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9. MICCAI 2006: Copenhagen, Denmark
- Rasmus Larsen, Mads Nielsen, Jon Sporring:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2006, 9th International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1-6, 2006, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4191, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-44727-X
Segmentation I
- Julien Abi-Nahed, Marie-Pierre Jolly, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Robust Active Shape Models: A Robust, Generic and Simple Automatic Segmentation Tool. 1-8 - Ellen J. L. Brunenberg, Oriol Pujol
, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny
, Petia Radeva:
Automatic IVUS Segmentation of Atherosclerotic Plaque with Stop & Go Snake. 9-16 - Sara Badiei, Septimiu E. Salcudean, Jim Varah, William James Morris:
Prostate Segmentation in 2D Ultrasound Images Using Image Warping and Ellipse Fitting. 17-24 - Erik Franken, Peter M. J. Rongen, Markus van Almsick, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny
Detection of Electrophysiology Catheters in Noisy Fluoroscopy Images. 25-32 - Pierrick Coupé
, Pierre Yger
, Christian Barillot:
Fast Non Local Means Denoising for 3D MR Images. 33-40 - Tobias Heimann, Ivo Wolf
, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
Active Shape Models for a Fully Automated 3D Segmentation of the Liver - An Evaluation on Clinical Data. 41-48 - Andreas Keil, Christian Wachinger
, Gerhard Brinker, Stefan Thesen, Nassir Navab:
Patient Position Detection for SAR Optimization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 49-57 - Günther Grabner, Andrew L. Janke
, Marc M. Budge
, David Smith, Jens C. Pruessner, D. Louis Collins
Symmetric Atlasing and Model Based Segmentation: An Application to the Hippocampus in Older Adults. 58-66 - Jun Xie, Pheng-Ann Heng, Simon S. M. Ho, Mubarak Shah
Image Diffusion Using Saliency Bilateral Filter. 67-75 - Gord Lueck, Peter N. Burns, Anne L. Martel:
Data Weighting for Principal Component Noise Reduction in Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound. 76-83 - Abhilash A. Miranda, Tarik A. Chowdhury, Ovidiu Ghita, Paul F. Whelan:
Shape Filtering for False Positive Reduction at Computed Tomography Colonography. 84-92
Validation and Quantitative Image Analysis
- Na Bian, Mark G. Eramian, Roger A. Pierson
Evaluation of Texture Features for Analysis of Ovarian Follicular Development. 93-100 - Anne L. Martel:
A Fast Method of Generating Pharmacokinetic Maps from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Images of the Breast. 101-108 - Gabriele Lohmann, D. Yves von Cramon, Alan C. F. Colchester:
Investigating Cortical Variability Using a Generic Gyral Model. 109-116 - Hrvoje Bogunovic
, Sven Loncaric
Blood Flow and Velocity Estimation Based on Vessel Transit Time by Combining 2D and 3D X-Ray Angiography. 117-124 - Raúl San José Estépar, George R. Washko, Edwin K. Silverman, John J. Reilly, Ron Kikinis, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Accurate Airway Wall Estimation Using Phase Congruency. 125-134 - Tomaz Vrtovec
, Sébastien Ourselin
, Lavier Gomes, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
Generation of Curved Planar Reformations from Magnetic Resonance Images of the Spine. 135-143 - Luke Fu, Vladimir S. Fonov, G. Bruce Pike, Alan C. Evans
, D. Louis Collins
Automated Analysis of Multi Site MRI Phantom Data for the NIHPD Project. 144-151 - Tristan Glatard, Xavier Pennec
, Johan Montagnat:
Performance Evaluation of Grid-Enabled Registration Algorithms Using Bronze-Standards. 152-160 - Panagiota Spyridonos, Fernando Vilariño, Jordi Vitrià, Fernando Azpiroz, Petia Radeva:
Anisotropic Feature Extraction from Endoluminal Images for Detection of Intestinal Contractions. 161-168 - Anna K. Jerebko, Sarang Lakare, Pascal Cathier, Senthil Periaswamy, Luca Bogoni:
Symmetric Curvature Patterns for Colonic Polyp Detection. 169-176 - Babak Movassaghi, Dirk Schäfer, Michael Grass, Volker Rasche, Onno Wink, Joel A. Garcia, James Y. Chen, John C. Messenger, John D. Carroll:
3D Reconstruction of Coronary Stents in Vivo Based on Motion Compensated X-Ray Angiograms. 177-184 - Philippe C. Cattin
, Herbert Bay, Luc Van Gool, Gábor Székely:
Retina Mosaicing Using Local Features. 185-192
Brain Image Processing
- Cédric Clouchoux, Olivier Coulon, Jean-Luc Anton, Jean-François Mangin, Jean Régis:
A New Cortical Surface Parcellation Model and Its Automatic Implementation. 193-200 - Claudia E. Rodríguez-Carranza, Pratik Mukherjee, Daniel B. Vigneron, A. James Barkovich, Colin Studholme:
A System for Measuring Regional Surface Folding of the Neonatal Brain from MRI. 201-208 - Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin, Meirav Galun, Moshe John Gomori, Ronen Basri, Achi Brandt:
Atlas Guided Identification of Brain Structures by Combining 3D Segmentation and SVM Classification. 209-216 - Seyoung Kim, Padhraic Smyth
, Hal S. Stern:
A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Detecting Spatial Activation Patterns in fMRI Data. 217-224 - Dorit Merhof, Mirco Richter, Frank Enders, Peter Hastreiter
, Oliver Ganslandt, Michael Buchfelder, Christopher Nimsky, Günther Greiner:
Fast and Accurate Connectivity Analysis Between Functional Regions Based on DT-MRI. 225-233 - Fan Zhang, Edwin R. Hancock:
Riemannian Graph Diffusion for DT-MRI Regularization. 234-242 - Lauren O'Donnell
, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas Generation and Group Analysis. 243-251 - Marc Niethammer, Sylvain Bouix
, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Martha Elizabeth Shenton:
Fiber Bundle Estimation and Parameterization. 252-259 - Casey Goodlett, Brad Davis, Remi Jean, John H. Gilmore, Guido Gerig:
Improved Correspondence for DTI Population Studies Via Unbiased Atlas Building. 260-267 - Ørjan Bergmann, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Arvid Lundervold, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Diffusion k-tensor Estimation from Q-ball Imaging Using Discretized Principal Axes. 268-275 - Desmond Teck Beng Yeo
, Roshni R. Bhagalia, Boklye Kim:
Improved Map-Slice-to-Volume Motion Correction with B0 Inhomogeneity Correction: Validation of Activation Detection Algorithms Using ROC Curve Analyses. 276-283 - Paul A. Yushkevich, John A. Detre, Kathy Z. Tang, Angela Hoang, Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton, María A. Fernández-Seara, Marc Korczykowski, Hui Zhang, James C. Gee:
Hippocampus-Specific fMRI Group Activation Analysis with Continuous M-Reps. 284-291 - Leigh A. Johnston, Eugene P. Duff, Gary F. Egan:
Particle Filtering for Nonlinear BOLD Signal Analysis. 292-299 - Grégory Operto, Rémy Bulot, Jean-Luc Anton, Olivier Coulon:
Anatomically Informed Convolution Kernels for the Projection of fMRI Data on the Cortical Surface. 300-307 - Lok Ming Lui, Yalin Wang
, Tony F. Chan, Paul M. Thompson
A Landmark-Based Brain Conformal Parametrization with Automatic Landmark Tracking Technique. 308-315 - Lin Chen, Gudrun Wagenknecht:
Automated Topology Correction for Human Brain Segmentation. 316-323 - Zujun Hou, Su Huang, Qingmao Hu, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski
A Fast and Automatic Method to Correct Intensity Inhomogeneity in MR Brain Images. 324-331 - Zuyao Y. Shan
, Carlos Parra, Qing Ji, Robert J. Ogg, Yong Zhang, Fred H. Laningham, Wilburn E. Reddick:
A Digital Pediatric Brain Structure Atlas from T1-Weighted MR Images. 332-339 - Kun Wang, Tianzi Jiang, Meng Liang, Liang Wang
, Lixia Tian, Xinqing Zhang, Kuncheng Li, Zhening Liu:
Discriminative Analysis of Early Alzheimer's Disease Based on Two Intrinsically Anti-correlated Networks with Resting-State fMRI. 340-347
Motion in Image Formation
- Dirk Ertel, Marc Kachelriess, Tobias Pflederer, Stephan Achenbach, Robert M. Lapp, Markus Nagel, Willi A. Kalender:
Rawdata-Based Detection of the Optimal Reconstruction Phase in ECG-Gated Cardiac Image Reconstruction. 348-355 - Richard James Housden, Andrew H. Gee, Graham M. Treece, Richard W. Prager:
Sensorless Reconstruction of Freehand 3D Ultrasound Data. 356-363 - Andrew W. Dowsey
, Jennifer Keegan
, Mirna Lerotic, Simon A. Thom, David N. Firmin, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Motion-Compensated MR Valve Imaging with COMB Tag Tracking and Super-Resolution Enhancement. 364-371 - Masahiko Nakamoto, Hiroaki Hirayama, Yoshinobu Sato, Kozo Konishi, Yoshihiro Kakeji, Makoto Hashizume, Shinichi Tamura:
Recovery of Liver Motion and Deformation Due to Respiration Using Laparoscopic Freehand 3D Ultrasound System. 372-379
Image Guided Intervention
- Tim Kröger, Inga Altrogge, Tobias Preusser, Philippe L. Pereira, Diethard Schmidt, Andreas Weihusen, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Numerical Simulation of Radio Frequency Ablation with State Dependent Material Parameters in Three Space Dimensions. 380-388 - M. Mallar Chakravarty, Abbas F. Sadikot, Sanjay Mongia, Gilles Bertrand, D. Louis Collins
Towards a Multi-modal Atlas for Neurosurgical Planning. 389-396 - Amber L. Simpson, Burton Ma, Elvis C. S. Chen
, Randy E. Ellis, A. James Stewart:
Using Registration Uncertainty Visualization in a User Study of a Simple Surgical Task. 397-404 - Emad Boctor, Michelle de Oliveira, Michael A. Choti, Roger G. Ghanem
, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager, Gabor Fichtinger:
Ultrasound Monitoring of Tissue Ablation Via Deformation Model and Shape Priors. 405-412
Clinical Applications II
- Amaury Saragaglia, Catalin I. Fetita, Françoise J. Prêteux:
Assessment of Airway Remodeling in Asthma: Volumetric Versus Surface Quantification Approaches. 413-420 - Vassili A. Kovalev
, Lennart Thurfjell, Roger Lundqvist, Marco Pagani:
Asymmetry of SPECT Perfusion Image Patterns as a Diagnostic Feature for Alzheimer's Disease. 421-428 - Christopher R. Butson, Scott E. Cooper, Jaimie M. Henderson
, Cameron C. McIntyre:
Predicting the Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation with Diffusion Tensor Based Electric Field Models. 429-437 - Laura Dempere-Marco, Estanislao Oubel, Marcelo Adrián Castro, Christopher M. Putman, Alejandro F. Frangi
, Juan R. Cebral:
CFD Analysis Incorporating the Influence of Wall Motion: Application to Intracranial Aneurysms. 438-445 - Ayman El-Baz
, Rachid Fahmi
, Seniha Esen Yüksel, Aly A. Farag, William Miller, Mohamed Abou El-Ghar, Tarek Eldiasty:
A New CAD System for the Evaluation of Kidney Diseases Using DCE-MRI. 446-453 - Daniel B. Russakoff, Akira Hasegawa:
Generation and Application of a Probabilistic Breast Cancer Atlas. 454-461 - Adrian Barbu
, Luca Bogoni, Dorin Comaniciu:
Hierarchical Part-Based Detection of 3D Flexible Tubes: Application to CT Colonoscopy. 462-470 - Cees van Wijk, Vincent Frans van Ravesteijn, Frans Vos, Roel Truyen, Ayso H. de Vries, Jaap Stoker
, Lucas J. van Vliet:
Detection of Protrusions in Curved Folded Surfaces Applied to Automated Polyp Detection in CT Colonography. 471-478 - Rahul Bhotika, Paulo R. S. Mendonça, Saad A. Sirohey, Wesley D. Turner, Ying-Lin Lee, Julie M. McCoy, Rebecca E. B. Brown, James V. Miller:
Part-Based Local Shape Models for Colon Polyp Detection. 479-486 - Wesley D. Turner, Timothy P. Kelliher, James C. Ross, James V. Miller:
An Analysis of Early Studies Released by the Lung Imaging Database Consortium (LIDC). 487-494 - Erik G. Learned-Miller, Qifeng Lu, Angela Paisley, Peter Trainer, Volker Blanz, Katrin Dedden, Ralph Miller:
Detecting Acromegaly: Screening for Disease with a Morphable Model. 495-503 - Scott Doyle, Anant Madabhushi, Michael D. Feldman, John Tomaszewski:
A Boosting Cascade for Automated Detection of Prostate Cancer from Digitized Histology. 504-511 - Qian Wu, Adrian James Chung, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Optimal Sensor Placement for Predictive Cardiac Motion Modeling. 512-519 - Kevin Wilson, Gerard Guiraudon, Douglas L. Jones, Terry M. Peters:
4D Shape Registration for Dynamic Electrophysiological Cardiac Mapping. 520-527 - Heye Zhang, Chun Lok Wong, Pengcheng Shi:
Estimation of Cardiac Electrical Propagation from Medical Image Sequence. 528-535 - Maarten Beek, Purang Abolmaesumi, Suriya Luenam, Richard W. Sellens, David R. Pichora:
Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Scaphoid Pinning: Operator Variability and Comparison with Traditional Fluoroscopic Procedure. 536-543 - Srinivasan Rajagopalan, Richard A. Robb:
Cosmology Inspired Design of Biomimetic Tissue Engineering Templates with Gaussian Random Fields. 544-552 - Xubo B. Song, Andriy Myronenko
, Stephen R. Plank, James T. Rosenbaum:
Registration of Microscopic Iris Image Sequences Using Probabilistic Mesh. 553-560 - Elizabeth Bullitt, Nancy U. Lin, Matthew G. Ewend, Donglin Zeng, Eric P. Winer, Lisa A. Carey, J. Keith Smith:
Tumor Therapeutic Response and Vessel Tortuosity: Preliminary Report in Metastatic Breast Cancer. 561-568 - Nanfei Sun, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
, Marc Garbey, Jin Fei:
Harvesting the Thermal Cardiac Pulse Signal. 569-576 - Lopamudra Mukherjee, Vikas Singh, Jinhui Xu, Kishore S. Malyavantham, Ronald Berezney:
On Mobility Analysis of Functional Sites from Time Lapse Microscopic Image Sequences of Living Cell Nucleus. 577-585 - Karim Lekadir, Daniel S. Elson
, Jose Requejo-Isidro
, Christopher Dunsby, James McGinty, Neil Galletly, Gordon Stamp, Paul M. W. French, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Tissue Characterization Using Dimensionality Reduction and Fluorescence Imaging. 586-593
Registration II
- Xiaodong Tao, James V. Miller:
A Method for Registering Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images. 594-602 - Mehdi Hedjazi Moghari, Purang Abolmaesumi:
A High-Order Solution for the Distribution of Target Registration Error in Rigid-Body Point-Based Registration. 603-611 - Urban Malsch, Christian Thieke, Rolf Bendl:
Fast Elastic Registration for Adaptive Radiotherapy. 612-619 - Yiqiang Zhan, Michael D. Feldman, John Tomaszewski, Christos Davatzikos, Dinggang Shen:
Registering Histological and MR Images of Prostate for Image-Based Cancer Detection. 620-628 - Mika Pollari, Tuomas Neuvonen, Jyrki Lötjönen:
Affine Registration of Diffusion Tensor MR Images. 629-636 - Burton Ma, Randy E. Ellis:
Analytic Expressions for Fiducial and Surface Target Registration Error. 637-644 - Kensaku Mori, Daisuke Deguchi
, Takayuki Kitasaka, Yasuhito Suenaga, Hirotsugu Takabatake, Masaki Mori, Hiroshi Natori, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.:
Bronchoscope Tracking Based on Image Registration Using Multiple Initial Starting Points Estimated by Motion Prediction. 645-652 - Branislav Jaramaz, Kort Eckman:
2D/3D Registration for Measurement of Implant Alignment After Total Hip Replacement. 653-661 - Julien Jomier, Elizabeth Bullitt, Mark H. Van Horn, Chetna Pathak, Stephen R. Aylward
3D/2D Model-to-Image Registration Applied to TIPS Surgery. 662-669 - Sata Busayarat, Tatjana Zrimec:
Ray-Tracing Based Registration for HRCT Images of the Lungs. 670-677 - Stefan Wörz, Karl Rohr:
Physics-Based Elastic Image Registration Using Splines and Including Landmark Localization Uncertainties. 678-685 - Michael S. Froh, David C. Barber, Kristy K. Brock, Donald B. Plewes, Anne L. Martel:
Piecewise-Quadrilateral Registration by Optical Flow - Applications in Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of the Breast. 686-693 - Pascal Cathier:
Iconic Feature Registration with Sparse Wavelet Coefficients. 694-701 - Daniel Rueckert, Paul Aljabar, Rolf A. Heckemann
, Joseph V. Hajnal
, Alexander Hammers:
Diffeomorphic Registration Using B-Splines. 702-709 - Martin Urschler
, Christopher Zach, Hendrik Ditt, Horst Bischof
Automatic Point Landmark Matching for Regularizing Nonlinear Intensity Registration: Application to Thoracic CT Images. 710-717 - Liesbet Roose, Wouter Mollemans, Dirk Loeckx, Frederik Maes
, Paul Suetens:
Biomechanically Based Elastic Breast Registration Using Mass Tensor Simulation. 718-725 - Eldad Haber, Jan Modersitzki:
Intensity Gradient Based Registration and Fusion of Multi-modal Images. 726-733 - Ayman El-Baz
, Asem M. Ali
, Aly A. Farag, Georgy L. Gimel'farb:
A Novel Approach for Image Alignment Using a Markov-Gibbs Appearance Model. 734-741 - Wei Shao, Ruoyun Wu, Keck Voon Ling
, Choon Hua Thng, Henry Sun Sien Ho, Christopher Wai Sam Cheng, Wan Sing Ng:
Evaluation on Similarity Measures of a Surface-to-Image Registration Technique for Ultrasound Images. 742-749 - Wolfgang Wein, Fabian Pache, Barbara Röper, Nassir Navab:
Backward-Warping Ultrasound Reconstruction for Improving Diagnostic Value and Registration. 750-757 - Ting Song, Vivian S. Lee, Henry Rusinek, Samson Wong, Andrew F. Laine:
Integrated Four Dimensional Registration and Segmentation of Dynamic Renal MR Images. 758-765
Segmentation II
- Shuo Li
, Thomas Fevens, Adam Krzyzak, Chao Jin, Song Li:
Fast and Robust Clinical Triple-Region Image Segmentation Using One Level Set Function. 766-773 - Erik Vidholm, Sven Nilsson, Ingela Nyström:
Fast and Robust Semi-automatic Liver Segmentation with Haptic Interaction. 774-781 - Thomas B. Sebastian, Ravindra M. Manjeshwar, Timothy J. Akhurst, James V. Miller:
Objective PET Lesion Segmentation Using a Spherical Mean Shift Algorithm. 782-789 - Jason J. Corso
, Eitan Sharon, Alan L. Yuille
Multilevel Segmentation and Integrated Bayesian Model Classification with an Application to Brain Tumor Segmentation. 790-798 - Ayman El-Baz
, Aly A. Farag, Georgy L. Gimel'farb, Mohamed Abou El-Ghar, Tarek Eldiasty:
A New Adaptive Probabilistic Model of Blood Vessels for Segmenting MRA Images. 799-806 - Ulas Ziyan, David Tuch, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Segmentation of Thalamic Nuclei from DTI Using Spectral Clustering. 807-814 - Rolf A. Heckemann
, Joseph V. Hajnal
, Paul Aljabar, Daniel Rueckert, Alexander Hammers:
Multiclassifier Fusion in Human Brain MR Segmentation: Modelling Convergence. 815-822 - Simon F. Eskildsen, Lasse Riis Østergaard:
Active Surface Approach for Extraction of the Human Cerebral Cortex from MRI. 823-830 - Zhuang Song, Nicholas J. Tustison, Brian B. Avants
, James C. Gee:
Integrated Graph Cuts for Brain MRI Segmentation. 831-838 - Simon K. Warfield, Kelly H. Zou, William M. Wells III:
Validation of Image Segmentation by Estimating Rater Bias and Variance. 839-847 - Mikaël Rousson, Chenyang Xu:
A General Framework for Image Segmentation Using Ordered Spatial Dependency. 848-855 - Xiangrong Zhou, Teruhiko Kitagawa, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Xuejun Zhang, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Hiroshi Kondo, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroaki Hoshi:
Constructing a Probabilistic Model for Automated Liver Region Segmentation Using Non-contrast X-Ray Torso CT images. 856-863 - Aleksandra Popovic, Ting Wu, Martin Engelhardt, Klaus Radermacher
Modeling of Intensity Priors for Knowledge-Based Level Set Algorithm in Calvarial Tumors Segmentation. 864-871 - Arnau Oliver, Jordi Freixenet, Robert Marti, Reyer Zwiggelaar:
A Comparison of Breast Tissue Classification Techniques. 872-879 - Joel Petersson, Torkel B. Brismar
, Örjan Smedby
Analysis of Skeletal Microstructure with Clinical Multislice CT. 880-887 - Leo J. Grady, Gareth Funka-Lea:
An Energy Minimization Approach to the Data Driven Editing of Presegmented Images/Volumes. 888-895 - Ali Kemal Sinop, Leo J. Grady:
Accurate Banded Graph Cut Segmentation of Thin Structures Using Laplacian Pyramids. 896-903 - Jana Dornheim, Heiko Seim, Bernhard Preim, Ilka Hertel, Gero Strauß:
Segmentation of Neck Lymph Nodes in CT Datasets with Stable 3D Mass-Spring Models. 904-911 - Bram van Ginneken
Supervised Probabilistic Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in CT Scans. 912-919 - Pierrick Bourgeat
, Jurgen Fripp, Peter Stanwell
, Saadallah Ramadan, Sébastien Ourselin
MR Image Segmentation Using Phase Information and a Novel Multiscale Scheme. 920-927 - Wenchao Cai, Albert C. S. Chung:
Multi-resolution Vessel Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts in Retinal Images. 928-936
Brain Analysis and Registration
- Oscar Camara-Rey, Martin Schweiger, Rachael I. Scahill
, William R. Crum, Julia A. Schnabel
, Derek L. G. Hill, Nick C. Fox:
Simulation of Local and Global Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease Studies. 937-945 - Yalin Wang
, Xianfeng Gu, Tony F. Chan, Paul M. Thompson
, Shing-Tung Yau:
Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization with Algebraic Functions. 946-954 - Kilian M. Pohl, John W. Fisher III
, Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Robert W. McCarley, W. Eric L. Grimson, Ron Kikinis, William M. Wells III:
Logarithm Odds Maps for Shape Representation. 955-963 - Shu Liao, Albert C. S. Chung:
Multi-modal Image Registration Using the Generalized Survival Exponential Entropy. 964-971

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