of Visual Awareness in a Multi-Module Neural Networks. NC 1998: 21-28
Tutorial Papers
- Vera Kurková:
Approximation of Functions by Neural Networks. NC 1998: 29-35 - Valeriu Beiu:
2D Neural Hardware versus 3D Biological Ones. NC 1998: 36-42 - Hans-Heinrich Bothe:
Neuro Fuzzy Systems. NC 1998: 43-60
- Li Bai, Dave Elliman:
Fuzzy Rules Induction with Associative Memory Networks. NC 1998: 61-66 - Stanislao Lauria, Richard J. Mitchell, Slawomir J. Nasuto:
Weightless Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition: A Comparison of Different Methods for Processing "Grey-level data". NC 1998: 67-71 - Gábor Horváth, Tamás Szabó:
Higher Order CMAC and its Efficient Hardware Realization. NC 1998: 72-78 - Peter Sussner:
Kernels for Morphological Associative Memories. NC 1998: 79-85
Spiking Neurons
- Mark A. Glover, Alister Hamilton, Leslie S. Smith:
An Analog VLSI Integrate-and-Fire Neural Network for Sound Segmentation. NC 1998: 86-92 - Kozo Itano, Hideki Sakamoto:
Necker Cube Cognitive Interpretation in a Pulse Neural Network with Fluctuation. NC 1998: 93-99 - Cyprian Grassmann, Joachim K. Anlauf:
Distributed, Event Driven Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks. NC 1998: 100-105
Self Organizing
- Shuang Cong, Gang Wu, Guodong Li:
The Decrease of Fuzzy Label Number Using Self-organization Competition Network. NC 1998: 106-112 - S. A. Dolenko, Yu. V. Orlov, I. G. Persiantsev, Ju. S. Shugai:
Construction of Hierarchical Neural Classifers by Self-Organizing Error Back-Propagation. NC 1998: 113-116 - Emin Germen, Semih Bilgen:
StatSOM: Statistical Self-Organizing Map. NC 1998: 117-122 - Karin Haese:
Fast Self-Growing and Self-Organizing Feature Map using Automatic Learning Parameters. NC 1998: 123-129 - Thomas Villmann, A. Körner, Conny Albani:
Evolutionary Algorithms with Self-Organizing Population Dynamic for Clustering of Categories in Psychotherapy Research Using Large Clinical Data Sets. NC 1998: 130-136 - Norman D. Cook:
Simulating the Information Processing Associated with Human Consciousness in a Bilateral Neural Network: "Nuclear" and "Fringe" Awareness. NC 1998: 137-143 - Yongjun Wu, Christian Döschner:
A Error-oriented Self-organizing Neural Network for Identification of a Processing Unit. NC 1998: 144-150
Genetic Algorithms
- Cristian Munteanu, Vasile Lazarescu:
Simple Inversion Genetic Algorithm: An Effective Optimization Strategy. NC 1998: 151-156 - Leo Budin, Marin Golub, Domagoj Jakobovic:
Parallel Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. NC 1998: 157-163 - Akira Imada, Keijiro Araki:
How Real-valued Random Synapses Evolve Toward Symmetry with Diploid Chromosomes? NC 1998: 164-169 - Spiridon D. Likothanassis, Efstratios F. Georgopoulos, George D. Manioudakis, Adam V. Adamopoulos:
An Evolutionary Method for System Structure Identification Using Neural Networks. NC 1998: 170-175 - Alberto Gómez, David de la Fuente, Javier Puente:
Solving the Packing Problem with Genetic Algorithms. NC 1998: 176-179 - A. El-Ouaazizi, H. Benkirane, Rachid Benslimane, Jack-Gérard Postaire:
A Genetic-Based Filter for Mode Detection. NC 1998: 180-184
- Roland Strietzel:
Structural Analysis of Rule Bases of Fuzzy Units. NC 1998: 185-191 - Gabriela Andrejková:
Neural Networks in Proposal of Fuzzy Logic Connectives. NC 1998: 192-195 - James C. Reynolds:
A Simple, Hybrid Approach to Classification, Based on Fuzzy Sets and Categorical Statistics, Suitable for Spreadsheets. NC 1998: 196-200 - Pan Fu, Anthony D. Hope, G. A. King:
An Adaptive Neurofuzzy Architecture and its Application. NC 1998: 201-207
- Nouma Izeboudjen, Ahcene Farah:
A New Neural Network System for Arrhythmia's Classification. NC 1998: 208-212 - Tuomas J. Lukka, Bernd Schoner, Alec Marantz:
Auditory Stimulus Discrimination from MEG Data. NC 1998: 213-219 - Thomas J. Boehme, Ian Fletcher, Chris S. Cox:
Sensor Failure Detection and Signal Reconstruction using Autoassociative Neural Networks. NC 1998: 220-225 - Peter Sincak, Peter Popovec, Rudolf Jaksa, Howard Veregin:
Experience with Voting Neural Networks for Multi-spectral Image Classification. NC 1998: 226-232 - M. S. Pakianather, Paul R. Drake, M. K. Kidwai, N. Naji:
Decision Trees of Modular Neural Networks. NC 1998: 233-239
Pattern Recognition
- Kunihiko Fukushima, Eiji Kimura, Hayaru Shouno:
Handwritten Digit Recognition by a Neocognitron with Improved Bend-Extractors. NC 1998: 240-246 - Horst Bischof, Ales Leonardis:
Robust Vector Quantization by MDL. NC 1998: 247-253 - A. C. B. Ramos, A. M. da Cunha:
An Intelligent Hybrid System Approach to Aid Process Operators. NC 1998: 254-259 - Slawomir J. Nasuto, J. Mark Bishop, Stanislao Lauria:
Time Complexity Analysis of the Stochastic Diffusion Search. NC 1998: 260-266 - Mario Köppen, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Pierre Soille:
Texture Segmentation by Biologically-Inspired Use of Neural Networks and Mathematical Morphology. NC 1998: 267-272 - Hansoo Cho, Kenji Ohmori:
On-Line Hangul Character Recognition Using Multiple Neural Networks. NC 1998: 273-279 - James Seager:
Electronic Fruit Grading using Neural Networks for Real Time Pattern Recognition. NC 1998: 280-286 - Volodymyr P. Kozhemyako, Yuri F. Kutaev, Leonid I. Timchenko, Sergey V. Chepornyuk, Rami R. Hamdi, Alexander A. Gertsiy, Igor D. Ivasyuk:
The Q-Transformation Method Applying to the Facial Images Normalization. NC 1998: 287-291 - Peter G. Anderson:
The Unit RBF Network: Experiments and Preliminary Results. NC 1998: 292-297
Object Recognition
- Karin Haese, Christoph Meier:
Object Identification on Airports Using Radial Basis Function Networks. NC 1998: 298-303 - Mariofanna G. Milanova, Ulrich Büker:
Cellular Neural Networks for Complex Object Recognition. NC 1998: 304-310 - Miguel Angel Fernández, Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Juan Moreno García, Gabriel Sebastián:
Tirano System with Learning Capacity for the Detection of Moving Targets. NC 1998: 311-317
- Pedro A. González Lanza:
A Very Short-term Maximal Demand Forecasting and Control using RBF Neural Networks. NC 1998: 318-323 - Jerzy S. Zielinski, Witold Bardzki, Witold Bartkiewicz, Zbigniew Gontar:
Short-term Electrical Load Forecasting in Transformation Period (Case Study). NC 1998: 324-328 - Régis Bertrand, Noureddine Elhor, Denis Hamad, Jack-Gérard Postaire:
Supervision of Wind Energy Converters by an Autoassociator Neural Network. NC 1998: 329-334 - Antonino Augugliaro, V. Cataliotti, Luigi Dusonchet, Salvatore Favuzza, G. Scaccianoce:
Progressive Learning Neural Networks Applied to Solve Wide Electrical Power Systems. NC 1998: 335-341 - Bojan Novak:
Neuro-Fuzzy Load Forecasting. NC 1998: 342-346
- Martin Kührer, Walter Reinisch:
Forecasting Financial Markets Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. NC 1998: 347-350
- Thomas Zemen, Markus Clabian, Helmut Pfützner:
Classification of Sleep Apnea Events by Means of Radial Basis Function Networks. NC 1998: 351-357 - Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Oscar Fontenla-Romero, Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Olga Fernández-Chaves, José Carlos Príncipe:
Detection of Fetal Heart Rate Accelerations and Decelerations Using Artificial Neural Networks. NC 1998: 358-364 - Yasuo Kuhara, Kentaro Shimizu, Junta Doi:
Time-of-Reduction-Recovery Predicton in Neural Networks of Variable Topology to Improve Enzyme Classification. NC 1998: 365-370 - F. Tafill, M. Budil, Christian Kremser, Michael Schocke, F. Aichner:
Automatic Segmentation of MRT images using a hybrid Neural Network - image matching approach. NC 1998: 371-377 - Rafael Barea, Luciano Boquete, Ricardo García, Manuel Mazo, Elena López Guillén, María Soledad Escudero, Francisco Javier Rodríguez:
ECG Identification Using Self-Organising Maps. NC 1998: 378-383 - Miroslaw Swiercz, Zenon Mariak, Janusz Lewko:
Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Detection of Emergency States in Neurosurgical Patients. NC 1998: 384-390
- Gihad Rabi, Si Wei Lu:
Automatic Lipreading using Neural Networks. NC 1998: 391-397 - Takashi Nagano, Yoshiaki Hirai:
Personal Verification with Palm Print and Hand Shape by Utilizing Neural Network Techniques. NC 1998: 398-404
- Francisco García-Lagos, Gonzalo Joya Caparrós, Francisco Javier Marín Martín, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Application of Hopfield Neural Networks to State Estimation. NC 1998: 405-411 - Shahram Hosseini, Christian Jutten:
Simultaneous Estimation of Signal and Noise in the Constructive Neural Networks. NC 1998: 412-418
- Tjeerd Olde Scheper, Nigel T. Crook, Chris Dobbyn:
Chaos as a Desirable Stable State of Artificial Neural Networks. NC 1998: 419-423 - Lars Kindermann:
An Addition to Backpropagation for Computing Functional Roots. NC 1998: 424-427 - Zvonimir Vanjak, Leo Budin:
Visual Programming Environment for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Analysis. NC 1998: 428-431
Signal Processing
- Seok-Woon Ha, Sung-Eun Lee, Soo-Bok Hwang, Jae-Chang Kim:
Estimation and Extraction of Unstable Frequency Lines of Acoustic Signal Using Neural Network. NC 1998: 432-438 - Sangweon Suh, Kihong Kim, Heechong Lee, Hyunbin Kim:
Neural Network Based Nonlinear Feature Extraction of Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) Data in 3-D Sound Processing. NC 1998: 439-444 - Man-On Pun, Yuzo Hirai:
A Variable Step (VS) Learning Algorithm for Blind Source Separation (BSS). NC 1998: 445-450 - Fa-Long Luo, Rolf Unbehauen, Tertulien Ndjountche:
Analog Neural Networks for Linear Predictive Coding. NC 1998: 451-455 - Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Jean Caelen:
Spotting Arabic Phonetic Features Using Modular Connectionist Architectures and a Rule-Based System. NC 1998: 456-462
Neural Aided Object Recognition
- Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Zbigniew Mikrut:
Neural-Based Object Recognition Support: From Classical Preprocessing to Space-Variant Sensing. NC 1998: 463-468 - Bärbel Mertsching, Maik Bollmann, Amin Massad, Steffen Schmalz:
Recognition of Complex Objects with an Active Vision System. NC 1998: 469-475 - Sabine Kröner, Hans Burkhardt:
A Structured Neural Network for Shift and Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition. NC 1998: 476-482 - Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Krzysztof Dubowik:
Invariant Edge Detection and Tracing. NC 1998: 483-487 - Robert I. Damper, Stuart J. Gilson:
Neural Techniques for Path Linking, with Applications to Image Processing. NC 1998: 488-494
- J. G. (Iain) Wallace, Kevin Bluff:
Astrocytes, Evolution and the Construction of Recurrent Neural Networks. NC 1998: 495-498 - Dariusz Grabowski, Janusz Walczak, Piotr Oewiscz:
The Neural Solution to Reactive Compensation Problem in Systems with Non-sinusoidal Waveforms. NC 1998: 499-505 - Luciano Boquete, Ricardo García, Rafael Barea, Manuel Mazo, Juan Carlos García García, Jesús Ureña, Felipe Espinosa, José Luis Lázaro, María Soledad Escudero:
Control with Reference Model Using Recurrent Neural Networks. NC 1998: 506-511 - Barbara Hammer:
On the Approximation Capability of Recurrent Neural Networks. NC 1998: 512-518 - Jochen J. Steil, Helge J. Ritter:
Input-Output Stability of Recurrent Neural Networks with Delays Using Circle Criteria. NC 1998: 519-525 - Peter Tiño, Georg Dorffner:
Recurrent Neural Networks with Iterated Function Systems Dynamics. NC 1998: 526-532 - José D. Piñeiro, Roberto L. Marichal, Lorenzo Moreno Ruiz, José F. Sigut, José Ignacio Estévez Damas, Rosa María Aguilar, José L. Sánchez, Juan J. Merino:
Evoked Potential Feature Detection with Recurrent Dynamic Neural Networks. NC 1998: 533-536
Learning Algorithms
- H. S. Kang:
Probabilistic Structure of Molecular Cell Wavelets. NC 1998: 537-543 - H. Nakayama, S. Yanagiuchi, K. Furukawa, Y. Araki, S. Suzuki, M. Nakata:
Additional Learning and Forgetting by RBF Networks and its Applications to Design of Support Structures in Tunnel Construction. NC 1998: 544-550 - Ivan Petrovic, Mato Baotic, Nedjeljko Peric:
An Efficient Newton-type Learning Algorithm for MLP Neural Networks. NC 1998: 551-558 - Jan Zizka, Zdenek Kratochvíl:
An Application of RBF-Based ANN to Extraction of Rules. NC 1998: 559-564 - Andrzej Janczak:
Gradient Descent and Recursive Least Squares Learning Algorithms for On Line Identification of Hammerstein Systems using Recurrent Neural Network Models. NC 1998: 565-571
- Amr Goneid, Ibrahim Farag, Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Abear Kamel:
A Mahalanobis Distance Error Measure for Backpropagation Neural Networks. NC 1998: 572-576 - Khamron Sunat, Chidchanok Lursinsap:
Global Fault Immunization for Supervised ANN by Hybrid Learning Algorithm. NC 1998: 577-581 - Markus Lendl, Rolf Unbehauen:
Training Neural Networks with an Extension of the Marquardt Algorithm. NC 1998: 582-586 - Markus Lendl, Rolf Unbehauen:
Learning Methods for Feed-Forward Neural Networks Involving the Solution of ODEs. NC 1998: 587-590 - Lutz Leistritz, Miroslaw Galicki, Herbert Witte:
Training Continuous Trajectories by Means of Dynamic Neural Networks with Time Dependent Weights. NC 1998: 591-596 - Michael Tagscherer:
Continuous Learning with an Incremental Hybrid System. NC 1998: 597-602
- Matthias Rychetsky, Stefan Ortmann, Manfred Glesner:
Pruning and Regularization Techniques for Feed Forward Nets Applied on a Real World Data Base. NC 1998: 603-609 - Joarez B. Monteiro, Luiz Pereira Calôba:
Simulated Annealing: Fast Convergence with Initial Conditions Independence. NC 1998: 610-616 - Werner Erhard, Torsten Fink, Michael M. Gutzmann, Christoph Rahn, Axel Doering, Miroslaw Galicki:
The Improvement and Comparison of Different Algorithms for Optimizing Neural Networks on the MasPar MP-2. NC 1998: 617-623 - Yoo-Shin Kim, Gi-Souk Yoon, Ja-Myoung Kim, Je-Woo Kim:
Development of Neural Network Model to Solve the Routing Problem. NC 1998: 624-628 - Fabrizio Almagno, Luigi Caputo:
A New Optimization Method for the Interconnecting Structure of Artificial Neural Networks. NC 1998: 629-633 - Aloke Chaudhuri:
Route Optimization and Traffic Management in ATM Networks using Neural Computing. NC 1998: 634-638
Hardware & Implementation
- Victor Varshavsky:
Simple CMOS Learnable Threshold Element. NC 1998: 639-644 - Catherine Collin:
Neuromorphic ion Channels: Gating Modes and Adaptation. NC 1998: 645-651 - Barry Rising, Max van Daalen, John Shawe-Taylor, Peter Burge, Janez Zerovnik:
A Neural Accelerator for Graph Colouring Based on an Edge Adding Technique. NC 1998: 652-656 - Alfred Strey, Bernd Bunk:
Neurocomputer Programming Using EpsiloNN. NC 1998: 657-663 - Eduard Franti, Monica Dascalu, Mihai Stanescu:
Cellular Automata Architecture for the Artificial Insect Eye. NC 1998: 664-668 - Arif Selçuk Ögrenci, Murat R. Becer, Günhan Dündar, Sina Balkir:
Incorporating MOS Transistor Mismatches into Training of Analog Neural Networks. NC 1998: 669-675
Parallel & Distributed
- Sabine Kröner, Michael Nölle, Gerald Schreiber:
Parallelization of Structured Invariant Neural Networks for Shift and Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition. NC 1998: 676-684 - A. T. Murgan, Felicia Ionescu:
Coarse-Grain Parallel Processing of Backpropagation Training on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. NC 1998: 685-688 - M. Budil:
A Concept of an Optical Vector Multiplier for Neural Networks. NC 1998: 689-695 - Ladislav P. Kodym:
Distributed Implementation of the Back Propagation on the Cluster of Workstations. NC 1998: 696-702 - Bao-Liang Lu, Masami Ito:
Decomposing and Parallel Learning of Large-Scale Pattern Recognition Problems using Min-Max Modular Neural Network. NC 1998: 703-709 - Elmar Thurner:
Agent-Based Implementation of Neural Systems. NC 1998: 710-716
- Thorsten Ullrich, Karlheinz Hohm, Henning Tolle:
On the Integration of Expert Knowledge in Interpolating Controllers. NC 1998: 717-723 - F. G. Santoro, Eduardo M. Belo, Juan Campos Campos Rubio:
A DSP-Based Intelligent Controller for a Laser Tracking Station. NC 1998: 724-730 - Hiroaki Nakanishi, Koichi Inoue:
Design Methods of Robust Feedback Controller by Use of Neural Networks. NC 1998: 731-736 - A. Shim, L. Radouane:
Decentralized Nonlinear Adaptive Control Using Neural Networks. NC 1998: 737-742 - William W. Armstrong:
Reinforcement Learning Applied to Simulated Basketball Balancing. NC 1998: 743-746
Dynamic Systems
- Amine Chohra:
Fuzzy ArtMap Neural Networks (FAMNN) Based Navigation for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV) in Partially Structured Environments. NC 1998: 747-753 - Joarez B. Monteiro, Luiz Pereira Calôba:
Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Modelling Using Neural Networks with Reduced Interference on the Plant Operation. NC 1998: 754-760 - István Vajk, Jenö Hetthéssy, Hassan Charaf:
Sensitivity Reduction of Dynamic NN Approximations. NC 1998: 761-767 - S. Dourlens, N. Chatry, Véronique Perdereau, Michel Drouin:
Lateral Position Control of a Vehicle on Highway by Memory Neuron Networks. NC 1998: 768-771
- G. N. Marichal, Leopoldo Acosta, Lorenzo Moreno Ruiz, Alberto F. Hamilton, Juan A. Méndez:
An Approach to the Inverse Kinematics of a Redundant Planar Arm by Dynamic Neural Networks. NC 1998: 772-777 - Jerzy E. Kurek:
Neural Net Model of Robot Manipulator. NC 1998: 778-783 - Klaus D. Maier, Volkmar Glauche, Reinhard Blickhan, Clemens Beckstein:
Controlling One-legged Dynamic Movement with MLPs. NC 1998: 784-790 - Yanming Liu, Karlheinz Hohm:
Discrete Hidden Markov Model based Learning Controller for Robotic Disassembly. NC 1998: 791-797
- Yong-Hyun Cho:
An Efficient Compression of Image Data Using Neural Networks of Hybrid Learning Algorithm. NC 1998: 798-801 - Liu Jianchang, W. Jianhui, Gu Shusheng:
Research for the Application of Neural Network in Strip Thickness Control. NC 1998: 802-806 - Dimla E. Dimla:
Tool Wear Monitoring in Metal Cutting Operation Using Neural Networks and Multivariate Process Parameters. NC 1998: 807-810 - Walter Reinisch, Gunter Roche:
Prediction of the daily Tax Declaration Submissions by Neural Networks. NC 1998: 811-815 - Markus Nebenführ, Gerhard H. Schildt, Harald J. Zainzinger:
An Occupant Dependent, Self-Optimizing Home-Automation System Using Neuro-Fuzzy Control. NC 1998: 816-819 - Livio Florio, Lorenzo Mussone:
Applications of Feedforward Neural Networks to Transportation Research. NC 1998: 820-826 - Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Olga Fernández-Chaves, Miguel Álvarez-Soane, Francisco Ucieda-Pardiñas:
A Neural Network Approach to the Classification of Decelerative Cardiotocographic Patterns in the CAFE Project. NC 1998: 827-833 - Balázs E. Pataki, Gergely Horváth, G. Strausz:
Effects of Database Characteristics on the Neural Modeling of an Industrial Process. NC 1998: 834-840
- Alexandra I. Cristea, Toshio Okamoto:
SEE Prediction: Construction of a L-based Energy Function. NC 1998: 841-847 - Yutao Wang, Jingbo Xia, Jianchang Zhou,